Feb 14, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

If voting machines cannot be inspected and voting cannot be observed, then voting is not up to recognized international standards. Dominion voting machines cannot be inspected due to "copyright" and people that vote at home cannot be observed. So, the assumption is there is election rigging in the USA fake democracy. Then there is the lawsuit saying that Fox news cannot say what they want to say about Dominion voting machines. If a news outlet cannot say whatever it wants about an election, then the whole freedom of speech thing is a joke.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Yesterday Strelkov did a really cool long interview that as usual unfortunately has no subs.


He was talking about how when he knew that Moscow had no intention of sending help to besieged Slavyansk that he didn't tell the normie civilians who made up his militia. The interviewer asked him why and Strelkov says "they just wouldn't have believed me".

That psychology applies to American conservatives just as much as Strelkovs militia at Slavyansk. They can be lead where ever but tell them absolutely nobody is going to swoop in to save them and even they nod along they won't actually believe you. The gate keepers tell the peasants just vote hard enough for this or that guy and he will totally save you.

If the peasants in question are shitlibs you can convince them of anything except the maliciousness of our overlords and the untrustworthiness of "experts". If they are conservatives you can convince them of anything except the fact that absolutely nobody has both the means and will to save them. You have to somehow get them mobilized and moving to save themselves like Strelkov did with his guys at Slavyansk but Zog makes sure that that is impossible to do on the grid.

Thats why all public talk of "doing something" is either from idiots or feds and when it comes to the US the best that can be hoped for is very local solutions to a generally global problem.

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Hm, I dont agree with your take on Trump. I think his persona was used precisely because the control system saw how many people started to see that their governments are engaging in treasonous activities. The movement you speak about started before he was announced to run for president, we just have to remember Hillary clinton and the disgust that almost everyone had for her. And I think Trump was used to fish out the most rebellious sheep and those sheep were then put in place, as among the public, so among the lower levels of politics. And he set the stage for a bunch of new judas to be installed as conservative heroes for humanity, when in fact, it is the same crowd with a slightly adjusted rhetoric. There is so much evidence that Trump is one of the same people he pretends to fight. He is an absoulte ZOG boot licker, Id even bet he is a crypto-jew. Which in itself is enough for me to know that the owners of central banks are the ones who write the script.

Also, Jordan Peterson is a very good example of this tactic that ZOG is using.

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The spook layer of defense was activated a couple of months ago (FBI/CIA proclaiming that white supremacists are the real danger).

So it seems as if the containment defense is slowly failing.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

Good article.

I think you got the reasons for voting wrong though.

The voters know it's broken and corrupt and their votes probably won't make it past the democrat gatekeepers, but if they don't vote, the criminals in charge walk roughshod over everything.

The installation of Pedo Pete, was to show that they could install anyone. Even a braindead, diaper wearing sock puppet, with a fetish for sniffing children.

Also Fetterman. Though I suspect that he is actually a decent guy, just being (ab) used as a placeholder.

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Russia had some success in Africa. Cheap, easy wins in Mali and Burkina Faso.

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I agree with your analysis for the most part.

I don't agree with treating the general population in a derogatory manner (to the extent that we do). This is not really their fight, and may never be. Only an odd assortment of criminals, geniuses and intellectuals really care about freedom on the level of politics or the psyche. It is annoying that the anti-freedom advocates have been so successful at getting members of the general population to fight for them. But for many of those people, that looks like a step towards a more exciting life.

As a student of Hubbard (and a follower of Courtney Brown's work) I have been exposed to information about how control over the population is achieved that most intellectuals are unaware of. The basic upshot of this information is that if an individual cannot achieve a sufficient level of psychic freedom, he will never be able to attain any significant level of freedom on Earth, assuming he is even interested in not being a slave.

The general population are more or less willing to follow wherever they are led, though most of them would prefer (probably) to be left alone entirely. Though society needs some level of leadership and control to function, the average person tends to resent it, and thinks (possibly correctly) that life would continue quite well for them even if most of the ruling class disappeared off the face of the planet tomorrow.

I am guessing that the intellectuals that you haven't mentioned are fairly minor players in this game, in spite of their generally inflated ideas of their own importance. These are the ones who recognize the importance of psychic freedom. As most of them have no way to actually achieve this, they are for the most part the captives of various covert players. Many of them support Trump, as they have been told that he is "read in" to some extent. This many not actually be true. They forward a variety of narratives about life on Earth, depending on a combination of what they have experienced and what they have been told. Many of them are genuine experiencers so come across as quite sincere. Hubbard and Brown stand apart from this group, Brown less so.

Though my personal purpose is to get Hubbard's work included in the discussion, Brown's work is more attractive to most people, and has even caught the attention of a few of the fringe influencers (Kerry Cassidy).

Perhaps I will some day get back to the business of my own psychic liberation. For now I spend most of my time messing with the minds of people who don't think their psyche even exists. It's getting old fast.

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mah Rolo, C&C it's like believing in Democracy... 'Command: modern operations', now that's a game, the equivalent of being based in the realm of personal political convictions.

It's the tool they use at Nato when you hear they have performed "combat simulations" on some hypothetical scenario.

As a result the software house gets steady revenue and does not care about feedback from the peasant not-military gamer. I am happy to say the game is not even fun to play if you get good at it. Plus only simulates strike warfare, ground combat is non-existent. But then again you can call yourself an armchair general.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

Absent a complete financial meltdown or some other catastrophe, nothing much will change. People know their votes are meaningless and yet they still participate in the theater act. Big Tech can make sure no one hears or sees the dissident. The government will engage in various Lawfare activities ( bogus charges like the Catholic abortion protestors) and break an individual financially if nothing else. IMO the rash of sabotage on infrastructure and food production is to drive people further into the arms of government increasing the control; throw in vaxx passports or social credit and bam, Huxley and Orwell's bastard is born.

I'm giving the US maybe 10 years before the wheels come off the bus. How does one perform international trade with a useless currency? Manufacturing is long gone so someone else has to make all of the goods. The BRICS organization is slowly setting up their own transactional system and I guarantee the US will Be shut out of it. The nation will balkanize long before any sort of popular uprising or revolution; the warfare will be the regional state groups duking it out.

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Good essay and I agree. There is another, systemic, reason why rebellion the right is very unlikely. Conservative voters, such as the MAGA crowd, are generally slow-witted and stupid. Even if you explain the reality to them, they still don't get it. People like that are not threat to the Power.

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You're pissing me off with your vile presentation of a peasant. A true peasant lifestyle barely exists, these people are about the only ones who can take care of themselves without giftss and money. Anyone of them would run circles around you, as the system deals its blows, its people like you who will toe the line, dance for food like little dogs.

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Obummer even bragged that virtually all of the voting precincts were controlled by Demoncats....any opposition will never get off the ground....

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"Try to get some of your friends and family to stop listening to Fox News, for starters. Get them to subscribe to this blog instead."

Maybe if you made cause with Tucker Carlson ;-)

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I didn’t vote midterms. What’s the point 🤷‍♀️

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It sounds cool, but fighting an insurgency would suck. And Russia can't really help "domestic guerillas" except to get them killed. America has way more guns than is needed for a prolonged civil war.

As an American, I enjoy reading about geopolitical intrigues, but personally have zero interest in accepting help from Russia.

But if Russia is sabotaging trains, infrastructure, water treatment facilities, etc, that actually is impactful terrorism which could impact the US (as long as they maintain plausible deniability and do it thru cutouts).

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💬 while we got our proof of concept in the Trump phenomenon, we were unable to capitalize on it.

👌 Proof of concept = bang-on framing.


💬 And the appointed talking-head shepherds who are keeping the sheep ideologically dazzled and politically bamboozled are the system’s first line of defense.

No wonder this very same arrangement manifests in prison context.

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