May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"True patriots would actually like to see their side win, whereas the controlled patriots just want the profits to keep rolling in. You will never see the fake patriots’ lives put on the line. Meanwhile, actual patriots in Russia are being assassinated left and right all under the watchful eye of the FSB."

Oddly, the "international financiers" despise the patriots or nationalists in the US and Russia.

That's why the other day one of those US patriots just got 14 years in prison for partaking in the 1/6 setup. However, the Capitol police officer who shot young ex-Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt in the neck and killed her during the same 1/6 event was protected by the security state.

In any event, I've been watching The Duran for years for an alternative view🫣 regarding Western imperialism. That being said, I started getting suspicious many months ago and posted a few comments in their YouTube comment section. To my dismay, they were all eliminated.

I noticed, how The Duran avoided discussing the Kremlin's duplicity in the Scamdemic/jab bullshit which Whitney Webb has mentioned more than a year ago in articles on her Unlimited Hangout website, and on her podcasts.

"The Duran" are sinophiles this is not meant to be a warmongering remark. They're overly excited about a multipolar paradise which actually strengthens China's technocratic biosecurity surveillance state which international trillion dollar asset management firms are all-in on.

It's all spelled out in the UN initiatives especially Agenda 2030.

China has been a Western social engineering project for over 100 years. A favorite of the Rockefeller's.

And now that AI technology is almost "ready" the power-hungry are eager to deploy a worldwide central bank digital currency as a "key tool" for global governance, as well implementing several "benevolent sounding" UN initiatives which are further designed to eliminate nation-state sovereignty.

And that's why, these international financiers and techno/fascists hate nationalists in Russia and the US.

To put it simply, nationalists are an impediment to their long awaited plans of establishing global governance.

Personally, I find it very difficult to believe that multinational corporations and multi-trillion dollar assest management firms with "trillions invested" in China are genuinely in an acrimonious relationship with the "socialists who have predatory capitalistic characteristics. " And who I might add, love being extremely affluent members of the Chinese Communist Party.

That being said, they're all in cahoots.

This is not to say, that brave foolish young soldiers like in the Ukrainian conflict won't die in some manufactured skirmish designed as a collateral damage media event.

However, the greedy ghouls have no intention of making Russia, or America great again as their pocketbooks are open to Asia.

Long ago, Western financiers decided China was to be a "social engineered sweatshop" and Russia was a looting playground for energy and all its lovely natural resources.

By the way, the US is in the same boat, that's why thousands of migrants on the southern border are running into the US each day looking like they're running into a department store sale on Black Friday.

A "borderless world" is the mission as described in numerous UN initiatives managed under One World Governance, where "unelected unaccountable" billionaire gangsters work hand-in-glove with corrupt UN organizations and stooge appointees to set policy initiatives implemented throughout the planet ultimately creating a dystopian repressive shithole for billions while the techno/fascist billionaire dwell in their multipolar paradise.

Get it now!😁

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This is brilliant. Thank you.

I don't yet know if you're right in all your prognostications, your analysis of things but I know this for certain sure: you can write and explain clearly what you are trying to say. And I find that the most important thing. You are a writer. You have the talent. The ability.

And I spend most of my time looking for 'writers' so that I don't have to labour through tons of words to discover what content if any.

So impressed I nearly opened my wallet. Just a bit shy of possibilities of being ripped off. Your payment arrangements have what to back them up as safe, secure, not liable to get us ripped off via card details spread around the dark web or something?

Just want to say, too, that the mention of 'Ritter, Duran and Martyanov' is perhaps a little superfluous or something. I mean they just don't matter. They don't signify.

Yes, they signify as the virtual only 'dissenting' or 'alternative' voice the masses have perhaps.

But the masses don't see them.

And on investigation they say nothing. The Duran all mere opinion piece. Ritter all the same song every time: "Ukraine is collapsing NOW" and Martyanov all "scoff, scoff, scoff".

They don't matter.

Seems to me YOU matter.

You're kinda like michelangelo chipping away at a sculpture and singing out to neighbouring chippers and trying to involve them, get help from them or something....

while they crudely maul rocks.

Seems to me you have the ability to truly speak while the rest gabble.

So speak, I'd say. Craft your creations and let them stand.

And we'll all be much the better for it. You will be putting pillars of strength beneath Russia might be a way of putting it.

p.s. I will not be disseminating your words this time, spreading, sharing your link... for fear of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. This awful information has to be known, accepted, realised and acted upon. So it has to said, sure enough. But I don't want to put it before the swine just right now.

p.s. just read your comment about all payments being handled by substack.

Fine by me. I feel safe with them. I'll get on board for a few bucks. I appreciate what you're doing. :)

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May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Subscription to this blog is top 5 best things to have happened this year. Rolo single handedly called out the bullshit spouted by former convicts and mediocre lawyers.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thanks for giving voice to the voiceless Russian people, who deep state presstitutes like Duran despise and think that Greeks know better than Russians.

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This is likely to have an effect:


Ron Patterson


05/05/2023 at 1:35 pm

Russia’s oil and gas budget revenue drops sharply in April

MOSCOW, May 4 (Reuters) – Russia’s federal budget revenues from oil and gas, the lifeblood of its economy, fell 64% in April from the year-earlier period and declined by 5.9% from March, the finance ministry said on Thursday, as a result of higher subsidies to oil refineries.

Budget income from oil and gas sales reached 647.5 billion roubles ($8.3 billion) last month, compared to 688.2 billion in March and 1.798 trillion roubles in April 2022, it said.

April, while the same payments to oil refineries under the “damping mechanism” rose to 107.2 billion roubles from 96.7 billion roubles in March.

At the same time, profit-based tax revenues from oil producers fell last month to 185.4 billion roubles, from 220.6 billion roubles in March.

The Russian finance ministry plans to halve subsidies to oil refiners from July 2023, and is aiming to cut payments from the budget under the damping mechanism by 30 billion roubles.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

My 5D friend said that there is nothing to fear now. Prigs criticisms have become irrelevant, he has the ammo he needs and the russian army is marching into bakhmut alongside him. As the duran stated in their latest vid RUSSIA IS STORMING. The multipolar train is back on track

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Seymour Hersh on Russia selling oil and paying gas transit fees to the Ukraine. He said this is the weirdest war he ever heard of. He said that the people in charge are skimming billions of dollars. Is this war just an excuse to steal billions of dollars like hosting the Olympics? Like the Olympics, in war the corrupt can say there is no time to debate or question whether money can be spent, it must handed out now.


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May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Rolo are you planning to issue part 3 on the questions posed by strelkov?

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May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Keep hitting them hard, Rolo. You're creating some uncomfortable, obvious truths for the 5D crowd. Two days until Prigozhin's prediction of when an offensive may begin. I wish you were wrong and Russia had a plan and if wishes were fishes...

I thank you for your work. We nationalists have to live in reality and know that some Russian white knight ain't saving us just like the "Virtuous Pagans" of China are the wardens of the testing grounds for Globohomo's paradise.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You have been linked a couple times in Soldier of Fortune. https://sofmag.com/butcher-of-mariupol-wagner/

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Another great article. Reposted to Twitter.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Powerful post, well done!

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It is encouraging to hear that Pepe has the ability to change his views. After I quit drinking the Saker koolaid several years ago, I also quit reading Pepe due to his China worship and nauseating promotion of this "multi-polar world" nonsense. The "east-west" conflict is nothing more than two factions of a crime syndicate fighting over control of the family business of exploiting and enslaving the entire planet.

Rolo, at least you got credit from Pepe for your work. That is more than I got. He "borrowed" some of the info and analogies I used in the one and only article I had published. Here is the article I wrote under a pen name as a guest post on the defunct Saker blog during the early days of the scamdemic.


ZeroHedge also re-posted my on-hit-wonder piece but it is now paywalled. Two days later Pepe published an article in which he used at least two of my unique points: info about China using IV vitamin C for covid treatment and a virus war analogy.


Coincidence? Decide for yourself.

Don't get your hopes too high that Pepe will completely wake up. He has drunk too deeply of the multi-polar world koolaid. There are no good guys in this alleged clash of civilizations. There are only technocrats and transhumanists hell-bent on exercising god-like control over all life on the planet.

Percy Carlton

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I would be interested to hear your take on Alexander Dugin. I have read some of his articles and I get the impression that he promotes a 'healthy' form of nationalism. That being proud of and devoted to your race/nation should create a better society without hating others (except Liberals and enemies of your nation). Achieving the full potential of a race for the benefit of all.

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PUTIN warns Ukraine that if they target the NUKE PLANT ‘Zaporozhye NPP"‘, that PUTIN will wipe Kiev off the map;


About fucking time we say;

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Most definitely Russia could have completely conquered the Ukraine in under a month if that was the objective. Russia has been acting like a championship fighter pulling his punches and "carrying" his opponent for a pre-determined number of rounds at the behest of the Mob which controls both fighters. It is very interesting that despite the saber rattling between Russia and the U.S. over the Ukrainian conflict (and this applies as well to the U.S. & China over Taiwan), all of these countries clasp arms and cooperate on the destruction of the planet via climate engineering and weather manipulation. Like Master Serrano said, the Hidden Hand operates both East and West.

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