New York Times reports Blinken insisted the Ukraine War should continue when General Milley argued in November 2022 that negotiations should start as Ukraine would not be in a better position. Blinken clashed with Pentagon officials who warned against escalations as Blinken demanded ever-more powerful weapons https://nytimes.com/2025/01/18/us/politics/antony-blinken-gaza-israel-ukraine.html

Ukraine was sacrificed to kill Russians and weaken a strategic rival, and the media sold it to the public as "pro-Ukrainian. Anyone dissenting to NATO's savagery was labelled pro-Russian, Putinist, propagandist and accused of supporting the destruction of Ukraine https://x.com/Glenn_Diesen/status/1881230102102442397

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Blinken is a psychopath, willing to sacrifice entire nations. What are his goals?

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No, Blkinken is a Happy Merchant, which is actually worse.

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Blinken is a Trotskyite working with Kremlin and Beijing for the international communism.

Depopulation of nations is crucial for the global population reshuffling to erase religion and ethnic identities. This was exactly how Lenin and Stalin utilized for their gulag systems back in the days which were much more primitive

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Yet only White nations seem to be slated for that plan. Also, if depopulation is the goal, why is the African semi-human population being allowed to explode by the PTB ? The way things are going, the only groups left on this planet will Indians and Blacks. Whats the ultimate purpose of that ?

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NOW - Trump promises to declassify the JFK, RFK, MLK records, and "other topics of great public interest" in the "coming days."


NOW - Trump: "I will end the war in Ukraine. I will stop the chaos in the Middle East. And I will prevent World War 3 from happening."


Yeah, sure, buddy, whatever you say

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Over promise, under deliver.

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" The Orthodox clergy has the right to a rich life. This was announced on the air of the TV channel «Union » by the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) Alexander Sakhnenko. "

When I couldnt hate organized religion, or religion in general anymore, along comes a happy quote like this easily proving to me that religions have no connection to the truth whatsoever. These stupid charlatans have brought my people to the " precipice " and here we are, caught in the quicksand of destruction. There is an easy way out however:

religion =/= the spiritual

the spiritual =/= religion

the spiritual = "technology"

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President Vladimir Putin appointed Serdyukov as Minister of Defense, with the main task of fighting corruption and inefficiency in the Russian Armed Forces.

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The saying goes, "scum floats to the top" and scumbags do that even faster. This and previous articles suggest why the Kremlin wanted / wants to join NATO aka Yahweh's butchers.

Consider the pollution armies produce and the waste of nonrenewable resources, to really appreciate the "Gangsters Of Deception" (nice acronym no?)

Because humans are corruptible, there isn't a profession, immune to it and those founded on dogma are the most dangerous. AFAIK only the PRC is active against corruption and severely punishing culprits (firing squad, prison for life etc.).

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I look forward to your dissection of the recently concluded—and much ballyhooed by Z-Anon & its acolytes—compact between Putin & Pezeshkian.

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Korybko is also on the case

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Special-k makes sure to never address the Happy Merchant elephant in the room. A stand-up guy who always brings up his PHD whenever confronted with an opposing view. He must feel really secure in his skin ;)

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He is under the payroll from both Russia and US. He works for the international communists.

He reminds me of Jr Nyquist who is a profound author that details about the works of Anatoliy Golitsyn and General Sejna on international communism. However, he barely talks much about Golitsyn these days as he now interacts with high-ranking US people who have Trotskyite past. Basically, he is another controlled opposition that Christopher Story (close friend of Golitsyn) accused him of being a communist agent.

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The general seems to be a devotee of Stalin, who fled to the US, You cant make this crap up. How is he a good guy ?

" General Sejna fled to the United States after the liberal Communist movement ousted his Stalinist patron, Antonin Novotny, as President of Czechoslovakia during the ''Prague Spring,'' that country's short-lived liberalization movement. The general and his son Jan came to the United States by way of Hungary, Yugoslavia and Italy."

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Looking forward to his analysis as well. Amongst my fb friends hopelessly deluded by assorted Z-Anon propaganda narratives, they greeted this news gleefully like trained seals clapping on cue at feeding time. 😒

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they'll be sure to be disappointed. well, if they could be convinced to read what we'er going to write that is.

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Just checkout what Zannon "leader" Simpleton posted. Hes the high priest pro-Russia BS, so his "analysis" will be spread far and wide.

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I am disappointed that no one has ever studied Anatoliy Golitsyn and General Jan Sejna seriously. They literally warned about the global communist takeover from Trotskyites, Stalinists and other communists. Many of them are Jewish agents. Golitsyn was responsible for the downfall of Kim Philby, the director of MI6, and his defection caused a temporary setback for global communism.

Russia under Leninists and US under Trotskyites are colluding in the war on Ukraine to genocide disobedient Ukrainians whom they fear can be the next Golitsyn. Russia calls this war in Ukraine as an SMO is to purge the traitors in Ukraine among the Dnipro Mafia.

Now under Trump, Russia will have 4 years of breathing to consolidate its control over Ukraine which is already under control of international communists at the first place. The Leninist Trump will shift into a fake war in Middle East or Asia with China. Ukraine is already depopulated, so North Korea, Chinese, Vietnamese and other Asians will colonize under Russian military guidance. That's the real goal of UN.

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Fun fact: The "war" in Gaza and the "war" in Ukraine are not only about killing current lives, but also in making future lives dont come to be. For example, The White race used to be the most numerous until WW1 and WW2 came along "organically".

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Let go of programming perpetuated by madman.


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I wish you would grind some more axes. I think it is difficult for me personally to abandon the Orthodox Church because I know no other spiritual path. I don’t know how to ghost dance I don’t even know how I would discern good spirits from evil ones, tricksters from sages. Im not even sure I possess the spiritual substance that would allow me to enter into the spiritual world without maybe some kind of mushroom.

Its just from my perspective it is becoming clear that Orthodoxy does not flourish along with mankind but it looks like a tool to keep feudal serfs happy. It’s a poverty for thee not for me kind of religion. Everything I read from “On the Providence of God” to “Strength in Weakness” it seems like its about me embracing poverty and suffering as my cross, and all of the worst kinds of people in the world get a pass. If I encounter shit bags even in my own life (obviously I don’t directly know the psychopaths who run the world) I have to pray that their lives get better. I have to go along taking shit and saying this is my cross. Ignore the money printers, ignore the sick inverted societal rules you have to live by, just embrace this new lower standard of living. In fact embrace it getting worse while “My people” live it up on yachts and control global trade and put anybody who criticizes them into a gulag. Ignore all that and be happy as a slave. This is what the Lord wants from you. He never wants you to be like the Old Testament heroes slaying their foes, subjecting their enemies, He wants you to be a martyr.

Obviously nothing I can really do about money printing or powerful people sucking peasants dry but why can’t I put a hex on my enemies? Why can’t I curse these people who harm me and by extension my family? Why can’t I use magic to get more money? Because God forbids it? Its like He forbids everything that would be of benefit to me. Promising that in my poverty it will benefit my spirit. But my spirit does not feel blessed by being a slave. In fact the only creature I can think of that is comforted as it is lead to death is a cow which is cattle, which is there to enrich the cattle farmer. It is not there because the cattle farmer loves it and wants it to experience eternal joy.

Its like this is a very comforting wall that keeps me happy until I am ritually slain by the true people He loves. Thats what it seems like to me now. But again I just don’t really know what to do. I guess I can just go back to being a protestant like all the other protestants I know. Then I get to interpret the texts however I want. No captured hierarchy to tell me otherwise.

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" Either that or they banned the marches because of this Special Friendly Neighbourly Socialist Policing Operation in Territorially Sovereign Ukraine. "

I think they will ban the marches permanently, because once the Ukraine "war" winds down the people will want to march with the photos of their dead relatives. The sheer number of portraits would show the utter scale of the slaughter.

Question for Rurik: Does Russia ever publish casualty figures ? Will it this time ?

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Right on schedule.

- ”In recent years, relations between the two largest nuclear powers, Russia and the US, have nearly sunk to zero, but today we see potential grounds for the situation to be revised,” Slutsky, who heads the Duma Committee on International Affairs and leads the LDPR party, said during a State Duma plenary session.

”We are ready for a reset,” he added, while floating the possibility of re-launching the 'Duma-Congress' format or adopting a more effective framework. -


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Malofeev is a name that is again brought up by 'Events in Ukraine' attempting to explain the confused swirl and entangled webs of conspiratorial suspicion in Ukraine and Russia.


Is this guy actually not a yid or shabbos goy? If he's Orthodox maybe he's just helping the yids to defraud and destroy white people from another angle.

Regarding Trump, it seems he is surrounded by a horde of sleazy shysters, whose possible interests in Ukraine will probably 'trump' any other considerations, hence perhaps enabling arrangements to benefit the equally sleazy shysters around the Kremlin. It's just going to continue to be tough for the Ukrainian and Russian proles.

It seems that Trump and his family have created three crypto-coins, so they obviously expect the rubes to invest and enable them to float above the chaos if confidence in the fiat dollar collapses and there is hyperinflation, as some expect.

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Many on the " right" hang on to the false hope that China will rise up to be the next dominant power, that will break the Judeo / Zio/ US control of the planet, since the Chinese are too clever and too racially different for the Happy Merchants to ever take over power there. Sadly, they have limited historical knowledge and live in a world of hopes and dreams.

Fun fact: The US and China are not "enemies" and will only go to "war" when its time to finish off the US, a White nation. Similar to the "war" in Ukraine. Have fun reading.


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Jews are just one part. The most predominant masters of the world are probably the descendants of nomadic empires who have bloodlines in Russia to India and China. Putin and Shoigu are related the Golden Horde, while descendants of Qing dynasty still controlled the important posts in China. The best friends of these nomads are their Khazar brothers who pretend as Jews. Han nationalists are extremely against the CCP's policies on favoring minorities who have captured many important posts in China. For example, Uyghur Turks (nomadic empire) controlled the most powerful fighting forces in the PLA.

Religious Jews are irrelevant to those nomads pretending to be Jews for the sake of power. Just like Timur the Lame pretended as a Muslim to justify the resurrection of a Mongol Empire.

Communism rules over the world will mean the United Nations will be a giant Khannate.

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" Jews are just one part. The most predominant masters of the world are probably the descendants of nomadic empires who have bloodlines in Russia to India and China. "

True, the happy Merchants are just the middle management. The upper management class are more ancient then you propose , most likely Babylonian, Chaldean, or even as far back as Sumer. However, there seems to be a component much more powerful then any of them, which is what they all "serve" ultimately , even if they're not directly aware.

Religious Happy Merchants are much more dangerous then you suppose, especially when the Zohar and Kabbalah are involved " think Chabad", as they most likely posses fragments of "knowledge" that was acquired by them somehow, or given. This knowledge is what allows them to get the upper hand in the societies they infiltrate. Of course, this "knowledge" is not exclusive to the happy merchants, and is actually a remnant of something very ancient, most likely pre-flood. The "knowledge" is neutral and can be used for dark or light purposes.

The happy merchant " disease" functions both as a cult, and as highly sophisticated method of mind control designed to achieve an ultimate purpose, as evidenced by the happy merchants compulsive desire to achieve dominion over this planet. Many times , this virus / programming is not sufficient enough to fully subjugate the "spiritual " inside all humans resulting in a very high rate of mental illness in the happy merchant. Most times, the programming works as designed resulting in the inhuman actions committed by the merchants through out history.

One always misses the full picture if one only focuses on power, wealth, or empires. This goes way deeper.

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However, the violent overlords (nomadic brutes) are violent and willing to kill the merchants at a whim of betrayal. Soviets and Russians continually butcher Jewish merchants who are out of line with their nomadic rulers. That's why the Western section of world elites refuses to accept with Andropov's version of Convergence where the world elites will move to live in Eurasia because they fear nomadic brutes will kill them out of emotions.

Back in the last days of Song China, Mongke Khan was fed up with Chinese resistance against Mongols, so he planned to kill everyone in China to feed their corpses growing grasslands in China for horses. However, Yelü Chucai from Khitans (another nomadic empire) advised Mongke Khan to not kill all Chinese people but use them as slaves for tax collection. Chucai's advice saved China from extinction until Mao Zedong (from Hunan which was a capital of Xianbei nomads) killed most of the Chinese in the communist revolution anyway. Mao Zedong is the same person who was financed by Americans and Jews early on under the guidance from Lenin who also has a dubious connection to the Golden Horde's bloodline.

The anecdote of my story is that nomadic brutes are very violent and emotional. You can't expect to control them forever or even fool them because they will kill you at a whim. Happy Merchants are useless against swords that put them on exile for thousands of years. The most dangerous sect of "Happy Merchants" are the Khazars who pretend to be Jews and were nomadic brutes who excelled in espionage. Khazars are probably the most distrusted members in the ruling table of the Global Khannate. Khazars represent the higher level of elites who have monopoly on violence, control of money, and importantly knowledge of mystics. In China, there is also a similar force to Khazar Jews who is known as Tibet Llamas having great power in CCP. In India, you have some mystics from Mughal era. So forth,...

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Of what genetic stock are the "nomadic brutes" ?

Where and how did they acquire the "knowledge" I speak of above ?

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