Okay so I've finished reading the entire piece, can't argue against any of what has been written here, being of English Blood myself I have found it rather odd when I have had others react in an almost hostile manner when I have brought up the idea that I have love for my friends instead of, as you've described, a contractual arrangement.

I have some doubt however if I am 100% English though, being a Northern, I suspect I either have some Scottish Blood due to assumed family lineage and or possibly Scandinavian Blood due to the Viking invasions.

Whereas Southern Englishmen, specifically those of the South East, London, are most definitely more 'Anglo' in their behavior, I suspect that if you have visited England you would have been to London.

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There are other dimensions to this question. The English language itself reflects a dual nature: a largely monosyllabic Anglo-Saxon half with low abstraction, composed of word roots; and a polysyllabic Latinate half with high abstraction. The former is a blunt tongue that comes across very strongly, the latter is more versatile, better adapted for impersonal speech and analysis of complex problems.

Due to the lack of the padding provided by the suffixes afforded by, say, Russian, which effectively appends a pronoun to every single bloody word (fuck off!), English is blunt. Too blunt. So blunt that we had to drop the second person singular “Thou” which is how друзья talk to each other. It’s linguistically impossible now to say давай на ты and talk personally in the same way.

Moreover, the honour culture was decisively crushed by invaders in 1066, who brought the aforementioned polysyllabic bastardry to not contract with but rule over the subjugated Saxons.

This is all very detrimental to interpersonal relationships as you can imagine.

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Yes they’re an occupied ppl

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What language reform would you propose?

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We can make an effort to talk like the people we want to be friends with. Whether that is language or vernacular, it works. I’m against sweeping reforms of language because it’s a foreign practice that English has remained largely untouched by, except for the banning of words that identify foreigners and outsiders, and forced euphemism. Those must be undone.

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Thank you Rurik for the great surprise of the morning.

Several comments.

First the English and Americans are utilitarian. The Irish are less so hence a cultural chasm. The Scots, I do not know. The reason for turning utilitarian is religious fractiousness. At Reformation, England became a multi-religious country because the state sponsored Anglo-Catholic church could not subdue the others and for a while it was even ruled by other religions. In other countries the outcome of Reformation was that everyone became lutheran or calvinist or zwinglist or presbyterian. Keeping the peace in England required that people turn away from the Christian religion and mysticism towards something else : exploration at sea, inventing new things, philosophical speculation, worship of laws, and of course money. Money became prominent. The religious void was filled with money. Then everything became valued for utility. America followed the same path. This aspect of the anglo cultural evolution is little known because people know little history and such ideas are out of the zeitgeist.

Second England and America have been safe countries unlike anywhere else. As a reminder in the 17th century Germany lost between 25% and 75% of population depending on the regions. Hungary's population went down from ~1.5 million in the 16th century to 200-300 thousand in 1700 ! The entirety of Europe was ravaged by wars in the 18th century until the end of Napoleon. The 20th century was bad as well. The LLC's and courts play a role in safe countries. Elsewhere survival is primordial then a house and plot of land or workshop. Deep friendships are essential to stay sane.

Third the anglos do not understand the concept of honour any longer. Most of the European ruling classes have lost it as well.

Fourth the very idea of virile love has been obscured by homosexuality to the point that it has become incomprehensible to the people younger than 30.

Rurik, please read the books 8 and 9 of the Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle. They are about the virtue of friendship. This will clarify the concepts and give you a comprehensive view of the subject. Really.

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Ugly American, here, having spent the vast majority of my 48 years situated in New England, both the central area and now the northern area for the better part of the past 30 years. To say we are a superficial and hollow bunch is a pretty fair assessment. I certainly can't speak for how our people were in epochs past. I'd like to believe there existed a more tightknit patchwork of deep, meaningful, unflagging friendships amongst men prior to the ruinous social upheavals visited upon our nation since the end of WWII. But I just don't know. I wasn't around then. And the television of my youth lied to me, about everything.

I do know that we Americans are not an easy-going people. We're mean. We're vicious and violent and mean. Perhaps it was the generational terror of arriving in such a brutal environment and fighting tooth and nail with the Indians to wrestle dominion of the land from them. As well as the never-ending wars. For centuries we have been at war, with the armies of other nations, with the Indians, with each other. We imported a bunch of Africans to serve as farm equipment and once we came to our senses and did the right thing by freeing them, we immediately lose said senses and make the monumental mistake of not repatriating them to their homeland, where they rightfully belonged. Now we are terrorized by their presence. Certain elements of our misanthropic overlords allowed our most critical institutions, from finance to education to media to judicial to be infiltrated and subverted by the Jews, and we have been terrorized by a non-stop psychological warfare campaign against us for well over 125 years. We've been physically poisoned through and through. via tainted food, water, air and medicines. We are nothing short of totally retarded. The Founding Fathers did indeed set up a breathtakingly efficient political system which ought to have ensured a hale and hearty republic for centuries to come. But they were almost to a man all Masons of the highest degree, so it's up for debate whether or not they intended for the entirety of the American citizenry to benefit for said centuries, or if it was nothing more than a monumental set-up for their blue blooded progeny alone to corrupt and pervert the system for their exclusive benefit.

I'm not sure. I never made a lasting friendship, with anyone either male or female. I don't know many who have. Most relationships in America are transactional. It's too bad.

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This also explains why the American government employees, military or otherwise, hold their oaths to the Constitution as lightly as the material consequences of abrogating them. Thank you for writing this.

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brilliant tangent to go on. heard you mention this in one of the recent podcasts you did and really resonated with the idea.

growing up in anglo societies as a slav i have on occasion run into issues with 'friends' that i only later came to understand in these terms. i didn't theorise it too much but simply decided that the individuals were simply bad friends and had no idea how to be good friends, but this is a very good elaboration of the concept.

tldr - can confirm

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I don't know where you hung out to come up with this BS but where I live we all have friends. Lifelong friends that have shared in all kinds of camaraderie and adventures that live in our memories as the best times of our lives. So you wasted your article on me and my friends, it seems you missed out on real friendships and that is too bad , but hey that is your problem , lol.

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You are lucky to be a Tasmanian redneck and not working at the New York Stock Exchange.

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Well clearly he ain't taking about you and your Friends then is he. But you n'your Friends are not in charge of the government, or are they?

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Yeah this is the closest to what I'm feeling too. Rurik grew up in cosmopolitan American cities where everyone was fully atomised, hence missed out totally on what you had.

Now it seems he's acting out the tired cliche of an American grasping at a European identity, with the zeal of a newly converted White Muslim who wholeheartedly embraces the identity of a foreign culture when it fills a long-neglected void in his heart.

In other words, 'silly American'.

Meanwhile, in the real England, where silly Americans never roam too far from an international airport, deep brotherly friendship does indeed exist. It won't be seen amongst the university-certified, mobile, fungible middle classes, but it's still strong amongst the geographically-immobile working and lower classes. It's a microcosm of the macrocosm - in the same way that economic progress has left the Eastern Slavlands in a more primordial cultural state, the same has happened within economically deprived areas of England, and in places like rural Australia where the sheer distances downregulate the pace of life.

tl;dr - it's not cultural, it's economic.

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Reading ancient texts of “The Four Kings” (Ireland) I discovered my ancestors were “The Fomorians “ (Sea Robbers) who were pirates that held refuge on the Giants Causeway Co. Antrim (Fom na Harraigh. Or Causeway if the Fomorians)& would also be “wreckers” that shifted warning beacons on pursuing ships causing them to shipwreck on the treacherous coast where they would “salvage” the booty on board.

I was only thinking about friendships the other day and how mercantile they have become, relationships are transactional now thanks to our “intelligence influencers”

It’s only when we think we know something that our troubles begin?

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Trump's Gaza "deal" sounds very like this sort of Anglo mentality. We destroy your country, but it's OK, we'll move you someplace better than before. (Oddly, Moldberg floated the same idea some months back, as the "rational" solution). So it's also OK if we redevelop your land into casinos and condos for our profit, since we "gave" you a better place to live. Win/Win! "They won't want to come back. Why would they? It'll be so much nicer elsewhere. It's a good deal." The very idea that people might have ties to the land, ridiculous -- except for the Jews, of course.

Is Trump an Anglo? His grandmother was Scottish, after all.

But frankly, it also sounds a lot like Loki's speech to the Rhine maidens, so it's pretty Germanic too.

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Moldberg admits -- nah, brags -- that I'm right:

"I’m worried that the resemblance between President Trump’s Gaza plan and mine will contribute to the weird delusion that I am secretly running the world. No, actually, (a) I have not talked to anyone important about Gaza; and (b) the idea is obvious, anyway."


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Ive just got to the section about comparing the Friendship of the 'East' vs the 'West' (I hold that neither of these terms reflect any reality). This will likely come across as rather scatted so I apologise in advance if it does so.

So il first provide this link for etmyonline:


It's worth keeping this as a tab on your mobile or laptop for a quick search of the meaning of a word (the sense that is trying to be conveyed in speech)

The specific page is about where the term friend comes from, it's Old English, which means To Love, that I agree is not how the word is used today in the 'Anglo' World or 'Western' World.

However I have found that this is specifically more related to certain populations in American Cities and has no baring on rural folk in America or Britain or anywhere else that is part of this 'Anglo' world.

Secondly, I will state that this term friendship, as in -friend and -Ship, is specifically a legalistic term brought over by the Norman's after 1066. You can refer to the Phonecian Hunter for his research into the words involving the suffix -Ship. This word comes from a combination of friend (old English) and ship which is middle English, middle English draws elements of French and Latin words to form it's sentences. This it is likely that there is elements of Jewery that has seeped into the language via minority groups and their leverage on power. Much as you have elluded at the start with the comparison with Masculine and Feminine.

Thirdly, The Land Power and Sea Power isn't Dugnins idea (I assume you are aware of this and so pass no Doom), it is infact a concept drawn from a man called Mcinder thus called Mcinders World Theory, which when contextualised in its time was a theory for explaining The Great Game of World Powers, at the time British Empire and Russian Empire.

Fourthly, Europeans are not Aryan, Aryans are what form the Iranic Peoples and Indus Peoples, 'Westerners' or Caucasoids more accurately come from Yamnaya then Corded Ware Folk and as such are no longer related to the Aryans. Specifically the Aryans are a separate group or offshoot from Corded Ware folk that went back East and then into Today Iran and India. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Iranians

They can be collective refered to as proto-indo-aryans

At the moment I have nothing else to address, other than that I do think this is a piece worthy of praise, well done.

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Neither Dugin nor Doolittle know anything about reality, you say that Dugin is mataphysical, but instead he is just an individual who hypothesizes a model. Friendship is a unilateral act, that is, I decide who is my friend. Since I decide, it's my decision, I don't expect anything in return. Whoever I have decided to be my friend owes me nothing! But if I have decided that he is my friend, it is my burden to help him. With nothing in return...

Everything else is just talk and badge

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Nope! Wrong!

It has to be mutual!

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Your writing shows that you have no idea of what you are talking about. A friendship is not a decision, it is the recognition of a bond between two souls, often more.

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If to defend a concept such as "friendship" we introduce a further "fantasy" as a "union between two souls", then we are in the field of total confusion.

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You deny the existence of the Soul?

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Could you tell me what is the soul?

I think you don't know, I mean you'll use the usual religious or new age fantasies... Can you tell me with a less confusing definition?

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Your soul is you.

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Ah ah ah ah...

Really fun... Thank you and goodbye, there is nothing to see here..

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Although Dugin was never Putin's brain - that was just Western MSM propaganda - the impossible has happened - Putin has become Dugin's brain [1]!

In other words, Dugin sold out to Putin [1]!


[1] A Drop of Skepticism in the Ocean of Optimism | Iurie Rosca / Yuri Roshka Substack | 2025-01



[2] Substack Archive | Iurie Rosca | Yuri Roshka (anti-NWO, anti-Putin)



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You either have love and respect for your friends or don't, if you have to decide on that then they are not friends but strangers

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This article contains some very dubious propositions.

The fellowship within the household troops of a Slavic prince and their close relation to their leader seem very similar to those of similar troops further west, such as the Housecarls. I'm not sure how that might be related to male friendship in the broader society.


The modern notion of friendship, 'a mile wide and a millimetre deep' that has spread from the commercial public relations oriented business culture of the USA is a recent debasement. People used to be very aware of social distinctions and gradations of relation, from nodding acquaintance, work colleague, social acquaintance, friend, and blood relative.

Piracy had little if anything to do with contract law, limited liability companies or democracy. Piracy in the Hollywood sense was only prominent in the late 16th-17th centuries involving Englishmen robbing Spaniards. In the early period the French and Dutch were even more prominent, and I'm sure they would have much resented being confused with any sort of 'Anglo'. There may be some crazy Marxist notion that piracy provided early capital for 'capitalism', but despite very occasional spectacular successes, most ventures were failures, and the average rate of return was very low.

People who would be joined in a venture for a limited time and purpose, economic or naval or piratical commonly signed Articles setting forth their obligations and expectations. I think the American settler groups heading west in their 'prairie schooners' had such agreements. The piratical ones were certainly not enforceable at law! Pirate crews had a rough form of democracy, in that unsuccessful captains might be overthrown and replacements elected (probably in proportion to shares held), and aggrieved crewmen might challenge officers to a fight. Pirates had a very limited life expectation, (once a powerful country with a strong navy decided to suppress these nuisances to trade) until they were caught and hanged, but the happy merchants who financed some of them may have rather more influence on commercial legal and political developments.

Doolittle is not an avatar of the Anglo soul. He seems very American. Tim Rowsell of Survive the Jive would be a much better representation of that. He espouses the attitudes of the Anglo-Saxons and Northmen.


He made a video recently of a discussion with Gnostic Informant, explaining that it would be good for white people to return to Paganism:


He shows no interest in Eastern Europe except for archaeology and genetics, but might be willing to talk to you.

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Whew !

Even Burroughs had women friends. Susan Sontag. Myself I like 'em. Watch out for the weak ones though.

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I like women as friends. Sorry to get monosyllabic about this.

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it's ok to like women.

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Rurik, have you ever written a peace on Ukrainian ethnogenesis? You know, Polish and Austrian meddling, reason that majority of inhabitants.in some moment felt to be different nation from Russians, etc.?

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No not yet I guess

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ur-structure means universal religious structure? Just guessing. Maybe it's some common term everybody else knows: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22ur-structure%22&ia=web

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Okay Todd, I had a look, your best bet is to read the Perennialist and Traditionalist Schools for the Ur- meaning, fyi massive rabbit hole.

Perenealism and Traditionalism are opposite theories to each other. Rene Guenon for Traditionalism as a start point and then for Perenalism you want Marsilio Ficino as a start point.

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A wiki entry for Ur- as a prefix for other words.

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It comes from German Metaphysics if I'm remembering correctly (Im in doubt so please take with a grain of salt).

Ur is German for Original, First, Proto or Primitive, so in this case it is First Structure or Original Structure. Il try and find some reading material for it specifically.

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The oldest Mesopotamian cities are Ur and Uruk

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Were these the names of the time period or were they the names given to the cities by the archeologists? I suspect that it was the latter due to the word Ur coming from Indo-Europeans when traced back far enough.

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yes, funny enough the chinese refer to the Russians as the Ur-rus. The old ones.

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The Ur-sounding part of the Chinese name for Russia has nothing to do with the German prefix ur- 'original'.

The Chinese got their name for the Russians from the Manchus who in turn got it from the Mongolians who got it from the Kipchaks. Kipchak was a Turkic language, and Turkic languages used to forbid R- at the beginning of a word. So Rus' got an extra vowel stuck on the front to make it possible for Kipchaks to say: Orus. (The addition of a vowel to make a word easier to say also happened in Spanish, which is why Latin schola became Spanish escuela.)

By the time the Kipchak word for Russia got as far east as Mongolian and Manchu, it became Oros, and Oros got Mandarinized as 俄羅斯 Olosi, now pronounced Éluósī (roughly "uh-lwoh-suh") in standard Mandarin. Non-Mandarin versions of the name sound even less like Rus': e.g., Taiwanese Gô-lô-su (with the same Chinese characters).

The crazy thing is that the added Kipchak vowel ultimately mutated into the abbreviation for Russia in Chinese, 俄-, which is like "Russo-": e.g., the Russo-Japanese War in Mandarin is 日俄戰爭 Rì-É Zhànzhēng, lit. 'Japano-Russian War' (I don't know why the Chinese order of the countries is the other way around). So there is nothing Russian about 俄.

The Chinese name for Russia closest to Ur-Rus is Dungan Vurus which is even written in Cyrillic: Вурус. Dungan is a far western variety of Mandarin that had an Cyrillic alphabet developed by Soviet linguists in 1953; it's the only form of Chinese written in Cyrillic, and it has heavy Russian influence (e.g., "Oktyabr Revolyutsiya" for 'October Revolution'). I think the V- might have been added to make Urus easier to pronounce. That process of V-addition is also in Ukrainian: e.g., vikno for 'window' (from Old Ruthenian vokno) unlike Russian okno which keeps the original initial o-.

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Holy cow what a post.

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