Prigozhin needs to come up with some links, so to speak, some evidentiary items that people can consult.

He sounds very convincing but there's about 100 'dot points' there building to that feeling of 'I'm convinced' but one has to notice there's not a shred of evidence offered.

Note I didn't say there's not a shred of evidence.

I said none offered, not pointed to, no links, no graphics, no texts, no charts, no nothing.

It is all just talk.

Seeing this is so important it literally could mean disruption of the whole Russian Federation there ought to be more people involved - surely Prigozhin shouldn't be on his own with this - and there ought to be masses of evidence to display.

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how can he provide evidence though?

he is a primary source.

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we must be talking at cross purposes or something, Rolo. To my mind a primary source is precisely who can, does, provide evidence....

If I am your primary source for believing the community I live in is rotten at the core I am the one you'd turn to for evidence am I not?

And I would be the one that could quote chapter and verse of the wrongdoings and show exactly where they were and prove it....

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Hell Yes

Should be more

1.) A new Russia where every man gets an AK-47 to defend his country ( today russian's are forbidden to defend themselves and defend their country & borders, needs to be a new-GOV & Right of Militia )

2.) Tar&Feather all oligarchs Ukraine, Russia, London, Israel, Turkey, USA, & Canada

3.) Send the elite rich children of Russia to Bakhmut already

4.) Auction off and Seize all oligarch assets in Russia&Ukro Territory, and use that to FUND a WIDOWS-Fund for the survivors of this war against UK-bankers aka ZIONISM big-NAZI ZOG bankers that own Russia

5.) Form a five Million man Militia of Real Russian/Ukro men who all cut a cut of #4 for fighting to take their country back from the UK London Bankers;

6.) There is a good chance that a majority of UKRO-peons ( non mercs ) in Ukraine have more in common with killing UK ZOG bankers that orchestrated the war with Nuland&Blinken and own Zelensky than with their own so called Government; I suspect that we will see an "Alliance" in time where two wars fronts appear, one on Kiev, the other on Moscow; It's up to UK men and USA men to take down their own oligarchy.

7.) The million russian Militia could easily get the weapons they need from Ukraine defectors once everybody agrees who is the real enemy of all non-ZOG men in Ukraine&Russia;

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99% of the so called pro-Russian 'UKRAINE SITREP" Sites, I call the Saker-Team, are all part of the limited hangout minder-fuckery that Prigozhin is fighting;

This 'slav-site' is one of the few sites that exist on the substack or internet pointing out that most of the pro-Russian sites are in reality just globo-homo sites pushing a their homo-bubble view of the Ukraine war;

I could name names, but the names are endless, but they all revolve around team-saker, aka pepe, larch, lira, simplicius duran, martanyov, ritter, they all censor anything that Prigozhin says; They all exist only to frame the pro-Russian SMO debate;

There needs to be more sites like this site, and less sites that are ran out of UK eating ZOG feces;


There needs to be more real men doing jew-tube videos telling the truth about globo-homo


This guy nails it, he's clear a male homo sapien, he's NOT a cuck'd homo like lira, martanyov, mercousi, ritter, judge nappy, rc's 'johnson', all people who like they have gone through a mk-ultra program

Note when he say's "AMERIKA" you just remember that they ASSHOLES in London UK banks via WEF are doing this BULLSHIT to the entire earth; They're doing this shit in Russia & Ukraine too, Germany & Poland, & Italy;

I liken our current bunch of UK pro-russian talking heads to be just like PJ-Waton the alt-right homo UK talking head for trump-tards, now most people trying to follow the Ukraine-War are fed homo shit by homo-cucks

A month ago they told us to love "Prigozhin" the hero of Bakhmut, this week they tell us to ignore him; I say we ignore the homo UK London Bankers limited-hangouts;

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Good rant , the Wester alt-media , your Durans and Ritters are just lying retards , they are in it for the money . How come Russian alt-media is so different than Western alt-media? I tell my friends( I am Australian ) to start watching Russian alt-media but they are too afraid of learning the truth, better to keep on listening to the 5D bullshit than know the truth. Bravo Slavland!

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It's because Westerners are all fat retards, duh. Quod erat demonstrandum. No wonder you cut off your sons' penises. The Russians may be schizo at times, but they at least have inquisitiveness, dare I say, freedom of speech. The Americans are all automatons, they gobble up their propaganda like no other nation in the world.

In Russia, you don't have the "government vs anarchists" split, you have boomer Communists, you have Trotskyites, you have NazBols, you have Armenian libtards, you have neo-Nazis who actually celebrate 4/20, you have monarchist nationalists, you have genuine Islamic terrorists, and you have Zionist Jews such as Prigozhin having clout amidst Slavic corpses.

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Prigozhin is a zionist?

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Prigozhin appears to be 100% a real-man, and not fond of the SODOMITE ELITE that rule Moscow;

All Zionist ZOG Nazi Bolsheviks are by definition sodomites, cannibals, & pedophiles;


On the continuum of Zionist Jews there is certainly left & right, I haven't considered Prigozhins "Jewishness'" which is irrelevant to being a ZOG zio-Nazi

Prigo zhin seems to be killing the Merc's owned by Nuland&Blinken as quick as they can get Zelensky to mint them;

If prigozhin was a neo-con or neo-lib ( card carrying zionist ) then certainly he would be a MERC on team Zelensky;

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so prig wants to fight for zionism by overthrowing the hoodiac mafiya of slavniggerstan?

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Occam's Razor say's that Prigozhin is a "MERC", killer for Hire

PUTIN is the boss, and putin has declared that UKRAINE must be de-nazified, that mean ashkeNAZI ZOG tribe, the problem of course is the morons who put the 'nazi' emblems on their clothes are just harelip skin-heads and UK merc's who are also harelip skinheads, who IMHO have not given much thought about the fact that they're working for ZOG; If the dumb fucks really knew they were working for ZOG, they would have killed zelensky yesterday;


I think that is why Prigozhin is calling for his own 200K man MIL army, so that he go after the real assholes in UKRO-Russia


Mafiya is meaningless, the "KOSHER NOSTRA" ZOG rules the world, but nobody has the balls to call them out, when a couple 'chechens' get together and organization and take out their enemys MSM will call them a "MAFIA", which just means an organized group of men not under GOV control; Not unlike a militia, not under GOV control

Prigozhin has repeatedly said that MOD is the problem and they're are incompetent morons, so clearly he has spoken to power to point out that the GOV ARMY is shit;


All that is known is uncle-schmuel prints USD for free, and can pay MERC's $150k/year USD to infinity, and there is no limit to how many harelips on earth that will go kill for Zelensky for beer-money, and whores;

On the other hand PUTIN is generating lots of real cash, but his funds are not infinite to pay the MERCS', Of course the Russian MIL MOD is worthless, so PUTIN has a real long term problem

In a perfect world everybody would kILL the US-DOLLAR yesterday, but the problem is that all the COCAINE, PUSSY, OIL, OPIUM is still traded in USD, so every MERC on earth wants USD;

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Well atleast Ukraine is giving the right example how to treat popular and influencial enemy bloggers, they arrested Lira and put his ass in a gulag. If only the Russians would do the same thing..

But yes when you control a conflict and keep the war going you have to control both sides of the narratives.

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Yep, this reminds me of that man-bitch you know the basketball guy who called himself a woman that went to Russia to 'play hoop' and then got caught carrying enough hash-oil to get an entire 'pussy riot' concert high,

They tossed him into a jail, we never learned if he got put in a man's or womans' PUTIN sure as shit played along with the HOMO game, somebody should have pulled down his pants photo's it to show Russian's that them womens team USA aren't no women.


LIRA is pure fucking wacko shit, elite univ dual-citizenship, had a 1,000x he should have got out of ukraine, IMHO the CIA can't protect him anymore, as BIDEN is being tossed to the wind in his influence, Zelensky will go rogue just like Noriega, Samosa, Saddam we create our assholes, we let them go rogue, and then we use that as an excuse to destroy

You see now that NYT is admitting that UKRO-NAZI MIL wears Nazi emblems, NYT has been covering it up, slowly the they either start a new fable tale about there being 'good nazis' ( Like Hitler 1933 Nazi's ZOG that got shipped to Palestine 60k call Hitlers Nazi Transfer ), or they say they didn't know ZEL was Nazi and they start bombing the fuck out of him, like they did Iraq; Then PUTIN can sit back and watch, let ZOG finish Ukro-Nazi's

You all know them dumb fucking SKIN-HEADS should have never trusted UK-london-Bankers, and the USA policeman.

The logical unification here for the Prigozhin 200K MIL, would be skin-heads, prisoners, hard-core right wing Muslim ( maybe chechens ), and anybody else that is anti-homo, anti-woke, and actually wants to preserve the orthodox-white man; There are white muslims you know;


Elite UK London Bankers rule world by their banks, those banks are in Russia&China; They want EVERYBODY in Ukraine Dead; They want everybody in Germany dead, and Italy;

Yiinon-Plan was Poland to Iran, its looking MORE greedy like Germany to Iran, and Spain to Moscow, be the new "Greater Israel", maybe they'll leave PUTIN a bone like Siberia and he can call it winning for the GOYIM.

Blowing up pipelines in Germany, infecting Italian chinese factorys with COVID-2019, now destroying dams in Ukraine, this is all to destroy & cripple economys, so to encourage de-population;

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Nailed it. I get shit on from high heights every damned time I bring this up. Indeed.

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I held it back a long time, Moon of Alabama is even worse 90% homo gate-keepers,

That's the one thing about these 'talking heads' TEAM-Saker they all sure as fuck look HOMO to me, same for LIRA he seems queer as a $3 bill, and that cuck Mecoursi looks a classic pedophile;

Even their main-boy Ritter is a convicted pedophile, see a pattern, look for a conductor;

Most of these people have not worked a day in their miserable lives and never been in MIL, why they drifted to 'talking war head' is just COHEN-Cidence, lots of MONEY to be made online from these YOU-TUBE channels if you got an audience, lots of people making big-money, so you get every fucking lazy grifting HOMO freak in the world doing an ALT-RUSSIAN gig; The problem is if your ANTI GLOBO-HOMO, you need to find anti-homo sites

But just like PJ-Waton you got a flaming HOMO telling right-wingers that GUNS R Bad, and they eat it up like homos suck cock;

It's a fucked up place the intenet; When I was a kid people would just whack fags up the side of the head with a baseball bat or 2x4, there wasn't much of a fag problem, now they live in everybodys head;

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You seem to be more that a little obsessed with anal.

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When I see that 99% of our alt-leaders are Sodomites, I like to rub that shit in their face, if they shoe fits wear it;

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Homosexualists are idiotic, but what's so wrong with paedophiles? Isn't the idea of our modern Karenocracy that a man who has a 15 year old girlfriend is considered a paedophile rapist? And that's considering our ancestors married malnourished 12 year olds while also suffering from acute Holodomor conditions every other year and smallpox?

If anything, paedo hysteria is a peculiarly Westoid talking point. Both Afghanistan and Japan are paedo nations, inshallah daijobudeska. Epstein did nothing wrong.

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In the entire world women ( little girls ) marry when they start to bleed, at that point there is a huge party and everybody learns she has started her period, then men come forward to offer themselves to marry the girl

It's up to the family to accept;

That's the way it used to be, even today in Africa&India six year old pregnancy's happen;


But the above is here nor there, sometime in the 1920' the GOV decided un-employment was a problem and child-labor was taking good jobs from men&women, that young children didn't belong in the factory;

Forever 5 year olds worked, there was no such fucking thing as 'children' they were called 'little people'


The road to hell is paved with 'good intentions' do gooders, like prohibitionists created all these fuckng rules about age-of-labor, and age of consent;

But its here nor there, we all live under the laws where we live;


The PAEDO history was pushed by the Jews but classically they are were the Paeodphiles, whcih is typical to blame others for their habit,

As is well known by BOLSHEVIKS it is essential to create new criminal law to put honest people in prison, so they can steal their property and kidnap their children, like witch craft the siren of 'paedophila' is just another Jew Law construction to justify their habit, which is to fuck&kill goyim children

Talking about ZOG when I say "JEW", not good jews, just the satanic jews;

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females begin masturbation at 9, begin sexually manipulating men at 12 and are developed for child birth at 16... this makes no sense from an animal perspective. Zeus' beautiful evil are truly devilish

pedo hysteria is a control valve, only thing you are allowed to be mad at anymore.

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In an ocean of propaganda, it amazes me that anyone has the nerve to claim that they understand what is going on in Ukraine.

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I'm not a 9/11 truther (because I don't deny the piloting ability of brave Arab fundamentalists), but if anything, this is a big fat 9/11 for Russia. Trusting any of the lying snakes here is ridiculous. For all I care, the Kakhovka Sea dam incident could be a repetition before blowing up the Three Gorges dam in China. Prigozhin is a Zionist Jew trying to bring Russia to civil war.

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He is the closest thing to a good goy in russia... using straight up alt right talking points of overthrowing a treasonous government. Would be hilarious if russia got bailed out by an ugly mischling joo. For shame

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If Wagner were to make a move on Moscow, there would have a good chance of Russian units defecting because patriotic sympathy is moving towards Wagner. It would be interesting to see what happens if Wagner starts handing out weapons and building a p/t people militia along the border.

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"Russia needs a Pinochet-style solution" - I think Prigozhin means a colonel revolution, not something like Pinochet did because then Shoigu would be the leader. Kadafy did a colonel revolution. This shows Prigozhin has a limited knowledge of history.

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I think he was referencing Air Pinochet rather than Pinochet's CIA-backed revolution.

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I must say...I'm hugely entertained and invigorated for the first time in a long time with this column and the people who comment. Just haven't followed the Ukraine War in detail so not at all sharp on the situation. Just wish we had a Prigozhin in the U.S.--he would be entertaining as hell. I wonder how Dylan Mulvaney would react to a Prigozhin? 😂 Don't watch TV or movies but I'd watch that confrontation front row center.

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It's clear now that the single difference between Putin and Yeltsin was the oil price.

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The world's a mess in

Rublevka a group of elite residential towns (Barvikha, Razdory, Zhukovka, Usovka, Gorki) located 7 miles west of Moscow has homes which "were" selling for $224 million now offered for $75 million a real steal.

However, in Southern Donetsk Ukrainians are bombing modest homes into tiny wooden particles mainly owned by the elderly or middle aged workers. The bombs are paid for by US taxpayers most of whom don't possess $1,000 for an emergency. And just like in Rublevka a select bunch of oligarch/techno fascist entrepreneurs live in multimillion dollar estates.

In California the streets are littered with blue tents, or cardboard boxes occupied by the homeless.

While just a short distance away there's palatial homes looking more like super-modern hotels worth many millions.

They say more than 500,000 sleep on the streets each night throught the US, but don't dispair Kathy Hochul the Governor of New York will open up old prison facilities for the endless flow of migrants.

It's really frightening to realize the discrepancy between the "lucky ones" and those living in misery.

All victims of Global Empire, which will take no prisoners.

Sometimes I wonder if the horrors we witness is because sadistic psycho megalomaniacs derive pleasure from torturing the weak, or maybe these horrors are used as a "control mechanism" illustrating to those who still are left standing that torment and suffering can happen to them if they don't tow the line.

In any event, humanity once again will be the losers as the worst creatures brazenly thrive.

Who said the meek will inherit the earth, unless it means indigenous aboriginal tribes wandering in the wilderness as nuclear weapons explode never miss the end to the supposed civilized world.

Nevertheless, I stumbled onto a YouTube channel which usually covers economic disasters caused by sanctions relating to the Ukraine conflict and it's usually very pro West, however, this time interestingly enough it covered Prigozhin; go figure.


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Boohoo, poor people exist, cry more, Commie. The ugly reality is that those poor people are the first to gobble up their government's propaganda and go to war to kill their own class comrades. And what's so bad about being homeless in America? They aren't starving to death, the climate is warm (and warming). Another case of making modern life seem less privileged than it is in fact.

It makes little sense to call strong, beautiful, successful people "sadistic psycho megalomaniacs". Sure, you can do that, but you're merely perverting the old meaning of the words, the same way the crucified rabbi Jesus did 2k years ago.

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Indeed, I was slightly too edgy, possessed by the animus of Ayn Rand. Of course, the unit of evolution is the population, and it is together than we survive... together with people that look and worship like us, that is. And I doubt the rich Jews to be that close. (Although I do have a hunch that Jewish men have more in common with white men than white women do.)

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YHWH aka Zeus drowned mankind out of disgust... and I get that. Fuck survival let us go the way of Zeus SkyFather

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It makes little sense to call strong, beautiful, successful people "sadistic psycho megalomaniacs".

our rulers are depraved anti human fiends, the judeo-christian values of equality and universalism are not compatible with mankind.

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What is the motivation of Shoigu to genocide Russians?

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His Tuval chums do not like them very much

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What is Tuval

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Tuva is an anti-Russian republic from where Shoigu hails.

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What seems to me to be mysterious is how does Wagner get its equipment? Surely that has to come through the MoD? No? Do they not control all the tanks, artillery units, planes, etc. This is not for sale by private companies in Russia I presume. Who is paying Wagner right now? Has to be the MoD, no? I can't imagine Wagner owns factories somewhere in Russia that make (or even store), Su-25 aircraft. Is the arrangement with Wagner transparent? You have talked about Wagner being supported by the GRU. Do they fund Wagner? Get them their weapons?

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Thanks again, Rolo! Prigozhin is becoming rather strident in his claims. Moving into Belgorod would definitely cement his reputation of action rather than rhetoric. The question will be whether two weeks is too long.

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Too strident, I'd say. I'm getting the impression we're being fooled by absolutely everybody, including him. Acting in disobedience of the Kremlin should in a law state grant him jail, I think? At a minimum, termination of Wagner's contract as a mercenary army? He might all the same threat with toppling the government. Or is that the actual plan, in collusion with Putin himself? I'm not--for the moment--questioning the correctness of Prigozhin's statements and criticism. I just say it seems to me highly unlikely he is allowed to scot free voice that kind of threats, let alone carry them out, without the presidency's consent or even connivance. What's all this game about?

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Hi all,

Thierry Meyssan, the leading geopolitical analyst on the Internet worldwide


wrote this piece you should read: "The reorganization of the Russian armies"


available in 9 languages.



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I stopped reading Thierry a long time ago.

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nobody is perfect...

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I did, too. I liked his thorough critiques of situations (and quoted him the other day because of that quality), but something felt "off" about him. I've opposed the American occupation of Syrian oil fields since the inception and liked Thierry's take, but when he addresses situations outside the Middle East, he seems to have a skewed and inaccurate viewpoint.

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Seems to me that Russia and the US/NATO/Ukraine are in a competition to prove they are the most hubristic , delusional people on earth.

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Rolo, do you know Wolf Stoner from the National Alliance? Or are you under his influence? So believes Will W. Williams, NA chairman. I have recommended your Slavland Chronicles to him. See Williams' answer in the comments to the article: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/06/war-in-europe-a-call-for-neutrality/#comment-62983

W. Stoner poses as a Russian nationalist and a member of the NA living in Russia.

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