Jun 20, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

“...despite the fact that they have literally no say in anything of any value or importance in their country, they like to cling to the illusion that they do.” >

I know voting doesn’t change anything but I still do it because, well, what the hell am I suppose to do?? Not voting doesn’t change anything either.

As long as the strong man isn’t wearing a dress and trying to force me to give my kids experimental vaccines, I’m good. But alas, no strong man in sight so...?

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"Either the patient overdoses on refined sugars, fentanyl and politics, or he’s chained to a bed and forced to detox against his own will."

Powerful and true. From the east coast, in Kensington and beyond, to Skid Rows dotting the West we have a serious drug epidemic in the states. Being subsidized by taxpayers, no less. In middle America, an exploding obesity crisis is damning the young to lives of pain and calling it positivity. Farmers are either growing trash crops or paid not to grow, just buy it from China and work out inconceivable global debts and deficits.

People need to find their free will. Do what thou wilt means do what we told you. Get fat, sick, give us your guns, and go die alone.

Which way, modern man?

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Finally! Finally someone has written the truth of the mess we're in. Americans suffer from a mass delusion that voting matters, that political parties represent their voters, that anyone going to DC has any intention of changing the basic oligarchy, that 90% of the so called patriot voices out there aren't just grifters making a buck off of the people who are tormented by the oligarchy. The strong man is inevitable as there is no other way to remove a criminal oligarchy except by force and that force must inevitably be guided by one hand. And Americans will be giddy to have that Hand in absolute control if it means clearing out the criminals from DC.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I hope more people realize this, and I imagine they will as the situation becomes ever more absurd. Election ads from the 2000 election talk about the exact same issues as today (prescription drug prices, immigration, education etc.). Obviously no one has fixed these things then, and I think most people are at least semi-aware of the fact that only the big lobbies (MIC, FIRE sector, Oil, Big Pharma, etc.) have any real power in our "democracy". It would be great if more people realized that so we could stop petty political squabbling and direct our frustrations at the people who really deserve it instead of each other.

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"... at some point in history, the elites decided to gift the peasants yet another poisoned gift."

I love this way of putting it! Fits well in my map, where we are dealing with Poisoner Oligarchs.

They always used poisons to weaken and dominate their victims.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"Exceptional people who are capable of thinking about the consequences of their actions and going against social trends are few and far between and they are routinely hounded out of polite society. "

Now it's even worse since the advent of smartphones. Privacy as we used to know it is gone.

Say you live in a communist-style multi-storied apartment block. You will probably find that the busybodies who, invariably, are also living there have set up a neighborhood chat group. Next, quickly anyone who likes to mind his own business, and doesn't want to partake - i.e. sacrifice his time and focus span - in the communal gossip is singled out by the hens, who then will instigate the mob to potshot the unfortunate freeminded spirit. If he tries to defend himself, either verbally, energically, or by menacing to call the cops, the mob will become single-minded with a vengeance in scorning, hounding and ridiculing him until his reputation and selfconfidence are pulverised to dust. And they will stand proud for years of the achievement. For many among them, it will actually be the single meaningful thing they ever done in their life: "Yes I may lead a mediocre, filthy existence squeaking by day-by-day from check to check, but when I got together with the others and we punished that aloof fool who thinks he's better because he goes to the gym, has a degree and speaks of funny haughty things, then I felt so strong! The collective is so much better, who needs individual liberties that turn people atomised and weak! We subsume our life into the hive, we are the best!". (I am not having a pop at the collectivist beliefs of Rolo here!)

Seriously, internet connectivity everywhere has been the last nail in the coffin of decent living. Before 2008-2010 only a fraction of people was on the internet, so it was not that important and as a consequence needed not be censored\regulated. Then the herd got wireless access en-masse and we got to where we are today.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You describe a personality disorder similar to Stockholm syndrome, but on a mass scale.

Most people run around attempting to identify with the ruling oligarchs, if not socially then at least politically. They're psychologically incapable of accepting their peasanthood, and so fail to realize that their interests lie with the lower classes: they'd have to accept being deplorable.

Much better to imagine themselves as trendy and cool.

On the other hand, I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Back in the ancient days before the internet, most people did not really care about politics and didn't feel it was something important to their lives. Many people (especially if they didn't go to university) I met saw politics as theater.

At the time I found this frustrating because I was always interested in global current events and history. However there was little social credit to be gained by trying to talk about the Ukraine to your neighbor. Most likely he would just find you boring and avoid you. Trying to talk about politics in any detail was considered boring and antisocial.

Now I realize how good we had it then when people really didn't care that much.

After the dawn of the internet more and more people started seeing themselves as political pundits with strongly held beliefs on things they knew nothing about.

Then came social media. Now people get so much attention due to their stances they are driven to think the right thoughts on the current thing. Immediately!

The hunt for heretics had been an outgrowth of this.

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Nice piece of fiction, it has obviously nothing to do real world & history.

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I do not hang around non whites, and I don't hang around whites who do. I disassociate myself from any whites who follow sports (partly because it's frivolous and mindless), who fly university flags of any kind that celebrate some irrelevant team of subhuman ball chasers. When I hear some white pay lip service to not being racist, I am GONE. Don't need any. No, thank you. Had enough of white losers who are weak and WANTONLY stupid, who pretend they don't know we are being systematically hunted and extinguished. That is all you can do. I call it "Kiss My White Ass" philosophy. Just associate with whites who are not cowards and virtue signalers, and say good-bye forever to ALL those weaklings and cowards. I'm 50-something and none of them have EVER done me any good. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME.

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