I was appalled to learn that Strelkov is now being abused in prison.
What is his crime, exactly? Being unhappy with the progress of the Not-War? Criticizing Shoigu’s management of the MoD? Why are the good guys threatening him with a 5-year sentence? Why do they have him strapped to a chair and forced to watch Kremlin propaganda A Clockwork Orange style? Here:
Former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov (Girkin) said that he was being “abused” in the pre-trial detention center, where he was being forced to watch the programs of journalist Vladimir Solovyov. This was reported by the Mash Telegram channel.
He complained that in the morning he was forced to listen to Solovyov's speeches on the radio, and in the afternoon and evening he was forced to watch his programs on television.
Strelkov said that he could not refuse to listen, switch to another channel or even turn down the volume. He emphasized that he is not allowed to switch even to similar content.
That’s what the good guys do, right?
The good guys throw patriots into cages and force them to listen to leering, sickening, supremacist, Chosenite propagandists on repeat. To make things worse, Soloviev/Shapiro called for the arrest of Strelkov and others and was a major factor in getting them rounded up, as far as we can tell. When Shapiro kvetches, the FSB jumps to arrest his personal enemies.
This is our values. This is what we are fighting for. We strap dissidents down and force them to listen to extremist Kabbalists who hate Russians and promote Ukrainian sovereignty on the Russian taxpayer dime.
Only immoral bloggers like Rurik don’t understand how this is actually all part of Yahweh’s plan and therefore good, right?
Let me just explain something that any Russian patriot knew going into this SMO and that this SMO has highlighted at every single opportunity. The “Russian” elites and their shabbos-managers in the upper class are all anti-Russian and pro-Ukraine. They want Russia to resemble Ukraine more. Ukraine is seen as more “European” and more “Democratic” i.e., a playground for rich xenocrats and a breeding pit for social deviancy.
Case in point: there was an expose of pro-Ukrainian youth activists in Donbass that was shared on social media recently. The members of the group are all children of the most privileged and high-ranking officials in Russian and Donbass society. Here:
Alisa is the daughter of the head of the Internal Affairs Ministry of the LPR, Alexander Yuryevich Kleimenov, and her friends.
Among these “wonderful” pro-Ukrainian youth you will find children, brothers of LPR Ministry of Internal Affairs employees, LPR politicians, as well as large entrepreneurs and those involved in government contracts. These children went to rallies and concerts in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They burned and tore down LPR flags from administrative buildings.
Also, fighters from the NM LPR are among the friends of this Ukrainian youth, so here again you have strangers among your own.
I’ll say for sure that the Rostov FSB Directorate is not against these pro-Ukrainian youth in the LPR.
Look at the pictures. These are the kids of the spooks who harass and throw patriots into cages in Russia:
The headdress is associated with FEMEN and Ukrainian femeno-nationalism. She is the daughter of the spook chief being described in the analysis. Her friends are clearly homosexuals and sons of chinovniks to boot.
More commentary here:
I do not have the resources to be an independent investigator and verify these facts. But I am convinced that the pure truth is stated here. To understand this, it is enough to know the genesis of the current LPR government, whose emissaries detained and interrogated me for more than 6 hours because I was collecting materials in the republic for the film “Mozgovoy”, and then, unequivocally threatened me, recommended me leaving the republic before 24-00, because otherwise "we do not guarantee your safety."
The power structure of the LPR is the power of the Lugansk region of the former Ukraine. The entire Efremov gang (Efremov is the Ukrainian oligarch under whose control Lugansk was) gang came under the rule of the new republic. That’s why Efremov’s official Plotnitsky so brutally purged the people’s leaders. This was a real class purge: the post-Soviet “elite” dealt with the rebellious people in the form of their commanders Ishchenko, Bednov, Mozgovoy, Dremov.
Therefore, the LPR government is simply swarming with pro-Ukrainian elements.
The analyst claims that Donbass is run by pro-Ukrainian gangsters who were trying to stifle the independence movement at Moscow’s direction and did so by assassinating the populist militia commanders to suppress the rebellion. There are many proofs of the fact that the people Moscow put in charge are anti-Russian.
Their kids being pro-Ukrainian is just more proof though.
Have I provided enough proof on this blog that the Kremlin are pro-Western Liberals trying to negotiate a better deal for themselves in the NWO? Perhaps I will never have enough evidence to win a courtroom trial. Unless I’m allowed to torture the ZAnon defendants Nuremberg style to extract confessions, it feels like we are at an impasse. But what are the standards of proof required to make my case? I have Putin’s own words, decades of policy, and hundreds of primary sources claiming the same thing as I am just waiting to be translated. But none of it seems to be enough.
Fundamentally, if the Kremlin isn’t part of Yahweh’s special plan to save us from globalism, then, well, reality becomes too grim and scary to contemplate.
Few people can accept the message I’m spreading because it would undermine their faith in God, essentially. That’s the obstacle. That’s partially why I spend so much time on metaphysics and Marcion. I see it all related on a deep emotional and psychological level.
On a general conceptual level though, the only way that the Special Needs Operation can be explained is if we consider that the Kremlin simply wants its own anti-Russian pro-Ukrainian oligarchs to have a seat at the table in Kiev. But NATO wants its anti-Russian pro-Ukrainian oligarchs to have the table to themselves.
Consider: Russia has never promoted or propped up a pro-Russian politician in Ukraine.
You cannot find a single candidate supported by Russia that talks about reunification with Russia or promoting Russianness. This is because the Kremlin elite are an occupation elite put into power to maintain a Versailles-style oppressive peace following Russia’s surrender at the end of the Cold War. Russia’s elites are xenocrats who siphon off the country’s wealth and stash it abroad. The main obstacle to this is the stubborn resistance of Russian people. Thus, the goal is to make Russians into Ukrainians, who are conceptualized as Liberal Russians, essentially. All one has to do to become Ukrainian is to love the West and Liberalism and to worship women.
It is a kind of spiritual state. A severe degradation of the Slavic soul.
And if that doesn’t work, they will democide the Russian population while the war rages on by importing record numbers of non-White, predatory, anti-Russian interlopers. It has gotten so bad over the last two years, this never-ending flood of Muslims across the southern border, that even controlled opposition political figures have started broaching the topic.
For years, only the “fringe” elements of the patriotic right and the patriotic left in Russia (Nationalists and Stalinists) brought up the point that the Kremlin was demociding the Russian population through enforced austerity and mass-migration. Now, we have Zyuganov, the leader of the Kremlin-approved Communist party speaking out against the Kremlin. Here:
This is all election-talk though. And Communists rarely allow themselves to speak in racial terms. It goes against their Christian-based values of egalitarianism.
The Communists say what is popular now, but that doesn’t mean they will actually deliver on immigration moratoriums or even try to get elected seriously. This is because they hold to the whole “friendship among socialist fraternal nations” ideological talking point from the USSR days. To fix the migrant situation, it is necessary to close the borders to the friendly socialist brother-states in Russia’s south.
Either way, there are no real “Republican-style” elections in Russia, and we know this because if there were, the Communists would have won and Zhirinovsky’s party would have been in second place and Putin’s neo-liberal globalist kleptokrats would be a laughingstock at the same level of popularity as, say, Yabloko. What happened is that the oligarchs who put Putin in power stole the elections in the 90s and 00s and now there is an understood status quo where parties are allowed to pretend to run for office, but aren’t allowed to actually win.
Both Zyuganov and the late Zhirinovsky denounced the elections multiple times in their early careers. Actually, I recall Zhirinovsky pushing his luck and claiming that the elections were rigged against him as recently as about 6 years ago. So no, this isn’t a NAFO talking point. Democracy means rule by oligarchy and people with money buying victories in elections by bribing spooks and bureaucrats. This is an eternal truth. This is why no one likes Democracy. Yes, it is the same in Ukraine and in Russia. Unpopular leaders and unpopular policy is forced down the throat of society by the mailed fist of Democracy.
Take mass-migration. It is universally reviled and yet, there is no voting to stop it, no sir.
Nowadays, the anti-migrant commentary coming out of the Samizdat patriot community on Telegram and the blogosphere is absolutely wild. It wasn’t like this before the SMO, let me tell you. But I am so exhausted by the topic and so I don’t bring it up as much anymore. Believe you me, the deliberate globalist political goal of demographically replacing White people continues apace in literally every single country except maybe in Belarus for now.
There isn’t going to be a Russia at the pace that the replacements are flooding in. And anyone who objects will be labelled a Satano-Nazi and swooped on by the FSB. Worse, the Kremlin pursues an Ecumenist Abrahamism + Communism ideology to justify this to boot. Criticism of the Kremlin is increasingly becoming more and more dangerous (for patriots). The spook state continues to expand and civil society is in bad shape because of all the crackdowns related to COVID and the special two-week emergency policing operation. The war is at best a stalemate and at worst, a delayed retreat. Those who would speak out against the Kremlin’s handling of all these crises are one by one ending up in jail preemptively.
Those who are telling you that all is well in Russia and liberation from Globalism is just around the corner are lying to you. Shame on them. But shame on you for allowing yourself to fall for their lies. We are all born with the ability to discern truth to some capacity. You simply chose to turn that ability off because you are weak. We are all in this situation because of our weakness. We need to face facts and become strong again if we want to stand any chance going forward.
I really didn’t think The Great Replacement was happening in Russia. Is it worse than France? Damn…
It seems in the Chosen International Order anti-native mass migration is happening everywhere even China. As you said the so called “anti-globalist” coalition is a farce. Our elites will sell us like widgets at best.
It's nice to lay things bare for people and make them confess they understand it, and then still try to reason their way out after admitting it.
I only gain joy from this because I do and did it to myself, so I like others achieving a similar localized enlightenment.