Was wondering when the Slavlands blog would report the Shevtsova news... I stumbled on it a few days ago on the GREY ZONE telegram channel.

So... first they sack her because of the corruption in the Russian MoD, and next they let her fly away to the "enemy" so that she can take care of her estates that she bought with money that should've gone to equip the troops... Looks like the reforms are speeding up...

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I'm reading Decipher by Stel Pavlou, which is about a 12,000 year solar storm cycle that produces cataclysmic destruction on earth. It's got everything, Atlantis, pyramids, Antarctica, ancient underground cities, a lost language, carbon 60, you name it. It includes a great quote by Napoleon: "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Pretty much our motto here.

Anyway, solar weather, Auroras, the cult of Sol Invictus have all been in my milieu this month, and now Chizhevsky to research!

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I am game for the next solar cycle.

Слава Гиперборея

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I hope you have a big bunker.

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Just paid you. My subscription renewed the other day. Perhaps you can do the opposite of a PayWall and block out all mention of us becoming paid subs if we're already paid subs? Unfortunately, SubStack yet has that level of functionality.

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I think it's fairly obvious that Escobar is willing to be a mouthpiece for anonymous sources in the security/intelligence establishments of China and possibly Russia, in spite of what he publicly admits. His long history of English language articles extolling the BRICS alone corroborates this notion. He may also have other anonymous sources in Western governments.

I've often wondered what the true source of backing for the Asia Times was. That's where I first encountered Escobar's writing. ATimes had other shadowy writers like the pseudonymous "Spengler" whose writing implied that he was some reactionary Catholic conservative. Back in 2009, Philip Weiss outed him as David P. Goldman.

Goldman had quite an interesting background. He was chief economist for a Wall St investment bank, and also the formerly pseudonymous chief economics correspondent for the Lyndon LaRouche movement, which is famous for promulgating narratives about the British crown, the Rothschild family, the Bush family, and the CIA's involvement in drug smuggling.

David P. Goldman is now a proud Zionist and regularly attended religious services at a Park Avenue synagogue according to Philip Weiss:



What he was doing posing as a Catholic reactionary and working for the ostensibly anti-Wall Street Lyndon LaRouche movement is quite a mystery.

Hopefully, Escobar's history as an AsiaTimes correspondent isn't quite as enigmatic as David P Goldman's. To me, Escobar comes off as open book: He clearly presents himself as a a journalist with sources empathetic or close to China and Russia. But you can never be certain of what is undisclosed.

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Larouche as a name keeps popping up

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Pepe is a monstrous ego who gets the Royal Tour of Russia every once in a while for further inflation. The only upside is that he no longer quotes French post-modernists to show how clever he is.

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Prighozen...oh , I forgot his plane blew up.

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He shouldn't have been playing with those grenades!


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Sir all you do is talk about Z and their idiot ideas and conspiracy theories. This page is becoming too obsessed with Z and proving them wrong. Just give your analysis and ignore Z, it’s that simple.

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Have you seen the work of Raymond Wheeler, by any chance? He built on the work of Chizhevsky and others.

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No feel free to link

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"Yeah, fuck the fucking sun; I fucking hate it, too! Long live the beast."

"The night time is the right time. The night time is the right time. The night time..."

Gold star to any Stalker out there who can tell me which comedy album from the 90s the above quote is taken from.

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And no search engine cheating!

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Reality is the only thing that matters.

This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the powerlessness of the powerless.

Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who, each and everyone, promise to do the right thing.

Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on. In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall.

And we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Fascinating info about Chizhevsky. Thanks! Link for more info on that https://theperihelioneffect.com/

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Well, it depends on how far back with Escobar political analysis or political fantasies as you call them, you want to go. I’m talking about the period 2003 - 2005. And even before that in Southeast Asia, going back into the 90s. But I lost touch with him years ago.

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Pretty smart guy

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on form as always, ty sir.

must say i find the petty (in spirit - grand in material terms off) larceny of these officials a bit of a slog, especially given that they are obviously doing it all and likely more. all the same, the work needs to be done, so fair play to you for doing it.

the solar stuff at the end is a real gem and really interesting tangent. i've found Chizevsky's book as a starter but there appear to be many strands there to pick on.

would love more on the topic from you if you find the time.

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Maybe they are not working for the 'West'. It's all just a swamp of corruption, with the denizens trying to exploit each other to make money and gain prominence. Naturally the most yiddish win.

Robert Baer was a CIA case officer for more than 20 years. He became very disillusioned after he found Washington had lost interest in recruiting agents, and his bosses and their masters were only interested in covering their asses and getting bribed by those with connections who want to use the American state to profit their commercial interests. He wrote an excellent book, 'See No Evil', about his experiences, including in the Russian fringe countries.

A senior Russian officer asked him how Washington would react if a coup replaced Yeltsin with Lebed. Washington said they preferred 'Democracy', so you can blame Putin on them!

Also he has stories about corruption in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, as well as the self serving in Washington. A good read, from one of the guys who would have been doing the recruiting - if it had been allowed.

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P.S. Larry Johnson interviewed Baer recently on his new channel 'Countercurrents'. He's still bitter.

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Public influencers are what billionaires buy to push agendas and influence the public.

You cannot do this full time without a sugar daddy. There is no such thing as a part time revolutionary.

And revolutionary and political activity is not paid, except by billionaire sponsors.

Why are you doing it for free when everyone else is getting paid?

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