Rolo, you wrote "One of the key assumptions that I have used to base my understanding of politics on is the concept of perenniality. That is, that certain underlying political processes are universal, regardless of the country or time period which it takes place."

This is a good point, but the question that naturally follows is: how do you determine whether your understanding of politics matches up with perenniality or not? IMO, the answer to this comes down to the *accuracy* of one's predictive value about the future, and how well it also illuminates the present and the past. If one's current understanding doesn't match up with future events, then something about the laws of nature is misunderstood by the person doing the analysis, and one's viewpoint should be adjusted.

The question that comes after that is, what should one *do* with those underlying laws of material reality once they are understood, i.e. based on what *values*? To answer this, one would either take a utilitarian approach (either hedonistic or preference) based on means-end testing to maximize the chosen values of the person conducting the analysis, or, for religious types (which I know you're not) a deontologogical, duty, rule or obligation based perspective based on their beliefs.

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>IMO, the answer to this comes down to the *accuracy* of one's predictive value about the future

I'm doing OK then.

>i.e. based on what *values*

Strength as the primal, principle first value. That which leads to strength is good.

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Got evil?

By this standard, Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail op is good.

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Mar 30, 2023
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That's great! You could do mass mailiings. Many would throw them away, but you'd know whom you corralled by identifying those showing suspiciously sudden compassion for the geriatric.

I like the dishes; it's such a homey touch.

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Excellent essay Rolo.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people ". - H. L. Menchen

No other commentary necessary. Keep up the good work and I just might subscribe one day. Of course I'd expect the same courtesy in return. Stay healthy, safe and strong we live in tumultuous times.

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Interesting to hear about how it is in Russia. What you say about the States checks out from what I've heard, although I suspect that those activists on the left - sorry, "community organizers" - don't have it as hard as some of the others. Then again, rumor has it now that Antifa has a lot of secret Federal agents - not to mention its activities basically assist those in power as the riots did in 2020. So I guess that can't be called grassroots, can it?

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Yup, quite valuable stuff from Rolo this turn

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The patronage system still lives in this age. I wont hold my breath for a God-Emperor. Self-interest will always overrule social benefit and this is why democracy will never work except as an illusion. The US Constitution was honored right up to the Whiskey Rebellion. Realpolitik will always trump principles. Everything out there is a limited hangout to one extent or another. Prager, Shapiro, and Crowder are all civnat gatekeepers. They're oh so edgy but God forbid you stray into identity.

I'm not really sure we have a solution in the West other than to let it all be cleansed with fire and start over.

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"... the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." - Daniel 4:17

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"and the lowest of men he will raise up over them."

Yes, If men get the insight and understanding

to step forward and leave the limitation behind.

to see that The power does not work FOR us but TROUGH us

And We have to do it ourselves.

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alert me when the kingdom of heaven on earth has arrived.

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Thank heavens unbelievers will never know when the Kingdom of Heaven is established on earth....

At present they are doing their damndest to establish it here on earth...phony Christians think they can do it themselves i.e. the "kingdom now" crowd...they are as deluded as non believers...the Satanists will have their short lived NWO day only to be crushed by the Son of God when he comes to establish His kindgom on earth for 1000 years (the "Millenium") but the Kingdom of heaven will only come after that period of time...believers, read your Bible...

Unbelievers hate God and don't read the Bible anyway....

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." - 1 Corinthians 1:18

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Let's look at Bibi Netanyahu. He just got a law passed that makes it harder to get rid of him, even without emasculating the Israeli Supreme Court.


Bibi is some kind of archetype. Where will he lead 95% "vaccinated" Israel next?

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The pyramid always falls over when those at the top take more resources, or in this day and age claims on resources, than the people produce.

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"The US handles this much better. They allow these fake opposition front organizations to operate freely, so long as they play by the rules, and act as sponges to absorb the energy of radical political activism."

The US left strangely sees itself as an opposition front, which directs all its political energy against those deplorable Republican conservatives, who are actually the ones dissenting against the political status quo. The whole operation is steered by media propaganda, which defines what is misinformation and who are the extremists. So I don't think that things are allowed to run as freely as it might first appear.

The term oligarch isn't used much in the US, on the one hand, because the insanely powerful know enough to keep themselves out of the limelight (and off the Forbes list, for that matter), and on the other, because of the George Soros effect, which makes it anti-semitic to identify those who are.

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Off Topic: - are there any real hands-on political analysts in the Slavland community? - I had a wake up call this morning on the US legislation to ban Ticktock " Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or RESTRICT Act, " - of course the target is far wider than TickTok - and extends to a very large range of "Foreign Agents" - (Rolo - raise your hand) - I THINK the focus of the bill is on hardware and devices and services supplied by foreign agents (and then used by US citizens) - so, SubStack itself would not be that.

But there are some draconian scenarios concealed within - e.g. 20 year MINIMUM prison sentence for US citizens who violate some provisions of the act. Could commenting on Rolo's posts be construed as such? -Of course, a very wide latitude is provided for the new executive agency that would enforce the law. ln short - heads up and report back with developments and analysis.

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> ... because of my compulsive need to call out the ethnic psychopaths and blame them for all of Russia’s ills every other podcast, we never got pulled in. In fact, it caused my old podcast partner to quit out of frustration.

You caught the J thing, see https://www.johnderbyshire.com/Reviews/HumanSciences/cultureofcritique.html he's speaking about Joe Sobran

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Don’t know what you mean. Refrain from posting antisemitism on my blog.

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Where? How dare you. I may not be as big a fan of Zhirinovskiy and Prigozhin as you are, but that doesn't make me a antisemite. I even post civic nationalist scathing reviews of antisemite works from 2003, a time when anything to the right of civic nationalism was simply unthinkable

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Making an antisemitism is a sin against G-d so this is your last warning.

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This is parasocial, I think I need my own blog

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"mercilessly cull the oligarchs periodically like persistent weeds"

China does this to a degree. They have disappeared or pacified quite a few of them.

Of course, I am far away from China and can't see how thorough they are or how well this is working out for them.

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Feudalism: God's Will or Common Sense?

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Rolo, do you think Hitler and Stalin where legitimate anti establishment figures or also part of the system?

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Hitler was a former spook who turned. Stalin was a bolshevik who lacked the ethnic background to ever be accepted into the mafia. Many think that they can marry into the mafia or give them their sons and daughters. They are always mistaken.

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Hitler was a lower-middle class hobo and Stalin was a peasant bank robber. They lived in faster times when GloboHomo was yet too immature to tear them off when they were just buds.

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"mercilessly cull the oligarchs periodically like persistent weeds" Good in theory. In practice, needing a roof from an oligarch to get into culling position is a bit of a trick.

minor typo?: many realize that it take many years of hard work

"takes" reads better than "take"

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yeah i make lots of typos unfortunately and am too lazy to correct most of them

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If you don't care, then I won't make the effort to let you know.

I personally prefer to correct my own typos, because I judge they are like bad notes in music. I don't want to leave bad notes that I can easily fix.

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"Perenniality" is bad my friend... The dictionary suggests me "eternity" or "perpetuity" as synonyms.

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Shakespeare made up words as he went along so why shouldn't I?

Soon, you will all be saying it.

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well there was no standardised language at his time... this is the problem with 1st generation immigrants, they don't take the rules in place seriously enough ...

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So if we have the word "крыша" that would imply we have a "укрывающийся" no? Assuming this leap of linguistics is feasible my favorite "укрывающийся" would be Tommaso Campanella. His life reads like a fairy tale if you believe the official version. Having organized a rebellion against Spanish rule in southern Italy and being captured he then managed to feign madness under brutal torture so convincingly that the Roman Catholic Church and other shady Italian Capos let him live out a long and fruitful life. After twenty six years of writing works that were heretical to the Church whilst in the captivity of aforementioned Church, he even become an astrologer to Pope Urban VIII and thereafter a close associate of Cardinal Richelieu. Now that guy had a real "крыша". Officially he did this because of his unique character and iron will. It's hilarious really.

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