Season 1: A New Right

Season 2: The Bardak Strikes Back

Season 3: The Return of the Marcionites

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I don't think the Zman will be happy to be labelled a conservative by now.

He is widely read among those circles though. He writes for Taki, Ann Coulter retweets him and probably his goal is to eventually get quoted live by Tucker Carlson.

Presumingly that's why he can just describe and investigate the current societal rot in terms of the "how" (the managerial class), rather than the "who". The managerial thing is at the root of the "how" we get exiled from polite society - and also at the root of the more immediate "why" (because managers have to defend the creed). But it fails to account for many things: why the managerial thing described by Hampl's article is in place, why there are these specific taboos in place and not others, and so on.

There has got to be a cabal determining what's allowable and what's taboo, and how to let the creed trickle down to subordinates via the managerial society, to the masses via the media, to the dissidents via the secret police etc. The Zman, Jared Taylor do good analyses, but are notoriously reticent to talk about the very top of the chain.

I don't think at all you are larping with this blog, your views have been coherent in time. But I can't help not to notice, in jest, that you are the ultimate rootless cosmopolitan: you can't get citizenship from the places you feel you belong no matter how much you try, while the only passport you got is that one you really don't want.

This below is interesting and revealing about the real power of the managerial elite. Boris Johnson is at the top amongst them, and yet:

"TOWARDS the end of 2020, editors of major UK media outlets were summoned, one by one, and not for the first time, to individual briefings at Downing Street.

Apparently, all the meetings followed the same format. Each editor was shown into Boris Johnson’s office, where Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance gave a presentation about how a devastating next wave of ‘Covid’ was going to kill 500,000 people and cripple the NHS.

The usual bogus decontextualised data and ludicrously misleading graphs were waved in their faces. Then the two witch-doctors slithered out of the room and Johnson instructed the editors to get behind a winter lockdown.

At this point, one editor decided to interrogate the Prime Minister. He said something along these lines: ‘Come on, [...] There’s no justification for another lockdown – why are you doing this?’

Boris Johnson adopted a haunted and helpless expression, gestured towards the door through which Whitty and Vallance had just exited and said: ‘I’ve got to do what they tell me.’ "


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Patience, grasshopper. The mills of time grind exceedingly slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.

Twill all be dust in due time.

"NATO can keep providing equipment for them."

Not for much longer. Not only are we stripping our active military of weapons to send to Ukraine, we are now also buying them back on the dark web. Things I didn't foresee. Couldn't even imagine. ⚫

It's also now in mainstream news that mic companies are having a hard time filling orders due to lack of critical raw materials, parts, supply chain breaks, etc. Which is as I have been saying for months would happen. 🔮

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"Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini met a trans woman called Maryam Khatoon Molkara, who had been thrown into a psychiatric institution and forcibly injected with male hormones. Moved by her story, he issued a fatwa allowing the procedure, which a cleric later compared to changing wheat into bread. Today the government even helps with the cost. " (The Economist)

Apparently the operation has been legal since the late 80s in Iran. My mind is blown. Don't really know what to say. Rolo understands the religio-political logic. I don't think I do.

Rather than oppose trans, we're to promote it because it leads to a better appearance of conforming to the binary. One assumes butch homos and femme lesbians would not be pressured into nor offered subsidized trans services, as their public demeanor does not transgress binary culture. Unfair and inconsistent? Who cares? says the fascifist (a vlogger I like).

My position has been that private gay/trans behavior is permissible, but should not be promoted - no gay/trans pride displays or provocations.

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Speaking of Zarathustra and a "a WWI-style war " - did you know that early in WWI the Germans printed a vast paperback edition (.25 Mil?) of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" and distributed them to frontline troops? So? - I dunno - maybe time to give Zarathustra another chance to speak? Maybe the glacier will shift one way or another? Or maybe not, it's really a crappy book, I much prefer the saner, early NIetzsche - try Human all too Human.

And did you know that recently, a forensic MD published a monograph that denies that Nietzsche died of syphilis as is near universally thought. Symptom set doesn't match syphilis (MD claims); much more likely was a benign brain tumor slowly growing over 2 or 3 decades. All the more reason to listen to Zarathustra again?

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