I. Ayn Rand Was a Bolshevik, Actually
Was John Galt actually Lenin or Trotsky? The Rosenbaums Supported Revolution in Russia (and America), Meet the New God Same as the Old God (Yahweh) and more!
Ayn Rand’s real name was Alice Rosenbaum.
Her family were anti-Russian revolutionaries in St. Petersburg. They supported their distant cousin Kerensky’s initial overthrow of the Tsar in what came to be known as the February Revolution/Coup, but then had to flee to Crimea temporarily when the Reds took over in October. They returned to make their fortune in Leningrad when they were sure that they wouldn’t get into trouble with the new authorities.
It is a complete and total myth that Kerensky and Lenin were ever real enemies by the way. Not only were they distantly related because of their shared ethnic revolutionary blood, but Kerensky had even once taught Lenin/Ulyanov in school.
There are people who insist that Kerensky wasn’t an ethnic schoolteacher. But what do your own lying eyes tell you?
Kerensky curiously did nothing to stop the Reds from taking over.
Instead, he and his government spent all their time and money arresting the military hardliners who were warning about the Bolshevik takeover. When the Reds simple showed up in force to take over the government, he did nothing and fled, refusing to fight for the city. Gathering some men around him on the outskirts of the city, he attempted an “SMO” to take St. Petersburg, encountered resistance at a suburb along the way and then decided to just give up and flee for the West where he was welcomed with open arms, naturally. He spent the rest of his life in Paris and New York, yucking it up with his fellow ethnic intelligentsia there, who treated him like a hero.
After all, one of the first acts of his short-lived government was to grant the ethnic intelligentsia of Russia new privileges and protections.
I really should write a separate piece about Kerensky because it was he who really destroyed Imperial Russia, not Lenin, who was just the mop-op crew.
By the way: did you know that Kerensky’s father’s side came from a family of high-up Orthodox officials in the Church who were hell-bent on deposing the Tsar and imposing Socialism on Russia?
I thought Orthodox Christianity was a bastion of resistance against the wiles of the globalists???
But we are dangerously close to veering off topic completely here.
Point being: you can now understand why the Rand/Rosenbaum’s family was so anti-Tsar and pro-Kerensky, I hope. What came next were the Reds and their institution of a crash capitalism “perestroika’ economic program on Russia.
The Bolshevik NEP Roots of the Libertarian Ideology
Alice herself was a child at the time of Kerensky though, and her later formative years were spent in Soviet schools, learning the slogans of Bolshevism and soaking in the experience of the sweeping changes being imposed on the country. She loved it very much and was motivated to spread the same revolutionary fervor to America, eventually, when she was given leave to move to her cousins’ place in Chicago at the age of 21 by the Soviet government.
Only very Chosen people were given such a rare privilege, just so you understand.
To understand Ayn’s economic and political views though, you have to understand what came after the Kerensky government during the Reds’ NEP market reforms in Russia. When Lenin and the Bolsheviks took power, they didn’t institute a command economy and do away with private business. Far from it, they actually instituted an extreme Capitalism experiment that can only really be described as a proto-Libertarian economic system.
Here are the relevant measures that were introduced:
The transfer of some industry from the hands of the state to private hands. Decree of May 17, 1921.
Creating conditions for the development of private trade. Decree of May 24, 1921.
Permission TEMPORARY to provide private individuals with the opportunity to rent state-owned enterprises. Decree of July 5, 1921.
Permission to private capital to create any enterprises (including industrial) with up to 20 people. If the enterprise is mechanized - no more than 10. Decree of July 7, 1921.
Adoption of the "liberal" Land Code. This allowed not only the rental of land, but also wage labor on it. Decree of October 1922.
The NEP can be described as follows - corruption, the apparatus swelling, there was simply a massive theft of state property.
By the way - very reminiscent of Russian reality 1990s.
I say “proto-Libertarian” because it was actually the NEP system in former Imperial Russia that served as the blueprint for Alice’s ideas! Her later codification of organized ethnic Bolshevik economic predation i.e., Libertarianism as it came to be known, was essentially a manifesto or blueprint for imposing NEP on the West as well.
Meanwhile, her family did well for itself financially during this period and were able to advance in Soviet society. In that sense, when Alice was granted permission to go to Chicago by the Soviet government, they were essentially sending an agent of influence abroad to spread weakness among the enemy.
Changing her name to Ayn, she set to work to essentially stoke up revolutionary sentiment within the population and to encourage Americans into fighting a civil war with one another. Both Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead are calls to revolutionary uprising and violence. The ending of Atlas Shrugged is nothing short of a disguised ode to Lev Bronshtein/Leo Trotsky.
“Who is John Galt,” you ask?
Well, what does John Galt do at the end of the novel?
Answer: he leads an organized strike that cripples half the country and sends the other half up in flames. Chaos ensues while he and his fellow elite withdraw to wait until the time is right to return and enough of a punishment is inflicted on society to make it repent.
Do the math on that one.
Now, I was going to write up a summary of the subversive Bolshevik themes in Ayn’s work, but then I found a fellow conspiracy theorist who had already done all the heavy lifting for me. The author, Vladimir Shlyapentoch, also detected the same anomalies in her supposed anti-Communist philosophy.
Here it is important to distinguish between the terms “Communism” and “Bolshevism” as we intend to use them going forward. Communism and therefore “anti-Communism” became synonymous with “anti-USSR of Stalin onwards” and then more generally just “anti-Russian”. Thus, it was perfectly possible to be a Bolshevik and an anti-Communist in one’s views. That’s what the Neoconservatives in America were. And a Bolshevik just means someone trying to destroy a society from within through methods of subversion to bring their fellows to power.
Make sense?
Notice how these definitions have nothing whatsoever to do with command economies or the shopping mall? Longtime Stalkers know that I always insist that widget production and distribution is irrelevant in these high level political discussions and is simply a smokescreen for the real conversation that is taking place behind closed doors in the tunnels under Brooklyn. So, let’s just take a look at the similarities between her main writings and the program of the Bolsheviks to see what I am driving at when I say that Ayn Rand was a Bolshevik.
Vladimir Shlyapentoch
The inspiration for writing this text was the relatively recent publications of Ayn Rand’s works in Russia over the last ten years, where previously she was almost unknown. Historically in the United States, there were not many immigrant women who have had such a tremendous intellectual career as Ayn Rand (born Alice Rosenbaum). She was the author of books which sold millions of copies, and created an entire philosophical movement and institution. The most famous of journalists in the country were eager to speak with her. Of course, Rand admirers greatly exaggerate her popularity, but it is plausible evidence to suggest that 8% of American adults have read some of Rand’s works.
Rand became known as the most ardent supporter of capitalism and laissez-faire in society, and, of course, as a fierce advocate of individualism and an enemy of collectivism. I will try to prove that the prevailing view that Rand was a passionate advocate of liberal capitalism is false. In fact, she has led a fight on two fronts – against collectivism and against democracy. Fundamentally, she was an apologist for the aristocratic (oligarchic or feudal) capitalism, in which a society is commanded by talented and noble people. I will also try to show that the original philosophy of Ayn Rand is exaggerated, and that many of her ideas she owes to Marx, as well as the practice and ideology of the Russian Bolsheviks. For Rand it is most appropriate to apply the famous line of German historian Leopold Ranke, who, appreciating the world of his colleagues, said that “what is new there – is wrong, what is right – is not new.”
Just as Russia was re-entering another NEP period thanks to perestroika (which was NEP 2.0, as envisioned by the Trotskyist KGB Chief Fleckenstein), the need to trop out Ayn Rand as ideological justification for the looting and the rise of a new oligarch ruling elite emerged.