Confession time(once again...SIGH): Up until I stumbled upon this blog a few months ago, I was a shameless fanboy of The Duran. Lord knows what gets into me. I'm not a particularly naive cat when I prowl the streets. But online, Christ man, am I a sucker for a fancifully spun yarn. I've been much more skeptical of their rants as of late. Yesterday sealed the deal: at the beginning of Alex Christophoro's walk and talk he emphasized quite emphatically that Shoigu was "PROMOTED! He was promoted, not fired! There is absolutely NO friction between him and anyone else at The Kremlin!" I had just read Rurik's post from yesterday a mere half hour before playing Alex's video, which had been part of my morning tea/coffee/breakfast routine. That was it. I closed that tab on my computer for good. Had done the same for Larry Johnson's site two months ago. I'm sloughing off all my useless epidermal layers, it would seem. One step closer to selling all my worldly possessions, tramping my way to wherever Rolo hangs his hat to sit outside his front door and wait for him to invite me to audition for his cult.

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"the candidate has to stand outside for three days and three nights"

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Why did it take so long? The Alex lies became obvious fairly early on , in the first three months of the SMO.

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I had come across literally no dissenting sources of what I perceived to be credible information. There was what the American power structure wanted us to believe , and I knew that was garbage. Once I found The Duran and The New Atlas and McGregor and Johnson and Ritter and all the rest It became a matter of adhering to the maxim, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." I also wanted to believe that The Kremlin really had meant to throw a spanner into the works of the W.E.F., even though I knew that Putin had been nut-to-butt with that clique for a good many years prior to 2022.

I'm trying, man. I'm trying. I don't know anyone in the actual world who is trying as hard or harder than I am to figure out what's really going on, so I'm left to my own devices to see what passes the sniff test, and that's hard to do through a screen.

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Well Josh the old enemy of my enemy is a potent force and it is that which is keeping the hopium burning for most sheeple. Myself I have known for a long time now that there are no saviours, no good guys riding to the rescue, I was a pro Putin/Russia guy as well until the obvious failure of the SMO and then major questions needed answering. Lucky I found old mate Rurick and I think he is stearing a pretty straight course through all of this mayhem. He is the only one that I know of that seems to have a handle on what is happening. I have new rules now for which commentators I watch. First they must speak and read the language of the country they are analysing and they must have lived and worked there for some time, secondly they must have also lived and worked in the West as well. I find that criteria works fairly well but it is not perfect. That runles out all the in it for the money folk like Escobar and the Alex's. I think it is really healthy to be looking around all the time and not just listening to the same band all the time. Some 'analysts" and Escobar comes to mind immediately have been beating the same drum for so long you know what they are going to say every time. Predictability is definitely a sign of propaganda. Also our man here has so many in depth articles here exploring and explaining the names and personas , their past and their present situation , it is really a gold mine. When has Ritter ever spoken about Girkin and the forty questions? Like never , I expect they get an email ever day or so outlining what they should say. One really has to be pretty dim to continue to just beleive their shtick. Anyway nice to make your virtual aquaaintance, Tazz.

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And a pleasure to make yours as well, sir.

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the depth and richness of the articles here. There was something about the enormity of their scope and nature which put my preternaturally skeptical mind in a state of "welcoming" I'd have to call it. I kept asking myself, "If this guy is suggesting I might benefit from accepting this information, in what way might it be to my detriment if I do?" I kept coming up blank. Then I applied the same to what is presented on The Duran et all. I ruminated on the near ubiquity of their underlying message, "W.E.F. BAD! BRICS GOOD!" Oops! Saw the danger in being led down that path right quick. The only reason I kept watching The Duran was for the comparison and contrast with what I am learning here. It also became kind of neat to hang around after having confounded my groomer's machinations employed against me, to try to pick up on what it what that I found so appealing about their ploy, so as to perhaps recognize those same sorts of tactics in the future, and, hopefully, have my early warning system be better prepared.

Thanks for taking the time to address me personally and particularly for not just lambasting me as a "DUMBASS!" There is an absolute plethora of that profane and caustic discourse in the comment sections of so many websites. It is infantile to the nth degree and serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

Take care. See you in The Zone, fellow Stalker.

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Good for you, Bro!

The hunt for truth requires one to be as persistent as a dog with two dicks. Just keep going and you'll get there eventually :-)

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When Mercouris and Christoforou interviewed Jeffrey Sachs many months ago now, I dropped my locals sub and stopped listening to them. I told one of their moderators why and left a comment on locals for them as well.

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No doubt many shredding machines in Moscow are running hot and folk are flying to Zurich with cases of gold and cash.

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Go to 22 minutes. This is who put Putin into power.


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I think that I wrote in another post (Edward's?) the translation of the russian "Belousov" into the german "Weissbart". Hm. What does this tell to us?

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Oh no..

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It usually pays to be cynical, but I think one should see what Belousov does before writing him off. As much as the SNO has been completely bungled, there seems to have been a degree of economic competence keeping Russia above water w/ all the sanctions.

Just on physiognomy alone he looks like a hard-nosed colonel or a senior engineer from back when Lockheed delivered competent stuff like the F-16. The "REM" thing reminds me of "Babylen" from Pelevin's Generation P, and strikes me as somewhat characteristically Soviet.

Not saying to go full RWA, I'm just saying give him a chance.

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ok but 1) he doesnt look like a hardnosed colonel he looks a pointdexter weasel

2) it is soviet

3) i like your name i too appreciate plutarch

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This you're my hero post near the end is revealing. And having to watch REM videos is unfair - they may just be much later than any real music ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLxpNiF0YKs This is clearly Satanic. From a purely secular perspective. Lightning,gay cowboys yeah yeah yeah.Strobe. It's lame. Can I say gay/goy Andy ? I mean you are preaching to the choir -although you frown upon these things and would rather indulge in obscure metaphysical crap while the world burns. Your dad memes were excellent. It's all theatre Wikkel spies

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Well, your doom is consistent. The new guy, worse than the old guy. We shall see.

"Thankfully, I am currently working on a mega-essay explaining everything I can about how Andropov detonated the USSR and set up the current government that rules Russia and why. Stay tuned for that. It will be a game-changer in the discussion."

Please, please, pretty please.. EDIT the new essay. Keep it short and focused. Link to reputable sources for a change, not the crap sources you often find.

Looking forward to this "Rurik."

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There does indeed appear to be a lot of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAoSRZsRwKg for Shoigu. Unfathomably for Trump too, watching MSM.

The spike protein could be afoot.

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Sucharit Bakhdi was one of the first to both notice cognitive declines in the vaxxed and back it up with a credible mechanism.

Where is he nowadays? He said he was going back to Thailand

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The outlook appears to be grim, many similarities to HIV.

My goto sources are:






Following these people and their references will get you up to date.

You may learn more than you want to know.

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Hi Brunswickian,

I loosely follow wmcresearch. Qualitatively, it looks pretty grim. Quantitatively, AFAIK the death rate remains elevated at +7% per injection. It's possible this may head towards zero over time, in which case the losers are a) those that didn't make it that far and b) those who spent time worrying about it.

I avoided the first category and I'd like to avoid the second too :-)

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