Telegram is ablaze with the story surrounding the recent downing of the two Russian planes. This happened last night (in Russia). But the real developing story is that it might have been friendly fire. Either that or it was some secret NATO weapon that we haven’t heard of yet. The former version is far more likely.
Here is what we know so far:
Enemy sources, represented by the official channel of Valery Zaluzhny, have published footage of the disappearance from their radars of the A-50 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces over the Sea of Azov last night.
According to the video recording, communication with the aircraft was lost in the area of the Berdyansk Spit, after which another marker on the radar began to sharply move away from the scene of action. This is presumably the Il-22 that reached the ground. The third tag could be one of the Russian Aerospace Forces fighters.
The enemy has already taken credit for these losses, however, adding up many factors, it is quite clear that this was yet another blatant case of friendly fire from our own air defense.
How the Russian air defense mistook two huge aircraft flying on the exact same routes that had not changed for years for hostile targets is anyone’s guess.
The A-50 that Shoigu shot down was one of Russia’s top tier spy planes. There are only 10 9 of them, I think.
And the other plane was an Il-22 which is an old Soviet bomber design that is used now for intel or transporting people. There was some confusion over whether it landed eventually or crashed. At the time of writing, it seems that it did indeed get shot down after all.
The last time I remember an IL-22 being shot down was when Wagner launched its Not-Mutiny last summer. Remember that?
Wagner was then blown out of the sky by the Kremlin two months later on Prigozhin’s private jet.
If I recall correctly, a Russian jet accidentally dropped a bomb on Belgorod almost a year ago. Here. A Russian bomber mysteriously crashed over the Azov sea again right half a year before that, killing 15. Here. And then in October of last year, Russia shot down its own SU-35 also in the same region. Here.
Perhaps there’s a Bermuda Triangle around Azov? Perhaps this is the source of the Khazarians’ power that Putin is attempting to wrest away from them? A kind of Lovecraftian portal into an infernal world …
On a more serious note, within the first year of the Not-War there were at least 10 of these crashes of Russian war planes, not even counting actually shoot downs. I have no idea what the tally stands at now almost two years in. Probably 20 at this point, if I had to guess.
So in the end, yes, we have to admit that these things do indeed happen within Russia relatively frequently. This is probably because replacement parts for the planes are hard to come by thanks to the Russian economy being almost entirely outsourced to the West and China.
Once again, I am just flabbergasted and I just have to wonder why things are run this way by The Shoigu and the Kremlin.
Is it incompetence? Is it blatant and deliberate sabotage? Is there a difference?
And yes, I know that the Ukrainians often hit their own buildings when their air defense systems malfunction. But I don’t think that this can be compared. Ukraine doesn’t even fly planes across the Azov sea. What could the Russians have been shooting at if not their own planes?
Although, perhaps they were shooting at someone who was on the plane …
At the moment though, the Kremlin is denying claims that the plane(s) were shot down. Peskov says that such information is not circulating in the Kremlin at the moment.
Which, hey, that’s good enough for me.
But do the Kremlin even care that they’ve ruined their reputation to such an extent that every thinking person now automatically assumes that what they are posting is a lie?
Apparently not.
RS, do you like this story that at least one Ukrainian has discovered time travel? Where and when should they send Zelenski?
In America there's a rumour that there's a rumour in Russia that Austin was killed in Ukraine; and the White House is just 'slow walking' news of his imminent tragic death in hospital due to complications following his unexpected surgery. (Maybe Dr. Kinzhal had unsteady hands.) Any news?