Yes, you read that right!
As dedicated fans of the blog know, I got kicked out of the Slavlands by the local spooks. Sad, but the silver lining is that I now have access to Western bank accounts (for now)! That means I have acquired a Stripe account! And, ultimately, it means you can now subscribe to the blog to support my work!
In exchange for your subscription you’ll get a book emailed to you! My book! The one that I can’t get up on Amazon no matter how hard I try!
It actually looks really cool. Here check it out:
A Case For Authoritarianism in the 21st century.
It’s a pretty solid read if I do dare say so myself.
If you like my articles on Populism and my critiques of Liberalism and my defense of Authoritarianism and want to go deeper into the arguments, then this is the book for you. And don’t worry, it’s not dry or academic-sounding. In fact, the people I’ve shared it with thought it was pretty funny, actually. The Russian audio version of the book has my buddy reading it out loud and chuckling to himself. I thought that it was very unprofessional on his part at the time, but the more I think about it, the more I think it’s a compliment to the writing that he was still laughing on his 3rd attempt to dictate and record the text.
So, here’s the deal. You sign up as a subscriber for 5$ a month (Substack won’t let me go lower to like 2$, unfortunately) and you get the book. Consider it a purchase. Then, if you want to, you can unsubscribe. Or, alternatively, you can continue to support my work by just letting the subscription ride.
Also, once I publish my almost-finished book on metaphysics, you’ll get it for free since you’re already subscribed. I’ve also got a giant fiction fantasy/sci-fi novel coming out in like half a year (maybe) and some short stories that I’m submitting to contests. All of my books and short stories will appear under the “Akashique Indy Bookstore” tab and only subscribers will have access to them.
That’s where we’re at then.
I hope you’ll subscribe even if you have no time or inclination to read any books or short stories just to support me and my work. Also, the rules are, if you are a Slav, you HAVE to subscribe. Those who are not Slavs who do subscribe become Honorary Slavs and will outrank Slavs who did not subscribe in the future Slavlands Hyper-Empire. This is a threat.
Thank you in advance for the support!
Thanks, Rolo! Definitely an investment worth making. I like what I've read of "Not a Prison..." You could use an editor but that's my sole complaint so far.
The metaphysics book has me excited. I'm working my way through the "Apostolikon." Its interesting to consider Jesus without the OT. We all need to free ourselves from the deception forced upon us in the West. Why is it that spirituality is so discouraged amongst the various fields of science? The Divine is suppressed in favor of equating all Men as animals with Intellect, a mere accident of Nature. We are so much more.
Any hints on the Sci-fi series? I really like Empire Rising/Falling stories. It often plays into the narratives of Elites making the right or wrong decisions and worlds suffering the consequences.
Thank you for your advice. I've known for quite some time that I need to get into crypto but I have managed without it so far. I'll look into the alternatives you mentioned and see what I can do. It pisses me off that I can't send you a donation through normal channels. Brave new world, 1984 etc :-(