I always lack words to describe the brilliance of this substack. I have zero way of understanding what’s going on in that complicated part of the world. I just wish the violence would stop. It’s reshaping the world in such a tragic way. Sometimes I’ve thought: the diabolical “beast” or whatever you want to call it is learning from this WWI drone trench warfare and who’s to stop them on using it domestically in the US when they’ve decided they’re done with us too?

People who have been supportive of the Russian “SMO” (which is understandable because of the vicious war propaganda aimed at Russia that’s been going on for decades) don’t like it when I take present what Rurik has so brilliantly described. They tell me “the opposite has happened”.

Thank you.

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Country 404 makes such a convenient testing ground for various weaponry, like some boys who found a vacant lot to play with firecrackers. And a hub to distribute weaponry off record to other locations.

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That’s really true… I bet it’s a black market bonanza that could ricochet anywhere.

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An excellent, if discomfiting, summary of the shabby state of affairs Yeltsin's chosen successor has created within the Potemkin Village now known as the Russian Federation.

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Putin can talk a lot and seem intelligent while he does it. However as you pointed out he failed to actually state anything of relevance.

Some people argue that was just "bringing the newbies up to speed" but I disagree, he tried to make his position seem relatable.

And while he might have some points this whole SMO operation has been botched to badly it's hard to be sympathetic.

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I actually had to read that Putin dumbed down his speech on purpose, see he decided to be vague and elusive to check mate the globalist!

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Putin’s oh so special ancient history is just banal stuff Russians learn in school. It’s not going to sell them a war, well, ever. I can’t understand why so many people lapped it up like they did. It’s as if any lame excuse is good enough to condone fratricide away from home. Don’t forget guys, it’s your and Russian tax money that’s killing Slavs, not mystical historical forces.

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Rurik I take everything you write into consideration as you have some important insights. However you often are wrong like most of us.

As an American who always had an interest, did business with but through the tribe in Brooklyn and studied the history of Russia and the Slavlands and know them to generally be one of the most courageous people on earth, I found that CIA backed Tucker, Putin hinted at it, who I often disagree with, but unfortunately is one of the better journalists in the USA, Tucker was way out of his league with Putin-Light, meaning Putin barely showed his cards but gave Tucker a History Lesson. Tucker clearly did not know and should have. Tucker should have been better prepared and dug deeper.

I still believe Putin is forcing the West to punch itself out (huge lack of weapons, ammo, etc) little energy and a moronic policy.

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Tucker was expecting reasonable answers to his questions, not a botched lecture on history.

Trading slavic lives to soak up bullets is a bad policy. Even if you believe that is the plan.

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One thing I do is assume everything I see and read is propaganda. Including your opinion. As propaganda interviews go… This one wasn’t bad. Better than anything we would get from a MSM type interview.

Ukraine is not are fight. Period!

Our problems are at the Southern of the USA. It’s called Invasion.

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Feb 10, 2024
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This comment reveals why we can't have an "honest debate".

Look at the language you use, at the hatred you have for me and even my recent life story.

You smear me as a Christ-hater for talking about the lies of the Septuagint. I promote Marcion's Christ though.

"Circle-jerks" is not a way that a reasonable person can describe samizdat with millions of Russian readers. If all you need is RT to be happy then fine, but no reason to insult the rest of our intelligence.

You have been talking about how you don't want to resubscribe for about a year now. Believe me, I wish you were gone as well. But you are here to literally snitch on me and my writing, that's why you stay. Why would a sane person keep coming back to get mad over and over again. And I'm the unstable one? I'm the one who is blinded by emotion?

"Snarky ad hominen and lies" - well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

Your ZAnon thesis is the one that needs proving. I've outlined my theses and provided links and supplied my reasoning as best as I can.

What proof can I even provide that satisfies your bizarre standards? A signed confession by Putin? Absurd.

And the real reason you lurk and lash out from time to time is that you know that I'm winning. Slowly but surely, people are nodding their heads along to what I am saying. It makes sense. They sense the con.

I bet it drives you mad.

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Feb 11, 2024
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Which of my "inside scoops" turned out to be BS?

I will never stop disparaging Christianity until you repent and unconvert.

I respect Stormer, but the positions of the publication are chosen not for their truth value, but based on how popular they are. Stormer engages in propaganda, and this is a good thing, but propaganda and populism comes at the cost of truth.

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It's less a spat between oligarchs than part of a long tunning policy to create division between goyim and get us to kill each other. Much of this was developed by the 'Pious' in what has become Ukraine, centuries ago. They are now salivating as they rub their hands in glee anticipating the final banquet of our flesh and blood. This conflict is just an appetiser.


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it's possible that some history buffs did actually enjoy the history lesson. not sure how keith wood's insulting of a certain constituency helps anything. i agree with this though: Putin was like a window salesman of high end windows, a guy comes to your house and talks to you for two hours on the history of the their particular windows starting from the birth of the company until you're so tired you sign on the dotted line. But in the scenario of top tier windows you get a beautiful product, that cannot be said in the case of the salesman Putin.

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Bjerknes and Willett give a long explanation of how recent events relate to the charitable nature of the chicken schluggers and their messianic plans:


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Good points Ronald B. However Tucker did not accomplish that and Putin played many levels below what would have done that.

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Yes Tucker gave Putin an audience, possibly as an ally, meanwhile Putin ran rings around him, and Tucker, to thinking Americans looks weak, ignorant and unprepared.

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This interview seems like a propaganda exercise designed to attract the uninformed to the Zanon camp and herd us unquestioning towards the rosy dawn of multipolar digital whatnotery as the west crumbles into irrelevance. Boring.

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CIA Tucker moronically went in with almost no knowledge of Russian History and his ignorance left him dumbfounded. Putin ran rings around him while only playing down many levels.

Surely trading lives to soak up bullets is bad policy but unfortunately most all of those in power do it. However I suspect Putin only had few choices based on Western Positioning:

a. Shock and Awe that very likely immediately led to WW III. Which will likely happen very soon anyway.

b. Do nothing which clearly was the 2nd worse choice.

c. Do what he did which is draining the enemy and is an old Russian Strategy.

What should Putin have done and what likely would be the consequences?

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>ran rings

Tucker went there to give Putin an audience in the West. He went as an ally.

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Tucker wasn't there to debate Putin. He was there to give Putin a platform to make his best case. The motivation for Putin to be truthful and logical is that his interview would be analyzed and summarized. If Putin stonewalled Tucker, it would be a massively wasted effort by Putin. The job of a journalist is to listen to the interviewee and draw out the logical conclusions and point out the internal weaknesses of the arguments during the interview. If the interviewee lies, it will be caught in the analysis and the entire interview will be discounted.

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Do you really think the idiots who thought it was a good interview are going to know he was lying? No they just lap it up.

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I thought it was a great interview when I heard it. I'm no more insightful than anyone else. My point is, a good interviewer will force the subject, in this case Putin, to be clear in his assertions. It's then possible for a real journalist to check the record. For example, as Rurik has pointed out, the objective has changed from de-Nazification and de-militarization, to demilitarized zones. You can then put together a video with the contradictions facing each other. They way they did with the many self-contradictions of Nikki Haley.

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Feb 10, 2024
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Looks like you're one of the dunces I was referring to in the article.

Maidan was made possible because of a state department led coup by Nuland that used these criminal gangs as the final muscle they needed to knock over Berkut cadets guarding the presidential palace.

The Dutchy of Lithuania has nothing to do with the SMO lol.

Dude, just get lost. Report back to Simplicius for your debriefing.

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