I am possibly the most conservative person on your site. Even Gold is crashing against the worthless 300 trillion dollars debt ridden $USA. Ifavour at thkis time the three principal life necessities. 1. Food 2. Shelter 3. Fuel . Its hard to store nough food safely for resale. Homes are going to be subject to the most vicious taxes…
I am possibly the most conservative person on your site. Even Gold is crashing against the worthless 300 trillion dollars debt ridden $USA. Ifavour at thkis time the three principal life necessities. 1. Food 2. Shelter 3. Fuel . Its hard to store nough food safely for resale. Homes are going to be subject to the most vicious taxes. My single home in New Zealand operates at costs equal total returns from tenancy rent. Thats all I have 3. We can't store electricity. Maybe people can store wood but the green freaks are against even a whiff of smoke in New Zealand . This all brings us back to Crypto. which I for one can not use for anything I need,
I am possibly the most conservative person on your site. Even Gold is crashing against the worthless 300 trillion dollars debt ridden $USA. Ifavour at thkis time the three principal life necessities. 1. Food 2. Shelter 3. Fuel . Its hard to store nough food safely for resale. Homes are going to be subject to the most vicious taxes. My single home in New Zealand operates at costs equal total returns from tenancy rent. Thats all I have 3. We can't store electricity. Maybe people can store wood but the green freaks are against even a whiff of smoke in New Zealand . This all brings us back to Crypto. which I for one can not use for anything I need,