Nationalism as a way of life. Or, the art of nationalisting. An essay.
Let’s start at the top.
So, at some point you decided to move past Liberalism, probably around the time that you realized that ethnicity exists. You accepted the idea that people work together to achieve collective goals. You even noticed that you and yours are the only ones who do not display in-group preferences and that it’s starting to bite you in the ass. Well done. You’re way ahead of the kids on the short bus at this point. But now is not the time to sit on your laurels and coast through getting B’s because you’re too cool for school.
What do you do next?
Well, chances are, you’ve already tried to share your newfound theoretical love for your tribe with members of your tribe who, as it turns out, want nothing to do with it. You try and convince people of the need to start closing ranks and taking pride in who they are, but to no avail. Suffering from the slings and arrows of abuse from the very people that you’re trying to save, you become resentful and fall back in on yourself. Understandable. After all, why try to save people who treat you like garbage when you’re only trying to help?
Many nationalists end up hating their own people more than any Liberal ever could. Sad, but true.
The problem lies in a fundamental misconception of what nationalism is. Read some of the people that were building Nationalism in the 19th and early 20th century. The Group Mind really stuck with me - its one of the best analyses and empirical defenses of nationalism that I’ve come across. Note how the early nationalists characterize the masses; hardly a tender word spared for the commoners. The consensus was that there were no natural nationalists to be found in the wild and that the masses were simply raw material - like a vein of iron ore that had to be mined, refined and hammered into something useful.
I know, I know - you’ve got all these great ideas and visions of what could be if only people just “woke up” and started acting like they gave a damn about their people, their heritage, their nation and so on. But you’ll go crazy if you keep banging your head against this wall, friend. The peasants simply don’t care. If the Jews are right about one thing it is that the goyim masses are hardly any better than swine - only they walk on two legs and not four (for now). This is not to say that you should hate them, no, not at all. Simply realize instead that the traits that you are looking for do not occur naturally and that nationalists have to be forged, not found.
No one has been working with and building up our people for a long time. Instead, the people have been abandoned to their own worst instincts by the elite of our nations. Realize now that if you want to change the situation, that you are undertaking a selfless and thankless job. Don’t try nationalisting if you’re looking for praise and a clap on your back because you simply won’t get it. You have to have abnormally elevated levels of love and compassion for your people to be able to tolerate their thankless self-serving cowardice and jaw-dropping stupidity.
The praxis of nationalism i.e. the practice of nationalisting basically boils down to taking responsibility for your neighbor and using both the carrot and the stick to get him to shape up and become a tribal team player. You have to reject all individualist psycho-babble from self-important retard philosophers in goofy wigs by realizing the fundamental truth that what your neighbor does is your concern. His bad behavior is as good as a direct assault on your person and the people that you love.
Consider it this way: companies have standards of behavior for their employees. If an employee is caught making a fool of themselves, they are immediately fired by the company, because the company cares about its brand. Why should your ethnos be treated with any less respect than Chili’s commitment to Service With a Smile (tm)?
See, when someone who looks like you, who speaks your language, who lives in your country and who shares the same blood as you acts poorly, it is, frankly, a blatant violation of the NAP. This is because no one is born as a blank slate. We are the inheritors of the honor, achievements and the genes of the heroes and martyrs that came before us. We are all actually links in a long chain that stretches back through the mists of time to the days of the mythical god-men from whose over-powered souls the various ethne were no doubt first created.
Therefore, we have no right to dishonor our inheritance and no moral obligation to tolerate bad behavior from other members within our ethnos. Do not let Liberals and Libertarians gaslight you into thinking that people have some of divine right to behave as they see fit. This is utter nonsense. You, as a nationalist, have every moral right, and an obligation, really, to harass and cajole the swine into behaving better.
The sons of the forefathers have a duty to soldier for and defend their legacy. The daughters of the forefathers have an obligation to raise the next generation. If there is indeed a Hell, it is reserved for traitors who sold out the inheritance bequeathed them by their ancestors. Looking at the mental, physical and emotional state of the average Liberal, I can only conclude that they’ve already dipped one foot into the lake of fire.
Nationalisting is also as much about adding points to the scorecard of one’s ethnos as it is about promoting good, cooperative behavior within the group.
For example, whenever I travel, I benefit from my membership in the Slavic ethnos club because, at some point, a Slav was confronted by someone looking to start trouble and, instead of bitching out, the Slav put up a fight. Word then spread - don’t mess with Slavs. As a result, I get harassed less by the swarth when I go to Europe than, say, Canadians. And, as a conscientious dues-paying member of my ethnos, I do my best to uphold our reputation by not bitching out either, even if I personally would benefit from backing down in a given situation. Forget about me and my ego - it would simply be unfair to other members of my ethnos, who would have a harder time in the future if my poor behavior tarnished our brand. It’s no different from the “take a penny, leave a penny” system at the 7-11. The way I see it, some drunk Serb dropping a loud-mouth is why I get to relax a bit more on my vacation.
A moment of silence for all the nameless heroes who, when push came to shove, refused to bitch out, please.
Anyways, you’re going to have to use any and all means necessary, friend. Appeal to your peers’ better senses, but always be ready to take out the belt buckle at a moment’s notice. Seize the leadership position in whatever social situation that you find yourself in whether it’s at the picnic, the church, or simply among normie conservatives drinking themselves into a stupor with cheap whiskey and beer and mumbling about how soon Qanon will execute the traitors #darkultramaga.
Now, chances are, you’re a normal person who just wants to get along with people, and I get that.
But, that’s got nothing to do with the art of nationalisting. And, if you start behaving like the other peasants do to avoid making any waves and to avoid having to inconvenience yourself, entropy will kick in and the behavior of the group will simply settle around the lowest common denominator. At that point, if you’re content with wallowing in the mud with the other swine simply because any company is better than no company, then go ahead and pick out your sty. But do leave behind any claim you might have had to the nationalist mantle if you do so.
What’s wrong? You protest? You say you’ve memorized all the correct right-wing dogmas and therefore how dare I revoke your membership card? Well consider the following:
Builders build. Soldiers go off soldiering. Cooks get their hands dirty in the kitchen. Could you imagine someone claiming to be a builder or a soldier or a cook who didn’t know the first thing about his profession? It would an absurd proposition. So why should being a nationalist be any different?
What you do defines you. You are what you do. Take whatever it is that you are doing now and add an “er” suffix to it because that’s literally what you are, friend. Potential is a myth - it is a phantom idea that makes no sense in our causal material reality. How does one know that someone has or hasn’t got potential? After all, only if one realizes one’s potential does one realize that one had the potential in the first place. Put more simply, ideas and visions for the future are a good start if you want to make a change in your life - no debate there. But until you take steps to embody the verb and not the noun of the ideal that you claim to care about, you are simply experiencing an identity crisis.
Nationalists have to be more than just a group of wishy-washy utopians pining for a return to better times and nationalism has to be more than yet another ideological faith-based dogma. Nationalism has to return to its roots and become a practice again - a commitment to improving one’s community and building on the legacy of the generations that came before. If you’re not engaging in nationalisting now or have no intentions to start doing so in the future, you may as well stop wasting your time obsessing over these ideas and start looking for another hobby that would be a more productive use of your time.
I have had zero success answering weakness with rhetoric. The only satisfying answer is to cultivate strength.
Strength is objective and measurable. Strength can never be be granted or denied to us, nor can it be counterfeited by any man.
200 pounds is always 200 pounds in the hands of every human being. 200 pounds is unmoved by any fashion or wishful thinking.
We gain strength only as we test our limits and correct our errors. That struggle teaches us restraint, honesty, ambition, humility, physiology and faith. Struggle grows into training, and training hardens into habit. The man who has gained the most strength has completed the deepest study into these virtues.
So I believe you are correct when you say that strengthening one's tribe is an end in itself, and to your critics who insist that skill is somehow more important than strength, I will answer from my athletic experience that strength is the parent of skill.
However skilled a man may be, getting stronger only makes him more effective and unlocks even more skill.
Just get stronger!
If nothing else, it drives them crazy.
Godspeed Rolo.
>until you take steps to embody the verb and not the noun of the ideal that you claim to care about, you are simply experiencing an identity crisis.
Words to live by. Should be tattooed on the head of everyone who professes an ideal.
There's also something in here about revealed preferences of white liberals revealing them as the real racists or something.