Thanks for sharing the universal duplicity of our "elites," Rurik! I will hold you to that future history article. How far back does the Russian replacement run? In the US, it goes back to the early 20th century.

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This is an excellent post, and very timely (my next post will cover similar ground). Given worldwide fertility rates and immigration trends, unless something drastic changes the future is going to be much more black and much more Islamic, with a corresponding massive decrease in average IQ. This corresponding massive decrease in average IQ will end technological civilization, because the average IQ will be below baseline requirements necessary to keep it operational, as we are seeing in South Africa today. Indeed, it is likely that 100 years from now a world filled with black Muslims living in 7th century mud huts will be sitting around the campfire wondering about the disappearance of whites and Christians, who will take on a mythology similar to the disappeared Atlantis.

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Probably what we are all doing now (?)...except there were a few remainders who never forgot, whose children's children painted with ochre on the cavern dwellings in high and remote mountains, that remembered mighty Men of Olden Times. Before writing began. Amazing that the Iliad and Odysseus were spoken words, remembered and recited- NOT stricken by pen and ink, for so many centuries(!)...Nordic/Germanic ancients (probably others) believed that each word SPOKEN, had a power of it's own. I believe that ; I witness it, because I now pay attention to it. Philology/etymology ...Context, nuance...Perhaps the mighty Atlanteans experienced a "flood" of a similar type we are facing now: and this language was lost in translation? Because the two remaining White powers, and the almost-lost Europe (over which they are really contending, neglecting their own internal stresses!), are facing a literal FLOOD of foreign featherless bipeds, so utterly different than our ordinary country folk, that we could simultaneously collapse like Egypt did so very long ago, leaving nothing but monoliths for less-than's to marvel over and ponder, thousands of years later- never getting the point that, once you let The Tribe in, even *one foot* (hooked nose) across the border, you become but another memory, gone forever. Great point, Neo, thank you.

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Modern Islam really is a pyramid scheme more than anything else.

Band together against non-believers, appropriate everything they’ve built and made, and convert the population creating an increased demand for more non-believers to pillage and loot from.

Like seriously, there is a reason Sultans trusted their own slaves more than their own brothers. Like I consider the Chinese to have more in common with the West than Muslims.

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Russia shares an immense land frontier with Islamic states, Europe and Russia appear as a brightly lit "Open All Night, 24 Hours, 24/7" Rest Stop to those in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately for the U.S., it has the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans acting as sort of a moat seperating it from "the old world." Anyway, the U.S. has it's own, similar immigration problem and an obviously porous border. The idea of an overtly Islamic Russia armed with nuclear weapons does suck the air out of a room though, doesn't it? "What's the worst that can happen?" seems to shift everyday. I'll be in the bar.

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Kerth Barker's assertions that the top Illuminati/Satanists masquerade as muslims doesn't seem quite so outlandish.

As for Putin, his fortunes appear to be on the up since "the mutiny." The Ukies embark on a suicidal counteroffensive and all of a sudden the Russians become much more militarily competent. As Alexsey Arestovich says as he bemoans faltering US support "the West does not want to see Russia defeated." An astute observation - it only takes a glance to see Alexey is a smart guy - I don't know what agendas he may have.


Putin gets by with a little help from his friends. I imagine the Prigozhin affair rattled some cages, starting with Langley, perhaps.

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Arestovich is a mystery. Who stands behind him? A faction of the Western elite?

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Great stuff.

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It's true. London and the West is a shadow of its former self especially since the days of Blair. Moscow even 10 years ago you hardly saw a head scarf except on a Babushka. Now there are so many more in shopping malls, parks etc.

As you said on your podcast with that Pole who should have back btw Poland and Russia are only 15-20 years behind Western Europe. The cancer is getting in. Just check out a Russian medical centre if you don't believe me. That is where migrants need to get checked when applying for residency and you'll see whites are maybe 1 in 100 and the majority are from Muslim states.

White man in the West and East needs to breed. And what happened last time there when Europe last had two religious groups living side by side and I fear the next one will be the end of the native population. Enoch Powell was right about the UK but they made sure he never got into power. Could a post Putin leader really clean things up? No! The problem is once you have third generation migrants unintergrated into a population how can you deport them without the libtards having a spastic fit or a Soros funded Human Rights Law firm sticking their nose in? You can't and probably not long for Russia.

Rolo *cough* I mean Rurik what you aresaying about Chechnya and it's people you almost make it seem like you wish they had got their independence? And like the federation should break up on ethical or religious lines and when you go down that road it's like those Ukrainian command centres with there maps of a broken up Russia on the wall. But in that scenario Russia trust me would get way more easily ass fucked by the West like it did in the 90s or Ukraine now. So what is the solution? A glimmer of hope devils advocate position is Russia is a less failed multi religious state then the West and don't forget those Buddhist near lake Baikal and has been for a hundred+ or so years. Compared to the West those migrant numbers are still less than a summer of channel or med boat crossings.

So please do like a solutions watch or something Rurik about how things can be turned around and give me a dose of hopium because yes the demographic prospect for the whites slav to Anglo ain't great whatsoever and I've argued it before we need our own Israel.

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White people don't breed well in captivity.

The solution to our situation is to create cults and to go to war against the secret police.

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I rather like the term, "Monastic", maybe that's inaccurate(?). By that I mean "seperated from the rest of society"... But in the States, the fertility rate of Mennonites and such are very high, compared to the surrounding communities. At my workplace I see families of a Lady in a kerchief, with about seven to ten kids, all beautiful, fair-haired and blue-eyed, very well-mannered and helpful children; more than one Family, several of them, all the time. Even others, ordinary folks, just the same. Wonderful people, indeed. However, they are the exception...Far too many lower-case "white" barbaric sluts, tattooed, with their pet monkeys; assorted blue-haired and pierced faced pijamie-dregs; and humongous mammies with extremely loud monsters-in-training being as naturally obnoxious as possible(!)...and, pitifully, the grey-beards, old guys with their Veterans of (assorted) Foreign Wars ball caps, struggling through just to make it till the end. I'm all-in for White reproduction! But civilization has always been preserved through a type of isolated , well, I guess if you want to call it that, "cult"...Again, I prefer "monastic", except it's families, not just a pack of fags scribbling on sheepskin. By that, ISOLATED somehow...let it burn!- fuck it, it's gone anyway. I recommend a book that I read many years ago, that I re-acquired a few years back : Valhalla, by Newton Thornburg. It was published in 1980, Little, Brown and company. When I got it, was only one copy, second-hand, good condition. Describes to the tee, America coming up...if we're that lucky....

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Ooh sounds good but would it be labelled a white supremacist book? You ever follow the work of Stefan Molyneux?

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Novella-length essays are good tho.

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"Putin really did seem like an actually competent Trump ..." - yeah - I remember when we would pour over Putin's speeches in great, anticipatory detail (I used to speculate that Rurik translated them before western diplomatic services did) - but now? - eh! -whatever. I would say that Putin had this "comfortable-in-his-skin" quality so at odds with the typical Nato leader weirdos; that may still be, but it only goes so far. Already it has been a long strange trip here at Slavlands!

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Yes, Putin is a great speaker.

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He used to be bad but now one could learn Russian by listening to him.

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“A nation can get back on its feet after wars, famines, and revolutions. However, if it is replaced plank by plank like a veritable ship of Theseus, then that is game over.” You said it in the best way possible. Democide is constantly on my mind. It’s one of the cruelest fates possible for any of our respective peoples.

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30 min mark.

"Vladimir Putin may be one of the only man on the face of the planet standing between what's left of this world and whatever this one-world governance that is rapidly approaching...."

1 hr 2 min mark

"No one has erected more gorgeous churches during their time as a leader....."

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I appreciate the read, Rurik, always look forward to that bucket of ice water with my morning coffee(!)...America is democided beyond hope right now. And Russia is experiencing it too, though y'all truly DO have much more space and rurals that are so far from central "authority" that they can basically do as they see fit. The big plus for you too, you aren't eaten alive with the Schofield bible INSANITY of the Kristling Zionutz that are, unfortunately, the backbone of "rednecks-with-guns", "MAGA" crowd that are about to round-about on the pack of "freaks-of-nature" pushing everyone around now...(believe it when I see it!!). The pendulum here, at least, is always pushed a little at a time, left, right, right, left...this time, methinks, i'ts been pushed so far to the left that the swing back (possibly) will be VERY hard back to the right. As in all of our shared countries, i.e., Civilized White Nations, it will ultimately come down to the intelligence agencies and military to decide this round. As it always has...Information is more valuable than gold! Thanks, again, I personally LOVE the essays: keep it up! Earn my landlord's shekels, dammit, I don't want to read you on my laptop, in the woods by a campfire!

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Red Symphony set the scene, but 'They' have updated their plans. Flooding Russia with non-whites, (as they have done in Europe and America) and creating Heavenly Jerusalem by mid century are just a couple more steps. They may even be willing to sacrifice Israel.

Here's someone who suggests some further developments:


'The Final Phase: Mono-Pole Power

The quotes we saw at the end of Part 1 speak to not just a transfer of Jewish Power from U.S. to BRICS+ approaching 2030, but also the phase shift beyond that, when the Multi-Polar world is scheduled to transition into the Jew World Order One World Government (JWOOWG) based in Israel/Jerusalem. The timeline looks to 2075 or so, though many anomalies, X-factors and counter-plans should delay and/or derail their Polarities Plan.'

The voice is the voice of Putin or Lavrov, but the hands are the hands of 'Them'.

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Yes, the Bible is the template.

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Yes I've always said that the Book Of Revelations is a play-by-play, possibly being enacted now (?). Many other texts from the Jew book are templates of how to butt-fuck goy civilizations. Protocols, fake or not, have been playing out for a century or more...For what it's worth, they damn well DO reveal wha they are gonna do to us, and if we don't catch on and fight back, we're fair game, sheep fror the slaughter..."might is right", after all.

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Good, amusing episode from Uncle Clif:


'I'm not anti-semitic - I like Palestinians!'

Lots of amusing stuff about people on the moon, who speak Etruscan, which may be the origin of Welsh. Oh yes, some of the Elohim may still be there , after they created the Jews and left the earth to them. Hmmmm - even their creator can't stand to be near them!

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thanks for the truth!

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Demographics is the future and the future is not looking good for Russia. I guess I'll stay here

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