At this point it's obvious that Pepe has a lot of respect for you, the only other writer he consistently posts to his channel is Alistair Crooke and Crooke is brilliant, you're in good company .


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Pepe the fool is just trying to cover his tracks for his previous comments and opinions that are now proving totally wrong . He's just trying to stay relevant

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Maybe that's a gordian knot moment against the 5D narrative

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Big Serge is becoming critical of the Kremlin. He recently said things like "they aren't even willing to terminate the grain deal at this point." If Putin is losing someone like Big Serge, it tells me he is losing his mystique.

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Wouldn't Russian propaganda be better served by saying they are backing down in the interests of preventing a wider war instead of saying things like "We are so stupid and ignorant we never knew any of this would happen, unlike people sitting at home on web forum who all knew about this." Reminds me of Fed Chairman Greenspan that said repeatedly that no one predicted the housing crash in 2008, despite people everywhere saying it will happen. I guess if Greenspan got away with it, the Kremlin will also.


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"Wagner is being singled out for deliberate destruction as a potential enemy of the MoD as part of a political intrigue against Wagner. The plan is to get Ukraine to do the dirty work and even help them along so that Wagner is outflanked and killed. Standard Kremlin modus operandi, actually. Probably how they got rid of the original Donbass patriots."

Historically, this is the standard modus operandi of all cunning snake-like rulers. They gather a powerful group of "true believers" to conquer an opponent and once that's accomplished they use another group even the supposed enemy to demolish the loyalists as "uncompromising true believers" usually become a threat to the snake leadership. To put it simply, it's called a purge. 🥺

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But the opponent has not been conquered? No, both Strelkov and Sofa Legion Strategist think Prigozhin to be the new Yeltsin or worse.

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You mean being a WEF mRNA vaccine pusher biosecurity state UN WHO stooge, who is eager to establish digital ID'S and a central bank digital currency in every 15 minute surveillance city?

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So Russia is playing 5 dimensional black-pilling, no matter what happens it can only get worse.

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Once the purge is complete (if that's indeed the plan), will it benefit Putin to regroup and fight Ukraine and NATO to a stalemate? Or will he go full Yeltsin?

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In related news, Moscow government approved the building of an "Expat Village" for conservative Americans and Canada to move to Russia. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101

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I wonder how much freedom anyone moving there would have...or would it just be a collection point for the new globalist government to dole out extra harsh punishment?

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sounds like a 15 minute city!

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How the hell are you putting out this much content? What are you on? Ritalin? Coffee enemas? Don't you sleep? And it's great content at that, impressive

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i could do two a day to be quite honest, but i genuinely hate the idea of the proles getting so much good writing out of me and dial it down sheerly out of spite for them.

when i secure my 1k maybe this will change

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The k will come soon enough, but right now you have influence, I read a lot, there are a lot of fuckers out there that are hinging on your every word before they write, you are forcing objectivity, which is always in short demand, this is very powerful shit. I think you are changing perceptions on a much larger scale than anyone realizes. The recognition will come, it's inevitable. I seem to remember you saying something about Unz, that's going to be a real good start. Right now revel in the power you have, use it wisely.

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I still don't understand what's so hard about Google Translating Strelkov's blogs, it's literally one click. (I don't mean daddy Rolo is doing it, I wonder why the Western zogbots aren't.)

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It's kind of hard for Google Translate to, by itself, convey Strelkov's sarcastic writing/Russian euphemisms in an easy to understand way.

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Just don't go full Saker.

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"Former Russian officer and ardent nationalist Igor Girkin’s newly formed “Club of Angry Patriots” held a press conference on May 12 to discuss its discontent with the current Russian conduct of the war in Ukraine. "

Additions to the 39 questions?

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"War,war never changes"

Where did I see the same script before, ahh yeah Croats vs Serbs, vs Bosnians...when enough bombs will drop and enough people will die or be removed from their ancestral homes..then suddenly we will have some great summit and talk about peace. I write mostly about reality but on this matter, I have this to say Brother is killing Brother again and the devil is dancing a jig and all end with thunderous applause provided by unsuspecting masses.

Ovo je na Hrvatskom:"Do dvanest sati se ratuje a poslije se trguje"...pametnom dosta.

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To be fair, when the Serb was removed from the former Croat Socialist Republic, peace was established, that's a fact.

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The war in "Croatia" took place between 1991-92. The Vance Plan came into effect established UNPA's (Protected Areas) in the Serbian inhabited regions of so-called Croatia, the Republika Srpska Krajina (RSK). The US/NATO spent 3 years assisting, supporting, arming & training the Croatian military for Operation Storm (Oluja), which took place in August 1995. Between 1992-95 there was peace, & it was broken when Croatia, with US/NATO/Western backing attacked RSK & expelled 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral land. This was a pro-type for Ukraine, & Ukrainian officials openly stated they were looking to Op. Storm as a blueprint for what they planned for the Donbass L/DNR. Croatia could never have taken this territory without the compliance of Serbia's government under Milosevic, who was trying his best to become a US quisling, & his chief of State Security (Drzavne Bezbednosti - DB) Jovica Stanisic, who, it transpired later, was a CIA agent the entire time.

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1992-1995 je bio mir?, ajde molim te..Svi su raseljeni i Hrvati,Srbi te Bosnjaci...Bila je to organizirana krada dobara bivse Jugoslavije koja su preko noci dobile nove vlasnike....Tudman,Milosevic i Alija su 1990 na sastanku u Beogradu sa ostalom ekipom dogovorili kako ce se Juga dijelit...Srba je po zadnjem Popisu RH 1990 g. bilo 230000 tisuca(manje od 10 posto) a Hrvatska je imala tada 4 i 5 milijuna stanovnika.Rat nije objavljen jer onda nema ratne odstete.sranja su radili svi...svi nema iznimaka...

Brojke imaju svi sto lazne sto istinite...Tko je klao,svi su klali....I ja cu s time zavrsit jer vidim da mnogi tu bas ne razumiju nista....a misle da sve znaju.

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Yes, when Catholic Croats slaughtered and expelled remaining Orthodox Christian Serbs from contemporary Nazi Croatia in 1995 (more than half a million expelled 1990-1995 + murdered), "peace" was establishes as there was no one else to kill/expel as they have finished the work they started in the WW1 and WW2!

The same scenario was planned for Feb 2022 with all ethnic Russians in Ukraine, i.e. to be either killed and expelled, but for some strange reason and that time around, Putin allowed Russian Army to actually do something, after he ignored their slaughter for 8 years, during which 14000 ethnic Russians civilians were murdered by Putin's Ukrainian "partners".

Today's Nazi Croatia is the champion of exclusion and hatred as more than 95% ethnically cleansed - result of their mass murder and expulsion of others around them in the WW1 (Serbs), WW2 (Serbs, Jews, Romas/Gypsies, Italians) and the 90s (Serbs) - and that alone perfectly describes their hatred and pathology, along with fake history, fiction, and theft of somebody else's language, alphabet, history, kings, scientists, territories, and everything else. Typical behavior of religious converts and engineered artificial nations.

As Germans would say “God save us from plague, famine and Croats” [1][2] Yes, even their beloved Germans are not spared from Croats!

[1] In 1638, a booklet “Mourning over Germany” was published in London, describing the horrors of Croats atrocities. They forced priests to pray in front of the altar while they slaughtered them, raped women in the church, took people’s eyes out, skinned people’s faces, cut their noses and ears and made a pendant out of them, etc.

Check out the page [2] and scroll down to see 12 scanned illustrations from that booklet showing what Catholic Croats have done. These deeds were the cause of the following saying from that era: “God save us from plague, famine and Croats”

[2] An article with illustrations of Croat’s atrocities (Mourning over Germany booklet, London 1638) https://srbski-weebly-com.translate.goog/1057107210951091107410721112-108510721089-1041108610781077-1082109110751077-10751083107210761080-1080-106110881074107210901072hellip.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en-US&_x_tr_hl=en-US

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Pretty funny seeing as how modern dei croatia is ruled by catmoms and vibrant diversity!

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In regards to why Wagner is still trying to throw the AFU out of their last foot holds in the city its probably just because those high rises in the South Western part of the town are ideal for defense. If Wagner is going to need to transition over to defense they will want those. The losses incurred taking them will be compensated by the advantages of holding them on the defense. Its sort of a maxim that higher ground is good ground and having AFU sitting in those highrises means they have excellent observation of everything Wagner is doing which means constant artillery and quicker reaction time which will bleed Wagner regardless of whether they are attacking or not. Thats a problem the musicians want to remove and an advantage they want when they need to go on defense.

The sheer amount of more or less deserved hate that Prigozhin is throwing is yet more indirect confirmation that Wagner=GRU imo. Prigozhin must feel like he also has a krisha and that krisha is GRU. This would be especially relevant in terms of a conflict with Gerasimov and Shoigu no? If anyone would know where lots of bodies where buried with MoD it would be GRU. So I could see the Shoigu/Gerasimov bratsva not feeling comfortable just killing Prigozhin outright because GRU might well have cards to play that Shoigu/Gerasimov would really rather they didnt. Its not just a matter of GRU leaking a bunch of scandal worthy material, I doubt Shoigu is worried about that. But a situation where GRU starts knocking off Shoigu loyalist and pinning it on the Ukrainians would be very bad for MoD. The Ukrainians have the means, and on the surface in the eyes the plebs a very good motive no?

MoD wants to surrender gracefully, the 5D idiots and peasants think MoD are brilliant, so if they start getting blown up MoD would be in a very tight spot. The stupid MoD 5D loyalist would demand Ukrainian blood and SBU heads which is exactly what Shoigu and Gerasimov want to avoid. That is if GRU responds in kind to the Shoigu mafia taking out Prigozhin the situation could well be become even worse for MoD. Since the Kremlin has already given SBU/NATO free reign to kill whoever they want in Russia with impunity so GRU has perfect cover and deniability.

Of course MoD would also enjoy this plausible deniability, but the more such a tit for tat conflict went on the louder demands from society and the Patriots would be for retaliation against SBU and Ukraine and the worse the current authorities will look. So in the end escalation is worse for the Shoigu mafia because they are the ones who want to surrender and de-escalate. So the conflict as it stands now at the media level and using AFU as a proxy is likely where MoD wants to keep it and why Prigozhin feels safe enough.

3rd Rome intrigue in all its Byzantine glory.

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Rus bros you are trying TOO hard to be the successor of the basilea ton rhomaion

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Is Prigozhin's middle name 'Uriah'?

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Just a theoretical exercise but what about some kind of triad solution for Rússia with Strelkov as a political leader, Dugin as a spiritual/theorical leader, and Prigozhin as the action man?

We could also add Glazyev to take care of the economy...

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Good in theory but I know a lot of Russians and most of them have never heard of Dugin other than being the father of his murdered daughter. Glazyev is to the Central Bank what Prigozhin is to the MOD, but with more subtlety. He is also a personal friend of Pepe. Interesting quote ftom Glazyev the other day.


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One thing about the Russians is that they hate each other's guts (unless it's the Kremlin clique which are sucking each other off, no matter what). For a religious leader, Dugin is a meme and basically unknown, you would have much more success with Kurginyan, an Armenian cultist believing in witches.


Still, Kurginyan hates Strelkov, Strelkov hates Prigozhin, and Sofa Legion Strategist hates them all - to a murderous degree, I must admit. There's no anime friendship here in the Slav lands. Probably bad blood (literally) - the Nordic Hitler once remained faithful to Mussolini unto the bitter end.

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rolo is a pan slavist god help him

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You struck the nerve with Dugin. Losing the daughter to the cause is exactly what's needed for the plebians to listen with respect and some kind of spirituality to his words. Any decent human being will respect a father who lost his daughter, even if he is your worst enemy.

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This guy is very entertaining but also has a good handle on financial and military matters. https://thedreizinreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/podcastAsymmetryv29louder-2023.0509.mp3

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Lovely, thanks. I'll subscribe to him. I'll make a transcript of that audio. He doesn't provide them? I'll make one. I don't knew whether he's right or wrong but his message is one I'd rather believe than Rolo's apocalypse. Dunno which one's right. But I pray it is Dreizin.

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Dimitri Orlov asserts that the Kremlin is encouraging Prigoshin's rants. It's helping to build false confidence in NATO land, luring the hapless enemy forward. If this is so, Rolo's work too is helping Russia much more than the super positive western blogger brigade ...

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Happy to help!

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I read somewhere that Orlov moved to Rússia. At least he has more skin to lose than the other 5Diers, if Russia goes under

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Well that is true basically, by shafting Wagner on ammo and ensuring his flanks collapse they are encouraging his rants.

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At least I hope in the end our ”Western partners" will do the dirty work of eliminate the kremlinoids if the russian nationalists don't have a chance to shoot for treason all those guys/girls at the "Versailles palace", including Putin, because of russia's destruction

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They dont care which corrupt Russian Olicharch is in charge as long as they can break up Russia and steal its industry and resources for the coming Globo homo jew world order they are satisified.

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Half the work is already done

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But I think they will apply the Khadafi/Saddam Solution to Putin.

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Putin seems awful chill tho

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People are obviously entitled to think & believe what they wish - but if anyone believes, in all seriousness, that Wagner, & Prigozhin, could function for 1 day anywhere in the SMO theatre, be it Bakhmut/Artyomovsk or anywhere else, without the agreement & support of the Kremlin & Russian MoD, you are simply deluding yourself. Ask a simple question. How does Wagner function at all in Ukraine? What does the Russian MoD owe Wagner? They owe them what is contractually arranged, & it is indicative that Prigozhin makes references to "agreed" levels of ammunition - forget what was "agreed", what is the contractual arrangement? In his rantings & written communication, Prigozhin never refers to the Wagner contract with the MoD & government - what is in it? As for Strelkov, well.......he has never been taken particularly seriously in Russia, & at this point he is a non-entity, no one (in Russia) cares what he has to say or pays much attention to him. Contrary to what is claimed here, Strelkov has never been accurate in his predictions. His assessment of the general situation in any context have always proven later on to be very much off the mark. But, believe what you will.......

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I don't know why but something about the way you speak makes me think you might have good information and good understanding and might well be worth listening to. I hope so. Can you tell us more of what you think?

In particular in regard to Rolo's message which is frightening me to death.

If I get him right it goes like this:

.The Russian war machine (the Donbas Units subsumed in this, lacking any independent significance) is in an unholy mess at all levels. Barely fit to fight.

. Furthermore there are elements in Russia that are directly and deliberately sabotaging the Russian war machine.

. Furthermore there are elements in Russia that are directly working towards dissolution of the Russian State.

. Furthermore the oligarchs in Russia are somehow beyond the reach of the govt and largely do as they please and what they please right now is to destroy the war effort and perhaps even Russia.

. The only allies Russia has found - being principally China - are tricksters of the first water and not allies at all and simply are laying in wait to fall upon Russia at the right time.

To cut to the chase and give up all this tedious 'point by point' thing:

Russia is doomed!

That's it. Russia is Doomed. Not the war. Not the government. Not this, not that. The whole of Russia!

Giving rise to some monster authoritarian hysterically victorious menage of lunatic States already revelling in treating their people like mindless sheep: USA, UK, USA, etc. etc.... ALL!

It is a nightmare.

There is no discussion because there's no one but Rolo says it, anyway, In the main.

And what is said, anyway, is not seen by 99% of the west.

And what does take an interest in the west is what I think Rolo and such call the 5G. Is that right?

All the 'analysts' and 'observers' such as everyone from military summary on YT to Doug Macgregor on YT? That's the 5G?

Well they never ever at any point gave any indepth investigation kinda 'forensic' looks at anything and still don't.

I mean by that such as you point at when you say Wagner could not function for one day in the SMO theatre. You don't do it but the 'investigative' or 'in depth' reportage that I refer to would in that context delineate the sheer logistic and other facts that make that the case.

I'm not asking you to do it. I'll accept it. Seems to me a priori anyway. I just mean that's the kind of thing we never get, never have got.

SO: with all the above in mind if you think you can offer me/us some better view of it all even if it totally supports that gloomy picture then please do.

Or even if just links to other places that might.

I cannot believe the current insanity of the world. I'm pleading for a little sanity somewhere. :)

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Greetings Arthur

This being Rolo’s blog, I can not enter into such a lengthy dialogue your questions would require – that may seem like a cop out, but unless Rolo were to say otherwise, I’m not sure he would appreciate it. What I will say to you is this – firstly, no one knows what the future holds. No one. No use worrying about what you can not control. As for Russia – do not worry about Russia. Russia has serious problems, Rolo is absolutely correct, serious problems. But it always has had serious problems. Read history. Russia has survived one onslaught after another, near decimation, most recently (prior to this) Nazi Germany on Moscow’s doorstep, siege of St. Petersburg etc. This what Russia is encountering is not all that much, compared to that. If Russia survived the economic warfare of the 90s drunken Yeltsin period, Russia will survive this. One thing I am absolutely certain about, is Russia is not going to lose this war with NATO/collective west, & Russia is not going to be destroyed. And I can more than back up & debate with anyone my reasons for thinking this way – but this is not the time or place for that. Re: the SMO/Ukro war, at this stage, as of now, no one side is winning or losing in the conventional sense. These are early days, to talk about winning & losing at this point in my opinion is not even serious, war’s are by nature dynamic & difficult to predict eventual outcomes, so just sit tight & watch how it unfolds, I guarantee you that over the next few years things will happen which will surprise us all – Russia’s destruction however, I am certain, will not be one of them. Don’t worry yourself too much. Again, read the history.

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Well thanks for that and it makes me wish you would put up your own blog or site or something if you have so much to say. The more speakers the better I think.

Heartening news that Russia will not fall. Very heartening. To my mind Russia represents all that is left of the Western World that is still on its feet.

Ironically this horror is often explained as Russia trying to join the West and being rebuffed.

Now I say Russia IS the west. The standing, alive and sensible west.

All the rest is asleep, dead, emasculated, zombied.

Okay, good to have a conviction that Russia will not fall. Very good.

But that doesn't mean there's anything good about Russia standing despite horrific losses and catastrophes does it?

I want Russia to stand without a further loss of a single life.

I would like all Ukrainians: Donbas AND Kiev to stay alive from this moment on.

I want sanity to prevail.

I want Russia to prevail because despite all the terrible insights I get from Rolo about the massive problems within Russia I see it still as THE sanity in Europe, the west.

Give me some assurances that will happen.

Tell me of potent intelligent forces working within Russia to overcome these terrible cracks in the structure that are making it impotent and weak.


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The US is done, too....thousands of migrants are being bussed in by the UN, given a free cell phone and debit card then bussed to various points all over the US....child trafficking is going on bigtime...it's now in your face globalism in the US....

I feel so sad for the poor Russian in Western Ukraine who relied on "Mother Russia" to protect them...what happened to them...how many are dead? How many escaped and where did they go?

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Rolo you have forgotten to note that as of late Russia has been brazenly launching airstrikes and missiles all over Ukraine, because of the latter's depletion of air defenses, which is to be regarded as a factually true state of things at this point.

> "My fervent hope is [...] that there is a way out for Wagner, a way out of what seems to be a trap set for them by the MoD cooperation with the UAF. "

You are jumping the shark here

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literally two planes and two helis shot down by UAF today.

wake up.

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That's my own comment of a few hours ago on Simplicius'!

I wrote: "PS: to prove they still have efficient air defense, the Ukrainians just shot down 2 Russian military jet airplanes and 2 military helicopters inside Russia proper, Briansk region, using their SAM installations in Chernigov."

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Let me know when the bridges come down.

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Marko has been writing articles about those confounded bridges for a year

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Its amazing how this absolute Ukranian asset remains standing day after day. There must be some amazing 5D strategy for they remain operational.

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And now they're doing it exclusively at night, so now my NPC classes aren't even cancelled. Putin, you had one job...

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Bakhmut has fallen, announced officially by Prigozhin himself!

Ammo dumps in Kyiv and Patriot systems are being obliterated!

I wonder what this wannabe 6th columnist will have to write about the latest Russian gains on the Donbass?

Strangely, this wannabe 6th columnist popped up from nowhere on Social Media in early March of last year, shortly after the SMO started in Ukraine.......

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