After shuffling around the United States for the first 7 years of my life(mostly in Northern California), my mother settled my brother and I down in Lowell, MA, by then an economically depressed backwater of a town(population around 100,000) which had once been a lynchpin in America's industrial revolution of the mid-to-late 19th century. While the cotton mills were still in full production, Lowell imported legions of foreigners s to perform the gruesome work within these death houses. Those workers were drawn largely from Greece, Ireland, Quebec, and Portugal. All white. By the time I arrived the mills had long since shut down, but the descendants of these ethnic enclaves had largely remained. Greek and Irish Heritage fests were more than excuses to sell some t-shirts or baklava from chintzy roadside carts. These people were expressing the passion they still experienced for the connection they felt with their ancestral traditions, as well as enthusiasm for exhibiting these traditions before their fellow Americans of different ethnic identities. It was an example of the sort of courteous cosmopolitanism which is possible in an experimental country such as the U.S.

The adults I spent time around as a kid(this was the early 80s to mid-90s, when the cynicism in this country hadn't reached the level of insanity now prevalent, so a kid could hang out with an adult in preparation of becoming one themself and n one attributed anything weird or creepy to the association) indoctrinated me into race realism, which we simply called straight racism, back then. The message was simple, "Stick to your own kind." and that kind meant white, as Lowell was overwhelming white back in the early 80s. We had just a handful of blacks, thankfully, but a significant Puerto Rican population, and they were a scourge. The language employed when discussing these "other" groups was frank: niggers, spics, gooks(for the Cambodians who were to show up en masse starting in 1986). It was just a part of our lingo. I These lessons had their intended effect upon me. At a young age, I was a race realist. I understood my best chance in the Wild Wild West that is America was to stick with my own.

Then came the 90s, and puberty, and more and more cable TV shows extolling the virtues of "color blindness". Long story short: I abandoned my white identity and became an unctuous lefty liberal, always crying and apologizing for the sins of my forefathers. It was sickening. I was sickening. And I remained in that state for the better part of 30 critical years of my life, up until just last year, when I became a CO at a large state prison in Ohio with a predominately black inmate population.

No one is perfect. White folks can still act a straight damn fool. But Mr. Kipling's words are infinitely more eloquent than mine will ever be, and he had spoken the truth.

Brilliant ending, Rolo. Important reporting you are doing. If I knew more people whom I thought could actually sit with the information and gleam some pertinent lessons from the knowledge, I wouldn't hesitate to share it with them. Some day, perhaps

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You had a problem with the Cambodian Khmai? or was it the Hmong hill people?

I enjoy SE Asian culture and I thought the Cambodians were extremely nice people when I lived there. Like the problems I had there were related to bad water and poisoning and them burning their plastic.

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Very nice posting. Although I myself might be considered an outsider. But, I support ethnic identity, homogeneous neighborhoods and schools (except for those who voluntarily want a heterogeneous environment). It's telling, is it not, that US Attorney General Garland said the greatest threat to the US was white nationalism. What? The obvious implication is that any ethnic or nationalist identity stands in the way of the state leviathan. Segregated black schools in the US used to be quite successful, and segregated black neighborhoods were actually quite livable. All people can get more accomplished in a homogeneous setting. In fact, the book "Bowling Alone" by Putnam detailed the empirical findings of this talented sociologist: people were happier, safer, more productive in a homogeneous environment. The legend was that Putnam was so disturbed by his findings that he had his work published only posthumously. But in fact, Putnam presented his research while he was very much alive: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/does-diversity-create-distrust/

There is a group of Americans who are looking to move to Russia, but I fear they are moving from the frying pan into the fire. And thanks very much to Rurik, who is the only voice I know of that deviates from the Duran-Ritter view of Russia as a mecca of sanity and efficiency. In fact, I looked for a higher-paying membership because Rurik's information is so valuable (didn't find it).

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I think there’s a hundred dollar tier but only one guy ever got it lol

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Where did you get the idea that segregated black schools used to be successful? Segregation produces deeply flawed systems.

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"There was a black elite school in Washington DC many years ago called Dunbar High School. And they got they got all kinds of outstanding results. When one figure 1953, 81% of Dunbar graduates went on to college, which was higher than for any white public high school in Washington DC. Alright. Dunbar High School was enormously controversial within the black community."


Thomas Sowell did a lot of research on the black community prior to the abolition of segregated facilities. He showed black schools had a pretty good graduation rate and black colleges had a respectable number of black professionals. Also black children had a dramatically higher rate of two-parent families than they do today. I'm not trying to say they only need the right environment to have the same success as whites. But, they can do a hell of a lot better than they're doing today.

Most blacks learn in a somewhat different manner than most whites. So, a more homogeneous environment works better for both classes of students. Also, I'm not talking about government-mandated segregation. If you keep government out of it, most people will self-segregate. Those who don't self-segregate should be free to live with other people of the same mindset.

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To be honest with you, it doesn't matter where a kid goes to school or what the background of the kid is (eg black, white) schools are data harvesting centers. In the past it absolutely mattered if you were able to go to the nearest school or not. That's what this is about.

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I'll buy that. The first attempt to "desegregate" was busing (in Boston). A rousing failure. Given a choice, people tend to live near people like them, so neighborhood schools are absolutely essential. And a black family in a predominantly white neighborhood is more likely to be like their neighbors, so in that case, their kids should absolutely go to the (white) neighborhood school.

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Many types of people didn't chose to come here and there's not a single treaty with the original people that hasn't been broken.

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Which is irrelevant to the point, which is that most people do best in a homogeneous environment. Did you ever go into the dining room of an "integrated" school? There are white tables, black tables and a few mixed. People self-segregate. I'm against segregation imposed by authority, but I favor letting people sort themselves voluntarily.

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>perform one act of solidarity for one of your people today. Let one of your homies cut in line or get a discount or just pay them a compliment in front of a non-homie that they understand is intended just for them. Show that you acknowledge a common bond between you and them in some way.

very nice idea

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I didn't actually. At first, we were just terrified of them. One day they weren't there, and then, first day of sixth grade, there were THOUSANDS of them, all attending classes in some trailers which had been built next to the school, because they didn't speak a lick of English. All my friends called them gooks, so I went along with it. I'm with you. I REALLY appreciate Asian cultures. I had some good friends who were Cambodian. Asians are EXTREMELY respectful of their elders, and that speaks volumes about the inveterate goodness of a culture.

I was just a prick kid who wanted to be liked by other prick kids. I could sense, in the depths of my soul, that Asians posed no threat to me and my kind.

They did form some pretty nasty-ass gangs that did some real damage, though. My brother got into all that. But there's going to be assholes in any ethnic enclave.

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Yeah me personally I've never had problems with SE Asians.

Also, filipinos seem universally liked. Japanese culture and manners are respected everywhere. Even some of the northern asians in Siberia are decent like the Yakutians if they stay away from the booze. Is there anyone who hates the Vietnamese? I haven't lived near Vietnamese diasporas in White countries but it just doesnt strike me as a problem.

In an ideal world, we'd allow some of them to settle in one of our port cities and they'd let some of us settle in theirs. As things stand now, Whites can never gain citizenship in these countries, which is unfair, frankly, because of just how much money and effort Whites have put into these countries. Where would they be without Whites coming in with money and investing into tourism and culture?

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Nice Kipling quote thank you RS. It seems to contain a misprint however. 'Wanted' should presumably be 'wonted'. ie usual or accustomed.

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A+ Phoenix. Wont is a fitting word for any conservative's lexicon.

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It should become our wont to say 'won't!' to leftie demands.

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"... political ideologies or fake religions like Christianism v Liberalism v Communism v Libertarianism and on and on it goes. Even if you agree with the ideas of one of these subversive ideologies, can’t you at least acknowledge how wild it is that the same group of people invented each and every single one of them? Like, that doesn’t make you go “huh??” at least? "

Christianism? How about saying Judaism, the "Traditions," the Talmudic evil which the children of the devil profess to believe, which the diametric opposite of Christianity? Someday maybe you will learn Christian doctrine because you sure do not know it now and you refuse to consider the physical evidence that the universe and living things were created out of nothing by God - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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Homework: Done. Thanks for the suggestion Rurik and I'll try to make it a habit.

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Very true.

I lived in New Orleans for a total of two years, each one-year stint being separated by a decade. There is a sizable Vietnamese population in New Orleans East. I won't go so far as to say that everything is idyllic within that community. Within any community there will always exist a certain level of vice; humans being what we are, certain folks are going to desire certain experiences and other folks are going to make it their business to make those experiences available. But the principle to keep in mind is that the Vietnamese, like most Asian diaspora communities in America, largely contain their misery-merchanting to within their community boundaries. Unlike blacks and browns, the cadre of "yellow scourge" degenerates aren't nearly as predacious upon soft, vulnerable, unsuspecting communities. At least that has been my experience.

I have a marked respect and affinity for Asian cultures. I make that statement as an avowed naive outsider, who has only gleaned the very surface of any existent, intact community within the U.S. But I can extrapolate from what my gut tells me. And my gut tells me that they are a solid race.

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When will Russia get its first Chechen President?

Here's the news of a frontrunner, from Martyanov:


'In related news, legendary Commander of Akhmat Brigade (then the corps commander) Major-General Apti Alautdinov was appointed First Deputy of the Commander of Main Political Directorate of Russian Armed Forces. This is big and, highly likely, opens a wide path for Alautdinov towards huge political career in highest echelons of power in Russia. Alautdinov commands a profound professional respect in Russian Armed Forces and universal admiration and respect among overwhelming majority of Russians. Congratulations to Apti Aronovich Alautdinov--a great son of Chechen people and Russia.'

In related news....Russians who want to stay out of the new Gulag had better start learning Chechen.

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Contained herein is the answer to the mystery of the Ukrainian war, I believe. Took me a while to figure out.

Test your puzzling skills!

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