Oct 19, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I'm not really sure what to take away from Rusty here..he says things will slowly get better but also "lol nah MoD wont take any measures to defend their aircraft from Ukrainian missiles and drones" and "yeah the plan is to sit here static and just try and massacre Ukrainians until the US gets bored". This sounds like "well everything you are saying on the blog is true but chin up, some decent people might get promoted someday and change stuff years down the road".

As for the elite being forced to fight or die well..what about the elite with Israeli passports he mentioned? Its possible those without them might realize, probably far too late that it's do or die but if their power and influence is less than the that of the Israeli passport holders where does that leave Russia?

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yeah, exactly i felt the same way. even though it was an anonymous interview, i felt like he wasnt allowing himself to draw some obvious conclusions. but it is probably the perspective shared by his colleagues as well. my podcast in russian is a bit more optimistic but they are in the same ball park with their adjusted views. for a western audience, his talk might be eyeopening though

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The West never thought that Ukraine would "win". But when they performed so well and the Russians performed so badly the West got a new outlook on the war and decided to bleed Russia ( and Ukraine ) for as long as it was possible but they still don't beleive Ukraine can win and they can't win , it is impossible. So eventually Russia will "win " , ( what form that takes No body knows ) so in the meantime keep digging graves for the poor barstards on both sides.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Kudos, Skywalker, great interview. I read it earlier on Unz, from Occidental, apparently That's some serious reach. Good clarifications on some more nuanced aspects of the Un-War situation, behind the lines. Puts to bed some unanswered questions, in a lot of ways. Lot of it makes practical sense, militarily and politically. I do still feel that Shogun Shoigu is utterly corrupt and incompetent; but at least this SMO did put the collaborationists on the back-foot. The situation with Wagner still seems vague, as I hear they supposedly moving into position in a necessary sector, but yet they are basically "dismantled" within the campaign(?). But that the military authorities and general public didn't welcome them within striking range of Moskva is NOT true: they would not have gotten even close otherwise. I do like the realistic assessment that *any* power, no matter how "on paper" awesome they are, never knows until in actual field ops. Yup, a "learning curve" is always gonna happen with a near-peer foe, especially. The AFU has been, and still are, underestimated. But that was a great interview, much appreciated!

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Frankly, "Rusty" seems like a competent, pragmatic analyst. Given the chance, I would like to hear more from him.

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Interesting interview, thanks for sharing. Rusty seems like a pretty level headed and knowledgable guy, cautious as well, understanding realities on the ground even if he doesn't quite understand the bigger picture at play. I also really liked your interview questions, sharp and probing ones, nicely done. It seems like the takeaway is that this war will last for a number more years if not longer -- aka the next "forever war" for the U.S. after Afghanistan...

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I would have appreciated if you had pressed him more about when Wagner will get off their ass and take Keeev from Belarus. I am assured from various sources (all oddly named Alex!) that this is just waiting on a literal green light at an intersection. \sarc

That was a great interview. I am really interested in the shift of the plutocrats. If that is indeed the case, then its a very different scenario.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Good interview, it confirmed my suspicions, the whole thing is "complicated". Kudos on Unz picking up your piece, that's fantastic, you're getting there.

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Thank you. Interesting interview, though the subject was good at not saying too much!

What was the mutiny he referenced?

As to your last point - conspiracy vs incompetence. Things are always blends, ratios rather than absolutes. It's like weather: when it's stormy, everything feel dangerous and violent and all decisions made reflect that gestalt; when it's sunny and placid then everything reflects that. Countries go through long-term up and down cycles, each different. Some periods are overcast with activist evil, like during the Red Terror days; other periods are balmy and optimistic (1870's Tzarist Russia? I don't know Russian history well). Maybe Russians never have balmy and optimistic periods?! But you get the point.

Now: a good question might be: where do such collective atmospheres come from? If you are not a hidebound materialist who would regard such a question as ridiculous, you can maybe contemplate such things. They are the result mainly, I would suggest, of moral status: people leading good lives, simply put, are in good spirits, and people leading evil or not good lives are in malicious or poor spirits. Such spirits create societal weather. Group energy-mentality is infectious. In a society with unclear spirit levels, then lower styles will be fostered more than when spirits are generally positive, wakeful, noble etc. So during such periods the lower elements tend to rise and tend to promote others of like vibrational resonance, if you will, to rise with them whilst instinctively suppressing those with higher or lighter faculties who make them feel uncomfortable.

We are seeing this with white people in the US. As the culture descends, those who might change that weather are being marginalized as the dominant system moving in picks those of like temperament.

Something like that. Basic neo-Confucian yin-yang approach.

Again, good piece. Thank you.

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regarding group energy, yes I think such a thing exists but it is not informed by morality. morality is nebulous and relative. such a thing cannot govern something like group psyche. this is very modern, post-christian thinking. instead, i think morale governs these group energies. winning victories, being confident, optimistic about the future, etc. white people are definitely not pleasant to even be around in group settings because of their bad vibes now. they're moral enough, pay their taxes, dont insult you (to your face) but they have bad morale.

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I should have used the word virtue instead of morality. The point was about the quality of spirit. Like I said, I was giving a confucian, even Buddhist, style view, neither of which regard the notion of morality in quite the same way as religions-of-the-book cultures but I was trying to westernize the vocabulary! Good catch.

PS moral and morale come from the same original word and meaning. I like what you said in response to my speil about about morality: "instead, i think morale governs these group energies". Agree. I also think it's not meaningless that the words moral and morale were originally interchangeable. What you are objecting to in 'moral' is that it is often interpreted in a dry, abstract and lifeless way, whereas morale has vigor, blood and dynamism. So I agree with your quibble though I believe my use of moral was in the original spirit that is now referenced by morale as if the two are somehow different and not fundamentally identical.

This is evidenced by a simple truth: one of the most surefire guaranteed ways to feel good is to serve or help others selflessly. It works every time, even if only a two-hour shift at a soup kitchen or some such. So doing what is morally good boosts morale! And of course it affects the general social mood. If the majority of the people are doing good - which usually is the case - that represents a type of force field of virtue which the bad people have to work around, twist, pervert but cannot entirely ignore. I believe this power of good is a very real thing, and usually generated by the hobbits of this world, the ordinary, invisible folk. Parents who love their children and vice versa. Those in helping professions. Gardeners, farmers, carpenters, nurses so many acts of virtue by so many billions each and every day.

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getting to your point, yes, i think we need to raise white ppl's group "vibe" ie our shared vibration. i avoid whites now because i cant deal with their bad mojo and their negativity. it is palpable. they all want to talk about negative things like racism. just the other day a boomer said hello to me and started complaining about how racist america was. out of the blue. disgusting.

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Ha ha ha! Well, I am married to a non-white and live in a town with perhaps only a handful of us, I don't know I hardly ever see any foreigners except occasionally on weekends when they drive around places I guess. I didn't move here for that reason, exactly, but I had a choice of retiring in Germany, America or somewhere else and partly for health-climate reasons, but mainly for cultural reasons, I picked Mexico (partly because for me it was brand new and challenging, also).

I think the racial lens is overly generic or generalizing. Culture is where it's at and right now most of the world's culture is transmitted on electronic screens, either old school TV's or Android. It's all very materialist, insensitive, commercialized. As far as I can tell, China which is a very different culture historically and on the external surface is very much the same on the inside in this cyber way. I like Mexico because there is a strain of wildness, chaos, dysfunction and also good old fashioned drama, desperation, glory, humour and surreality in the mix. Salvador Dali is said to have left disgruntled saying: 'I don't like being in a country more surrealistic than myself!' And so it is. Surrealism is a morale-boosting antidote to modernism's omni-mall-itis !!!!

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race is the root, culture is the flower.

there are many white retirees in the third world that ive met. sadly, many of them squander their childrens' inheritance on their new families and their quixotic quest for love. it amounts to a wealth transfer of an entire generation. that being said, i cant fault anyone for not wanting to live in america. nor can these men be faulted for their wives divorcing them. the situation is difficult, but there is no point in denying that race is important. i would vastly prefer a village girl from, say, vietnam or the phillippines, but alas, i will have to close my eyes and think of the tsar and find a russian woman.

i think having many "wives" is the best strategy and not marrying either of them of course.

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Well, I was just thinking yesterday driving through our small town about how everyone looks the same here, more or less, and how proper that feels. But even if I had picked a more or less white town in the sunbelt in the US, the national culture there at this point is highly confused and confusing with so many different values and backgrounds that their being more or less of the same race doesn't really matter. I considered moving to Eastern Europe but I just didn't feel up to the huge cultural shift plus I wanted warmer weather. I gather some retirees enjoy Georgia or around there. That part of the world is a blur to me.

I think having people of the same race living together is natural; it is also the basis of culture as you say. Perhaps why I like it here better than the States, moreover in a more rural area, is precisely because these people are of the same race and thus their culture, though foreign to me, all fits together very well, something I no longer experience much in the declining West. Before Mexico I lived on Cape Breton Island which has a very strong local community cultural tartan, each one (usually around 500 - 2,000) being unique but also very much a part of the same island community. Television and internet started to go in during the early 2000's and immediately that culture started to fade as youth grew up in international cyberspace like most youth world wide. In the village area we are moving into recently some sort of service went in, dish-based I think, but before then you couldn't get cable or cell signal. Now I see young children with cell phones playing games and know that their children will not be dirt poor villagers like their parents tending sheep, making cheese, emphasizing catholic and native-derived rituals and relationships as is currently the case. They will be Resetters too.

And so it goes...

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I think we-know-who has worked long and hard and successfully to deny, debase and degrade the racial feelings, culture and morale of white societies; whilst allowing no aspersion or diminution of their own.

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Concerning the question of treachery versus competence.

Most actions are guided by the system of reinforcement. If you are rewarded for competence, you'll tend to be competent. If for political savvy, you'll be a good bureaucratic infighter.

I'd say every self-respecting country should get rid of dual citizenship. Dual citizens of a country should automatically lose their citizenship around the age of, say, 27. (21 is too young to make such a momentous choice). Non-citizens can enjoy a green card status: be able to work and travel, but will not be able to vote or make political contributions and certainly should not have any security clearances at all. People younger than the cutoff date who hold dual citizenship should not hold security clearances. People making critical decisions for a country should not have dual loyalties.

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Rusty seems to be looking at the situation, at least partially, through lens of the fallacious Hanlon's Razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." I consider it to be a form of hopium that people use to avoid total despair. Maybe it doesn't rise to the level of Anon-ism but it certainly presents a distorted view of the world. We need a name for the inverse of Hanlon's Razor because it better reflects reality - "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice." Suggestions anyone? Rurik's Razor perhaps?

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Overall this all to me comes down to: everything is going as well as can be expected. It names no names, opens no hidden doors, suggests no dynamic initiatives, identifies no particular gross shortcomings ( maybe the planes ?).

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Off-topic, but this is really good. My signature pic is a type of "rod", I'm sure - I suspect traditional fairies are related.


Sky Critters and the Invisible Universe

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Thank you, guys! Great as always.

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Interesting Israeli threats against Russia:


Amir Weitmann, powerful member of Netanyahu’s Likud party in Israel, went live on Russia Today and, oh Boy, tore into Russia’s stance.

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After the video cuts, he continues explaining that Israeli public opinion has swung completely against Russia. He addressed your concerns about propaganda and Israel joining sides. Also Israel has been providing some equipment/munitions. I’ve seen, but it’s not in the media.

I can't imagine Russia being happy about Israel/US taking the MIddle East and all the oil therein, which appears to be the overall strategy of which the Hamas attack was the opening gambit.

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I thought the part where he explains how it is going to take a while for the nation to reorient away from the West interesting in that he also clearly expressed how thoroughly oriented that way they have been. I looked it up recently and found that Russia is definitionally a part of Europe. I read War and Peace and Anna Karenina as a teenager and was engrossed. That culture was different, but very much European. I miss old Europe very much, the patchwork quilt of different landscapes and languages sharing the same overall civilization. Of course it was marred by corrupt elites causing no end of chaos and hardship at regular intervals, so much so that I cannot even imagine an era of continuous peace and plenty even though as a boomer I lived through one. We were at peace perhaps in the Anglo world but war and chaos we visited on others far away, albeit relatively small-scale compared to the Great War.

I wonder if Russia can really pull away entirely? I doubt it. But surely for a while it must be done. The West has a huge revolution to go through and it will take a century or more to kick out the corrupt elites and refashion a decent society probably no longer based on shared Christian faith which will be hard to revive at this point after more than a century being generally abandoned.

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So just how detailed is your knowledge of how government and their bureaucracies work? And prob'ly the banking sector too?

Well enough to come up with some hypthetical detailed process/methodology for identifying thieving oligarchs etc. ? Name them. Find their wealth where it is going to and where it came from?

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i'd need a whole team of researchers and insiders to do that.

the liberals have done their own version of it though. they know where putin's government keeps its stolen money, dead bodies, etc. i've linked them before. this proves that such work can be done by a serious political project if necessary. i'd get rid of everybody and put mid-level military officers in charge.

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I'm a bit surprised it's so hard. I mean I expect detail to be hard but a surface thing I would expect to be fairly easy for those who know which docs to look at. Like it is all a question of 'double entry book-keeping' really, isn't it? And entries don't match or aren't what they should be/where they should be.

But okay.

If you've linked before I'd like to see the link again I'll start trying to follow the trail to 'the liberals own version'.

I'd like to see this thing. I'd like to see it for every Western govt. too.


You'd put military officers in charge of things with all you know of military corruption and inefficiency?

I would simply make it public, on the web, stage by stage, inch by inch. My feeling is that every citizen in the world should be well aware of the 'account books' of the nation and how to use them to track every dollar.

It amazes me that they don't, really. But it's not amazing considering the sad truth, is it?

The masses are unconcerned and ignorant of virtually everything. Primarily of the fact that they don't live in democracies.

That's the job. To wake them up. Inform and awaken.

That' s what you're doing... :)

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its titled "russia's deep state" or smthing

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