Jan 22Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Ch 12 of Kastrup's book Science Ideated, "Sentient Robots, Conscious Spoons and other Cheerful Follies" talks about how sci/fi & Hollywood is attempting to make absurd ideas seem normal: AI, downloading conscious onto computers, etc. AI is possible, but what's not possible is what people think, or are told to think, AI is: artificial consciousness. (eg. HAL9000). Only living beings are conscious, so this would be equivalent to creating artificial life, as absurd as the Big Bang etc. Kastrup's work in general is devoted to revealing the absurdities of the materialist world view and developing a consciousness-only alternative.

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Jan 23Liked by Rurik Skywalker

That was interesting and wide-ranging, thank you RS.

Regarding Bacon, here's the website of Peter Dawkins, an expert on Bacon and his work. It is indeed both Christian-Kabbalistic and Freemasonic, but also a reprise of the wisdom of antiquity. It was about spiritual development, not about technology wealth and power - that's the modern 'popular' degradation of 'science', which has become the black magic of this culture. It was supposed to be about 'raising the consciousness' of individuals, not about socially-engineering the masses. He gives quarterly zoom lectures.


Dawkins has written on Bacon as the author of Shakespeare, although I find Alexander Waugh's advocacy of Oxford's claim to be more persuasive. Both men were probably involved in the 'Shakespeare' project helped by the 'good pens' of their literary associates. Here's Waugh's site with a lot of interesting videos, including reference to Dee's creation of cyphers.


Society has been 'dumbed down'. Bruce Charlton has noticed the diminishing number of geniuses, and a marked decline in average intelligence, and others have pointed to the reduction in the intellectual standard of exams at all levels over the past century and a half.

'Democracy' is another dumbed down concept. Few of its modern advocates seem to understand that those of the Greek city states which adopted it excluded slaves and foreigners from participation - and that they would have regarded the vast majority of modern populations as effectively slaves.

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"Illuminati" seems to be just a front of the House of Hesse with an "Enlightenment" facade. They also controlled the Royal Society, thus they controlled the scientific and industrial revolution. They fought the Bourbons in the French revolution. The House of Hesse is a branch of the Wettins who also sit on the British throne as the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (who are jewish, I can show you Ferdinand I of Bulgaria admitting it) and renamed to Windsor because Saxe-Coburg and Gotha sounded too german. But as David Livingston says, the Illuminati were not that important for our modern times, it is just one of many occult societies, probably the most influential was synarchy. Synarchy came from Martinism, which came from rosicrucianism, which came from knights templars. Synarchy created the EU, fascism, the modern NWO generally. I think, yes, science and our notion of progress came from Kabbalism, from the occult. Skull and bones, a British intel network connected with opium wars and the British East India Company, created the CIA. I think occult societies are spooks and spooks like Blavatsky and Crowley created "occult societes" for the plebs to fight the Church. Imo, hidden societies in modern era are just spooks pushing new age (like in the Theosophical society) or psychopathic (like in "satanic" cults) nonsense. Blavatsky worked for Okhrana and MI6 and Crowley worked for MI6, and Mussolini was MI6. I don't think Marx depicted any fight between the power elite and us, he explicitly attacked the bourgeoisie, not the power elite and kept the power elite hidden behind "economism", historical materialism, etc. Of course, trolls concentrate on the fact that he was jewish, the Rothschilds, etc and never look into who was really Jenny von Westphalen. Imo terrain theory is a hoax. Imo, you are wrong not to trust reality, because the power elite really wants to make us believe nothing is real. If nothing is real.. and we can't tell what is real and what is not, 2 plus 2 is 5 or 10, whatever Big Brother says it is. H G Wells is just yet another fabian, fabians connected to The Cliveden Set, the Round Table, X Club of Huxley and so on. And synarchy pushed specifically by the Romanovs, yet another branch of the Wettins. In trying so hard to excuse the nazis I think you forget that they worked with the zionists. "Germans" are not "aryans". There are no "aryans" in our age. Dugin also tries to play "chaos magic", but he is yet another fraud.

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thought the Smithsonian confessed to dumping the giant bones off the east coast.... in the water

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Perhaps you would find this man's project worthy of your effort to communicate with .... he goes by the name Asha Logos...


And this fellow has done similar research too.... he goes by the name Mimir Brunnr:


This pod cast: Wow. Its really serious.

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And I only became aware of all this within the past few months. Amazing what they don't want us to think about.

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Interesting discussion.

While I appreciate the references to Hyperborea, it seems to me that the Thimaeus dialogue does mean to speak of Solon coming from Egypt, indeed the relevant passage begins with these words (e.g. https://classics.mit.edu/Plato/timaeus.html):

"In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sais, and the great city of the district is also called Sais, and is the city from which King Amasis came. The citizens have a deity for their foundress; she is called in the Egyptian tongue Neith..."

I find striking that the following paragraphs in the Thimaeus dialogue convey more interesting aspects than usually accounted for in reference to Atlantis, related to other aspects of your discussion:

(1) A remarkably clear-sighted picture of the (then already) ancient deep past, speaking not just of one but of continuous succession of great floods and other natural cataclysms that repeatedly cause civilizations to restart, with no memory of what came before.

The special geography of the Nile valley is somehow credited with the fact that Egypt has been suffering less from such cataclysms over time, this being given as the reason why their priests have records of ancient times (in particular of Atlantis and of the pre-history of Greece) that have been lost elsewhere, in particular have been lost to ancient Greece.

"In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived."

(2) The statement that Atlantis had an even greater contemporary power in the past, namely a pre-historic forgotten *Greek* (Athenian) civilization which stood to defeat the invasion of the Atlantean assault onto the Mediterranean --- and which vanished in the same cataclysm that took Atlantis

"...and in a single day and night of misfortune all your [the Greek's!] warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea."

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Can anyone direct me to contact info for Karl, i need to message him.

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Very interesting conversation thank you! I especially enjoy the tangents, which often lead to fascinating related topics for research.

I have one thing to recommend: do not discount the threat of the "golem god of AI". I tend to think that this is simply the greatest hazard for humanity (or whats left of it). I happened to work in the field about a decade ago for while (before I became a dirty peasant), and I can assure you it's not fake. The developments back then were already pretty scary, and it only accelerated since.

I recently checked what is openly available about AI research, and it is insane what these people are doing. It already reached a level of complexity, that basically not even the research teams completely understand the inner workings of these programs. For example you give it a question and nobody is able to follow the path how was it able to produce a correct answer.

Here is a talk of two pretty based ex-nasa guys about it. This is the best, easily understandable explanation of the problem I' have found so far:


tldr.: It does not have to gain sentience to destroy us.

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Towards the cut off point in this particular conversation with the erudite Karl Haemers, you mention a possible explanation for occultists seeking an outside source of energy for navigating our cycle of The Enthropiclyness.

To support your observation I remind you that history records an important exchange between Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain. Therein, Tesla confessed in Twain's presence, that on what he thought might have been his death bed, the reading of one of Twain's books cured him of a life threatening disease. Upon hearing this Twain excused himself to another room where he wept for the first time since his mother's death and took the better part of an hour to regain his composure.

The title of the book is not mentioned in any of the Internet based records I have looked at, but I believe the title could only have been: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.

This belief is supported by Mark Twain himself, who stated that *it is his best book*, it is was the only book he ever wrote that actually meant anything to humanity, that his other books could be thrown away.

The hour is obviously late, but perhaps our world can still be slavaged.

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He says he’s an expert on the holocaust hoax, I would like to hear more. I agree with him, but real truth is difficult to find. Obviously there were concentration camps but beyond that what do we know? Like how much were the Zionists running that agenda?

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RS, how about some actual Slavlands lore?

I had no idea that the last pre-Christian shrine was near Minsk and only closed by the authorities in the late 19th c.

Marko would be an interesting person to interview.


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Recommend you consider an interview with Jay Dyer, an Orthodox Christian researcher who is very knowledgeable of the plans of our "elite" masters:


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@2:07 What is the goal? The goal is to turn God's created order upside down, to destroy it completely, to invert everything, to make evil good and good evil ... and, ultimately, to bring a purely Satanic (new?) world order to full effect. AI is part and parcel of this worldwide Satanic movement and is, as you briefly speculated, the demonic possession of the machine.

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Very interesting segment. I think it would be good to bring in more knowledge about genetics and the role of genetics in the rise and fall of civilizations.

Genetically, there is no such thing as a "superman". The high IQ geniuses who propel civilization advances are actually damaged individuals who do not get along well with others and who exist at the sufferance of the general society. In other words, creative genius is a societal phenomenon rather than an individual one. It is one reason why rigid, warlike societies fall behind more tolerant, open societies who tolerate and support eccentric geniuses. In other words, breeding for high IQ will produce a dysfunctional society of misfits. There is an excellent video on the topic: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PW3Mmxh-9g0/ Also, see the book "At our wits end" by Woodley and Dutton.

Seems to me there are multiple views of eugenics. In its broadest sense, eugenics is the study of the effects of genetic selection and mating. It does not necessarily imply an active intervention, by government or by anyone else. At its most pernicious, eugenics is akin to genocide, an attempt to forcibly wipe out genetic strains through government coercion and murder. Haemers mentioned one of the gentlest forms of eugenics, which is the strong tendency of women to marry or mate with the strongest, smartest, highest-status male they can get. It's part of assortative mating, the tendency of like to marry like.

I don't see this as a diametric opposite of a mystic, intuitive approach to life and culture. Whether or not you agree with the commonly-held view of gravity, you aren't going to step off an airplane in flight even if you think you can levitate (under certain circumstances). Science is part of telling us what we need to know; scientism, if I understand it, is the use of a claim of scientific knowledge to cut off further investigation or discussion.

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