Good that you can see the humor in this Kafkaesque situation. It's always amusing when bureaucrats try to figure out where to slot in outliers into one of their predetermined categories. "Nationalist hippy who speaks English fluently, hates globohomo, thinks Azov are gay, writes pro-Russian propaganda for free" ain't on the list.

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I like your style of writing - very entertaining and informative. Good parallels between US, Ukraine and Russia at the street level - like, "the Jews run the world".

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Good article. Humor works wonders. You make your own tooth paste, but mention being deprived of cigarettes. Hmm.

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Amazing that they're redpilled on the JQ. Them guards. Was anyone casually mentioning Zelensky being a jew and that thats why he's ready to fight to the last Ukrainian? Does anybody in the Russian sphere touch the subject of his ethnicity and dubious loyalty to Ukraine?

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Rolo I subscribed to the blog recently and was browsing through the old articles. It seems you've been harassed by glowies a couple times and I'm curious as to why you talk to them? Is there even an option to say nothing during these interviews or would that just get you red flagged and/or deported. I mean in the west the worst thing you can do is speak to them under pretty much any circumstances so is it different in the FSU?

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You need to describe us your way of life now. I never heard of this story of toxic toothpaste, however I did keto too. Will you dedicate an article to conduct здоровый образ жизни ? Please it would be interesting!

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