I enjoyed reading your thoughts. To start, joe Biden is no North Star in this country. He does however represent the loud, ultra liberal, neofeminist movement that now seeks to be more like men. Go figure?

I disagree, likely due to my own experience, that Liberalism is inherently weaker than autocracy. By its nature, it is exposed to its adversary, autocracy. It may be injured. But, to suppose that life and people are living best under autocracy versus democracy belies any evaluation based upon outcomes.

We all live on this beautiful rock together. We all can admire each peoples abilities and attributes. Our lives thrive when we work together rather than against. But, what to do about those that divide us? Life is not so binary in the end.

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I am more and more curious by what you mean by the term 'liberalism'?

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From what I see, women are not normally enforcers of liberal values. The feminists are, and they hate women as housewives, mothers and wives.

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