The narrative now is that the war in Ukraine is basically a clash between Western values and traditional ones. Both sides agree to the terms of the conflict. But how true is any of it?
Point: the West is aggressively imposing an inversion of the old moral code at the barrel of a gun on the rest of the world.

Counter-point: I hate to break it to you like this, but there are gay clubs in both St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Moscow, Kiev, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Lvov and so on. The man in charge of Russia’s largest bank, Hermann Gref, is a gay Kabbalist, for Chrissakes.
And if you believe that Russia promotes conservative values at home, you clearly haven’t watched any Russian TV. The typical channel is reality TV shows with celebs screaming and cursing one another out, talk shows like Jerry Springer, cops v robbers TV soap operas, comedy shows dominated by various Zelenskys and Shapiros and Seinfelds and so on.
People like to spam clips of Zelensky’s comedy routines as proof of the fact that he is a puppet and a clown. But his show was the typical mindslop fare found everywhere in the Slavlands. Actually, I found the comedy bit of him dancing in faux-leather entertaining in the same way that I view Monty Python skits where they’re cross-dressing as funny.
John Cleese would make a better President of Ukraine than Zelensky, that’s for sure.
But it was performances like this that endeared Zelensky to the older TV-watching public that voted him into office. That and his role on the "Servant of the People” West Wing knock-off show. Zelensky was supported by an Oligarch from the East who doesn’t speak Ukrainian. Older, Russian-speaking Ukrainians voted Zelensky into office en masse.
Counter-counterpoint: People point out that Russian officers had booklets handed out to them talking about how they were the last line of defense against the Gay-Globalists.

This is certainly true. But military officers do not run Russia, unfortunately.
I promote military rule for Russia on this blog. This is probably the most contentious point that I make. But if you’re invested in this narrative of the struggle against the Great Gay Satan, maybe you ought to actually consider what I’m proposing.
Also, Russia fans should avoid making the mistake of assuming that a GRU initiative like Wagner, fighting the US in Syria or hiring Dugin to give lectures about the destruction of the West is the same as the official position of the Not-So-Deep State, the oligarchs or of Russian politicians.
Russia is a complex, factionalized society.
Most of my complaints stem from the fact that I believe that the wrong faction is in charge.
Counter-counter-counter-point: Poland.

Their government is pretending to be the traditional values defenders. Moraweicki is an ethnic neocon though, as is most of the Polish government and the PiS party bosses.
Most of Poland’s history from Casimir the Great onwards has been characterized as rule by ethnic neocons and Oligarchy, their preferred system of governance.
Having Your Cake and Eating it Too
Both sides are relying on emotional rhetoric and on contradictory narratives to maximize their appeal to the naive, morality-narrative driven peasants. To some, Russia is about Third Worldism and Communism. To others, Russia is about Nationalism and some form of social conservatism. Who knows what the Kremlin believes in, but if it’s anything, it’s none of the above.
Meanwhile, Warsaw has been flooded with non-White migrants by the center-right government, and yet they talk about being the defenders of Europe. They promote Catholicism, even though the Catholic Church is one of the most prominent proponents of Third Worldism and has been so for close to two centuries now. Also, very few ethnic Poles run Poland and Poland’s goal is to destroy the Freedom Human Rights Values Democracy of their neighbor Ukraine by taking its Western half under the guise of a humanitarian mission.
Ukrainian is defending itself by tapping into the power of Nationalism. The West does not even recognize the concept of borders at home and persecutes Nationalists.

Z-posters accuse the West of supporting White Nationalism. NAFO mutts accuse Russia of being Fascist.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians are learning the hard way what it is that the West stands for now: anti-White racism.

Where there are so many contradicting narratives piled up on top of one another, you know that there is an effort being made by someone or someones to deceive and manipulate the gullible and naive masses.
The Irish who are rallying to defend their homes against the worst refuse of the world being dumped on them by yet another Soros-sponsored Liberal Democracy initiative are being compared to Azov.

Africans in Africa are choosing sides as well.

Al-Jazeera is accusing Zelensky of Nazism for not evacuating the brown people first. The fact that Zelensky and Poroshenko were busy flooding Ukraine with these brown people in the first place is ignored.

Dumb American peasants are likening the persecution of Russian-speakers in Ukraine to, you guessed it, the Holocaust.

A Ukrainian man learned the hard way that America’s native pavement ape population are actually Putin-supporters when he got robbed in a ghetto.
Ukrainian sex-workers are being accused of Fascism for not having sex with non-White clients. They’re also accused of being too sympathetic on account of their white skin by non-White satraps that now rule over Airstrip One.
Again. Hammer this into your heads.
This level of contradictory messaging is proof of a concerted effort to not tell the truth. Whenever emotional manipulation is used to the extent that we see it being used now, you know that you are in the middle of a psy-op campaign.
How else to make sense of the contradictory messaging?
The first goal is to dazzle and baffle the masses - to make the issue too complicated for them, and thereby to get the masses to tune out or defer to the “expertise” of people who know better with official positions in power.
The second goal is to fool as many people as possible by expanding the scope of the message. Have Poland talk about defending traditional values, NAFO talk about defending gay marriage and then have the Republicans complain about a Chinese weather balloon that Biden sent over Montana and then had a black pilot shoot down. Make it so that the masses, who rely on heuristics to reason out their stance on things, are unable to figure out what is going on.
If the pilot who shot down the Chinese balloon is black, then I’m not a racist for wanting a war with China, who are Fascist-Communists who don’t allow gay marriage like Taiwan does. I’m against gay marriage myself, but that is because I am a Christian, and Christians can’t be Fascists because we support Israel. Also, Russians are Communist-Christians. So that is why they are fighting Nazi-Christians. The Poles? I’m part polish myself on my mother’s side. Simple as.
The powers that be rely on making things murky, messy and complicated.
The masses need simple, emotional programming to get them onboard.
Cutting through the artificially created shum are pre-packaged A/B tested narratives by vetted prophets rise above the chaos as a false light unto the peasantry.
Such is the way of things.
Turn off the TV and subscribe to my blog instead.
Being supportive of Russia because you dont like homos, which you shouldn't is valid enough. Its not that Russia is anti gay its just a lot less gay. Its not that Russia is a bastion of traditionalism, its just that it is compared to the West. Its not that Russia is actually less corrupt than the West its just that Russians arent proud of being not corrupt while being the primary source of corruption on earth. Not even the Russians themselves can give you a straight affirmative answer about what Russia stands for, but what they don't like about Russia today tends to correspond with how Westernized stuff is. Thats where you have the real overlap between russian and western patriots. Its like negative theology where we arrive at knowledge of God by establishing what he isnt.
I can confirm that conservative Americans would hate pro American Russians. Russians who dont like America share the same basic moral framework with conservative Americans. They would disagree about who the real bad guys were during the cold war but they would actually make good neighbors. Pro American Russians are basically complete NPCs.
Its only after living in the Russian world for a while that ive realized just how wrong the caricature of based, trad Russia is but Russia is objectively a better place to live than the West none the less. Not transitioning 4 year olds doesn't make Russia basedtraddeusvault1488 but it does mean they arent transitioning 4 year olds...and when it comes to metrics of establishing how rotten a country is whether or not they mutilat kids after brainwashing them about their gender is valid and cant be waved away by saying there are still gays in Russia. Not arguing against Rolo here at all, I'm just trying to say its easier to support Russia for what it isnt doing yet as opposed to projecting onto Russia what Russia isnt in a positive sense.
Western trads/conservatives projecting onto Russia is definitely a thing and anti Russian people try and portray us all as being guilty of that. However imo the anti Russian tendency of pulling "Russia has an abortion problem, gays and jews therefore Russia is no different than the US" is not much different than "Nazis and Commies are both SOCIALIST therefore X". This is the fallback of people like Spencer or Greg Johnson who want to act like they have some principled reason for being anti Russian when in fact they are just trying to cover their support for neo liberalism with the kind inane jibberish that Ben Shapiro regularly uses.
I love your work Rolo and don't want to bother you but could you give us a translation of the Russian Officer's "We are the last defense against the Gay Empire" handbook ?
Asking for a friend.