Keep up the good work young man. If it's any consolation I'm following about 125 different substacks trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in this world and you are the only one that has been able to hustle six bucks out of me to get me to be a paid subscriber, from my end that says a whole lot, when it runs out I'll re-up for a little longer. That being said I don't always agree with your perspective, but I do think your perspective has value

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We only criticize that which we would like to do better.

Or we cheer them on... GO ROLO!!!

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Re: your blog angst, the solution to it is you can just have 2 blogs, lol (obviously not connected). One where you state the truth to satiate your soul and one to cash in against the normie retards who are too dumb and stubborn to wake up. But maybe you are too ethical for that.

It is a good question though why some feel the need to wake up people who don't deserve and will likely never wake up at all. It's a calling I suppose, even though there is no thanks and no reward for it. To understand the world for what it is -- there is something noble in it, maybe on the spiritual plane. And also -- if you have or plan to have children in the future, or nieces or nephews or others you care about in the next generation, you have a duty to try to make the world a better place for them, imo, and not leave it in a state of smoldering ruin which is where it's presently all headed.

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Yeah, but I don't even believe that things can improve because I'm a perennialist and believe that the human condition is eternal and unchanging. So I have literally no logical reason for not simply becoming a sanctimonious, moralizing, two-faced hypocrite scammer.

If my audience is christians, I ought to thump the bible at them.

5d enthusiasts? I ought to write Tom Clancy style fan-fic for them about Putin and Xi.

And yet, I don't do it.

It baffles me. I can only conclude that it somehow violates my biological programming and higher mission in life, which I dont understand myself yet.

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"If my audience is christians, I ought to thump the bible at them."

It's funny you say this, because IMO this is what Anglin does. He knows his audience would be too small if he went full doomer, so he tries to have it both ways: sway the audience toward reality but throw in a bunch of Christian fluffy stuff to get donations and keep the lights on. I can't fault him for it.

"I can only conclude that it somehow violates my biological programming and higher mission in life, which I dont understand myself yet."

See Spengler's quote: "A thinker is a person whose part it is to symbolize time according to his vision and understanding. He has no choice; he thinks as he has to think. Truth in the long run is to him the picture of the world which was born at his birth. It is that which he does not invent but rather discovers within himself. It Is himself over again: his being expressed in words; the meaning of his personality formed into a doctrine which so far as concerns his life is unalterable, because truth and his life are identical.”

Maybe this is all just a love letter to yourself to figure yourself out.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Author

No, I think Anglin believes it. He's had a genuine coming to god moment, imo. Sometimes it feels like he's 5Ding, but I don't think that this is ever the case.

I think he is 100% genuine about his views on women, about improving relations with blacks, the you-know-whos, catholicism, pro-Trump, sino-friendship, etc.

I don't agree with everything that he writes, but I wouldn't ever characterize him as not being genuine or writing what he does for money and clicks.

For example, forcing the dissident right to embrace catholicism was a costly move on his part. Everyone I knew who was into his stuff IRL basically stopped reading his site after that. If he had kept it only vaguely Christian, maybe the backlash wouldnt have been so harsh. Idk. But he did it because that's what he genuinely believes in. Credit where its due. No 5D tricks here.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

Roman Catholicism is not Christian: it is works oriented, invented purgatory to keep the cash rolling in and is totally immersed in schemes for riches and power. If the Pope had the power of four hundred years ago, he will still be fielding armies to kill Reformers. I do not know the doctrine of Eastern Orthodoxy, but I see similar ornate costumes, icons, and buildings which are the very antithesis of a Christian church. Church = congregation, the people.

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He does not accept the pope... or the poop as he calls him. That is a no-no?

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seeing as the poop is literally the incarnation of the Holy Spirit in our world, how can you not accept him and be catholic?

did yahweh fuck up by allowing this current poop to be elected by the cardinals?

trust the plan!

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Yahweh drowned everything to death... trust the plan or call him a psycho?

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I had one of those a few years ago... I think. I was filled with an overpowering joy that took over my body. An intense sweet feeling like pure love. Lasted a week or so, then sporadically returned in small doses.

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I dunno man, see this tweet of his today: https://twitter.com/WorldWarWang/status/1642522852346970112?s=20

So because lightning hit the lightning rod of the World Trade Center that means God is in control? Huh? He's a very smart guy, why would he write such 80 IQ drivel?

I am not trying to shit on Anglin here. He's one of my favorite bloggers, both because he's so entertaining and because of the Handicap Principle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_principle . i.e. it's easier to determine who one can trust if they've suffered for their beliefs.

The other aspect of this is that the black pill is *very* hard to hold onto. It generally makes one want to become suicidal or sociopathic. This is why many, including maybe Anglin (*definitely* Roosh), turn to religion as a way to stay sane amidst the gloom and despair.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Author

Well I think you can be high IQ like Anglin and Roosh and others, but when religion enters the picture, you start using your IQ in strange ways.

So, with Yahwehism, you have a conclusion in search of proof.

All that brainpower is spent trying to justify and come up with convoluted explanations to justify your beliefs. Thats how we got Theology, which is just Talmudism or lawyering in all but name.

Imagine a suped up AI. You can basically task it to solve any problem and using its mega circuit brain it can solve the problem. The only thing the AI can't do is change the task that it was assigned. So you can task it with gathering every single stamp that has ever existed in the world. And it will literally move mountains to fulfill that task.

This is how religious people work as well. They have accepted a given task: proving their religion and then use their brain cells or lack thereof to justify their conclusions. They basically turn into bots is what I am saying because only a true human can question whether or not the given goal is worth pursuing or whether or not an unprovable conclusion given to them on faith is worth defending in the first place. Those that accept conclusions given to them by the experts on anything that cannot be questioned become indistinguishable from bots and I think normal ppl feel that something is off when we have to put up with a true believer in our presence. We even say "hes like a robot/zombie". They lose their humanity.

Doesn't mean they're not smart though. I'd say both of them and some others are smarter and better writers. But then, AI is better than me at most things too...

I mean look at how unreadable Roosh has become. He finds religion and immediately becomes boring. Many such cases!

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My task is to glorify God by living according to his commandments, not to prove God's existence to atheists. Evangelizing does not regenerate people, only the Holy Ghost when directed by God the Father can do that.

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Actually, the deeper idea underlying early pre-nicene Christianity is the Striving to become a human being, (Christ is viewed as the true human being)— it's not a given that we are true human beings just because we look like humans. So, its the other way around, the superficial believers of Christianity today are bots and the non-believers are also bots (if we consider early christian theologies.)

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How do you explain that there once lived a person who was hit 11 times by lightning, surviving all but the last strike? I'm joking of course, but do you even see the point I'm making? I really seriously doubt that you do. Hint: It's statistically highly unlikely to ever be hit by lightning. Assign a probability to the event - a positive number less than 1 - and raise it to the 11th power. If the chances are 1 out of 100 (it isn't it's much smaller) then eleven strikes has probability 1 out of 10 raised to the 22nd power, or a ten billionth of a trillionth. Did a sorcerer destroy Atlantis so that his real estate investments in Mediterranean beach front property would accrue value 4,000 years in the future? No. You do seem to think that DNA and water mixed with vitamins can turn hamburgers and fries into sentient human beings but that forces which are wholly impersonal according to 21st century journalists cannot under any circumstances intervene in terrestrial affairs. Imagine a world where aliens have astounding abilities including their knowledge of meteorology to utilize lightning as a weapon, after themselves writing the books by means of interspecies telepathy which convinced a generation of heathen bipedal carnivores with vocal chords that lightning is a purely "natural phenomenon," so that when they, the aliens, decide to destroy a sinful humanity by means of their technologies it's all written off as being due to impersonal forces like gravity beyond the control of anyone or anything.


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''It generally makes one want to become suicidal or sociopathic.''

I took the sociopath pill, total human death... WEF did nothing wrong! I see this in DS articles as well, where anglin and co call for the destruction of mankind every now and again.

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Christians keep confusing Zeus and YHWH... I wonder why?

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aren't they the same?

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Exactly what is "a bunch of Christian fluffy stuff"? I read the Bible and it says Christians are hated by the world, do not expect anyone except other Christians to like them and even then will be betrayed by men right when it hurts the most, that Christians have been saved from the eternal extreme punishment of God by the grace of God the Father alone who regenerated them by the Holy Ghost, etc.

Where's the fluff except between your ears?

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Thump the Bible at me ... .

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Q in an internationa version..."Trust the BRICS Plan"....Shoigu and Wagner working hand in hand and planning interventions in Central America to help Salvador , or maybe in Brazil to put Bolsonaro back in place, since "he's the real president"...

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they seem to prefer lula.

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It's 5D dude, they are secretely working to send Wagner to reinstate Bolsonaro

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Pepe escobar says Lula is going to build the multipolar eurasian world!

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Praise da multipolar lawd... just one problem however. 1984 was set in a multipolar world

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that would be very pragmatic. One fictitious blog for boomers hooked on Hopium, and one blog for blackpilled readers...excellent idea...

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I appreciate the uncomfortable information - can't say I always agree, but that isn't the point. There is enough “Russia will inevitably win” out there when you need it. As Dima might say “this could be a speculation”, but isn’t life a speculation? Who really has a crystal ball – that is one that works reliability?

I subscribed because I see that all nations have internal power dynamics and you have described those that likely exist in Russia and how they impede the progress of this war, and in fact may help the opposition score serious points.

Please keep writing and good luck pulling in more subscribers.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

For fun I go to McGregor's You Tube channel and read the headlines from 3-4 months ago. Highly entertaining and much recommended.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thanks a lot for your toils, please don't quit this great writing.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I'll boost my donation.

I think even if you cannot break even, it is better to write what you write.

Your theory is true, and someone must care for the peasants whom are being

led to slaughter and degenerate.

Thank you. I was already a cautious pessimistic idealist, but your writings helped bring clarity and facts to these thoughts of mine.

Glory be to God and Praise the Emperor.

Not Yahweh, not the pitiful morals of slaves or their cruel masters, but rather the enervating forces and angels made by our gestalt consciousness, and the guardians who predate it, who want us on the path of advancement and purposeful struggle.

Thank you.

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You could, instead of sucking up, run a separate channel that brutally analyzes the West from your perspective. China and Iran and Norks too.

No 5d praise of rus Mir, just Rolo externalized

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That shit is all run from NAFO hq. Its not organic.

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Well, that's fair.

The Saker is shutting down, so I think that's telling.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

No, Rolo, you're not allowed to throw in the towel. You, Riley, and a few select others write things that challenge my perspective and make me think.

Your Ukraine coverage is exceptional but you have far more to offer. Perhaps a consistent diversity of subjects would help. Maybe only talk about the SMO once or twice a week. Your cultural posts are delightful. Perhaps a weekly posting rotation of:

1)Russian conspiracy theories

2)Spiritual suject matters or history

3)Russian or Ukrainian ethnic groups

4)Alternative science

5)Alternative history


7)Russian Culture


Just shift up what you're doing. Being a truthteller in a sea of liars can be tiring. For one, I appreciate your work. Your book was very well done. Keep the faith, my friend.

As an aside, I'd love to see an insider's view of the collapse of USSR. It never seemed to make sense that one day they just quit and a drunk f*ck like Yeltsin stared the tanks down ensuring a brave new world.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You've got the curse of Cassandra:

In ancient Greek stories, Cassandra was the daughter of Priam, the King of Troy. The god Apollo gave her the power to see what would happen in the future, but he also made sure that no one would believe her, so when she warned her father that the Greeks could use the Trojan Horse to take control of Troy, no one believed her. Struck by her beauty, Apollo had provided her with the gift of prophecy, but when Cassandra refused Apollo's romantic advances, he placed a curse ensuring that nobody would believe her warnings. Cassandra was then left with the knowledge of future events, but could neither alter these events nor convince others of the validity of her predictions.

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The Humanurge never cared about the truth

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The neocohens view their god as belonging to them exclusively... they are on the highway to heaven due to their magic blood. The goys can go suck it. But it is a universal creator god so how can this be? Because it was not always so, YHWH was an edomite (they lived in southern israel around the aqabah region) storm god whom they coopted as their tribal god, later redesigned into a universalist creator at the septuagint via greek metaphysics.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Russia is using authentic patriotism of her people to push same old 'sovok' agenda. People often forget, or just don't know that 'sovok' - Soviet Union - is actually closely related to the contemporary global government ruling the West. Very similar origins, very similar ideology, one exception being current Russian preoccupation with 'family values'.

Because of these similarities, they united forces during WWII - and emerged victorious. It's important to remember that what we see now is just another attempt of the victors to redistribute amongst themselves the spoils of that old war. That's why, as a moral justification for the bloodshed as well as an ultimate insult, they call each other the name of their long defeated common enemy. It would be more honest - and productive - if Russians started with de-sovietization of their own country before proceeding to denazification of the neighbors . Not going to happen, it seems.

Thank you, Rolo, for your great work. Keep it up during these difficult times.

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no nazis have power

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Nazis were defeated in 1945. Wake up

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Wow you are smart... nazi is a neocohen term. The national socialist defeat leads us to the death cult of today. As Goebbels said: Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the neocons to win this war."

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yeah the nazies are still in power LOL. Tell me then why in every country you can get jailed or fined for doing the things Ukraine is allowed to do? They are only allowed to be 'nazi' and i use that term loosely here is because they serve their agenda.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

💬 I don’t know why I shouldn’t just start lying to them like all the other Russia bloggers and raking in the dough like them too. [...W]hat the fuck am I even doing? Why do I even bother with this? This is a Sisyphean task!

Good gracious! Bcuz you just can’t otherwise—and hallelujah more power to ya! 🤩 Smth like defective genes to blame ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ask Peter Gøtzsche for details --> youtu.be/G2mFHHWyTrc?t=47 (~2 min, don’t freak out 😉).

You are the way you are for a very good reason indeed, and you’re not crazy not a bit. Glad you’ve learned to come to terms with that 💖


Wrt ‘sober lectures and facts-based articles’, they can’t compete with the speed of dummyfied talking points that hack emotional pathways. No freaking chance. But memes can, thanks to their info-density and instant appeal. Memes harness the immense power of metaphors & analogies, as if running the software already installed. A revenge of shape-rotators (h/t arguably(?) baddest cat on interwebz).

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Author

the more you comment, the better I am able to decipher your schizo-speak.

don't take it as an insult, I think schizos are proto-shamans. the way you write links concepts and words and ideas in synchronistic ways. I wish I could learn to imitate your style by seeing the connections that you see between what seem to be disparate and unrelated concepts. when I get around to starting my own cult, being able to communicate in this way would attract followers.

unfortunately, i'm all left-brain and very little intuition/right-brain. and yet, that is the quality I wish to acquire the most.

the only left-brain person who I know of who seems to have successfully taught himself schizo-speak is RD Laing after spending time in a looney bin.

thanks for the lessons, friend.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

😲😶 I see myself as left-brain as it gets! Folks in my orbit irl vocally concur, from early kidhood no less.

Offended I'm sure not an eensy whiff, rather flattered if it's a fitting word. But overall... thoroughly flabbergasted, totes! 🤪


PS I'll keep my fingers crossed your own cult will materialise (sic) in virtual nowheresville—for schizo-me be given a one-in-a-lifetime chance to be part of it 😊

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Drat, got obsessed with me-me-me to the point of neglecting to acknowledge your lovely lower-cased nod to el gato 🤦 Better late than sorry. [Yeah, mixed metaphors get lotsa unfair bad rap, drat!]

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Ok, you finally got me, I am now a financial supporter of the most lucid substack on the Russian-Nato war and on many other topics. btw, good job for publishing on Unz, did it bring you much traffic on the substack ?

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Nah. There isn't even a link to the blog. Mostly I just get abuse in the comments over there.

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I can't find you on Gab. There is lot of intersectionnality to build up on Gab with other jewpilled thinkers, and most of them have either no opinion about the war or are intuitively skeptical of the 5D version for obvious reasons (denazify my ass). Check Blackpilled or Langan.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Author

yeah but Gab is a graveyard. the most ive ever gotten on a post from Gab was 120 views.

i'm @rolocaust there

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I would be surprised if that has not helped you. Link or no link, there is a thing called a search engine. Unz is one of the most important English-language sites on the Internet.

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I have metrics provided by substack. Very rarely does it list a referral from unz.

Also, Unz is quite small. I mean, Saker's blog was bigger than all of unz before it was shut down.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

I found you through Unz, and I don't know how substack would know anything about that. I did not provide any 'referrals'. As to size, I don't know from where your data comes, but that would be incredible to me. I would have to dig, but Unz articles are reported to have millions of hits (Saker is a nobody). One of Ron's articles often has between 500 and 2000 comments (other authors not as much). There is no advertising, very little censorship. Comments on Unz range from moronic rants to essays by people who actually know a lot. You get a fair amount of negative comments, so does Mike Whitney on Russia. Not even sure why, but who cares? Don't read em.

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Unz published a chart comparing its metrics a couple months ago.

I dont remember the title of the post, but i would bet its one of Ron's essays. Anyways, there you'll see the rankings and the views. Take a look for yourself.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I found you from Unz too. I don't know the absolute numbers, but relatively speaking they should be quite big. How many other sites even allow real right wing discourse? Say 5 years ago you could discuss stuff like that on Imdb, you had 8 chan, but now? The Jew site appears to be the only one who's allowed to operate. Everything else appear to be peanuts, maybe 30 comments on an article.

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Rolo please enough with the war stuff. Tell us how did you fucked dozens of horny cock hungry ukranian bitches?

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Yes, he has also developed an ingenius method to dispose of the bodies.

Total Slut Death

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Well Rolo for whatever it's worth you got a paid sub from me and I more or less couldn't stand you at our old hangout. So in exchange for losing friends that could have bagged you even more paid subs your integrity has earned you one paid sub from a former heckler. So its probably only a net loss of a grand give or take every month.

Dont know if you followed Vladlen Tartarsky but he was blown up today in Peter. Its at the point where I almost suspect FSB complicity. Reading English language Telegram comments stating "time to send some kinzhals at decisions making centers" rinse repeat ad nausem is enough to make me want to start drinking again.

To anyone here who doesn't know Vladlen was a very well known and popular war correspondent. He fought in Donbass from like 2014-2016 I think and since the SMO started he just did reporter stuff and volunteer work. Even the guys that hated him like Strelkov and Rusich have been respectful since his murder was announced. The reason I say I half suspect FSB complicity is simply that while Vladlen had Patriotic haters he also was very critical of Moscows handling of the war. A Stalinist dude who I follow put it like this:

Machine Translation

They were supposed to kill Alexander Dugin, they killed his daughter. Most likely by accident. Now they killed Vladlen Tatarsky.

What do Dugin and Tatarsky have in common? Most likely, both Dugin and Tatarsky gained access to the ears of decision makers (DM) and broadcast the correct meanings into their heads. It is logical that the ukranstvuyushchy scum cleans up such people.

And now logic and common sense. In order to know that it is Dugin and Tatarsky who influence the minds of decision makers, the dill must have a mole with a pool of people as close as possible to Putin. Will the FSB and others look for such a mole? The question, as they say, is rhetorical ...


End machine translation

But its all good I suppose. Tomorrow some hapless poor Ukrainian conscript will release a video complaining about how its too muddy in Bakhmut and poof victory will be right around the corner.

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Old hangout?

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' In other words, Ukraine is able to win large victories despite the problems that it faces. Russia is not.'

What victories? For either side?

I think that you like the rest of us is trying to figure out what is actually going on. Is Berlelic totally off-base? Are the Ukrainians raising weapons out of some secret NATO cornucopia? Inquiring minds really do want to know.

I'm watching for the day when Donetsk city is freed from shelling.

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