Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You are brilliant. The problem is that you can kill yourself explaining these basic social and anthropological truths to the average AND university level educated cool kids and old farts, the whole view is not hitting their neuronal links. They are burnt by social propaganda. You describe all of this very accurately in many ways and many times. We are always hitting the same walls. I am coming to the sad conclusion that this is not possible to educate the herds. You can fool them. But you can't elevate them. I think that the only way out for me is the Wittgenstein's exit and answer. Stay away from everything and everybody. Live a peaceful and simple life in the woods. Forget society. But I know one day or another some police officer will come to knock my door, and ask for taxes and property rights and bla bla bla. Anarchists all ended up in jail. Anyways. Good job Rurik. I am really impressed. And you lines are not the first I read, believe me. Thanks for your generosity and thoughs amplitude.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This doco is an absolute cracker, A detailed look at Tajikistan and the ISIS connection , concentrating on the defection of Tajik's top American trained security colonel Kalimuk to ISIS in 20017. Twenty thousand Tajiks were estimated to be fighting with ISIS in Syria and Russia played a big part in their destruction , maybe. Most are now hanging out in Afghanistan which has a common border with Tajik and China , who would have guessed it? Russia has an Islam problem , the whole world has an Islam problem , Islam has an Islam problem. There are a shitload of Tajiks that do not have much love for Russia. Two million live inside Russia , good luck with that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kS1KyCqcAs

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East and West are effectively funding each other's Military capabilities with fuel, Uran, raw materials, Microchips, Kevlar Wests, Engines for warships, scopes, Night Vision Devices, Fuses, and Software updates

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I went to a hippy college for two years in the late 90s. Sure, they were almost exclusively pasty white, but the males were nutless and gutless and the females were soapless and hopeless. Can't say as I enjoyed their company very much, overall. Always playing the friggin drums!

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There is one problem with the homogeneous group as community situation. The problem is externalities. In other words, having your own self-limited, homogeneous, somewhat isolated group makes you vulnerable to conquest by larger groups more willing to overlook differences in favor of a big army. One example is the conquest of much of Europe and the Middle East by the armies of Islam in the 800's. (See Robert Spencer's The History of Jihad" https://www.amazon.com/History-Jihad-Muhammad-ISIS-ebook/dp/B07D6X3TRT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=ZHOLGVYRNCJD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HYkfdm21LgkxKkphjODp36cAUvf3375LS681u51RTWh-sw6XfmnI-DkjlIvl47nBh0Pu-LUCm626OpfKSgTzI74ghHH6LjafhkUHELaxuW2CPqOuOPDqDcQyD05IpD22k1VrvCuQ_idYrsT2nXs_Obj0SMMl1pU74FrdppfpX7VTRBLHrBAi-ESvkSd-4RtpBcyiigbpFASJtd3FwcK0unw2SIgRbtskhK6y8SSITaZkBDG7Qabf5v9kClzh78PNQifxCPTL13t936-5x5xeckzrK4ZiuoJk-VRUQl1T6iE.tQmNpuMc4kTwujfXu5OYbUylN2P7hHpzhcqLY-B80Mg&dib_tag=se&keywords=robert+spencer&qid=1711999100&sprefix=robert+spencer%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-5

This was exactly the issue argued out by the Federalists versus the anti-Federalists when the US Constitution was being voted on. The anti-Federalists argued that a central government would inevitably draw complete power to itself (a prediction that came true in spades). The Federalists argued that if you didn't have a federal government with central powers, the foreign armies would be able to bully you or conquer you. The issue was clear under the Articles of Confederation. The original convention was tasked with revising the Articles of Confederation so as to address the external problem of facing foreign military power. The delegates instead fashioned a totally new Constitution is secret, because that wasn't their job. Perhaps they should have been hung (or at least banished back to their own states forever) and a new slate of delegates told to do the job right this time.

In other words, you've always got to have a community open enough that you are as strong as anyone threatening you.

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>First, the state become all-powerful by destroying the organizational capabilities of non-state actors.

Read Oppenheimer's "The State". If you want the truth about how states are formed.

Every state is ruled by a ruling foreign, ethnic minority that conquered the population. No state on earth is actually government by the same ethnic or racial stock as who they rule over.

The "state" peaked under the French kings. Then declined from there. British brought CFR and banker rule, then later groups like B'nai B'rith and Jewish infiltration of free masonry, disposed the monarchies and replaced them by banker and stock market dominated "Democracies". Democracy means, "rule by money".

The all powerful bureaucratic state, peaked with the French kings and ended with the French Revolution and Napoleon.

The form of government in Russia you despise, is Spengler's Caesarism. Its when a strong man comes in and liquidates the secret societies, the merchant class and their scandals and eliminates politics through force.

The form of government in Russia, will soon be the form of government across the earth, in the post-democratic era. As money dies and "rule by money" dies and is replaced by rule by force power, all politics will resemble Russian politics.

Jewish ethnic nepotism and the need to destroy and undermine the majority group in society to maintain political power, is another thing. Mass immigration will only result in poor, Brazilian like societies ruled by narco gangs.

Notice they are not industrializing Russia. They are destroying Russia's middle class.

Russia is a slave camp, a third world country that produces natural resources for export. Its the same as Saudi Arabia or any 3rd world African country exporting oil and rocks. There is no need for labor, no need for industry or factories or manufacturing. They can just produce commodities and export them, like African 3rd world countries do.

Third world Arabs are perfectly capable of operating Russia's rock export pits. The slavs have no reason to exist, neither as producers, nor as consumers.

The product of Russian society, exists only for foreign export, not for domestic consumption. So why would you expect a civil society? Its a gas station, run by war lord oligarchs, who just export natural resources and stuff the money into their bank accounts in Switzerland.

There really is no difference between Russia and the Saudi monarchy.

Russian or slavic nationalist makes no sense. Are you claiming that Russia's oil and Russia's rocks belong to the Russian slavs and not oligarchs from Lativa? Are you insane?

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If you dont like Putin, then you should stop blogging and go get rid of him.

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There was a fair bit of that. We had hand-printed signs in the hallway bathrooms imploring people to abide by the following maxim:

If it's yellow, let it mellow.

If it's brown, flush it down.

A week's worth of yellow would transmogrify into a putrid, swarthy brown if left to these earth nymph's devices.

A lot of the resistance to regular bathing had more to do with accepting nature's various scents, in their full refulgence.

Some of these chicks were pretty hot. Until it was time to drop their drawers. Then, you'd have to bushwhack through a veritable field of leg hair as thick and coarse as what you'd expect to find on Robin Williams.

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If the Russian power enforces mass migration without bothering to get people's consent, only using police repression against those who protest it, it's to put at its credit at least that it doesn't make people to love their own genocide and it doesn't force into their head a thought policeman who makes them ashamed of daring to simply raise thoughts against it, similarly to what happens in the West (we have the crude repression too, but it is only for after that the first mental lines of defence were forced). The Russian power's way of acting is less perverse and damaging for the soul and the psychology of the people it reigns over than the Western way, in that matter. It is also a way for the power to take full responsibility for the evil it does, by not involving the people in it.

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Agreed. I get mine from a guy in Massachusetts who mixes it in an old-fashioned soap churn powered by a stationary bike he peddles.

The Trustafarians at Sterling College once had a contest to see who could go the longest without showering. They even constricted some janky little trophy to present the winner. They thought they had crowned their champ at something like 21 days. One of the faculty member had gotten wind of their little challenge and bested them all by going 30 days, and thus claiming the title to rankest body on campus. These people were foul.

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