Jan 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

My personal speculation here is that the Kremlin is in fact totally pro Ukrainian and they see Ukraine as something like their own bridge to Western Zog. That is what they didn't want to lose. This explains why the Kremlin was so aggressively anti Russian spring, killed the Patriotic Donbass commanders, ignored the pro Russian opposition in Ukraine and supported the likes of Medvedchuck, didn't skip a beat in recognizing the post Maidan government etc. That is Moscow was more or less happy working with whoever in Ukraine and was supportive of Ukraine being anti Russian and pro Western because the Kremlin xenocratic overlords are anti Russian and pro Western Zog.

The Kremlin does have one unwritten but very observable rule. It's like the слово пацан rule. Они не бросают свой. That is they don't abandon their own. It's just their own doesn't include patriotic Russians. It's the likes of Medvedchuck and yes even Zelensky. Let's compare how the RF conducted the 2nd Chechnyan war with the special needs operation. The Kremlin had a plan, put Kadyrov in charge and keep Chechnya as part of the RF. The Kremlin foisted all kinds of cucked rules on its own troops and it's objectives were bad for Russia but they executed the plan ruthlessly enough. Anti Kadyrov Chechnyans were slaughtered and the leaders of the rebellion hunted down tirelessly. What I'm getting it is the RF can execute a regime change when they want. In Ukraine this isn't what they were after with the SNO. They wanted to force Western Zog to play again by this unwritten rule, the oligarchs are never touched. Western Zog started violating this implicit understanding when they went after Medvedchuck and his network.

Remember what I said about the Kremlin being pro Ukrainian and seeing Ukraine as an important bridge to Russias own integration into Western Zog. When Western Zog started going after the Kremlins own in Ukraine, excluding them and hounding them to the Kremlin this was a violation of the hands off the oligarchs agreement and it showed that the Ukrainian bridge to the West was being dismantled. The Kremlins whole goal was going up in smoke, throwing out and hounding the pro Western Kremlinites in Ukraine was a loud message that Western Zog wanted nothing to do with THE KREMLIN. I'm going all caps there because saying Western Zog wants nothing to do with Russia means nothing, the Kremlin also wants nothing to do with Russia. By going after the Kremlins made men in Ukraine this was a strike at the Kremlin and it's goals to integrate into Western Zog. The SNO was launched by the Kremlin to get their bridge to the West and seat at the table back. That's the only thing that makes sense and puts all the stuff Lukashenko, Putin and the Ukrainians have said about the agreement in perspective.

It explains why Ukrainian songs are sung on the federal channel, why the Kremlins propagandist are more supportive of the Ukrainian language than Arestovich, why the Kremlin doesn't touch Ukrainian infastructure while it's soldiers are dying because VSU has no problems with supply, why they still let Ukraine ship it's grain, why they pay Ukraine gas transit fees and don't touch any of the national leadership, how Ukraine implicitly knows who it's safe to assassinate in Russia.

As for the very modest amount of territory that Russia has liberated it means nothing. They were willing to give back Crimea so they will be willing to give back Mariupol, what they have in Herson and Zaporozhye etc. Like our esteemed blog overlord said many months ago the war is just about the Kremlin trying to get its seat at the table back. Western Zog has rejected the Kremlin and the Kremlin is throwing a "take me back I'll do anything" tantrum. The tantrum alternates between empty tough guy talk and servile sobbing about how their ex lied to them but they are ready to make up.

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Jan 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Pull the Self-Impaled from their own crosses...About the most difficult mission there is. Everyone wants some kind of "hope", been that way for as long as wars and ruin have been. Occasionally something good will happen for the betterment of us fly-over deplorables, never in great measure though. A friend and I often make a bit of fun at some "news" events by saying to one another, "Sooon!"...(in nodding gesture to the QAnons). I just am absolutely disgusted by seeing so fucking many of Our People kill and die for the goddamn Tribe...it never ends. I appreciate you doing your part, Rurik, thank you. "Acceptably" happy new year! ; - )

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Jan 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thank you right back, you’ve provided some of the best analysis & most original commentary available anywhere 👍👏👊

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For years (before the SMO) Putin was referring to the west as “Our partners”

I wondered wtf (not world trade federation) but what da?

Now it seems the purpose of all this (ash-aka) Nazi nonsense seems to be the culling of as many white people, preferably males, as possible on any side.

The ancient ethnics know if this creative and predominant subset of humanity is decimated then subjugation and depopulation of the rest is a “doddle”

This time a pre-conflict jab sterilisation program may cancel out the spoiler effect of a post-war baby boom.

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Jan 2Liked by Rurik Skywalker

There used to be lots of Americans who boasted that they had so many guns that no one could take their freedoms. Now they still have all their guns, but none of their freedoms.

Here's a cautionary tale from history relevant to American or Russian patriots who may have ideas above their station in relation to the state:


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Jan 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Might not have been the Z line for a while, but I definitely remember the Bird-Man saying way back when that Russia had no interest in Novorussia - reason being that it was basically a failed state full of inbreds (or something to that effect), so there was not much to gain and the motherland could do without the drain on resources.

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I think you talk too much. You love words. You love talking, writing, thinking.

And indulge yourself too much.

It's not about you. It's about us. You said so. You constantly say so. Berating, pleading, cajoling.. whatever.

You have something quite simple, serious and factual to say.

But saying things in a simple, serious and factual way conflicts with your desire to play with words and make flights of fancy and dramatic illustration etc...

So the guts of the matter is you need to discipline yourself.

I think you're mainly, here, about this:

" Moscow is run by an occupation government largely in cahoots with the globalist agenda being promoted by Washington and Tel Aviv "

Right? If so then be clear about that, I would suggest. I had to poke through the entrails of your prose until I found it. And I'm still not sure I've found 'it'.


It's all good fun I hope. Though your shortage of a dollar sounds pretty extreme. I've been there, know what it can be like, still there in many respects. Just gotta get things sorted. We all do. Prioritise my old mate Bill used to say. I didn't have a clue what the f*** he was talking about. My priorities were clear: grog first, joints second, women third... over the years their ranking changed but they didn't.

Now I realise Bill meant something entirely different.

You're doing a good job. I think. :)

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My take away has generally been consistent with Livci’s and Brogard’s comments here. What I’m trying to reconcile is the US turning off the money spigot. To hear RS tell it, Kremlin LLC is on the ropes, yet the money flow from the west seems to be running out because Ukraine is allegedly falling apart. The cynic in me says that both sides are putting up a front to cover up that the oligarchs have brokered a deal, and the story that the west is turning off the money and weapons and that Russia is worn out are just aligned cover stories for whatever deal was cut. But RS’ point about audience / populace fatigue is well taken. I am finding it increasingly hard to give a shit about which evil gang of bullies beats the other. I feel bad for the people caught in the middle, but then again at some point people have to say enough is enough and effect the change they want to see, or die trying.

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Just one question: why then holding referendum in the Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts? Whats the point?


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Esoteric Hitlerism with Imperial Shintoist Miyazaki Aesthetics and Civil Values.

Overlay it on German organization, American eccentricity and Slavic impulsive, wily pragmatism.

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