For what it is worth, I have read all four instalments of your History of Soviet-Zionist Relations, am working through your Reactionary Metaphysics series, and have listened to a number of podcasts, now; I particularly enjoy your conversations with Karl Haemers . I don't mention this to put myself up for any sort of "Stalker of the Year" commendation. I simply want you to know that your efforts do not go unnoticed nor unappreciated. By dint of what I have been exposed to on this site, I am finally going to make a concerted effort to engage in mindfulness and meditative practices, to make my body as truly a powerful a vessel to contain whatever our epoch portends for it in the very near future. A sincere "thank you" extended from myself to yourself, sir.
Trump will be allowed to win, this time. Upon taking office he will talk a lot of smack about crime, migration, walls, deportation, race unity, inflation, manufacturing, dismantling the alphabet agencies ,blah, blah, blah. He won't be able to make so much as a dent in any of it, as he won't be able to seat a single cabinet member who might actually possess anything akin to true patriotic inclinations, as he needs Congressional approval for such posts. Very shortly after taking office, Iran will be given the greenlight to murder some number of scores of American military members. It will be more than a handful. It will likely number in the hundreds, if not the thousands. The nation will be shocked. The populace will be enraged. Straight white men will come running back to the recruitment offices. A draft will be set up for all the rest. Congress will officially declare war for the first time since WWII. Flags will fly. The country will be "united", yet again, in its headlong effort into complete and total enthrallment to the cyber prison being designed for it, courtesy of Jew Inc. Russia will once more be in the firing line. China, too. Straight white men will die in the millions; the coolies and queers and quadroons will be mostly spared, as they sign up for M.O.S.s which leave them "in the rear with the gear"(former soldier, me. And, NO, I didn't frickin' enjoy one bit of it; got myself kicked out after serving two years of a four year enlistment.) All of the increasingly homely straight white women of this country will have to do their rutting with someone, so they will lay with the black and brown shit stains, as all the white guys will have either been killed off or come out as flaming gaylords or have turned themselves into genitally mutilated freakazoids. The Jews get their nation of Mud People, their cuck servants get their payoffs and vacation homes(and, eventually, their knives in the back when the time comes for The Culling Of The Complicit), and what's left of the dissident right gets their just desserts for sitting around, swilling beer, chomping on nachos grande, and yelling at the TV screen every time the stupid ass game is on, when what they should have been doing is dare to form militias to fight this crap. And yeah, I get it that people are afraid to go to prison, but for fuck's sake, people, you can get a hell of a lot of organizing done in prisons. And(added bonus that most people don't realize) in prison, you get to be a race realist, so whites can break it down FOR REAL with each other and not have to pretend that being a white nationalist is akin to being a degenerate. scumbag who hates himself for not being born black. A whole lot of educating goes on behind the walls.
Yeah, that's about the size of my little prognostication, for today. Enjoy the show, my fellow Americans. We certainly paid for it.
I’m glad you took the time to read the two parts of the blog that I put a lot of effort into. Let me know how the meditation goes. I see the practice as a good way or organizing competent ppl not around an ideology but a practice.
I don't approach Rurik's articles in such an organized way. I read the current article and read all the articles referenced in the article, and some of the articles referenced in the referenced articles, etc, etc. I think I've listened to all or most of his metaphysical interviews, but not having systematically approached them, I can't be sure.
May I suggest once more that when you do organizing, don't organize as a militia. Organize as a mutual aid society, a good works group, a neighborhood improvement group: anything to build connections. Organizing as a militia will put you immediately on the spook radar, and chances are some or most of your leaders will be informants. I don't think a group with connections of friendship would find it that hard to organize a self-defense group as needed in the event of a disaster...or a criminal uprising such as the Watts riot.
Oh, I fear I won't be organizing a damned thing, here. My countrymen will sit around and accept their fate. At least all the cats my age. My fight will be a solitary one. Perhaps some grouping of feral children who eke out an existence scrambling over the ruins hunting rats will take a stab at it in the decades to come.
Have also been thinking about the coming election and it's implications, and have come to mostly the same conclusion as you. The regime needs to step back a little in order not to completely alienate it's productive (white) population by forcing societal changes through too fast. White men aren't joining the military anymore. This will be fixed by allowing a tiny bit of sterile nationalism in the form of a trump win. What comes after is harder to predict, but a managed war will be the perfect pretext for finalizing globohomo's plans.
I can make an easy prediction about the fate of the palestinian people though: soon they will enjoy german welfare and enrich europe with even more kebab and vape shops.
It's all a masterfully executed game. I hesitate to use the word "masterfully", as I and some number of other astute observers can easily discern their intentions as it all appears so patently obvious. However, they are not waging this psychic battle upon the intellects of the perspicacious such as you and I and our woefully few coevals. They are waging it upon the soma-sedated masses, those hyper-sensitive products of The Masters of the Universes' decades long chemical and emotional assaults upon our fellow Americans. Hell, I fell for the Trump stump for about a year and a half or so, until I started paying attention to his shilling for Isreal schtick.
They get one segment of the populace all riled up by elevating the status of a separate segment to the detriment of the aggrieved segment and then let the air out of the tires of the previously-elevated segmented to the delight of the initially-aggrieved and so on and so forth, on and on and on. It's frickn' sickening to watch the endless loop of "The Thrill Of Victory/The Agony Of Defeat" in American political discourse.
Germany used to be such a beautiful country. Just 20 some odd years ago, with the exception of some Turkish slum quarters in some of the larger cities, it was all so wonderfully, charmingly GERMAN. Those poor wretched people. They really are too nice and compliant for their own good. They had a good thing with Hitler and the National Socialists. I would have liked to have been there to experience that.
The germans were the last people to truly try to break free of the mental and physical shackles applied by the system that governs this world, and it took the whole of the industrialized world in order to stop them. Following their defeat they have been a thoroughly demoralized and humiliated people, very sad to see. This is evident when visiting major german cities: they are filled with migrants, homeless people, and ethnic diners. The countryside is little better, it's mostly deserted with some remaining pensioners.
Very good post, Rolo. Iran's attack was telegraphed ahead of time and seemed quite performative, just like their last attack after Soleimani was assassinated. One may keep in mind that the Mullahs were installed by the West in Iran -- Western intelligence services both orchestrated the Shah's overthrow and installed their puppet who was living in the UK at the time. As Guido Preparata has stated, "First they topple Mossadegh (1953), then they handle Iran to Khomeini (1979), much like the Brits handed Russia to the Bolsheviks; it's a game. Persians in [the west] steeped in conspiratorial literature [will] tell you modern Iran is entirely ruled by the US within these Orwellian configurations." The last significant opposition to this system was in World War 2 (which itself was planned by Montagu Norman and his central bank owner backers) -- everything in politics is performative, designed to suppress populism within all nations of the world so that parasitical financiers can suck everything down like a giant squid as the host dies.
Yes - movies tell us all the stories in advance....But, about Breznev - I will read, and if you can believe, right before I read this article, I said to myself - ok, now I have time and I will read new Rurik's articles .... it was many things last weeks and I don't have enough time. And also, what I think is that people when is nice time outside spend less time online. Maybe I'm wrong - nothing new for me.....Ok, I salute you, and don't worry - after all - you are one of the best here! That's what I think. Bye
Fremen knife will be just fine....for me. Those jedi stuff was something what scared me whole life. So strange creatures, this jedi masters......brrrrrrrr
That's how the deeply bankrupt/insolvent governments "wage global wars" on a tight budget (while depopulating own lands, destroying own logistical base/supply chain and looting whatever is left of the empire). Same way they make a Hollywood blockbuster.
Tomorrow morning here in Oz we will see if the Iranian's weapons were any good , I doubt it but they had to do something big and striking Israel directly sounds like a big deal but I think they are going to be a bit embarrassed by the results , a bit like Russia was embarrassed in Ukraine in the early days. So now it is up to China to take out the US fleet and show that the BRICS have some real teeth....but the Chink military does not want to fight , they just wanna be billionaires....Xi does not even have an active defence minister for Christ's sake! WTF you anti anal satanist killers!!!!!!
I think with Iran you can just watch the propaganda videos showing off their weapons where their leaders have corona cuck muzzles strapped to their faces and tell this is not a serious nation. Also they cant even protect their own VIPs in the heart of their capital so yeah I doubt they will put up much resistance.
I'll chime in with the other microagrgessed to say that hey, I recently made a point of reading all four installments of your Soviet-Zionist series. Goddam enjoyed it, too. So... there!
Just as I suspected , Trump's Jews are in cahoots with Putin's Jews.
A trove of 13.4 million records exposes ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump’s billionaire commerce secretary, the secret dealings of the chief fundraiser for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the offshore interests of the queen of England and more than 120 politicians around the world.
Trump's Jews are also Putin's Jews, namely kahzars. There is no opposites. I am done with duality. One World. One Health. One Governement. One war. One way in one wall.
I know your position on that topic. You don't know mine, and this is just perfect like this. Your right to say that sabattean and frankist cults did not exist through history, that black nobility and the bloodlines are fictions. Have you ever have a look into Dean Henderson's books? Pierre Hillard? That false messiah idea is actually very strong into the jewish communitys, and comes straight from the history of the banking system. But like I say, anyways.
The article doesn't really show any collusion. Just a bunch of wealthy people trying to avoid taxes through offshore administration and investments. The article was written in 2017, so it's not news flash.
That's truly upsetting., They were good people. I was a drunken asshole American soldier who would fall asleep in their doorways and piss on their buildings and they were GOOD to me. They would help me up and give me directions to the bahnhof. One time I had thousands of marks in my pocket(I had just received the first half of my $20,000 enlistment bonus.) I went down to Frankfort and got ANIHILATED. My plan was to actually get so drunk I didn't care anymore and go to sleep on the railroad tracks. I was telling anyone who would listen my tale of woe. I went to a brothel and made a complete scene, to the point where the polizei were called. And they were good to me. They calmed me down and sent me on my way, and I was SCREAMING at them. I ended up latching on to this little squirrelly junkie guy. He led me away to some lout of the way gas station which we sat down outside of. I was flashing all my money, telling him to go get us some heroin. This guy only took as much as was needed for one score. I kept shoving it at him and he refused to take more than he needed. I fell asleep in a seated position and woke up in the morning, maybe around 8, with a huge pile of cash sitting between my legs. A guy was sort of collecting it for me and trying to talk to me(I only had a tenuous grasp of German, at that point), obviously trying to help me get to wherever I needed to go with my funds in tact. My heart broke for how wonderful everyone had been to me all throughout that awful night. I wish I could say I changed my ways right then and there. I'd be lying. It took a few more years. But I often think of those wonderful Deutschers, not just the people in Frankfurt that night, but all of them, and how just and orderly and peaceful they all were. I could tell story after story which demonstrated their decency and their sense of communal responsibility to keep society operating on a balanced and even plane.
The wicked bastards who are complicit in furthering the machinations of Jew Inc. will have a heavy price to pay for their crimes against all life upon this planet. I hope there is such a thing as karmic justice. May it be meted out to them with great haste and extreme prejudice.
I’m seeing quite a bit of footage of drones and missiles hitting their seemingly intended targets. Perhaps not as incompetent as first thought. While this certainly is not a “devastating blow” it could be a proof of concept in overwhelming AA systems
All of these so-called leaders are just actors. When Putin made that comment he was just reciting his lines precisely as written. All of their proclamations and "decisions" are little more than the magician's distraction to get us plebes to focus on the hand that flourishes in front of the coin, and not the one tossing the coin down the sleeve before the coin just magically DISAPPEARS!
I had a lot of hope for Putin, at one point. That all cam tumbling down when I came across this site, actually. I'm just thankful I don't get too settled into my comfortable ignorance for too long before I start to question those assumptions.
The Dune series of books are far and away some of the best fiction I have ever read, certainly the first three installments written by Frank Herbert. His final three left me a bit puzzled as to where it was all headed. Apparently, he had intended to write many, many more installments, before he died in 1986, installments which would have delved into the millennias-long backstory of that fascinating world . His son picked up the torch some number of years ago. It certainly helped flesh out the narrative, but his writing style isn't up to par with his father's.
I watched Dune: Part 1 with seething contempt. Black and yellow people all throughout House Atreides. They're FRICKIN' GREEKS, PEOPLE! In retrospect, David Lynch's go at it doesn't seem quite as bad to me as it once did. I really don't care if I never see Part II.
I copied the following from some sort of Fandom chat room(though I did remember some of this from having read it all a few years ago):
"From God Emperor of Dune: (Leto II speaking, in one of his journals)
My paternal grandfather was The Atreides, descendant of the House of Atreus and tracing his ancestry directly back to the Greek original.
And from Children of Dune: (of Alia)
Other voices wove around her mind: "I, Agamemnon, your ancestor, demand audience!"
And from Heretics of Dune:
Even on Gammu, few admitted to either Harkonnen or Atreides ancestry, although the genotypes were visible here—especially the dominant Atreides: those long, sharp noses, the high foreheads and sensual mouths. Often, the pieces were scattered—the mouth on one face, those piercing eyes on another and countless mixtures. Sometimes, though, one person carried it all and then you saw the pride, that inner knowledge:
“I am one of them!”
Gammu’s natives recognized it and gave it walkway room but few labeled it.
Underlying all of this was what the Harkonnens had left behind—genetic lines tracing far away into the dawn times of Greek and Pathan and Mameluke, shadows of ancient history that few outside of professional historians or those trained by the Bene Gesserit could even name.
So, just within the Frank Herbert books, it is clear that the ancestry is supposed to be directly linked to the Greek house of Atreus, whose two sons Agamemnon and Menelaus were the Atreides."
However, Rurik, I would like to hear your hypothesis regarding the ethnic origins of House Atreides.
The books imply that the Atreides have some sort of link to Scotland. Caladan is derived from Caledonia, latin for Scotland. Also the climate and geography as described by Herbert match that of Scotland.
Personnally, I don't see the connection between Muslims and Tleilaxu, that I would be encline to relate to the Jews behind kill shots (and all the fearporn science spreaded by idiots in white coats), and the genetic killiecranzies like the schawabbies and the yararies who took themselves for living gods...
Holy Crap! Sorry. I wanted to say that Fremens seemed like the Muslims to me, not Atreides. Albert Pike said that 3WW would be between the Jews and Muslims. As far as I can understand, "Jews" are the New World Order Parasite Rulers (including China and Russia), and "Muslims" are the peasants, the herds, the poor inhabitants working class... Multipolar Jews (ruling parasite class from US, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Europe, Britain...) are monopolizing earth resourses (the spice) by staging conflicts I called killing zones in which humans are dumbed enough to identify with. Nationalism is a tool in my worldview.
I think you are vastly overestimating the productive capacity of the US in any future war: there is no "holding back" on supplies of AA, artillery etc...
It's simply not there. This is all open source stuff you can easily see on production rates, stockpiles, and industrial capacity/expansion capacity.
This is not to say that Russia's or Iran's are much better. It's simply to say any protracted war will quickly empty out what little is left, and things will quickly freeze up.
There is also no capacity to mobilize all these people as you say. There are no eligible males, white or otherwise, to do this bidding. THey just don't exist anymore. Lower class whites (the ones who would get drafted) are a dying breed - literally. Fentanyl overdoses killing about 100k per year. Factor in obesity, ghey vaping, homosexual dilettantes, and there is nothing left.
No, you won't draft the upper class southern college frat boys either.
I'm starting to think this kind of predicting is verging on LARP territory.
Maybe release it for free on unz or somewhere? My favorite parts are behind the paywall:
“The lies of modern Kremlin propagandists are radically different from what we saw in the USSR. In those days, propaganda was at least aimed at solving real strategic problems, at mobilizing support and public participation. Today, only an immediate justification of the current situation is required, while a change in course requires no explanation whatsoever, but only a refusal to recognize one's own past statements - they just didn't exist! The practice satirically described by Mr. Orwell in 1984 has become our daily routine. Nothing is required of society except political amnesia.”
“No serious government makes itself so hated and reviled and behaves so openly rapaciously and cynically as the Kremlin does unless of course we are talking about Kiev. But look at how Kiev governs! Not a day goes by that some poor peasant isn’t thrown either into the killing fields or into prison or beaten in public because of suspected disloyalty to the freak regime in Kiev. They are only able to do this though because of the war and the soon-to-be trillions funneled their way to prop their orgy of destruction up from the West. Kiev is not a natural government. It does not depend on the Ukrainian people for anything at this point because it gets all the political support, money, marching orders and whatever else they might need from the West. Therefore, they don’t need to act rationally or even competently in their own self-interests. They can do away with all of that!
-Consider: serious countries give you a controlled opposition, at least, and make a big show of following the rules and loath showing off their bare-faced tyranny unless they absolutely have to. To me, the incompetence and unreasonableness of the Kremlin and their boldness in banning all opposition, banning all protests, banning all criticism, and pursuing atrociously unpopular policies and promoting unpopular personalities and non-ideologies is just further proof that they could only retain their power with backing from someone outside of the country! Just like Kiev albeit to a lesser degree, clearly. How else can they do nothing but blunder and mess up and change their minds on the fly and look like fools over and over again and alienate literally all swathes of the political spectrum and not seem to fear any consequences for this?”
“Strelkov and his Angry Patriots began to pose a threat not at the moment when they began to criticize the course of hostilities, but when they began to take seriously the rhetoric they'd been fed over the past year and a half.We do not need to think about the regime's justification for why this whole operation was started. The authorities clearly don't take these seriously, as are clearly preparing for a major about-face.”
“Yesterday's opposition may gloat today. But there is nothing good in this. No matter how wrong the Angry Patriots may be, no matter what terrible statements they make, they are punished not for their sins, not even for their principles, but for the fact that they have principles at all.”
I can see why Trump may take some pressure off Ukraine/Russia, but he would be a highly volatile creature in a country that's been divided by lies for some time now. "They" could do a lot with such a production. I mean, Trump and his supporters are really, really interested in defense of Israel thing. I used to be friends with some because they were great about opposing the closure of the economy. However, they support the wholesale "defense" of Israel, etc and I just couldn't take it. Some parts of Christianity are held hostage in the US. It's going to play a major role in what the US does over there if Trump gets elected imo. Thanks for everyone's interesting thoughts here...
For what it is worth, I have read all four instalments of your History of Soviet-Zionist Relations, am working through your Reactionary Metaphysics series, and have listened to a number of podcasts, now; I particularly enjoy your conversations with Karl Haemers . I don't mention this to put myself up for any sort of "Stalker of the Year" commendation. I simply want you to know that your efforts do not go unnoticed nor unappreciated. By dint of what I have been exposed to on this site, I am finally going to make a concerted effort to engage in mindfulness and meditative practices, to make my body as truly a powerful a vessel to contain whatever our epoch portends for it in the very near future. A sincere "thank you" extended from myself to yourself, sir.
Trump will be allowed to win, this time. Upon taking office he will talk a lot of smack about crime, migration, walls, deportation, race unity, inflation, manufacturing, dismantling the alphabet agencies ,blah, blah, blah. He won't be able to make so much as a dent in any of it, as he won't be able to seat a single cabinet member who might actually possess anything akin to true patriotic inclinations, as he needs Congressional approval for such posts. Very shortly after taking office, Iran will be given the greenlight to murder some number of scores of American military members. It will be more than a handful. It will likely number in the hundreds, if not the thousands. The nation will be shocked. The populace will be enraged. Straight white men will come running back to the recruitment offices. A draft will be set up for all the rest. Congress will officially declare war for the first time since WWII. Flags will fly. The country will be "united", yet again, in its headlong effort into complete and total enthrallment to the cyber prison being designed for it, courtesy of Jew Inc. Russia will once more be in the firing line. China, too. Straight white men will die in the millions; the coolies and queers and quadroons will be mostly spared, as they sign up for M.O.S.s which leave them "in the rear with the gear"(former soldier, me. And, NO, I didn't frickin' enjoy one bit of it; got myself kicked out after serving two years of a four year enlistment.) All of the increasingly homely straight white women of this country will have to do their rutting with someone, so they will lay with the black and brown shit stains, as all the white guys will have either been killed off or come out as flaming gaylords or have turned themselves into genitally mutilated freakazoids. The Jews get their nation of Mud People, their cuck servants get their payoffs and vacation homes(and, eventually, their knives in the back when the time comes for The Culling Of The Complicit), and what's left of the dissident right gets their just desserts for sitting around, swilling beer, chomping on nachos grande, and yelling at the TV screen every time the stupid ass game is on, when what they should have been doing is dare to form militias to fight this crap. And yeah, I get it that people are afraid to go to prison, but for fuck's sake, people, you can get a hell of a lot of organizing done in prisons. And(added bonus that most people don't realize) in prison, you get to be a race realist, so whites can break it down FOR REAL with each other and not have to pretend that being a white nationalist is akin to being a degenerate. scumbag who hates himself for not being born black. A whole lot of educating goes on behind the walls.
Yeah, that's about the size of my little prognostication, for today. Enjoy the show, my fellow Americans. We certainly paid for it.
I’m glad you took the time to read the two parts of the blog that I put a lot of effort into. Let me know how the meditation goes. I see the practice as a good way or organizing competent ppl not around an ideology but a practice.
I don't approach Rurik's articles in such an organized way. I read the current article and read all the articles referenced in the article, and some of the articles referenced in the referenced articles, etc, etc. I think I've listened to all or most of his metaphysical interviews, but not having systematically approached them, I can't be sure.
May I suggest once more that when you do organizing, don't organize as a militia. Organize as a mutual aid society, a good works group, a neighborhood improvement group: anything to build connections. Organizing as a militia will put you immediately on the spook radar, and chances are some or most of your leaders will be informants. I don't think a group with connections of friendship would find it that hard to organize a self-defense group as needed in the event of a disaster...or a criminal uprising such as the Watts riot.
Oh, I fear I won't be organizing a damned thing, here. My countrymen will sit around and accept their fate. At least all the cats my age. My fight will be a solitary one. Perhaps some grouping of feral children who eke out an existence scrambling over the ruins hunting rats will take a stab at it in the decades to come.
Have also been thinking about the coming election and it's implications, and have come to mostly the same conclusion as you. The regime needs to step back a little in order not to completely alienate it's productive (white) population by forcing societal changes through too fast. White men aren't joining the military anymore. This will be fixed by allowing a tiny bit of sterile nationalism in the form of a trump win. What comes after is harder to predict, but a managed war will be the perfect pretext for finalizing globohomo's plans.
I can make an easy prediction about the fate of the palestinian people though: soon they will enjoy german welfare and enrich europe with even more kebab and vape shops.
It's all a masterfully executed game. I hesitate to use the word "masterfully", as I and some number of other astute observers can easily discern their intentions as it all appears so patently obvious. However, they are not waging this psychic battle upon the intellects of the perspicacious such as you and I and our woefully few coevals. They are waging it upon the soma-sedated masses, those hyper-sensitive products of The Masters of the Universes' decades long chemical and emotional assaults upon our fellow Americans. Hell, I fell for the Trump stump for about a year and a half or so, until I started paying attention to his shilling for Isreal schtick.
They get one segment of the populace all riled up by elevating the status of a separate segment to the detriment of the aggrieved segment and then let the air out of the tires of the previously-elevated segmented to the delight of the initially-aggrieved and so on and so forth, on and on and on. It's frickn' sickening to watch the endless loop of "The Thrill Of Victory/The Agony Of Defeat" in American political discourse.
Germany used to be such a beautiful country. Just 20 some odd years ago, with the exception of some Turkish slum quarters in some of the larger cities, it was all so wonderfully, charmingly GERMAN. Those poor wretched people. They really are too nice and compliant for their own good. They had a good thing with Hitler and the National Socialists. I would have liked to have been there to experience that.
The germans were the last people to truly try to break free of the mental and physical shackles applied by the system that governs this world, and it took the whole of the industrialized world in order to stop them. Following their defeat they have been a thoroughly demoralized and humiliated people, very sad to see. This is evident when visiting major german cities: they are filled with migrants, homeless people, and ethnic diners. The countryside is little better, it's mostly deserted with some remaining pensioners.
When were you last there? I left in 2002.
Half a year ago, been coming there for more than 20 years. Gets worse every year.
Totally agree about the Trump and possible scenario. That's why I hope that Putin was not ironic when he told that he prefers Biden as a president.
Very good post, Rolo. Iran's attack was telegraphed ahead of time and seemed quite performative, just like their last attack after Soleimani was assassinated. One may keep in mind that the Mullahs were installed by the West in Iran -- Western intelligence services both orchestrated the Shah's overthrow and installed their puppet who was living in the UK at the time. As Guido Preparata has stated, "First they topple Mossadegh (1953), then they handle Iran to Khomeini (1979), much like the Brits handed Russia to the Bolsheviks; it's a game. Persians in [the west] steeped in conspiratorial literature [will] tell you modern Iran is entirely ruled by the US within these Orwellian configurations." The last significant opposition to this system was in World War 2 (which itself was planned by Montagu Norman and his central bank owner backers) -- everything in politics is performative, designed to suppress populism within all nations of the world so that parasitical financiers can suck everything down like a giant squid as the host dies.
Yes - movies tell us all the stories in advance....But, about Breznev - I will read, and if you can believe, right before I read this article, I said to myself - ok, now I have time and I will read new Rurik's articles .... it was many things last weeks and I don't have enough time. And also, what I think is that people when is nice time outside spend less time online. Maybe I'm wrong - nothing new for me.....Ok, I salute you, and don't worry - after all - you are one of the best here! That's what I think. Bye
I’m making the Fremen knife salute at you now. 🫡
Fremen knife will be just fine....for me. Those jedi stuff was something what scared me whole life. So strange creatures, this jedi masters......brrrrrrrr
I send you my today's hit song:
excellent analysis, especially as it relates to the theatricality, the choreographed ballet performance of the NOT-WWIII-War. Also this:
That's how the deeply bankrupt/insolvent governments "wage global wars" on a tight budget (while depopulating own lands, destroying own logistical base/supply chain and looting whatever is left of the empire). Same way they make a Hollywood blockbuster.
Tomorrow morning here in Oz we will see if the Iranian's weapons were any good , I doubt it but they had to do something big and striking Israel directly sounds like a big deal but I think they are going to be a bit embarrassed by the results , a bit like Russia was embarrassed in Ukraine in the early days. So now it is up to China to take out the US fleet and show that the BRICS have some real teeth....but the Chink military does not want to fight , they just wanna be billionaires....Xi does not even have an active defence minister for Christ's sake! WTF you anti anal satanist killers!!!!!!
Man, what a cool bunch of people who participate in these discussions. So respectful and mirthful, even. it's nice.
I mercilessly pruned this garden of knowledge.
I think with Iran you can just watch the propaganda videos showing off their weapons where their leaders have corona cuck muzzles strapped to their faces and tell this is not a serious nation. Also they cant even protect their own VIPs in the heart of their capital so yeah I doubt they will put up much resistance.
I'll chime in with the other microagrgessed to say that hey, I recently made a point of reading all four installments of your Soviet-Zionist series. Goddam enjoyed it, too. So... there!
Just as I suspected , Trump's Jews are in cahoots with Putin's Jews.
A trove of 13.4 million records exposes ties between Russia and U.S. President Donald Trump’s billionaire commerce secretary, the secret dealings of the chief fundraiser for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the offshore interests of the queen of England and more than 120 politicians around the world.
Trump's Jews are also Putin's Jews, namely kahzars. There is no opposites. I am done with duality. One World. One Health. One Governement. One war. One way in one wall.
No such thing as khazars
Khazar question apart, my point (unnoticed) is that Putin's Jews are the same as The Orange Agent's ones. Which is quite an affirmation.
I know your position on that topic. You don't know mine, and this is just perfect like this. Your right to say that sabattean and frankist cults did not exist through history, that black nobility and the bloodlines are fictions. Have you ever have a look into Dean Henderson's books? Pierre Hillard? That false messiah idea is actually very strong into the jewish communitys, and comes straight from the history of the banking system. But like I say, anyways.
I don’t know why you think I don’t believe that sabbatean frankists existed. They did but there not a group or Turkish nomads or whatever.
The article doesn't really show any collusion. Just a bunch of wealthy people trying to avoid taxes through offshore administration and investments. The article was written in 2017, so it's not news flash.
That's truly upsetting., They were good people. I was a drunken asshole American soldier who would fall asleep in their doorways and piss on their buildings and they were GOOD to me. They would help me up and give me directions to the bahnhof. One time I had thousands of marks in my pocket(I had just received the first half of my $20,000 enlistment bonus.) I went down to Frankfort and got ANIHILATED. My plan was to actually get so drunk I didn't care anymore and go to sleep on the railroad tracks. I was telling anyone who would listen my tale of woe. I went to a brothel and made a complete scene, to the point where the polizei were called. And they were good to me. They calmed me down and sent me on my way, and I was SCREAMING at them. I ended up latching on to this little squirrelly junkie guy. He led me away to some lout of the way gas station which we sat down outside of. I was flashing all my money, telling him to go get us some heroin. This guy only took as much as was needed for one score. I kept shoving it at him and he refused to take more than he needed. I fell asleep in a seated position and woke up in the morning, maybe around 8, with a huge pile of cash sitting between my legs. A guy was sort of collecting it for me and trying to talk to me(I only had a tenuous grasp of German, at that point), obviously trying to help me get to wherever I needed to go with my funds in tact. My heart broke for how wonderful everyone had been to me all throughout that awful night. I wish I could say I changed my ways right then and there. I'd be lying. It took a few more years. But I often think of those wonderful Deutschers, not just the people in Frankfurt that night, but all of them, and how just and orderly and peaceful they all were. I could tell story after story which demonstrated their decency and their sense of communal responsibility to keep society operating on a balanced and even plane.
The wicked bastards who are complicit in furthering the machinations of Jew Inc. will have a heavy price to pay for their crimes against all life upon this planet. I hope there is such a thing as karmic justice. May it be meted out to them with great haste and extreme prejudice.
I’m seeing quite a bit of footage of drones and missiles hitting their seemingly intended targets. Perhaps not as incompetent as first thought. While this certainly is not a “devastating blow” it could be a proof of concept in overwhelming AA systems
All of these so-called leaders are just actors. When Putin made that comment he was just reciting his lines precisely as written. All of their proclamations and "decisions" are little more than the magician's distraction to get us plebes to focus on the hand that flourishes in front of the coin, and not the one tossing the coin down the sleeve before the coin just magically DISAPPEARS!
I had a lot of hope for Putin, at one point. That all cam tumbling down when I came across this site, actually. I'm just thankful I don't get too settled into my comfortable ignorance for too long before I start to question those assumptions.
The Dune series of books are far and away some of the best fiction I have ever read, certainly the first three installments written by Frank Herbert. His final three left me a bit puzzled as to where it was all headed. Apparently, he had intended to write many, many more installments, before he died in 1986, installments which would have delved into the millennias-long backstory of that fascinating world . His son picked up the torch some number of years ago. It certainly helped flesh out the narrative, but his writing style isn't up to par with his father's.
I watched Dune: Part 1 with seething contempt. Black and yellow people all throughout House Atreides. They're FRICKIN' GREEKS, PEOPLE! In retrospect, David Lynch's go at it doesn't seem quite as bad to me as it once did. I really don't care if I never see Part II.
Akshully the Altreides are an Anglo-Russian mix
I have to respectfully disagree, there.
I copied the following from some sort of Fandom chat room(though I did remember some of this from having read it all a few years ago):
"From God Emperor of Dune: (Leto II speaking, in one of his journals)
My paternal grandfather was The Atreides, descendant of the House of Atreus and tracing his ancestry directly back to the Greek original.
And from Children of Dune: (of Alia)
Other voices wove around her mind: "I, Agamemnon, your ancestor, demand audience!"
And from Heretics of Dune:
Even on Gammu, few admitted to either Harkonnen or Atreides ancestry, although the genotypes were visible here—especially the dominant Atreides: those long, sharp noses, the high foreheads and sensual mouths. Often, the pieces were scattered—the mouth on one face, those piercing eyes on another and countless mixtures. Sometimes, though, one person carried it all and then you saw the pride, that inner knowledge:
“I am one of them!”
Gammu’s natives recognized it and gave it walkway room but few labeled it.
Underlying all of this was what the Harkonnens had left behind—genetic lines tracing far away into the dawn times of Greek and Pathan and Mameluke, shadows of ancient history that few outside of professional historians or those trained by the Bene Gesserit could even name.
So, just within the Frank Herbert books, it is clear that the ancestry is supposed to be directly linked to the Greek house of Atreus, whose two sons Agamemnon and Menelaus were the Atreides."
However, Rurik, I would like to hear your hypothesis regarding the ethnic origins of House Atreides.
The books imply that the Atreides have some sort of link to Scotland. Caladan is derived from Caledonia, latin for Scotland. Also the climate and geography as described by Herbert match that of Scotland.
Are you serious? Sorry, I don't get it. I thought Atreides wee simply Muslims... Anyways.
The Tleilaxu are the Muslims.
Dang I did not know that. Link?
Sorry for interfering. Could be in Joshua's memories of his first reading of Herbert's books, or from the site he is mentioning:
Personnally, I don't see the connection between Muslims and Tleilaxu, that I would be encline to relate to the Jews behind kill shots (and all the fearporn science spreaded by idiots in white coats), and the genetic killiecranzies like the schawabbies and the yararies who took themselves for living gods...
Holy Crap! Sorry. I wanted to say that Fremens seemed like the Muslims to me, not Atreides. Albert Pike said that 3WW would be between the Jews and Muslims. As far as I can understand, "Jews" are the New World Order Parasite Rulers (including China and Russia), and "Muslims" are the peasants, the herds, the poor inhabitants working class... Multipolar Jews (ruling parasite class from US, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Europe, Britain...) are monopolizing earth resourses (the spice) by staging conflicts I called killing zones in which humans are dumbed enough to identify with. Nationalism is a tool in my worldview.
As you can see I am not complety off the track:
I think you are vastly overestimating the productive capacity of the US in any future war: there is no "holding back" on supplies of AA, artillery etc...
It's simply not there. This is all open source stuff you can easily see on production rates, stockpiles, and industrial capacity/expansion capacity.
This is not to say that Russia's or Iran's are much better. It's simply to say any protracted war will quickly empty out what little is left, and things will quickly freeze up.
There is also no capacity to mobilize all these people as you say. There are no eligible males, white or otherwise, to do this bidding. THey just don't exist anymore. Lower class whites (the ones who would get drafted) are a dying breed - literally. Fentanyl overdoses killing about 100k per year. Factor in obesity, ghey vaping, homosexual dilettantes, and there is nothing left.
No, you won't draft the upper class southern college frat boys either.
I'm starting to think this kind of predicting is verging on LARP territory.
Ive read a lot of your stuff and I thought this article was one of the most compelling contra zanon:
Maybe release it for free on unz or somewhere? My favorite parts are behind the paywall:
“The lies of modern Kremlin propagandists are radically different from what we saw in the USSR. In those days, propaganda was at least aimed at solving real strategic problems, at mobilizing support and public participation. Today, only an immediate justification of the current situation is required, while a change in course requires no explanation whatsoever, but only a refusal to recognize one's own past statements - they just didn't exist! The practice satirically described by Mr. Orwell in 1984 has become our daily routine. Nothing is required of society except political amnesia.”
“No serious government makes itself so hated and reviled and behaves so openly rapaciously and cynically as the Kremlin does unless of course we are talking about Kiev. But look at how Kiev governs! Not a day goes by that some poor peasant isn’t thrown either into the killing fields or into prison or beaten in public because of suspected disloyalty to the freak regime in Kiev. They are only able to do this though because of the war and the soon-to-be trillions funneled their way to prop their orgy of destruction up from the West. Kiev is not a natural government. It does not depend on the Ukrainian people for anything at this point because it gets all the political support, money, marching orders and whatever else they might need from the West. Therefore, they don’t need to act rationally or even competently in their own self-interests. They can do away with all of that!
-Consider: serious countries give you a controlled opposition, at least, and make a big show of following the rules and loath showing off their bare-faced tyranny unless they absolutely have to. To me, the incompetence and unreasonableness of the Kremlin and their boldness in banning all opposition, banning all protests, banning all criticism, and pursuing atrociously unpopular policies and promoting unpopular personalities and non-ideologies is just further proof that they could only retain their power with backing from someone outside of the country! Just like Kiev albeit to a lesser degree, clearly. How else can they do nothing but blunder and mess up and change their minds on the fly and look like fools over and over again and alienate literally all swathes of the political spectrum and not seem to fear any consequences for this?”
“Strelkov and his Angry Patriots began to pose a threat not at the moment when they began to criticize the course of hostilities, but when they began to take seriously the rhetoric they'd been fed over the past year and a half.We do not need to think about the regime's justification for why this whole operation was started. The authorities clearly don't take these seriously, as are clearly preparing for a major about-face.”
“Yesterday's opposition may gloat today. But there is nothing good in this. No matter how wrong the Angry Patriots may be, no matter what terrible statements they make, they are punished not for their sins, not even for their principles, but for the fact that they have principles at all.”
I can see why Trump may take some pressure off Ukraine/Russia, but he would be a highly volatile creature in a country that's been divided by lies for some time now. "They" could do a lot with such a production. I mean, Trump and his supporters are really, really interested in defense of Israel thing. I used to be friends with some because they were great about opposing the closure of the economy. However, they support the wholesale "defense" of Israel, etc and I just couldn't take it. Some parts of Christianity are held hostage in the US. It's going to play a major role in what the US does over there if Trump gets elected imo. Thanks for everyone's interesting thoughts here...