I recently visited Armenia back in early October 2023, spending six full days in the country. The recent loss of Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh weighed heavily on the minds of the Armenians I met during my stay there. They were also rightfully bitter at Russia's failure to abide by its own treaty obligations under the Moscow-led CSTO, thus leading to Yerevan's decision to leave this empty husk of a security alliance.

Only the most willfully ignorant--or deliberately dishonest--keep carrying the Kremlin's water in the wake of debacle after debacle. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if & when Baku declares its own "SMO" and swallows up more Armenian territory. And just like the hapless Palestinians, the Armenians too will be consigned to their fate by the much vaunted "international community" save for some symbolic moralistic bleating.

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What happened to Livci? If he's is still around you should do another podcast.

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We did one actually but the audio was bad sadly. He says he’s suffered a big tech mishap.

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All God's blessings to the Hebrws/Isralites/Jews were contingent on obedience to God's law and that was made very clear on numerous occasions, such as every Old Testament prophet speaking by the Holy Ghost, to all those people. Their "chosen people" status was contingent on obedience yet those chosen people never kept God's law more than one generation, one Judge, or one King. They never held a Jubilee either. In the end the Pharisees, Sadduces, Priests, Scribes, Lawyers made merchandise of the Gospel, the good news that God forgives sin instead of meting out eternal punishment to all sinners, by locking the Gentiles out of the temple completely when they should have been welcome to worship God as God had commanded to be worshiped. The Redeemer, the very Lamb of God, was born, lived a sinless life of perfect obedience to God's law, was crucified at the insistence of the Jews, died, and rose from death which demonstrated Jesus' propitiatory sacrifice of himself and suffering infinite punishment on behalf of God's elect (the real chosen ones) was accepted as sufficient punishment for disobedience by God the Father. At that moment, the Christian church became the New Israel with the mission to evangelize the world by teaching everyone how to obey God and love their neighbor as themselves.

That is the eventual established Kingdom of God which will have no end. Try to convince me that state of existence is not the end of all war and strife and better than any solution you can devise.

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Feb 29
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Specifically, what are the failed predictions that you refer to?

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Feb 29
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But to be fair, it's still all possible. We really won't know until it happens.

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Bruh why are you still here.

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Feb 29
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"reality" lol

when is your rabbi coming back from the dead then with his zombie army in tow? it has been 2 thousand years already.

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That is the Jew media version of the end times. Totally false. All the events prophesied through Daniel, the pronouncements of Jesus, very God and very man in the Gospels, the Revelation to John concerning the Lamb of God, were all about the destruction of national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple in A.D. 70. It has already happened. Now God is establishing his kingdom on earth through the Christian church, admittedly very slowly, by making disciples of all the nations and teaching them to obey God's law by worshiping God and loving their neighbor. The "rapture freak" eschatology was invented by the Jews and slipped into the church through the ravings of John Nelson Darby, various "free will" hucksters, and the so-called "Scofield Reference Bible" with the footnotes written by a couple of Jews. Scofield himself was a fraud, proving only how people who refuse to read the Bible are led astray by braying asses masquerading as "pastors." There is even a famous "seminary" that pushes the premillenial dispensationalist hoax that is trumpeted by the Jew-controlled mass media as being "the" Christian view of the rest of man's history. The preterist, not the futurist, eschatology is the correct understanding of Christianity. After God's kingdom is established on earth, Jesus will return as he left and everyone will know it.

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Mar 1
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failed religion m8

and if you can wait 2k more years for jesus' predictions to come true, you can wait another two years for mine.

it's only fair.

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Mar 1
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