It has been almost a month since I concluded our last fundraiser. The goal was simple: help Rolo finish raising $1k in one month for his writer’s salary or Slavland Chronicles goes into paywall mode. My readers actually delivered on what I asked for within less than three weeks and I backed down not shutting the blog down to the public and making it instead a sanctuary garden for my beloved and honored Slavland Stalkers only.
Since that time however, because I haven’t been aggressively fund-raising, there has been a slight dip in paid supporters. Also, after a conversation with my good friend Mr. Slavsquat, I realized that I had miscalculated Substack’s fees and so I was actually just short of the 1k mark when I called the campaign off even then.
Regarding the first setback, well, it makes perfect sense why this occurred. Like I said, I haven’t been threatening and coercing my readers every other post, so they naturally thought that ol’ Rolo had gone soft and that they could now misbehave and flout his Autocratic authority. You see, the ungrateful masses require a stern hand to keep them in line and I had given them too much slack. The fault is entirely my own and I accept full responsibility for letting up on the campaign of terror that I waged against my own readers.
I will remedy this immediately though, don’t you worry.
As for the second setback, the fault is, again, entirely my own. I should have realized that the Substack geld was higher than I thought. No man can make money without first making another man money. Work is not free. You must pay for the privilege of being allowed to work and make money in this world, regardless of whatever profession you find yourself in. It could be the expensive degree, the loan from a bank you take out, or the other businesses that you make rich along your own journey to wealth. Seeing as Substack is not violating any rules of our reality, I can hardly get mad at them for demanding their cut. In time though, once they establish a monopoly on alternative commentary, I am certain that they will begin demanding far more and also censoring far more heavily at which point I will be forced into exile once again.
But we will cross that bridge when we get there.
Also, because of how quick the developments have been coming in from Donbass and Ukraine and Russia, I have been forced into covering them day by day with hardly any time left over for my deeper and more insightful articles into the nature of the Russian elite, the hidden history that led us to this point and profiles with actual patriotic political actors within Russia. I have no problem providing either one or the other kind of commentary and, ideally, I ought to be doing a bit of it all. If I don’t raise the money I need by the end of this month, I will simply shift the balance of content to more in-depth deep dive articles for the Stalkers, which they seem to prefer anyways.
So, either I get 20 more paid subs by July and keep the more “news” oriented format we have now, or I go paywall-only and provide deeper level content for the deserving few.
That’s the plan then.
I will let the people decide, as usual.
In general, if we look at the top-earners here, we see that they share some traits in common.
First of all, the successful writers only allow themselves tame, milquetoast opinions and commentary. In other words, they are all centrists. That is, they are extreme left-wing radicals, actually. Because the Overton Window has shifted so radically to the far left in recent years, they went along for the ride and only got off one or two stations to the right of the elite consensus, away from where the train stands now. The masses reward them for this bravery by showering them with money, naturally.
Secondly, they are almost all establishment figures that have fallen out of favor for one reason or another in recent years. All of them bear the system’s credentials like medals of honor on their chest and are quick to remind their readers of how faithfully they served the system that they now reject (partially). The masses will only listen to critiques of the system that they hate by people who were part of it until very recently, also naturally.
Thirdly, they all dangle justice and redress in front of their readers like a carrot on a stick. Some day, they tell us in as much words, trials will be held. Documents will be exposed. Politicians run out of office. New laws passed. Problems fixed. Until that day though, they continue gathering evidence of elite misdemeanors to present at the future trial, they continue waiting for the new leaks which will prove that the elites are corrupt, they continue voting and cajoling others to vote out one elite for another, and so on. Nothing could be more natural, unfortunately.
Now, I understand why this formula works and I don’t deny that it works.
I do think that it is a scam and a control mechanism from top to bottom though.
See, the masses have found their Emmanuel Goldsteins and that is enough for them. The cleverer ones know they are being fooled, but they realize that they need to be fooled anyways to be able to function day to day or just to have something to talk about and make the days go by, I suppose.
In contrast, what I and a handful of others do in our respective domains is quite different. We like to point out that there won’t be any trials (at least for the elites) and that Emmanuel Goldstein goes to the same synagogue (a metaphor, I’m sure) as the people that he is supposed to be fighting against.
As a result, the masses like to gnash their teeth and fume at us. This is because, unlike their actual enemies, who hold real power, people like us, who are not in elite (controlled or otherwise) are within the range and ability of the peasants to lash out at. I often liken the situation we find ourselves in to a prison where the guards are off-limits and so desperate prisoners prefer to shank one another instead.
All this is to say that I totally get why far fewer people want to support writers like myself who refuse to sell them 5D narratives of good guy white hat deep state patriots in America, Russia or Capricorn 6 secretly saving the world.
Because of that, more is expected from the few people who do pursue the truth and aren’t allergic to hearing it, unfortunately. Yes, that means you guys.
Ideally, in the future, like-minded writers could just combine their efforts and create shared publications that focus on a certain topic and ease the financial burden on the readers that way. Astute observers will realize that I am describing a newspaper. Imagine if you could subscribe to one blog about Russia where you could get Slavsquat’s bioterrorism/WEF coverage, my political deep dives, someone else’s sober battlefield analysis, another writer’s economic commentary and so on all in one place and for one price.
This is doable, technically and theoretically.
But it would require people coming together in the spirit of cooperation and shared mission. It requires writers being team players. Me, I am a team player and I have the data to back it up. Every single writer that I have recommended or supported here on Substack has gotten more subscribers from me than I have from them. Every single one. There is only one exception, the aforementioned Mr. Slavsquat, with whom we are exactly tied. Also, my early readers were sent over by him for which I am very grateful.
So the ball is in other writers’ court. It will take a big name coming forward and leading the effort to make it happen. And if you like the idea, consider cajoling the big names to consider the proposal.
In the meantime, the terror campaign to get me back up to the 1k a month in writer’s pay that I thought I had is officially back on again!
Hand over the funds and the terror will end!!
This time for sure!!!
Dammit where is the subscribe button? I am already subscribed but cannot figure out how to up the ante. Patreon does not tell me where the money goes and it is not through PayPal who does tell me.
Ok, addendum. For those who wish to increase the amount dedicated to Rolo, click on "Rolo" which takes you to a Substack home page, click the Subscribe button and that opens a view of your plan. click on the amount and enter your generous contribution to our most prized observer of things Russian and international who is not afraid to point out pernicious influences.
I've seen it done that only paid up members can comment.
Worth a try?
This blog is having an impact - I've seen what is posted here reflected elsewhere.
People are watching Rolo.