I was once like you. There had always been a plethora of free content to peruse online, it somehow felt odd to have a writer compel me to become a patron of theirs. Like the proverbial once-great-champion-lover-now-gone-to-pot I reveled in my ability to hold my head high and declare in all earnestness, "I've never paid for it in my life!" I stuck around The Zone for about a week, reading on the cheap. And, little by little, I actually began to feel dirty, like I had snuck into a ,movie theater without having bought the ticket. If you are like me, and you keep coming back for the bombshell revelations written in that unparalleled fashion of Rurik's, then becoming an official Stalker will only benefit the cause of having the unforgiving light of exposure shine upon all that The Masters Of The Universe are trying to hide from us so assiduously. It's $57 American greenbacks for a year's subscription. With the hidden tax called inflation rending our fiat cash ever more worthless, it's really not a lot, and by the end of the year you really will have only parted ways with all of about $17 worth of spending power. But I'm sure it means the world to our intrepid guide through the ever-contorting, miasmic horrorshow we know as The Zone. Trust me, folks, you don't want to miss a thing.

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Yes, I also was once like you, and here I am, busting the paywall once and for all. Come right in, we got cookies (and vodka plus pickled cucumbers).

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Well slap the hog and spit in the fire! Lookee here, folks! Got ourselves an honest to goodness TRAVELLER!

Glad to have you among the true disciples, Dan.

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Stalkers of the world, unite!

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If anyone wants to know how to access the NYT articles;

1. get the links for the NYT webpages

2. copy the link

3. open https://web.archive.org/ (the way back machine)

4. insert the copied link from the NYT

5. find the date of the publishing of the article

6. select a time stamp

7. Enjoy reading

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You can also use this extension to bypass paywalls (at least a lot of them :


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also: removepaywall.com also works. i liked your post, but like function does not function for whatever reason. also liked Sim and Joshua

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What's to enjoy?

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The juicy info, that's about it, everything else is just poop

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this is so sickening about the istanbul documents i cant stand it. i give up. also, i can't imagine that people are so insouciant toward good work such as yours they have no interest in supporting you monetarily. their loss. definitely punish them.

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Well, you were right, Rurik. Putin REALLY wants this mess to just go away.

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The 5D judo chess-master in Moscow is between a rock and a hard place, and he has only himself to blame. Even his alcohol-addled predecessor didn't place Russia in the perilous predicament it finds itself presently.

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For those who can't or won't support him financially share the articles dam you!

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Mass quantities of doo-doo. I used to read the NYT daily at many a library. It was probably crap then, too. I didn't know it. I do now.

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No sexual contact with flora or fauna allowed!

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RS, what is happening in the Russian Ministry of Defence?

Simplicius gives a bizarre account that officers sit watching live video of production in the main armaments factories. What is that about?


He also says the new minister is sweeping out old incompetents, and their replacements have more trustworthy physiography. More yiddish???? Just a different collection of crooks? Some actually honest and competent bureaucrats?

' It seems the new sheriff in town, Belousov, is a real hard-nosed, no nonsense cattle driver. Here’s an anecdotal description of his latest meeting:

Details of the meeting of Defense Ministry officers and military industrialists with the new Defense Minister Belousov. Quote: "throw out the slides, take a pen, a leaf and let's paint everything in detail and clearly." And there people were "shocked" a little, started to argue. And he said, " If you argue with me – you'll get the fuck out of here forever." '

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lol fine I’ll cover it

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Putin seems to be discovering that some people won't even accept 'yes' as an answer. He wants to get back to things as they were, but Yahweh insists on more goyim blood, and being an obedient shabbos goy won't save Putin from playing out his assigned role as destroyer of Ukraine and the West. Russia is condemned to victory, albeit slowly.

John Helmer hints that his generals are not happy with Putin's eirenic policy.


'Russian skeptics, as well as non-Russian military analysts, point out that Putin has repeatedly refused to follow the General Staff’s advice, restricting their proposed military operations to an extent that there is open questioning about his reasons.'... ' Abramovich was Putin’s personal delegate and he outranked the official Russian negotiators. There was strong domestic military and political opposition to this at the time in Moscow; there remains suspicion of an attempt to repeat by Putin’s Kremlin staff, represented by Peskov, even now.'...'Last Friday, Putin hinted that the General Staff has opposed his concession terms.'...

Yahweh wants goyim blood and Putin will be forced to shed it. Heavenly Jerusalem must be achieved by mid-century.

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how do i get to your tlg channel, mr right all the time about everything rurik.

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Don’t have one

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Its quite a feat i thought impossible, surpassing even the western polito rats and vermin in sheer unworthiness at every level. Maybe a through nuclear cleanse is the only way out after all. Flush this present caricature of humanity all down the toilet, the sooner the better.

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What would that do?

They have underground cities. They’d reemerge from the tunnels armed with tech and knowledge that would ensure their dominance over the survivors on the surface.

That is probably how they took power initially 1000 years ago in the first place

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If only that nuclear holocaust wouldn't be the cause of death and ruin to so many of our fellow non-human inhabitants upon this wonderous planet, I'd second your sentiment.

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"This is all just a propaganda lie! Citing NYT? Yet more proof that Rurik is a CIA agent!"


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