IMF Communications Director Julie Kozack confirmed during a press briefing on Thursday that the first Article IV consultations with Russia since 2021 will take place next week. She also praised BRICS expansion. Both of these caught multipolar enthusiasts off guard since they assumed that Russia wouldn’t ever re-engage with the IMF, which they consider to be BRICS’ rival. [...]

Even Putin acknowledged during a Q&A earlier this month that “we are not conducting a policy of de-dollarisation. We did not renounce settlements in dollars; they denied us such settlements, and we were simply forced to look for other options; this is it.”


:)))))))) will somebody administer painkillers to pepe escobar, please? :))

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Painkillers? A lethal dose I asume.

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If he's importing Wahhabi Muslims from Israel/Palestine/anyplace else, he's importing a bunch of people to whom representational art (think icons, landscapes, most of the extant art in the Hermitage dating from the 1500s onwards, and so forth) is a grave sin and which must be destroyed in accordance with their version of Allah's Law - and they're all about enforcing that law; music, including any kind of music other than prayer chants, and the means to make music, reproduce it, record it, transmit it, and so forth - is yet another Grave Sin which all good Wahhabis must do their best to stamp out - no, I'm not kidding:

"Playing instruments of music is a Greater Sin. It is Haram to play instruments like guitar, piano, tambourine, drums etc. Listening to music is also a Greater Sin. Music as a Greater sin is reported by Fazl ibn Shazan from Imam ‘Ali al-Ridha’ (‘a):

"And to be engrossed in musical instruments is also a Greater Sin.”

All the Mujtahids are unanimous in their opinion that the manufacture, sale and purchase of musical instruments is Haram and the income derived from musical activity is also Haram. The transactions involving these (instruments) are invalid. It is Haram even to keep instruments of music in one’s possession. It is obligatory to destroy them. This is revealed in a lengthy tradition of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a) as recorded in the book “Tohafful Uqul”. Similarly, Shaykh Hurr al-Amili records the following tradition from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a):

“The Almighty Allah has prohibited the manufacture of all such things that are exclusively used in Haram ways; and things that only create evil like pipe, flute, chess and all types of instruments of gambling, images, statues. The manufacture of all such articles is Haram.”

Imam (‘a) concluded, “Then even learning to sing or play music and teaching it, to sing and play music, to be paid for these things or to be in any way engrossed in these vices is Haram.” https://www.al-islam.org/greater-sins-volume-1-sayyid-abdul-husayn-dastghaib-shirazi/fifteenth-greater-sin-music

That's why the Islamists shot up and burned down the Crocus City Hall in Moscow - they were just enforcing Allah's Law... *That* is *real* conservatism, back to the 6th century, and if a lot of those people are brought in, you can expect lots more conflict - and dead and wounded. And they believe that if they die enforcing Allah's Law, they go straight to Paradise, while the cursed infidels they kill wind up being barbecued for eternity...

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They got all that from Plato.

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LOL - Greek philosophy appears to be haram: "But the fact of the matter is that philosophy is an alien entity in the body of Islam. There is no philosophy in Islam and there are no philosophers among Muslims in this deviant sense. Rather in Islam there is certain knowledge and prominent scholars who examine matters. Among the most famous philosophers who were nominally Muslims were al-Kindi, al-Faraabi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes). End quote.


The majority of fuqaha’ have stated that it is haraam to study philosophy. Among their comments on that are the following:

1 – Ibn Nujaym (Hanafi) said in al-Ashbaah wa’l-Nazaa’im: Acquiring knowledge may be an individual obligation, which is as much as one needs for religious commitment to be sound; or it may be a communal obligation, which is in addition to the previous and is done for the benefit of others; or it may be recommended, which is studying fiqh and ‘ilm al-qalb (purification of the heart) in depth; or it may be haraam, which is learning philosophy, magic (sleight of hand), astrology, geomancy, natural science and witchcraft. End quote from al-Ashbaah wa’l-Nazaa’ir ma’a Sharhiha: Ghamaz ‘Ayoon al-Basaa’ir by al-Hamawi (4/125). ..." https://islamqa.info/en/answers/88184/ruling-on-studying-philosophy

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The First Rule of Platonism is: never acknowledge Plato

The Second Rule of Platonism is: See Rule One.

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funny... surely Plato was no lover of the arts - not for the peasants at any rate.

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Platonism has no relevance to the topic at hand, the invasion of one's land by hostile foreigners, or the importation of these foreigners to war against the native population, in the tyrant's vain hope that such a division and distraction will be produced, such that his robberies and despoliation (and those of his class) will not be noticed and serve as a cause for popular rebellion against the tyrant and his class. If you can, cite the relevant parts of Plato, construct an argument, and refute me. If you can... Just in case, here's a starting point - https://dn790008.ca.archive.org/0/items/in.ernet.dli.2015.196004/2015.196004.The-Laws--Vol-1.pdf

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Dugin is anti-White. He calls it 'anti-racism' but his 'anti-racism' never protects Whites.

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He is weird, he wants to create some multicultural asiatic power block against the satanic nazi west. Well, considering Chinese are greedy and selfish i wish him goodluck.

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Considering that Russia is now besties with , Iran , North Korea , China and South Africa one would presume the cultural refugees will be coming from said states , after all to welcome Westerners would be sheltering the enemy, no?

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I find some of his analyses compelling. But knowing that he thinks 'racism' is 'bad' makes me read everything he's written with a more critical eye including his sociological work on 'ethnicity'.

Rurik has Dugin's number, I think. In Dugin's analysis, 'Russian nationalists' have no 'traditional' ethnicity and are therefore 'racist'.

In the end, all Chosenite Abrahamic thinking comes down to the same thing: Binary categories of 'good' and 'bad' that enable the Chosen to manipulate the populace into killing who they want killed and enslaving who they want enslaved.

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I dont think its about enslaving, they control almost all the countries, and there is no real opposition politicly. its about extermination now. Which this war is just a part of, before it was covid and the vax.

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I assume our host will not mind a slight spam comment.

Marco - over at Anti-Empire has a new Kursk piece up - as I recall, he tended towards a no-big-deal stance a month ago; he looks to be changing his assessment.


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blavatksy did nothing wrong

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If Putin is trying to attract Traditionalists, that's a enormously tiny number of people, hardly a rounding error and not really going to solve Russia's demographic crisis. I suppose he might be influenced, unconsciously, by Dugin's constant use of the term.

It might be better all around to call these people Perennialists, since there is almost nothing in common between Tradition and what most people call tradition. In fact, most "traditions' are "Anti-Traditional." For example, in the American context, someone wearing a tricorn hat, waving the flag, and demanding lower taxes, would say he's promoting "traditional American values," but for Traditionalists America itself is an anti-Traditional, indeed Satanic, enterprise, not from FDR on but right from the start. The Puritans landing on Plymouth Rock were already Satanic, being Protestants. And being English as well, since all nations and nationalism is Satanic (you can see how Protestantism leads to nationalism, breaking up the Holy Roman Empire into nations with their own religions and "traditions." Evola said his ideas were those of an educated person before the French Revolution, but even that's not accurate; you'd have to go back to the 1300s to find a social setup acceptable to Traditionalists, and even then they'd have snarky things to say about "Western" distortions, as opposed to Eastern purity. (Guenon got his ideas from Hindus, of course).

To use Trad. terminology, from the Golden Age there is a continuous decline and Satanization, both spatially (West = evil) and temporally (as time goes on, more and more Satanic).

So, basically they want to exterminate every idea that arose after the beginning of time, so as to return to the Golden Age; all these are by definition Satanic. Of course, they don't really think you can do that; the very doctrine teaches that nothing can be done to "go back" and you can only "ride the tiger" into the Apocalypse, after which the whole damn thing starts again.

The relation to fascism, which everyone, like Sedgwick, wants to harp on, is non-existent; even apart from teaching non-action (what Evola called "apoliteia") there are a host of ideas here that really existing fascism despised and suppressed: fascism was a modernist, revolutionary, populist movement.

(Evola never joined the Fascist party, and was under suspicion and kept out of public sight by both the Italians and Germans).

OTOH, there's Thomas Mann’s Dr. Faustus, where the intellectual extremism and atavistic primitivism that (as Mann sees it) led to the rise of Hitler is explored through a series of grotesque figures in Munich avant garde circles, such as the painter Baptist Spengler (Oswald Spengler having thought painting an impossible art under modern circumstances), Daniel zur Hohe (author of a single book, on “hand-made paper” ; a “lyrico-rhetorical outburst of voluptuous terrorism”; Stefan George?), and above all, the polymath “private scholar” Dr. Chaim Breisacher (a “corrosively ugly” Jewish Evola or Dugin, sneering at the very idea of “progress” in a world declining since Solomon built his temple).

There are very funny passages where Breisacher discombobulates his "conservative" Junker hosts by denouncing "degenerates" like Bach and Shakespeare; all this must be swept away, and we must return to animal sacrifices in the Jerusalem temple! (Surprisingly relevant today, eh?) I would imagine similar scenes between Putin and his new Traditionalist immigrants.

Although I called Breisacher an "Evola" Mann based him on another actual figure, Oskar Golderberger, whom Rolo might find interesting, as he taught about ethnic souls, with emphasis on the Jewish soul, of course.

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This Ukraine war showed alot of pro Russian westerners that Russia is not the land of honey and spicy and everything nice. Like that latest murder case of that Russel guys should tell you enough. My take is that Putin needs new and cheap workers from non white countries to replace all the dead and wounded/crippled Russians in the workforce.

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Those "new and cheap" workers may be new, but they will not be cheap, in fact they may bring Russia down to the level of their native lands...

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Putin and his circle of international olicharchs don't care, they need labour and lots of it. Russia's birthrate is declining each year and this war only accelerates it.

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I agree. This war--er, "Special Military Operation" has indeed succeeded unwittingly in exposing the veritable rot 30+ years of capitalist restoration has wrought on Russia, especially to its once vaunted armed forces, and the manufacturing base needed to maintain as a superpower.

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I thought the entire announcement strange. Does Putler really believe that Americans and other five eyes citizens are falling over themselves to reach the Russian promised land of milk honey and young virgins? At the moment the movement is the other way. Many young Russian refuseniks are stranded outside their country and looking for a new home in the West. Maybe he is trying to replace them as well as the fallen. The few folk that I know here in Tasmania who idolise the Putler paradise are totally delusional about the situation , they believe they would be welcomed and celebrated with roses and open arms , like how the Ukranians welcomed the Russians to Kiev. I think the FSB is telling porky pies to the tzar again. Sundance over at the Trumpler worship blog , the Last Refuge , recently returned form a trip to Russia and came back extolling the number of children in evidence everywhere he went , you get the picture. I just cannot imagine that the average Russian who now firmly believes the Ango/Nazi /arse fuckers are the scourge of the earth are going to be all that welcoming to the average overweight guntoting bible bashing Midwestern American who speaks not a word of Russian who lives on fast food and diet pepsi and his tribe of social media ddicted kids whose education came from YouTube and TikTok. A lot of the western boomers just want to be able to go to the supermarket and be served by a white person who speaks their language , alas even the young white ones look like time travellers from some middle age Germanic raiding party into Western Europe. I would think that this is really a search for grist for the manufacturing mill , think Germany , we have to keep those trains running and mortgage debt expanding you know. This is a plan to get bodies into factories with minimal redtape I would think. Edward might need to prepare for the influx at his institute, a fallen down dacha and a frozen landscape for six months with moonshine vodka as the only distraction might be what the cultural refugees are pining for.

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Granting entry into Russia is based on moral values seems like the exact soloution a moral absolutist like Putin would go for.

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:)))) Putin's buddy, the mortal enemy of Nato, multipolar antihegemon Reçep :)))))))

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated Ankara's commitment to Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

"Our support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence is unwavering," Erdogan said on Wednesday in a video message sent to the Fourth Crimea Platform Leaders Summit

"The return of Crimea to Ukraine is a requirement of international law," Erdogan declared.

He highlighted Türkiye's stance on Crimea, stressing that its return to Ukraine aligns with international legal standards.

Erdogan also expressed confidence in measures being taken to support the Crimean Tatar Turks, saying: "I believe that additional steps will continue to be taken to strengthen the rights of the Crimean Tatar Turks in the upcoming period." https://www.trtworld.com/turkiye/turkiye-backs-ukraines-territorial-integrity-erdogan-18206404

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When does Erdo plan on leaving the internationally recognized, sovereign lands of Syria ?

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Catholic doctrine teaches the existence of two, not one, primordial traditions since God said to the serpent : "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed: she shall crush your head, and you shalt bruise her heel". A standard reading is that the offspring of the woman is the worship of the true God, whereas the offspring of the serpent are the followers of Satan. The two opposing traditions accumulate from generation to generation until God's followers manage to destroy Satan's minions, i.e. crush the head of the serpent but doing so are infected in the heel and the venom works its way into a new corrupt tradition opposed to God's tradition.

Evola and Guenon rediscovered some long-forgotten traditions on the Satanic line.

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