This was excellent. You've drawn a lot of threads together to outline possibly the oldest and largest social engineering project in history. Very much looking forward to part 2.

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Indeed! My question is, is a merely human cabal capable of pulling this off, and then continuing to develop the conspiracy with such secrecy and coordination across so many generations and cultures? Maybe. But it really makes me wonder. And then this Yahweh character seems like a real motherfucker, pretending to be the real God and all. I mean, Yahweh could be the fictitious mythical creation of some secret priesthood, or he could be based, however loosely, on some higher-up puppetmaster. Definitely looking forward to Part II.

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TBH I don’t believe it is a continuous and deliberate.

IE 2000 years ago some priests were rubbing their hands together and going ‘and once we spread word of this Christ guy, we’ll have them performing sex change operations on children, and.’

It’s more than likely this is simply the natural evolution of a particular set of spiritual and memetic strains running their course on our civilization.

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Maybe not on the specifics, but take more of a 30,000 foot view and there's been a remarkable amount of coordination and continuity. Take, for example, the more recent "long march through the institutions" performed by Western Marxists. The first generations of these communists took lowly jobs with little pay or status or visibility in much the same way Christian missionaries would do. For an atheistic and completely materialist psuedo-religion like communism, that's odd. I'm sure there are explanations that may make sense, at least superficially, but it really is a strange phenomenon that raises some interesting questions. Same thing with the use of satanic and occult symbols and rituals by certain esoteric groups of very powerful people. It is extremely odd. And I don't think the possibility of some hyperdimensional consciousness acting upon such people and groups should be ruled out.

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"Yahweh character seems like a real motherfucker,"...HAR! Beware lightning bolts, lol

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Lol. Well, anyone who would claim to be *the* one true God when he is not (and the Yahweh character described in many OT passages is certainly not *the* one true God), is probably evil.

But the lightning bolts is interesting. Reminds me of Zues.

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Great article! In the early Soviet days, the Communist organization for children and youth was called Spartakovtzy (Spartans), later renamed into Young Pioneers.

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Ah that’s true. Also all the sports clubs. I forgot to mention that.

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Nietzsche said that Christianity is Platonism for the masses. I guess that was by design. Great post! Eager to see where it goes from here! Looks like you may be about to reveal how the magicians pull off their deceptions!

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In a decent civilization, it would be illegal to write anything else on this subject unless it could be written better than this Part I (typos and all).

It's funny how the simplest things are the truest. When I was a boy and would get worked up about something someone had said, my mother would say 'Just consider the source.'

Now, all these many decades later, I see the wisdom in this simple phrase.

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I fixed those typos lol I never see them until I hit publish and then they are glaring

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This has been without a doubt one of the most interesting articles I have ever read. Hope you make enough shekels from this blog to live a comfortable life.

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Great Work, Skywalker, thank you. Took me awhile to get back and finish it (funeral; important one, otherwise I would not have gone, not into that kind of thing). Yes, masterful indeed. Any time the Self-Chosen and their janissaries, the Kristlings, get revealed and hammered like roaches when the kitchen light is turned on, that's always a good thing. My knowledge of these bipedal reptiles, accumulated over many years of personal observation, intimate contact, and research over several decades has proven to me, beyond doubt, that the predatory nature of the Tribe *is* genetic. Inherent, if you will...even if they don't know they are, that Presence is still there; that's the extraordinary continuum from very ancient times up until now. I'm pretty convinced that those clay tablets, so very, very old discovered in Iraq long ago, were probably collection notices and payment receipts kept in the Tribes ancient vaults. Therefore, those descendants of the long-gone Sumerian Empire, they STILL owe the descendants running the banks today(!)....I'm being kind of facetious, of course; but that "never forgive, never forget" business model seems to have worked pretty well. Maybe the 2013 Iraq invasion was really the Collection Agency that came to take their shit after 4000 years(?). But very well done, insightful, worth the wait. Thanks again, Rurik

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This is quite interesting, I think:


Interviewer: “I’m the main character, and here’s how I’m gonna prove it.”

Kirn: Exactly. So anyway, I think I know where you’re going with this. This guy who was named Christian Gerhartsreiter, but pretended to be Clark Rockefeller, was as close to a demonic being as I’ve ever encountered. And as I examined him, once he came out, once he was caught for these murders and then tried, and I went forensically back through our relationship and back through his life, studying him, trying to figure out who he was, why I believed him, how he appealed to people, how he pulled off the con, I probably couldn’t have come up with a better thesis than “this guy is possessed,” you know, possessed maybe by emptiness, maybe not by an affirmative spirit of evil, but by a absolute vacuum of good.

So when when you spend your time studying a character like that, the notion that there are beings that can possess the human, evil forces and so on, gets a lot more more credible. The psychological model of evil breaks down. You find out— You know, when I would give readings from this book people would say to me, “What do you think happened to him when he was a kid that that caused him to become this coldblooded killer who could cut people up, bury him in the ground, and then throw a party on the mound?” Which he did. And I said, “Nothing happened to him when he was a kid.” You know what he did as a kid? He used to blow pepper into other kids’ eyes for fun. He used to go around the town where he lived and switch out the road signs so people would get lost trying to find the next town. He was always that way. He was born that way.


And I think that in that moment and in moments I spent interacting with them afterwards, I moved to a whole new thesis about human evil, which is that it is an affirmative thing. It’s not just the lack of goodness. There are people who— beings who actually want to frighten, want to control, have inverted every ethic and moral principle such that they have taken on this kind of power, and to describe it as demonic is probably not inaccurate.

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Look up Denzel talking about a gang I think called the little yummies and this one kid. I think when people encounter this type of evil it's no wonder some say Lizard people. Could it be a coping mechanism.

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It is heavily implied demonic entities are real

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There are far worse people in official positions.

Aaron Russo was likely poisoned for his revelations:


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Russo says bankers are the problem and we know from Ronald Bernard who they serve......

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Masterful work

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Mindfuck me harder daddy!

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Fantastic work. Thank you!

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this is such great work rurik, mindblowing, and an all day project. re Plato and the Guardians. in the NT, Luke specifically, we see that while Christ denied he had a devil he never denied he was a Samaritan. Samaritan means 'guardian.' in the story of the Good Samaritan, the judaic priest and levite were thrust aside as inept to handle the situation. only the guardian samaritan could handle the job of healing. do with that what thou wilt, but in light of all you've written about using the past to replace the past, you might find it interesting.

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Earning my sub today, Rurik.

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Brilliant! So many things seem to fall into into place.

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I like you, Rolo and highly appreaciate these еssays. And I don't want to make you even more...bored, yelling and cursing. But you must not expect mindlessly agreeable public especially with regards to such complex topics.

Synarchy is the correct term imo. Communism, capitalism, democracy, postmodernism - all being modern attempts to hide synarchy with obscurity. Swastika is an ancient aryan symbol according to people (like Robert Sepehr) who think Hiperborea and Atlantis were aryan empires, it is the general myth in esoteric knowledge I guess. Roerich is immensely integral part in the New Age cults and deep in the Theosophical society of Blavatska. All New Age cults are heavily promoted by elites and are not some democratic metaphysics hidden from the masses.

Plato was made famous by the Medici, who were in charge of the elites' finances before the Rothschilds and who pushed the Renaissance. This is the thing that you know rediscovered the "classical Greek philosophy".

How do you know this to be the case: "distinct lack of specialized priest castes in Hyperborean society"? Just asking. Just wondering.

"It is curious then that Plato is arguing for synarchy and rule by priests, is it not?" - no, it is not for me. It is not clear that Plato actually existed, but let's imagine that he did. The priest aryan class from advanced Atlantis/Hyperborean civilizations conquered distant places, ruled over the native populance and kept advanced knowledge and secrets from the local peasants who regarded them as nobles, the "Guardians". Plato is really just the aryan tradition of nobles ruling over peasants. Maybe, I don't now, just a theory.

"Serves them right! Let them know what it feels like to bleed! Take that, dad!" - this, of course, is some unimaginable bullshit. See, you can't have both. On one hand arguing against the patriarchic abrahamic cults, imposed by Plato (in this version of dystopia history, I don't agree, but I am not enough knowledgeable to argue, so why not, lets say Plato is to blame, I don't mind it and I don't like him anyway). Then arguing against the pagan goddess and bloodthirsty women who wanted to murder poor boys for pleasure and envy that boys don't bleed. So... ok. So the abrahamic cults were not enough patriarchic or what? What is our main problem with the abrachamic cults? The well defined priests class hiding knowledge and ruling over peasants? But how did women screwed the masses in the Christianity era? How did we do it again?

"Sparta” became synonymous with state-enforced egalitarianism — at least for the ruling caste in the ancient world": if there is a "ruling caste", there is no "egalitarianism". All totalitarian societies are exactly the opposite of any "egalitarianism".

"Sparta was a totally synthetic society with no continuity to the past, created by a top-down elite-run social-engineering effort.... All subsequent social engineers have modeled their future social engineering projects on Sparta and, by extension, on Plato’s manifesto as well. " - largely agree, prototype for a totalitarian state.

And, yes, progress and "progressivism" is a construct for advancing the agenda for the occult elite. This is how we got all of those "revolutions" and everything old is boring and so on. It is a "progress" imposed from above and not a authentic development of society.

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>But you must not expect mindlessly agreeable public especially with regards to such complex topics.

you always leave comments talking about how it is anybody but the you-know-whos. youve mentioned jesuits, black nobility, reptilians?, khazars, all the usual branches of the disinfo tree. the root is the Chosen people. this is the key to understanding anything.

>rediscovered the "classical Greek philosophy".

yes, that is an interesting point - how much of the classical world is renaissance forgery? an intriguing line of inquiry, I agree.

>"distinct lack of specialized priest castes in Hyperborean society"?

i got this from Revilo Oliver's series of essays on religion and christianity. but i also encountered the same thought in Eliade's book on Shamanism and proto-religions of the north. these writers are both considered evil.

>The priest aryan class from advanced Atlantis/Hyperborean civilizations conquered distant places, ruled over the native populance and kept advanced knowledge and secrets from the local peasants who regarded them as nobles, the "Guardians".

wrong. in India, the aryans ruled as the warrior caste. the brahmin eventually staged a revolt and genocided them, ushering in priest rule. again, Revilo Oliver's work.

>Abrahamic patriarchy

a myth. the Greeks were far more patriarchal. they called women "beautiful evil". the hebrew prophets are arguing for a return to patriarchy and a ban on ishtar worship and the holy prostitutes, the priestesses of the cthonic cult. they never succeeded. judaism is passed on through the mother. feminism was pushed by hebrewesses and protestants.

>authentic development of society.

there is no such thing as progress, only tradeoffs.

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Anyway. I agree 100% that we need a conspiratorial historical theory. The world is ruled by money and power, the most obvious thing is to consider a conspiratorial historical view. And greatly appreciate that you touch on all of those issues. If I try to do it even with people who claim "to understand things and are open minded" it is a disaster and always end up regretting that I had the naivety to think the general public can handle it. So I appreciate your work and fearlessness.

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I know what you mean

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I never said it is the "Khazars", "Jesuits" or "Reptilians", but I say and I said it is the Black nobility and much larger clusters of royals than the Black nobility. They are literally the God's chosen - blue bloods, this is what think they are, they think they have the divine right to rule, they claim descent from the line of David or Moses, Christianity is just a ruling bloodline. This is literally the definition of "God's chosen" but somehow everybody missing the point. Nobility and royals faked the Enlightenment and after that pretended to be "communists" or "capitalists" to foment color revolutions against the populace and adversaries. You can easily find them in every corporation, behind the financial system, in every modern "school of thought", in the so called "philosophies", which are basically Kabbalah rebranded. It is Kabbalah because the royals are jewish. As far as I can tell because I am far from an expert on the occult, but Kaballah is the jewish variant of esoteric knowledge, it is the jewish supremasists' hidden "knowledge", the aryans' tradition which came to the western world in the form of the Kabbalah of the elites.

The world is ruled by money and power. Not by "ethnic groups", "sex", "women".

The name of Nicholas II is Schleswig-Holstein-Romanow-Gotorf. Is this a "slav name"? They reformed their empires and made them "modern". It is not the "jews", but there are a lot of clues that the nobility is jewish, probably Phoenician. They wrote and popularized the theory how "the good Christian tzars were and the good feudal empires" were taken over by a masonic - jewish conspiracy. All of the royals were jewish and freemasons. Freemasonry and jesuit order are Intelligence agencies for private interests - the blue bloods.

"Greeks were far more patriarchal. they called women "beautiful evil"." - Ok, whatever.

"in India, the aryans ruled as the warrior caste. the brahmin eventually staged a revolt and genocided them, ushering in priest rule" - agree, the aryans were the old nobility in India, China, Latin America, some of the Pharaoh in Egypt, the vikings, maybe slavs, something like that. This nobility seem to have understanding of sea faring, astronomy and astrology (yes, it is planets and symbols), medicine, anatomy, math, how to build a civilization, "occult knowledge" but it seems to have been corrupted by prejudice, malicious groups and the general bs. Judaism like all Abrahamic religions is esoterica rebranded and corrupted for the jews, the muslims, the whites, etc to teach them that they must fear and obey the all mighty Yahweh. I agree about the Demiurge/Yahweh. Ishtar is a feminine evil aspect of the masculine Saturn. "Sacred" prostitution is the corruption and abuse of girls, but ok, I am not surprised that men pretend to be victims. And I don't intend to play the victim game between sexes, it is pathetic. Girls and boys are abused and used for elite' purposes, this is how cults/totalitarian societies' work.

"there is no such thing as progress, only tradeoffs" -ok, agree.

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Interesting you mention the movie 300 in your very well written essay. Zack Snyder the director certainly has skin in the game then to perpetuate that Spartan myth so to speak given his tribe. And let's go one further the most famous portrayal of Spartacus was played of course by Kurt Douglas father of Michael and someone who embraced his Jewish Herritage in his later years. Hats off to the guy he did live to almost 104 years old. Hollywood though after all!

Another take away, keeping with the media theme look no further than the original two season television series called "Utopia" started in 2013 that then Netflix remade badly and that never made it to a final season and as especially given what has befallen us since was possibly just too close to the bone to have it finished. Well they are known to rub the truth in our faces after all! And my phone quite scarily knew I was going to type that when I was still looking up stuff to do with Zack Snyder. Google is anti-Christ!

Finally, I love your pragmatic approach to political theory. It doesn't matter really what is written in detail too much as long as there is means to an end those who claim to implement never seem to really follow it to the letter after all. It really is about the people behind the theory and the outcome. Got to draw it back to media of course. At the end of dystopian film Equilibrium *** spoiler ahead!!! *** the ultimate boss bad guy confesses to our hero that he can feel and again it's just him using this system that has been built to his advantage all along a la bit Wizard of Oz. But furthermore, it made me think of a study I once heard about whereby they wrote a horoscope and gave it to people and they all said they agreed with about 80% of it applying to them and their character when it was the exact same thing given to each person. Religion, political theories and cults are a bit like this in some ways often written broadly in such a catch all way.

To conclude, I feel like your essays could be made into films. I mentioned my love of Adam Curtis documentaries in another post. I hope you checked some of that out? But your stuff is a bit deeper than his but could be so hard hitting for the masses if presented in that format. You want to start your own cult of "Stalkers" after all. Or you could easily follow a James Corbet approach and do videos more in that style. I would like it too if you referenced some of your sources a bit more but otherwise 10/10 keep it up! And glad the laptop started working or a backup was saved to give us this masterpiece.

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I've seen Utopia the british version. eerie. ive tried to make vaxxies watch it.

no, feel free to reshare your adam curtis documentaries. i want to watch something.

do videos? meh. i'd need to remember how to edit videos. maybe if i had more money coming in from the writing id hire one of my russian zoomer friends to edit my stuff.

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Riley worked in media didn't he? Couldn't you combine resources and launch one channel or heck follow in the footsteps of UK Column and do a whole mini media network because it's that easy.

Here is a link to a recent Adam Curtis documentary but he's done more. It would be interesting to see what you think his takes on Russia and China are:


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