Apr 25Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The covert , seemingly impossible and insane collusion of "elements" (if not entire) Kremlin government with its ostensible "antagonists" in the west... is really the whole story in a nutshell. This has gone on for a hundred years at least. There is no true political "east" or "west": it is, and always has been we the people vs. the black magicians infiltrating every world government; magicians who orchestrate a puppet show for our "benefit", that is, our misdirection and mutual annihilation. Yes, it is hard to accept because it is depressing and at times leaves one feeling at a terrible loss. But we can't dismantle something if we don't really know how it works. Keep writing about it, Rurik. Thanks again.

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Apr 25Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thank you.

I welcome the light, however dark it shows the world.

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Apr 25Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Also, I wanted to let you know that I was blocked by Patrick Henningsen on Twitter because I asked

why the death of Russell Bentley wasn't being talked about within the "alternative" media. Reuters, The Guardian, The New York Post, The Daily Beast, The WSJ and others had stories about his life and death. It was at least mentioned and they put it into their own words. Patrick had interviewed Russell mid March and there were no results for him after that on his twitter. Doubtful ihes brought up the identification of members of the Russian Army as being responsible...

A block for that question... I was very polite too... I can do a few others. I am so ignored on Twitter its nuts or its definitely designed to demoralize and frustrate me. One person posted something and I responded literally a minute later. I checked an hour later. They'd been viewed 1,200 times and mine around 23. No joke.

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All the good christians will do is pray and pray and pray. The Muslims also pray and pray and pray but they also act to install themselves throughout the West without a hand being lifted to stop them . In fact the exact opposite, out own government representatives place the Muzzies over and above us! A recent event here in Australia. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/aussie-senator-says-elon-musk-should-be-jail-and-key-be-thrown-away

The Christian community rioted after the attack and are now being rounded up and arrested and they will be teated to a Jan. 6th type trial and sentence. Meanwhile the Muzzy will disappear and be treated very lightly. The gutter mouth slag in video is my local federal representative unfortunately. What I don't understand is why her inbred gutter brained supporters are pro-muzzy! Even the lower class drug smoking shit-fot-btains welfare receiving derelicts love her ! Amazing.! Just check out hoe low her IQ is, what a total dumb-fuck moron she is. There needs to be an IQ test for members of parliament, seriously , we need it!

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Forgive the ignorant question, but wouldn't a devolution into chaos be a good thing? In the sense that through chaos, real factions can start to form - by necessity? In the US, these invader groups only exist and parasite at the behest and encouragement of the government. In a chaotic situation, there is no more host for them to leech off of. The more functional members of society could finally take care of themselves with little government meddling.

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I think a lot of the situation can be explained by the ethnocentrism concept, which you can go to the Jolly Heretic site on Rumble to find out about. Ethnocentrism describes how strongly to value your own people or tribe, as opposed to outsiders. European whites tend to have low ethnocentrism, compared to, say, blacks. Jews have a higher ethnocentrism.

Low ethnocentrism does have some advantage: you can take advantage of the tools and knowledge of people of other cultures. On the other hand, in group conflict, those higher in ethnocentrism have an advantage.

In a representative government, ethnocentrism can have an influence out of proportion to its numbers. Highly ethnocentric minorities organize and vote as blocs; this gives them political power. It's easy to see why the Russian government would ignore protests of native Russians. As soon as a concrete action was taken against Muslim encroachment, you'd have massive city-wide and perhaps nation-wide protests. On the other hand, if you just give in, the hope will be you (as bureaucrat) will be retired and on your pension before things really blow up.

Also, people who are weakly ethnocentric are easy targets for spooks. They have no one to stand up for them.

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Muslims have ruined a very great deal of Western Europe, much of it as a result of "War on Terror" and its infinite tentacles. Look at the rape statistics in Sweden. I had students from Brussels and one kid was so pissed- his government had destroyed his country... he couldn't even go INTO some neighborhoods! A German man I met in Oahu said his country was ruined. Ruined. I could go on and on and on about what people (and European kids) have shared with me. I don't know if it's wise to share, but the Italian Navy does interesting things to repel immigrant ships.

Meanwhile we've got people like CIA's Pearl Davis glowing about a Muslim man making his wife only write on white board (a Muslim in BRITAIN). These- and these EXACT people- have been ruining and grooming kids and girls. Closing down streets so they can pray. The first time ever I saw a guy (Central Asian) pull out a rug and pray on a street in a resort university town in Southern California. If I see that again I'll have to contact the mayor (I babysat his kids) but before that I'd call the police and report a public nuisance. Nothing dramatic. I should probably let them know this kind of thing is not only illegal... well, let's hope the cops use some good techniques and put the fear of Allah into them not to do that kind of shit in public.

Give people an inch and they will plot to take a mile.

Once you get a drift of what they're doing you can sniff them and

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Ma non è che i bianchi sono diventati troppo civili ed educati, in una parola snowflakes, per un mondo che loro stessi, ex lege, hanno voluto mondare di tutte le bestialità dell'uomo?

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Any chance of Orthodox upping the ante and doing an unsanctioned protest or blockade?

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