Big Serge Reckons That There Are Now 500K Ukrainian Casualties
The RETARD Chronicles: Part 1
I remember when 200k was the number that I was lampooning.
But it seems that the new 5D number of Ukrainian casualties has now ballooned out to a staggering 500k.
Again, as I have pointed out before, that’s pretty much 90% of the Ukrainian military.
And yet, despite having lost its entire military, Russia remains bogged down against Ukraine, making minuscule gains banging its head against the wall in Bakhmut for no discernible reason or strategic objective whatsoever.
Big Serge, as you may know, got his start in the summer when he started copying The Saker’s analyses word for word and got an approving nod from the don and several reposts and links from the entire 5D Boomer mafia.
He slapped on an Orthodox cross, drank some 5D kool-aid and was then immediately accepted into the familia alongside Lira, Martynov, Raevsky and some other clowns whose names I’m forgetting now. Also, like all of these bloviating fools, his connection to Eastern Europe seems tenuous at best.
It’s really incredible the kind of slop you see sloshing around on Twitter. The only option that you have is #NAFO poison and delusional low-IQ plan-trusters like the Big Serge. I regret not lying to delusional peasants to get more clicks and upvotes now lol. There’s serious money to be made in that grift! The more insane your claims, the more eagerly the slobbering swine gobble it down!
Alas, I’ve officially staked out my position in the doom-faction. My integrity is intact … but at what cost …
Although, I think I might try writing some fake articles about hmm … say … fake super weapons or or or get this - a secret 2 million strong Russian army being massed in Belarus! Yes, that ought to fatten the piggies up quite nicely, don’t you agree?
I’ll think about it. I don’t really have time to write fake articles at the moment because I actually have some serious stuff that I want to get done. But I’m seriously considering it.
Anyways, another key lesson here is that adopting the right ideology or religion or political positions doesn’t make you or anyone else any smarter. A retard remains a retard no matter what holy book he thumps, manifesto he subscribes to or what political team he cheers for.
The right is happiest when it is optimistic. The left is happiest when they are trying to stop the Armageddon du jour. So while the left is waving its pride or Ukrainian flag while eating bugs so that we all don't die from climate change, the right is convinced some major victory is just around the corner so no need to worry.
An incomplete list:
no need to worry about the left's victories because gun owners are going to team up with the military and police to take back the country.
No need to worry because Q says to trust the plan.
No need to worry about the election being stolen because Trump is going to cross the Rubicon.
No need to worry about Russia because the minute that ground freezes Russia is going to launch a blitzkrieg to kill the remaining dozen or so Ukrainian soldiers that they haven't already killed.
Again, all Americans understand is sports and Hitler. If you're not spouting a "WE'RE WINNING" or "(insert bad guys here) are getting DESTROYED" narrative, you must be one of them. No real room for rational pragmatism.