Aleppo fell to the Turkish backed special policing force (humanitarian socialist Islamic morals) sent into Syria the other day.
I’ve been trying to tell people just how weak and incompetent and thoroughly bought out the so-called Resistance Axis is for years now. But even I didn’t expect this kind of resounding proof, if I am being honest.
Assad and his SAA is truly pathetic, although the memes are funny, admittedly.
Did he expect Russia and Iran to protect him? If so, he is even dumber than he looks.
Chances are though, he remains an active Western asset, or at least a significant part of his government is. Before he became a Resistance Leader, Bashar lived the high life in Western Europe, like all of these Resistance Middle Eastern leaders did, for some reason. He kept his money there too, as did other members of his clan.
Bashar is nothing like his father, Hafez, who was a serious operator.
At home, his clan controlled most of the major business monopolies in Syria and greedily milked the country for personal profit, alienating the old nationalist military types and both the Ottoman-era business cartels and the new Arab money in Damascus. In contrast, Hafez was able to keep the looting and the selling out to Washington to a minimum because of his hardcore strongman nationalist approach. With him gone, his preferred successor son dead too, the whole thing started to come apart at the seams.
Long story short: the Assads made themselves a lot of enemies in Syria and in Lebanon. Enemies that were more than happy to work with the Gulf States and Western spook agencies to carve out their own turf from under the Assad crime family’s domain.
Russia and Iran’s intervention into Syria were a flop, which is a proven fact now.
The Americans and their Arab allies were not pushed out of Syria. The Israelis were not touched, even though they simply stole Golan. The Kurd crime mafia continues to run amok, despite having oil-rich and crop-rich territory under their control. And the Turkish-backed groups kept their foothold in the NW, from which they launched this successful three-day SMO to take Aleppo.
In fact, the ceasefire that Russia and Iran signed with these various groups gave them time to consolidate and prepare, as it turns out. What were Russia and Syria and Iran doing all this time? Detonating the dollar? Creating Multipolarism? Freeing the chilluns’ from the Tom Hanks Hollywood tunnels?
No, they were sitting around sucking on their thumbs, as usual.
Every single conflict that the Kremlin has frozen and not finished has blown up in their faces. Donbass, Abkhazia, Georgia, etc. They will continue to blow up around Russia because that is what the Kremlin’s job is — to destroy Russia. And these never-ending Humanitarian-Abrahamic-Values-Morality ceasefires are one of the most potent tools in their arsenal to do it.
Turn on the English subs, they work fine.
Let me explain the purpose of these never-ending treasonous ceasefires. They are to demoralize, demobilize and destroy the non-Washington party to the agreement. In all of them, the enemy is given time to prepare while the people on the signing end of the treaty are barred from doing so, with the FSB hunting down any dissenters from within the so-called Axis of Resistance (at least in the Slavlands).
Case in point: Minsk gave Kiev almost a decade to militarize and modernize and create a new army from scratch. They succeeded beyond NATO’s wildest dreams. This is undeniable now. Even Putin and his cronies admit it. They claim they were “led by the nose!” ;^) — no clever plans here, folks!
Before that, Moscow signed a treasonous peace deal with the Chechens that gave them time to prepare and be trained and armed by the Turks, Iranians, Americans and so on to prolongue and exacerbate the Caucasus wars. Putin then hired all the old head-choppers into his new and improved FSB and gave them control over large swaths of Russia to milk as they saw fit. This angered the oligarchs who brought Putin to power in the first place and sewed the seeds for the anti-Putin campaign that they’ve launched against him since.
Similarly, the Syrian deals essentially consolidated the gains of the various rebel groups and Assad pursued a policy of EVACUATING REBELS TO ENEMY TERRITORY FREE OF CHARGE. At the time, this was called a geopolitical humanitarian masterstroke, of course! Because that is how all of these treasonous, cowardly, stupid, subversive, idiotic, RETARDED policies are spun out by the various ___Anon spook media operations.
Coincidentally, that is when I gave up on following the Syria conflict — it was too 5D, even for me.
Then, when they were ready (Trump about to enter office with a popular mandate to wage war in the name of Christian-MAGA Values) they suddenly reminded everyone that they still exist in Syria and are more prepared and armed than ever. Oh, and Putin had the leadership of Wagner liquidated and their personel have been getting liquidated in their hideouts in Africa and the Middle East by someone!!! feeding information to the enemy, somehow.
Here is a decent summary of what the Axis of Resistance was doing while Turkey was preparing their SMO:
Russia is struggling to contain a Syrian rebel offensive on Aleppo, as fighters make rapid progress towards the city centre.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that Moscow views the offensive as a violation of Syrian sovereignty and expects Bashar al-Assad's government to restore order as soon as possible.
Notably, he did not announce any Russian plans for de-escalation or suggest that Moscow would step in forcefully to back Syrian government forces, as it has in the past.
Turkish security sources told Middle East Eye that Russia was slow to respond to the developments on the ground because it had relocated most of its aerial assets to Ukraine to support its military campaign there.
This left behind a smaller force in Syria, insufficient to effectively counter the assault by led by the militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which began on Wednesday.
Omer Ozkizilcik, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank, said that while Russia attempted to curb the offensive by targeting select locations in Idlib and other areas of northwestern Syria, its efforts were insufficient to halt the offensive.
“Russia is not a bystander, but we are likely witnessing the limits of the Russian military,” he said. “The two-day performance of Russia indicates that much of its air force capability has been redeployed to Ukraine.”
'The two-day performance of Russia indicates that much of its air force capability has been redeployed to Ukraine'
- Omer Ozkizilcik, Atlantic Council
Ozkizilcik pointed out that satellite images from Russia's Hmeimim airbase in northwest Syria's Latakia province show a dramatic reduction in its air force presence compared to 2019.
“Reports from local sources on air activity show that Russia is primarily using older fighter jet models,” he added.
Tensions between Turkey and Russia have been simmering recently, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticising Ankara earlier this month for supplying drones to Ukraine that have killed Russian soldiers.
But they keep doing business with Erdogan, don’t you worry.
While Turkey is not directly involved in the Syrian rebel offensive, Ankara appears to be supporting the operation. [LOL]
Previous Syrian government offensives on opposition-held areas have displaced civilians towards Turkey’s borders, a situation that Turkish society is increasingly unwilling to tolerate.
Ozkizilcik highlighted that the Russian Air Force bombed a base belonging to the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) coalition of rebel groups. The base is located in a Turkish-controlled "safe zone", so Ozkizilcik described the attack as a direct message to Ankara.
Turkish involvement
Since then, HTS and allied forces have made significant advances, capturing large swathes of territory and rapidly progressing into the outskirts of Aleppo city.
Some rebel groups affiliated with the Turkish-backed SNA have joined the operation, although the majority of these forces have refrained from participating so far.
Turkish security sources told MEE on Thursday that the operation aims to restore the boundaries of the Idlib "de-escalation zone", which were initially agreed upon in 2019 by Russia, Turkey and Iran.
The way the rebels have conducted the operation - simultaneously breaching government-held territory in multiple areas - and the level of organisation suggest that Turkish security forces may have assisted in the planning stages.
And that they bought out key members of Assad’s kleptocratic and weak government.
Anton Mardasov, a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute (MEI), said there is little doubt in Russia that the HTS-led offensive was supported by Turkey, citing the rapid supply of ammunition and coordination with Turkish-backed SNA forces.
He also noted that training for first-person view (FPV) drones, which are being heavily used by Syrian rebels in their offensive, was reportedly conducted in Turkish-controlled areas last summer.
“It is likely that drone operators are somehow involved in the operation from Idlib, as HTS has limited experience with FPV drones,” Mardasov said.
“This should serve as a stark reminder to Assad of his actual capabilities, as his power has only survived thanks to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah - all of which are currently preoccupied with their own challenges. Assad, in fact, has twice rejected Ankara’s offers to normalise relations.”
Mardasov added that the Russian Air Force has been relying primarily on weak Syrian government intelligence to identify targets in an effort to halt the offensive.
He pointed out that most Syrian army units have recently focused more on trading and taxation than military operations and lack the skills required for modern warfare.
“In recent years, Syria has become a destination for Moscow to send ineffective generals, many of whom made serious errors in managing troops in Ukraine,” he said.
“Despite its involvement in Ukraine, Russia can deploy a few combat aviation units to Syria, but this will have little effect without an organised defence on the ground, followed by counteroffensives.”
If the rebels continue to succeed, Mardasov believes there will be significant reputational costs for Russia.
He suggested that Moscow may eventually take action, possibly involving the Africa Corps, the successor to the paramilitary Wagner Group, but said that it would take time to materialise.
Those guys are gone, by the way. They had to go. Wagner insulted the honor of The Shoigu and so had to be eliminated, Syria be damned!
I think Korybko had a great take on all of this:
I think what we’re seeing is a “Great Unraveling” in that a lot of these largely superficial partnerships, “alliances”, etc. are coming apart at the seams after coming under lots of strategically applied stress.
Some of the problems rest with Russia (ex: taking allies for granted or neglecting their interests), others with the ally/partner themselves (ex: Syria seems to have done nothing to improve its capabilities), but the fact is that the US saw it and exploited it.
A lot of it was foreseeable, some folks have been screaming at the top of their lungs about it, but no one wanted to listen. The spin was too good and they didn’t want anyone to ruin their buzz. Now everyone is suffering the consequences.
Meanwhile, Slavsquat states the obvious:
To me this screams: "Syrians really aren't that invested in Assad/the current regime, and its top brass are probably compromised/retarded".
There’s no way that even a semi-competent but sincerely patriotic govt could lose like this.
Notice how the same cast of character selling you lies about Putin and his great strategies were the ones who were claiming that Hamas would defeat the IDF with their tunnels. That Hezbollah would defeat the IDF with their rockets and anti-tank guns. That Syria would win because of Iranian and Russian support. That Iran would defeat an American invasion because Russia and China will support them.
Their job is to run cover for the kleptocratic, comprador elites who run these fake Resistance governments. They portray them as serious threats to the NWO, which then justifies the NWO crushing these countries! That’s the play! How can it be any clearer?
I wasn’t planning on covering this today.
It came out a bit rushed.
I’m busy editing podcasts, actually.
But I had to say something.
Another nail in the coffin of these fake “Resistance” narratives is worth commemorating, I’m sure you’d agree. I mean, why didn’t good ol’ Ritter with all of his friends in high places in the #Resistance foresee this happening, right?
No one knows!
Not even Putin's alcohol addled predecessor managed to make Russia appear so weak and militarily inept. The fall of Aleppo--after so much death & destruction in order to rid that city of the Salafi filth, only to have it recaptured by these same head choppers--is yet another ignominious milestone along Putin's road to perdition and Russia's ruin.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticising Ankara earlier this month for supplying drones to Ukraine that have killed Russian soldiers.
Wow did he just wake up from a coma?
One thing i know about Turks is that they will attack when they smell weakness, they are smart enough to fight via proxy and they know they got Putin by the balls. If they close the Dardanelles its game over for Assad and Russias Syrian expedition. Putin probably knows this so he has to continue to kiss the Sultans ass as he continues to humiliate Putin (they love doing that).
Anyway i don't really care for this middle east stuff anyhow. Just go watch on youtube the Battle of Kadesh 1300 BC and you see that they have been killing each other there since the dawn of time, even the super power of the day the Egyptian empire was fighting for Syria and couldn't keep control. The US policy from what i understand is just to keep Chaos and have so many groups fighting each other they remain weak while the US military supports the group that allows them acces to minerals and resources. The Turks do the same thing with those rebel groups, fighting by proxy and deny any involvement when they are accused by that sleepy fossil Lavrov.