Best Russia (Belarus) in the Spotlight
Some high-level Russian military people were in Belarus recently. More and more footage is coming out of the Russians massing lots of equipment there. The Ukrainians are also saying that an attack from the north is coming.
I can’t help but start to wonder why the Russian side is telegraphing their next move so heavily. Mind you, I agree with the northern attack vector, it makes a lot more sense than trying to storm fortified post-industrial towns in the Donbass head-on. So I hope that this northern attack is for real.
Ukies claim that missiles are being fired from or over Belarus.
The pretext for opening a front with Belarus is blindingly obvious.
Belarus, as I have often pointed out, should be referred to as Best Russia going forward.
Check this out:
I think that short of creating a China style firewall, this is the next best thing. It would also be awesome if Russia and Belarus allowed Western dissidents to host their sites in Russia and use Russian social media with impunity. Again, so many good asymmetrical counter-measures left on the table by Russia. It falls to Belarus and CHAD AUTOCRAT DICTATOR Lukashenko to actually fight back and do what needs to be done.
COVID lockdown? Luka slapped it down with ease and spilled the beans about the Globalists showing up with bags of cash to bribe countries into going along with the agenda. He even went to war with the Minsk city authorities who tried to illegally force and fine people into compliance.
Just so you know, Minsk is trying to force the totally fake and astroturfed “Belarussian” language on the people of the country. The signs, the announcements and the advertisements are in indecipherably gobbly-gook peasant Russian. Minsk is a totally occupied enemy city. The same people who run it helped plan the 2019 color revolution against him.
Luckily, Luka rode in, AK in hand with his son at his side to the military and put that shit DOWN.
Import substitution? While Russia’s oligarchs stole the money allocated for it, Luka actually spent his entire reign salvaging and updating Soviet-era factories. Russia had to turn to Belarus for help when the sanctions began to bite.
Remember when Luka tried to unleash a bio-bomb of “refugees” on the EU?
Multiculturalism? Here, have some more diversity why don’t you, I hope you choke on it! t. Luka
This man is a fighter, a troll and a stunning example of how your country is either run by a competent Autocrat or it is run by a cabal of retarded homosexuals.
Which way, Western man?
Strelkov-hater and resident State TV parasite Vladimir Soloviev recently came up with yet another hair-brained scheme:
Why is Belarus being asked to do all the heavy-lifting?
Leave the humble and hardworking Belarussians alone.
Send that nuke from Moscow onto Warsaw instead.
Both Poland and Russia will be better off for it.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian sabotage campaign that totally isn’t happening and everything is under control, nothing to see here, ra-ra-ra! seems to have spread to Belarus.
I’m kind of glad that the FSB and KGB kicked me out now. Talk about a blessing-in-disguise. The doors of anybody with a Ukraine connection are probably going to start getting kicked down in Belarus too.
NOTE: I support the arrest of Liberals on sight and their indefinite incarceration in work colonies or penal battalions as a rule. I am also willing to volunteer my time and expertise to work as their re-education officer. I have several Bitchute documentaries that need to be translated into Russian and then I am ready to go.
Many Ukrainians have already been arrested in Russia. But not, apparently, the ones doing the sabotage, because that’s still ongoing. Meanwhile, literally nothing even remotely similar is occurring in Ukraine that I can see.
Either there is no network of Russian spooks in Ukraine or there’s no order to activate them. I think that it’s the former. The SBU had 8 years to roll everything up while the Kremlin sat around with thumbs in their you-know-whats …
… their asses.
Economic 5D Checkmate
Russia continues to 5D chess the West on the energy markets by the way. By selling at half the price of Brent.
The price of Russian Urals oil in the port of Primorsk on January 6 was less than $37.80 per barrel, Bloomberg reports citing Argus Media.
The material says that this is more than half the cost of Brent, which now costs $84 a barrel, and below the ceiling of $60 introduced by the European Union.
On January 5, the average price of Urals oil in January-December 2022 was $76.09 per barrel .
West status: owned!
But, to be fair, the Kremlin’s coffers are still doing OK. I think? I hope. I vaguely remember that Mr. Slavsquat expressed doubts. I hope he’s wrong. He tends not to be.
Why Not Actually Fix the Flagging Birthrate?
Why do we pretend that decreasing birth rates are a mystery and a problem without a solution?
Luckily, a Russian woman decided to speak some sense for once. Saints be praised!:
At the end of December 2022, Senator of the Federation Council from the Chelyabinsk Region Margarita Pavlova, in an interview with the Chelyabinsk Gubernia website, said that the murder of a child in the womb, which is abortion, at public expense, is unfair.
“If you said three years ago that abortion should be banned, you would have torn apart any politician. Now this is no longer in doubt. We discussed this issue at an inter-factional group in the State Duma. There are more than 70 of us, representatives of various political movements who are concerned about the protection of traditional and Christian values. The Patriarch gave his blessing for such work, and this topic is now being discussed.
We were immersed in abortive thinking for a very long time, the population agreed. But have we become stronger? We once discussed this with my father. When the mobilization began, people went to church. One mother came and screams that this is her only son, what should she do? To which the priest replied: “But it was your choice, you had the opportunity to have more children. It is the result of your spiritual choice then.”
See? I have no beef with Orthodox Christian morality. There’s nothing wrong with teaching the peasants to stop being catty, bickering, uncouth and selfish slobs.
"Don’t want to be childless? Have more kids!” And imagine having the testicular fortitude to tell some hysteric slav harpy that to the face.
I … I kneel.
Also, the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia, Valentina Matvienko, recently directly called abortion the murder of an innocent child.
In August 2022, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov announced plans to introduce a bill to ban abortions under compulsory medical insurance.
Residents of the city of Fryazino, who have been closely following the development of the situation on the problem of abortive consciousness for a long time, supported the statement of Senator Margarita Pavlova on the ban on abortion.
If sluts want to genocide their own people, they ought to at least pay out of pocket for the pleasure.
As much as I like to shill for the Big Guy in the Kremlin, I have to admit that if Russia was run by Lukashenko, the West wouldn’t stand a chance and this farce of a war would either be over or, better still, it would be being waged in Poland right now.
Luka for God-Emperor of the Slavlands!
Lukashenko gave sanctuary to January 6th election fraud protesters.
The solution to the demographic problem ... is to pay people to have children. Require the couple to stay married and raise them, or the payments stop. That is all. Societies spend a lot of money on things that do not affect their actual survival. So, there should be money for something that does.