I don’t usually write about the conflict in the Middle East for several reasons.
The first is that I don’t know how to spell “Middle East” properly. I see all sorts of spellings. Like, Middle-East, middle east, and the one I went with today. I feel like it might be a status thing to say or type it a certain way as opposed to another. Like how the analysts now say “Saudi” instead of “Saudi Arabia” like they used to. When did they make that switch?
Is it Hezbullah or Hezbollah or Hizbollah for that matter?
Furthermore, I don’t even understand where the Middle East is even located.
How is Algeria part of it when they’re more West than Greece or Czechia? Is Bangladesh part of the Middle East? If not, then why not? Is Turkmenistan? Uzbekistan? Albania?
Seems to me that we’re basically trying to say “swarthy muslims” in a PC way by saying “Middle East”, but what do I know.
Geographical and etymological or taxonomical concerns aside, I also don’t speak any of the key languages needed to get true insight into the lore of the region. I would need to know at least Farsi or Hezbollese to be able to do the equivalent work for the Swarthlands that I do concerning the Slavlands. That being said, I’ve explained several times in broad details before why I believe Iran to be a state with a compromised government. This is because:
The historical record shows the CIA and Mossad and MI6 helped achieve several consecutive regime changes there. The last one brought to power being the mullahs that still rule there now.
The Iran-Iraq war was a disaster designed to decimate Iran’s population. The mullahs pursued disastrous wartime strategies to deliberately make the conflict as bloody as possible.
The mullahs helped facilitate mass drug addiction to opium products at home coming over from Brotherly-Islam Afghanistan
Iran’s top officials all came out of Western universities and send their kids and money to the West even now, just like in Russia
Iran and Russia are not allies and never have been. During USSR times, Moscow was planning an invasion of Iran. If anything, Moscow supports Azerbaijan against Iran.
Iran routinely gets attacked and bombed and assassinated and never retaliates against Israel. This has been going on for decades.
Iran supported and participated in US-led efforts to kill Serbs and break-up Yugoslavia. They did the same vis a vis Russia during the Chechen wars.
I also don’t think that Tehran is anti-Israel. They are anti-Anglo, first and foremost. And in second order of hate, they seem to dislike Slavic countries, which they refer to in Marxist parlance as colonizers. Israel comes in a distant third as a kind of extension of the first two problems, in their rhetoric.
But you don’t have to take my word for it.
One of the most interesting analysts on Iran who has been writing for decades now is Thierry Meyssan.
Sadly, he deliberately misused the term “Fascist” and routinely slurs normal Whites like all leftists do, but he brings receipts and can prove many of my claims about Tehran with hard facts.
Most of us think that the Islamic Republic of Iran is primarily turned against Israel. This is to misunderstand the teaching of Imam Khomeini and to ignore the many relationships between the two countries.
Ruhollah Khomeiny was an anti-imperialist in a country that suffered first from the United Kingdom, then from the United States.
It is unknown in the West, but during the First World War, Iran suffered a terrible famine that decimated a third, or even half, of its population, making it one of the main victims of this conflict [1]. This catastrophe has hardly been studied in the West and is generally not mentioned in works on the Great War. In any case, Iranians are convinced that this genocide was caused by the requisition of crops to feed the British army against the Ottomans and the Russians. Subsequently, in 1953, the United Kingdom joined forces with the United States to overthrow Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, who had nationalized oil at the expense of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and to impose the Nazi Fazlollah Zahedi as his successor [2].
The latter then established a sadistic political police, the SAVAK [3], with the help of a group of revisionist Zionists delegated by Yitzhak Shamir, then head of a branch of the Israeli Mossad.
The Shah’s political police, the SAVAK, was led by Teymour Bakhtiar, but its officers were former members of the German Gestapo and Israeli revisionist Zionists.
This is why Ayatollah Khomeini’s writings are always first directed against the United States and the United Kingdom (“the great and the little Satan”), Israel being presented only as the expression of the Anglo-Saxons and not as an independent power.
What is more, like Moscow now, Tehran provides outlets for many West-critical dissidents who are suppressed in their home countries. A lot of the current ZAnon crop were first recruited by Tehran. But only SJW type voices are allowed, just like with RT’s operation. Those with traditional, right-wing or conservative views are not given a voice. Most of the voices on Twitter pretending that Iran is anti-Israel work for Tehran or were helped out by either them or Moscow. Both countries understand that the anti-Israel position is extremely popular to take (outside of Anglo countries) and so they want to pretend to be anti-Israel while also supporting Israel. To have their cake and eat it too.
That is where IranAnon comes in.
More on that later though.
However, the close ties of the Persian Empire with Israel have never ceased. Even today, the Eilat-Ashkelon oil pipeline, built in 1968 with the Shah, is still operated by a company owned half by Israel and half by Iran. Any publication on the owners of this pipeline is punishable by 15 years in prison in Israel [4].
These points having been made, it is appropriate to recall the importance of the Iran-Contra affair in the history of the Islamic Republic.
This operation by the US secret services was conceived by SS-Hauptsturmführer Klaus Barbie, who had organized the dictatorship of Hugo Banzer in Bolivia and the Medellin cartel. It was a question of supplying weapons to the pro-US mercenaries who were fighting against the revolution claiming to be from Augusto Sandino (the "Sandinistas"). However, Barbie was arrested and extradited to France. Colonel Oliver North, who led a secret team of assassins within the National Security Council, took over the case. He imagined a much more complex operation: to free the US civilians taken hostage during the Lebanese civil war in exchange for weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran so that it could defend itself during the war imposed by Iraq and overthrow President Saddam Hussein.These weapons were allegedly taken by Israel from those supplied to it by the United States and transferred to Iran. But some of them would have reached the Nicaraguan Contras. This project obtained the support of the assistant to the Secretary of State, the revisionist Zionist Elliott Abrams.
Contact was therefore made with an Iranian deputy, Hassan Rohani, whom the US services knew from the time of the Shah. He introduced them to the president of the Majlis (parliament), Hashemi Rafsanjani. The operation was so important that the commissions paid to the latter allowed him to become the richest man in his country.
Despite all the official investigations that have been conducted into this dark affair, the most important things remain secret. In any case, it is clear that Hassan Rouhani (who became president from 2013 to 2021) and Hashemi Rafsanjani (who became president from 1989 to 1997) were collaborators of the team of Oliver North and Elliott Abrams.
In 2006-2007, Elliott Abrams—still him—co-directed with Liz Cheney (daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney) the Syria Policy and Operations Group; a cross-cutting institution of the Bush Jr. administration, with a top-secret budget. It oversaw aid to the Iranian opposition and to all those who fight against the “mullahs’ regime” wherever they are.
Oliver North is no longer active, but Elliott Abrams organized Benjamin Netanyahu’s last election campaign, his alliance with the Kahanists (Itamar Ben-Gvir’s Jewish Force and Bezalel Smotrich’s Jewish Home) to reform the revisionist Zionist movement (of the fascist Zeev Jabotinsky [5]) and his transformation of Israeli legal constitutional rules (what the opposition and many commentators have called a “coup d’état”).
The Iranians do not want to destroy their rivals.
So they have gotten into the habit, when two groups come into conflict, of creating a commission to reconcile them. Since it generally does not succeed and, on the contrary, itself comes into conflict with another institution, they create a fourth and so on. In the end, they obtain a very complex organizational chart in which the slightest decision requires a dozen signatures that no one ever manages to gather all of them. The system has thus blocked itself.
In 1993-1994, the Revolutionary Guards sent soldiers to fight alongside NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They came to the aid of President Alija Izetbegović. There was no opposition between the Islamic Republic of President Hashemi Rafsanjani and the Anglo-Saxons. Saudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden’s Arab Legion were involved in this joint operation.
Told ya.
In 2005, a major press campaign was launched against the new Iranian president, the anti-imperialist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Reuters invented a statement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to make people believe that he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. This false quote drew condemnation from the United Nations Security Council before the intoxication was discovered and Reuters wrote a denial [6]. President Ahmadinejad had simply said that the State of Israel, like the Soviet Union, would be swept away by time, not that its population should be thrown into the sea.
No matter: the false quote is now included in many books as established fact.
It was also at this time that the Anglo-Saxons began a campaign to make people believe that Iran wanted to acquire nuclear weapons to crush Israel. They hoped to justify an attack on Iran after those in Afghanistan and Iraq [7]. However, it was the Shah who wanted to acquire an atomic bomb; a project solemnly abandoned by Imam Ruhollah Khomeini in 1988 and never revived since.
In 2009, when the United States attempted a colour revolution during the re-election of nationalist President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Washington then clearly relied on former President Hashemi Rafsanjani.They finally managed, in 2013, to negotiate with envoys of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameni, the ouster of Ahmadinejad’s group from the presidential election and the appointment of Hassan Rohani.
Yeah, this is a point that is lost on most people.
The color revolutions that were staged in Tehran were successful.
Most of the people in the protests came from a very privileged caste of society. And the large Iranian diaspora living in the United States helped out in the protests. The police and the military could not touch a hair on the protestors’ unveiled heads because these were the children of important business and political elites out in the streets protesting. Furthermore, Iran’s Persian core population is mostly secular and they chafe at the Islamic stuff that was imposed on them by the illegitimate mullah government that was put into power with the help of Israel, the UK and the US.
That is not to say that they are protesting for an anti-American government. No, quite the contrary. They don’t know and don’t want to know that their government is comprised of American stooges, because they want to believe that their government is run by Fascists and Nationalists. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is an identical situation to the Liberals protesting in Moscow and St. Petersburg and Ekaterinburg against the supposedly Fascist and Nationalist government of Vladimir Putin.
In reality, their candidates, whether they were Nemtsov or Navalny were CIA stooges, just like the people in the Kremlin that they are protesting against. This is hard for people to wrap their heads around, but it should actually make perfect sense. No system tolerates dissent against itself, but no system is free of dissent either. All manifestation of unarmed, democratic, legal dissent are necessarily just one faction or wing of the establishment bickering with the other. The only reason why Navalny and his people or the Iranian protestors and their people weren’t just brutally shot in the first place was because they have friends in high places that support their causes. Those who do not have friends in high places are usually arrested and even killed before they even have the time to organize mass protests.
I cover all of this in my book where I talk about the structure of Liberal Democracies, by the way. I thought it was all sort of self-explanatory, but people write to me that it was an eye-opening read. Maybe you should get a paid sub to the blog and get the book in the process?
It would be nice if you started supporting the blog, by the way.
I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but I need money to like, afford food and pay rent.
It would be nice to one day have enough money coming in from the blog for me to be able to afford living in, like Moldova or something. I miss Eastern European food and I don’t even mind living in commieblocks. I would consider it to be a great career accomplishment to be able to afford living in a post-Soviet country again. But for that to occur, my readers would have to support the blog, which most of them do not, sadly.
This is because no one really understands how politics work, like at all.
I try to talk about transnational spook gangs, about organized ethno-mafias, the manipulability of the masses, the absurdity of ideology and so on, but it never seems to stick. This is because people don’t actually want to talk about politics I’ve found. They want to talk Politics™ instead and they pay their favored “Culture Warriors” (propagandists) handsomely to be told what they already believe (lied to) and to convince themselves that they’re “doing something”.
What is worse, when I point out that Tehrah is literally a puppet government or that Moscow is the same, that kind of throws a stick into their worldview and they respond with unbridled hostility.
Oh well.
Point being: as Massan himself points out, the Iranians changed their government as a result of the color revolution. This is because it was a coup done by one faction of the government against the other (with Israeli and American support, of course).
In 2011, the head of Iranian counter-espionage in charge of combating Mossad infiltration who was appointed was... an Israeli agent. He remained in office until 2021 and now lives in Israel. He surrounded himself with a team of about twenty people who fled with him to Israel. They were the ones who organized the assassinations of the nuclear scientists and the theft of the archives exhibited by Benjamin Netanyahu.
The family of the new Iranian Foreign Minister, Abbas Araghchi, is impatiently waiting for Tehran to reach an agreement with the United States and for the trade embargo to be lifted. It owns the largest international sales company for Iranian carpets.
This is also a point I keep coming back to: the spook state is transnational and its base is Israel. There is no “FSB”, or “SBU” or “CIA” anymore, there are only regional branches of Mossad who often bicker with one another and get thousands killed in the process. That is what this Donbass war is and that is what the Iran war will be as well.
Under these conditions, it is not surprising that an Iranian source informed Israel of the places and times when it could assassinate the leaders of Hezbollah one by one. Especially since the supreme leader is currently negotiating with the Biden administration with the idea of reaching an agreement before November 5, the date of the US presidential election. That is to say, the pro-US are today more powerful than ever in Tehran.
Tehran also put all of its money on Obama and the Clintons back in the day. And Obama actually did deliver on a peace deal of a kind that the Trump administration set about scrapping as soon as possible. I simply do not understand why Trump supporters think that Trump will be the peace candidate when he already killed Iranians during his first term and is surrounded by the most hardcore faction of Zionists out there.
Oh wait, I do know actually.
It is because people are very stupid, and so slightly less stupid people with no scruples or loyalty to their own kind post essays defending Trump and JD Vance on Twitter or Substack or Facebook now too (Zuckerberg is coming out in favor of Trump) that shepherd the herd back into the slaughter box.
Iran’s main problem is not the opposition between conservatives and renovators, as the Western press claims (the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in favor of the freedom to wear the veil and the beard, while the renovator Mir Hossein Moussavi was against the freedom of homosexuals), but in the paralysis of institutions. There is certainly an anti-Jewish current in Iran, just as there was a Nazi party, but the Jewish community is represented in the Majlis (parliament).
Iranian political life can rather be explained in a sociological manner: the bourgeoisie of Tehran and Isfahan draws its wealth from international trade and therefore aspires to the abolition of borders, while the common people of the countryside remember the famine that decimated their families under the inflexible gaze of the Anglo-Saxons.
It is the same everywhere. You’ve heard this story before, remember? It is the “Atlantic Integrationists” in power who are fighting the “Eurasian Sovereignists” in the boonies and sticks or whatever.