Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

It seems painfully obvious that they had no plan B after failing to take Kiev right away. I don't think the US had a plan either besides dumping a ton of money and arms into Ukraine. Now we're just fighting until one side gets tired and just doesn't feel like it anymore.

Given that Russia has been in this pattern for an entire year now, I think they're just waiting for the US to switch gears to China and Taiwan and leave Ukraine high and dry.

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from what Putin said, early on, i don't think he intended to take Kiev; he had his eyes on Lugansk and Donetsk, from what i remember.

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We're just waiting to see who will climb down first; real soon now.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"War being sabotaged" - During early America a general was publicly accused of doing negative things and being a traitor. No action was taken against him. When the Havana Archives were seized in 1898, it was found he was on the payroll of the King of Spain. Sounds like Russian high officials today. In 1989, Panama's most important general was taking CIA payoffs in exchange for treason, another was Arnoldo Ochoa in Cuba. Syria the same. It is amazing how much some of these people were intentionally screwing things up but were left in their positions.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"Just a note that the mercenary mis-identified by many as Aiden Aslin last week, fighting for ukrainian forces by Artemovsk, New Zelander Kane Te Tai, is now being reported across media and social media as killed in action. So, there you go." - Graham Phillips

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

by the way a Swiss group arrived at quite similar conclusions as you did, they have provided a more or less balanced and conservative view so far: https://swprs.org/the-ukraine-war-in-2023/

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I’ll check them out.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

I think you asked for the email of Ron Unz. I found this on the unz site: Ron@unz.com

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yeah, he doesn't reply to that.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Try Philip Giraldi at inform@cnionline.org. Giraldi is the Foreign Policy Editor at Unz Mag. Ask to become a columnist, that is where I first heard of you.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

One more question.. who took out the separatist leaders - critical to the mission - like Zakharchenko? Originally I thought it had to be Ukraine, but.. too many.. too soon, too easy.

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a question that no one has easy answers to

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Imo the most likely is Russian Oligarchs with financial investments in Donbass and the West working with the tacit approval and some passive support from FSB and the Kremlin. The Kremlin really was busting its ass to de-escalate the situation and they absolutely didnt need any charasmatic aggressive Patriots throwing wrenches in the Minsk cuck show.

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exactly what i did not wish to think.. but had wondered about.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

A very well-written synopsis.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

How could Kiev be turned over if Zelinsky was in charge of Kiev?

Half a$$ war is not a war

Air power is now drones, missiles, and satellites

Putin lost his mystique at the Karkhov debacle

Glazyev and Prigozhin owe their positions to Putin

Putin refused to set up a real reserve force

The Russian economy is doing OK, people live well as other sacrifice on the front.

Nabiullina son is not a homo, unlike children of many other high officials

Nabiullina did not take the name of her husband. This indicates the husband might be a cuckold.

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As always fantastic work, helps clear the mind of the 5D fog from the bloggers. Something I do find interesting is the possibility of the US banking system collapsing due to the bank runs that are starting to happen now, this being caused by a liquidity crisis (self made in the USA).

This isnt the same as the 07 to 09 bank crisis, that was due to over valuing of the housing market, this part is from https://www.unz.com/mhudson/why-the-bank-crisis-is-not-over/

But another chap that has being going over these issues for years before 07 to 09 is https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?blog=Market-Ticker

I do think that if your wanting the truth its also important to consider the goings on in the west especially since its here that is providing the funding for the war.

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" I also believe that the evidence points to a concerted effort on the part of neocons in the West and Ukraine to provoke and prologue a fraternal bloodletting in the Slavlands." The effort of the neocons was to make Ukraine a U.S. military bulwark along the Russian border. The means to the end was divide-and-rule, exactly the fraternal bloodletting you mention

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I don't quite get what the preoccupation with the so-called 5d chess crowd is all about. If your position & arguments are solid, if your predictions are always/mostly accurate, then that speaks for itself. The upcoming Ukro offensive will be the proof in the pudding, the test of narratives/perspectives. My radar goes as far as May 15th, if it hasn't happened by then. or if it has & has been repelled by RF forces, is there going to be a re-assessment here?

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Preoccupation is not the word. Too many people are content with believing contrarian viewpoints to the mainstream without further investigating for themselves whether they are valid or not. This is the 5D crowd. "Trump will save us" and "just wait 2 more weeks for the grand plan" type crowd. Digging deeper will reveal that all is not as well as it seems and Russia is not about to win anything. People are believing what they want to hear. Rolo is trying to wake people up. It's not easy.

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>If your position & arguments are solid, if your predictions are always/mostly accurate, then that speaks for itself. The upcoming Ukro offensive will be the proof in the pudding, the test of narratives/perspectives

This hasn't happened the last 5 times this happened. They just double down.

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In the States, the Wuhan lab leak "theory" has suddenly become probable to US government branches when before it was an evil, "right-wing" conspiracy theory. Just as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (when Stalin had to persuade his anti-fascist nation to accept Germany as allies) involved a complete 180 propaganda switcheroo, the narrative about China is changing too, albeit more slowly and subtly. Some suspect, as a result, that a Taiwan invasion is coming soon. Of course seeing is believing.

Such an action like a Taiwan invasion by the CCP would distract the West as well as its spending and weapons shipments. It would have a larger effect on the economy because of how much Americans have outsourced their economy, something Russia is unable to effect apart from nationalizing all the McDonalds restaurants; China could basically strip key parts of the US economy from its very body. The invasion itself, then, would depend on whether China overcomes the crippling effects of Zero Covid and proves it has fighting potential given that the PRC hasn't fought a war since 1979. (a war with Vietnam that, incidentally, it lost) But now that Taiwan is buying more weapons, I don't think the PRC can afford to wait much longer. At least if it wants to fight a country with fewer arms and preparations over more arms and preparations.

In any case, we will see.

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Until reading this my understanding was Russia was destroying Ukraine. In fact I heard that the average life span of a new Ukrainian soldier on the front was four hours. The whole thing is just one big bloody stalemate?

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Worse, Russia is losing lol.

Ain't that something?

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thank you for the article!

so, Evgeniy Prigozhin is where he is thanks to Putin but now rises in prominence and is likely to become a new political player on the stage.

is he going to go along Schwab_Gref freak show or change course?

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Don’t know. But his entourage seems decent. You can learn a lot from observing who a person surrounds himself with

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

True, I asked only because I haven't followed SMO and its players closely.

This question was straight from my intellectual laziness :)

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All self-inflicted I may note..

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It is not an error but a plan to drag the conflict as long as possible. It is a Russia's contribution toward the reduction of the white population. In St. Peter Square in Vatican, there is a giant sculpture dedicated to migrants and refugees. Ecumenism, elimination of separate ethnic cultures, and one world government is what they plan for us.

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Wouldn't surprise me at all considering Putins a WEFer, and he already betrayed his people with the c19 scam.

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The whole affair has become rather boring.

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"Cronyism and networks of influence appear to be the foundation on which the Russian state has been built, not on any meritocracy or core competency." War exposes the weaknesses.

Do these gas reserves have anything to do with this police action? The timing of the exploration is right:



Funny how this matches up.

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What do you mean?

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Shortly after these tests and discoveries by Shell the Ukrainians (?) decided to push the Russian speaking people out of the area, end any political action that might bring the area under some type of Russian agreement, and whatever else that might come to your mind. I don't know really, I'm asking you.

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I don't know. I'm sure Donbassians would work on those fields for cheap too.

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I will happily prepare and initiate a rumour campaign to the effect that scientists have unearthed convincing evidence of ancient Five Dimensional Cheese if you will in the future refer to 5D Chess Bloggers by their proper name.

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what is their proper name, sir

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

5D Cheese Bloggers. I thought it was easy to deduce, but I am a bit overdosed on five dimensional cheese myself, evidently. It is a true epidemic.

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oh, lol, nah im just overworked ...


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No mention of the bio-labs in Ukraine, the Russians came across.?

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