III. The KGB and the Great Chernobyl Hoax
Legasev's Satanic Parade, the Great Passover Exodus Offering and the Fate of the Ethnic Liquidators.
If you haven’t read parts I and II, well, you really should.
In Part II, we started getting into some of the weird coincidences between themes in Stalker and the events that occurred some 7 years later at Chernobyl. It was one of my favorite articles to write. I waited many years to finally broach the topic with my readers, who I had referred to as Stalkers without explaining the reasoning for it the whole while. Like a cryptic film director myself, I finally spilled the beans on why I made such a stylistic choice in the first place. It felt very cathartic, let me tell you, to write it all down. Also, more importantly, I explained how Tarkovsky might have been able to predict the nuclear disaster ahead of time based on prevailing trends in the USSR.
In Part III, things are set to get even weirder though as we start looking at the occult significance of the disaster and how it triggered the demolition of the USSR project. However, you’re going to have to sign up to become a Slavland Stalker to access this lore. No two ways about it, I’m sorry! In fact, you may have noticed that the volume of posts has also dramatically decreased as of late and that is because support has flagged and I’ve been let down by my readers ….
Well, that and I’ve been out proselytizing the blog to the ingrate masses who by and large reject my teachings/offerings. Still, we’ve had about 800 people join us since I started my efforts, which is a good thing! However, I believe that this newer crop of readers is of a different sort than the early comers, who were by and large far more conspiratorial in their mindset. I’m not pointing any fingers here … but the new recruits come from much more “normie”- coded or ideologically rigid segments of the blogosphere and are having a hard time wrapping their head around the core concept that I work to explain on this blog.
That is: that the wars are fake, but that the massacres are very real.
However, this thinking fits neatly into conspiracies surrounding other events, like the nuclear “accident” in Reactor 4. Tweaked a little, we get the following formulovka, that: the disasters are faked, but that the consequences of them are real. If that sounds like something that you can wrap your head around, then join us in The Zone behind the paywall.
April 26, 1986 aka the 17th of Nisan 5746, on the Sabbath of Passover, the holiday of Exodus
Yes, the date on which the nuclear reactor blew was on a very religiously significant holiday indeed.
RELATED: A previous date with similar occult significance was March 22, Purim, which is when the deadliest (or second deadliest) single massacre of Russian civilians by terror attack occurred quite recently. Have you heard about it, new readers?
Almost certainly not.
Most Z-people have no idea that there was a recent giant mass casualty event of civilians in Moscow at the Crocus center because it was hushed up by the Kremlin and no investigation of the events has been allowed to occur. I bring up Crocus with Putin enthusiasts time and again and all I ever get back in the form of a reaction is a kind of shocked silence. The wall of Z-censorship has been so effective and all-encompassing that the equivalent would be if Russians or Ukrainians had never heard of the 9/11 attacks in New York.
Suspicious doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Few Z-media projects even bothered to cover the death of hundreds of Russian civilians when the attack occurred in early 2024, forever sinking any claims that they might have made to have been “pro-Russian”. These people are just collecting Kremlin checks or using Russians as a rhetorical cudgel against their own overlords. There is a huge difference between pro-Z and being pro-Russian, believe me.
Now, the events of the Purim massacre in the Bible are celebrated as a kind of preemptive strike against the racial enemies of Yahweh’s Chosen and are also seen as the foundational mythos/ethos of the Mossad organization. If you don’t know, the story of Esther, God’s Chosen launch a preemptive massacre of Persian/Greek civilians (who they also take great pleasure in mutilating). The justification for this is because they are considered “Amalek” i.e. the enemies of (their) God and therefore slated for destruction. This is the same reasoning that was used by the current day Israeli government in official statements regarding the need to ethnically cleanse the Gazans. That is, they were referred to as “Amalek” as well on TV before the bombs started to rain down, incinerating hundreds of thousands in the final toll. Also: to commemorate their victory over Haman the Amalekite, God’s Chosen ritually eat his ears to this day. This act has occult significance as well, of course, but we’re not going to cover the metaphysics of cannabalism today (or on this blog in general).
And, wouldn’t you know it, the alleged perpetrators of the Crocus attack were ritually mutilated in the same way as Haman upon their capture … yes, the feds cut off their ear and nibbled on it … and if any of that peaks your interest, well, I wrote about the high strangeness surrounding the Crocus Holocaust here:
So now that we’ve established that dates have religious significance and that a lot of strange, high casualty or consequential events tend to occur on these dates, we can return to discussing Chernobyl.