May 26Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I’m glad I stopped listening to Ritter, McGregor, Lira, et all years ago. I got sick of them being constantly wrong. I’m glad I found you Rurik with your impressive strike rate of getting shit right

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I know what you mean. There’s a lady on Twitter

@Samstwich_Sam that replied to Ritter telling her to do “more research” by posting this comment and interview with him:

“ I used to listen to @RealScottRitter's interviews all the time, until he bad-mouthed Russell Bentley! I've never listened to Scott Ritter since. Russell was a great man who put his life on the line for good causes, and Scott trashing him revealed his true colors!”… then she posted this interview with Russell: https://rumble.com/v2uyvry-june-18-2023.html


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Critter is a low life. Russell was delusional but that is fine , he was courageous and actually got of his keyboard and did shit. Thanks for the link.

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You’re welcome!

Russell Bentley’s life and death could be a movie or a documentary. There are people- a lot- who could produce it.

People from that region might not want to be interviewed, but a whole lot would jump at the chance to talk about their lives and their connections to him & the broader world. 🌎

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May 26Liked by Rurik Skywalker

When I read your headline "COWARD! Putin Has Hit a New Low With the Recent No-Response to Kiev's Attack on Nuclear Facilities," It made me laugh. "Skywalker is loose and he's terrifying the villagers."

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Well if the RF hasn't been dissolved and broken up before the next war in Ukraine or Belarus kicks off than maybe the MoD purges will really pay off. Maybe Putin did the SNO knowing that Shoigu would fail miserably and he just needed to get Belgorod and Crimea bombed, Finland and Sweden into NATO and the Russian military humiliated so that he could justify promoting Shoigu and arresting some of his underlings. If that's true than the Patriots are still in control at least.

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Rurik, the big problem with you is that you are depressing AF. Because what you write is true AF. Took me a while to get it. That's why it was so bizarre in the beginning (when I still was consooming Complicatius & Co.). I don't know where all this will end. Still hoping for a miracle TBH.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

well in my defense i think the humor and memes helps soften the blow a bit

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May 26Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Of course. Humor helps us keep up with grim reality. Carry on.

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lol. Well said

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Do you want the truth or something hopeful?

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What a colossal clusterfuck all round. Pity the poor canon fodder on both sides.

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Hi Tazzy,

I'm afraid that it goes much further that the canon fodder on both sides on the front (whether in Ukraine or Sudan, at least at that point). When we are dealing with nuclear weapons, we are all concerned .

The blow that Russia suffered in those strikes is considerable, colossal. It has in fact no precedent... Russia is now somehow half/ fourth blinded in the perspective of a nuclear threat, be it from NATO or... Israel.

It is the very security of the country, it's nuclear doctrine, that has been damaged and that is for real.

Let's compare it to a man to man fight which begins limited by fist and where one of the fighter suddenly takes a sword. Russia made clear it was testing it's nuclear readiness in the last weeks, like saying, "we could take our swords out" and the conflict could become very deadly and it's now like the "anal/satanists" pepper sprayed Russia and took their own swords...

Such a level of destruction is unprecedented.

I mentioned the cosmic menace life on earth is facing, like the delirium of the red heifer messianic Jews in another comment because of the same intensity. The world economy is about to collapse (for real that time), people in the West are disgusted with their "rulers", we have been poisoned, sprayed from the sky, our IQ is falling and super volcanoes are about to blow...

I don't know if Putin is a coward or if that is the best qualification. Is Russia ready to start to blow the whole earth, because, WHAT SHOULD BE THE LEVEL OF ANSWER to the level of attack the Russian Federation have suffered?

I posted a video of a French speaking Rav, does anyone need a translation? It's like, in the end:

"All the powerful country would try to avoid a global war because they will see that only Israel would benefit, but as their demented "sage", speaking prophet like, "they'll be forced to enter war"...


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I used to be as blue as you are but not any more. Change is the very fabric of the universe , it is unstoppable , relentless, let it all happen , nuclear war as well if that is what is in the pipeline , it is inevitable that the world will go to war , it always has and always will. There is no point being conflicted by reality , we are all powerless to try and stop the flow of events, sit back and witness the great show , suffering about it is not necessary. I still feel for the fallen and wounded but.

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We are on the same line my friend and if we still feel for the fallen, the wounded, the raped, the wronged, the tortured, the broken, it is because we aren't psychopaths. It may even have a link with the wrath of the universe, maybe, maybe not. At least, the Universe is not hateful, sadistic, child rapist...

Yes, we are in for the great show.

It will start again, like before and we will meet our mate, sing together, go hunting...


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Why can't Russia defend itself inside it's borders? Putin and co. constantly wave the nuclear threat but yet they are not even prepared for a nuclear clash from the looks of this. Such hubris on all sides.

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I'm not totally on board with your way of thinking.

The primary duty of a leader is to keep his country out of a war it can't win. So, Putin has to ponder the question: what happens if he takes an escalatory step like shooting down EU drones, and the NATO/EU kept doubling down? If Russia is not able to take on a full-blown conflict, it's better not to bluff.

My estimation (I'm no authority) is that it takes a country roughly two years to go to a complete war footing, including sweeping out the military deadwood and putting in commanders who know how to fight. What happens if Putin escalates and the West does go on a war footing? What will the battle theatre look like in 2 years? If Putin cannot envision a path to victory if the West mobilizes for war, Russia is better off not starting along that path.

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Correct. It is better to eat some humble pie that lose everything and that applies to all sides.

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I really do wonder whether or not I ought to experience any sort of shame at all for sitting around idly and watching the entirety of Western civilization crumble into a giant, smoldering dung heap. It's certainly amusing on its own merit and it for damn sure is revealing an entire treasure trove of information regarding what the ultimate goal of The Masters of the Universe seems to be. Still, though, I'd like to find a way to organize some concerted efforts to confound the machinations of our overlords, in ways both profound and petty. One thought which just occurred to me would be to have patriots in smaller municipalities all over the U.S. convene conclaves and elect their own parallel governments to administer a more just interpretation of the Constitution within their town borders. We could have TRUE sheriffs deputize men of decided character to patrol our streets and mete out swift, merciless frontier justice to miscreants and ne'er-do-wells. Repeated shoplifting ought to be a capitol offense. Same with public inebriation. Ditto for property crimes and a whole range of infractions which seem insignificant in the individual occurrence but whose aggregate effect is making this country a truly rancid cesspool of vice and disregard for the peaceful aspirations of the well behaved among the citizenry.

Yeah. I really ought to make an attempt at putting together a little discussion group here in Moultonborough, NH and see what sort of sack these modern man-boys can muster up. What good are guns if they only shoot at inanimate targets?

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You would be arrested and imprisoned pretty quickly old mate. Remember the metadata ? It is impossible to organise anything unless it is by word of mouth and NOBODY posts online , it is impossible. There is no way out for the foreseeable future. We the people are powerless and losing power everyday. Israel has murdered thirteen thousand children but if you object to that you can be impisoned. Doing a Russell Bentley is about the most you can do but is Putin and Russia any better that what we got? The subways may be clean if you live in the the two cities but the politics are just as bad , only the anality is a bit less. Get used to everything going to hell and you being a powerless bystander and don't suffer over it because that achieves nothing . There are no saviours coming.

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Shoplifting a capital crime at a time when wealth inequality is probably the single most destabilizing factor in the US? 🤔 Being drunk in public is a human right too, unless you want to commit societal suicide and be like Muslims.

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Okay. Not capitol. I'll concede that is a bit harsh. Public canings, perhaps. Some sort of strong deterrent. I've worked in prisons. A good many of those jamokes prefer it in there. There's sex, drugs and all-expenses paid welfare.

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One week in stocks should probably do the trick - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stocks

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Dude go live in Saudi Arabia. I get the sentiment but it's not the way

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Yeah, the general public doesn’t need any more fear. These are highly reactive times. Highly engineered eactive times…

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Oh, brother, do I second every statement you made. I'm making no grand plans. Not for this life, anyways. When it all goes to pot, I'll take a month or two to finally dig into my books, take copious nature walks, subsist off of my meager rations until they are gone, and, then...I'll be gone. I'm okay with it all. Still, though, I'd like to get into a little more in the way of some get-back shenanigans if at all possible, but I doubt any truly legitimate targets will present themselves my way. They will all be either already dead or holed up in their compounds.

In the end, no one wins; not even "THEM." Pretty frickin' sad, really.

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Russia, like the US, depends on a strategic triad for nuclear deterrence - land, sea, and air. The land components are defended by those radars you mention - that's the Strategic Rocket Forces. Same thing with the land bases of the Russian Air Forces. And then you have the ICBM-carrying nuclear submarines, which are virtually undetectable and which carry enough firepower to take out the Western powers - and they don't need to come to the surface to fire their missiles. And it's a good bet that both sides have "dead man" switches, which turn over command of missile firing to the ship commander if regularly scheduled communication with Russian land-based command and control structures is lost - as in the case of an undetected attack. And that's a pretty powerful deterrent.

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Helpful graphics and maps here show the blind window created by the presumed loss of the facility at Krasnodar Krai. The claim being that missiles launched from the eastern Mediterranean could not be detected. E.g from Israel to Iran.


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https://youtu.be/K_jdfaI5dyQ?si=mPo6pN-jmWtJdpOR says all you need to know about the situation and strategic approach you've been talking about Rurik. This not war is certainly being fought like a not war.

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See I knew I put it in here.

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The Americans might make it as it ultimately shows Russia in a bad light , otherwise no.

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Stuff like that, yeah.

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To add to the tension, suggestions a second early warning radar targeted:




Some telegram Say he was down near the village of the radar

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🔥Katsapas report that in the Orenburg region the UAV hit the over-the-horizon radar "Voronezh M".

The radar is located 30 km from Orsk and 1,600 km from the border with Ukraine. In local publications, they write that one UAV reached the target.

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One of the main sources:

The enemy tried to strike again at the early warning radar of the Voronezh family , this time in the Orenburg region.

Thus, local publications reported today that a drone crashed near the village of Gorkovskoye in the Novoorsky district, not far from Orsk. Near this village there is an over-the-horizon radar "Voronezh-M" , built in 2017.

Moreover, if a drone flew from the territory of Ukraine, it would have to travel more than 1,500 kilometers and either fly over part of the territory of northern Kazakhstan or violate its airspace.

Let us recall that just a couple of days ago was attacked the Voronezh-DM radar station in the Krasnodar Territory , which led to its damage. These strikes coincided with the conduct of exercises by the Russian Armed Forces to test the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

There was no clear official response to the direct attack on the Russian nuclear security component, which was followed by a new attack.

Military Informant

t.me/milinfolive /122969

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What is the way, then, dude?

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seek out power. internal power. shakti.

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