I scrolled thru quickly - I will get it on paper and read carefully, In any sane world Rolo would be a shoe-in for a Pulitzer price - just for this. We are at a real juncture here and this - Prigozhin's take - will turn out to be a key document. I assume it is being widely read in DC and other capitols as I key this in; i.e. Rolo has probably beaten at least some of the spook translators.
("Pulitzer" - much debased USA annual prize for what used to be called journalism)
This is a curious take. Rolo's style actually reminds me of mine - and I'm a suicidal Ukrainian NEET that never leaves his room. Is Slavic blood that strong haha? The similarity I see lies in his daring prose, fearless pondering at the hard questions (that will earn him immense ire, triggering both sides of the American, one fat, the other stupid), and his style is characterised by a lack of discipline, frivolity, queerness, akin to an outcast in a wilderness. A prey of the memes, a child of two cultures, a tragic clown honking when it's due.
Got it. If you feel suicidal, you should try the Monroe Institute audio tapes. It won't make you feel any happier, but they might help you experience an OBE. Happiness seems to be a higher level that is only unlocked after many years of discipline. Or try Kratom, it really helps.
Interesting, you have my gratitude. Although that's not me who's suicidal (and I have no skill to tie knots and choose trees). I understand all too well that there is no rational argument against suicide. It's interesting though to challenge myself with this debate.
You might be docked some points and forced to reincarnate in a lesser form. Better to learn what it is you are supposed to learn on this go around without cutting it short. Although I don't think that there is any real metaphysical difference between suicide and getting killed necessarily. I'm pretty sure the ban on suicide was instituted by the church to keep the peasants around a bit longer to torment them some more and to force them to give up control over even the ability to end their own lives with dignity.
Thank you again for the info and analysis. Best one I have come across in years.
So Prigozhin is half Jewish backed by two powerful Jews in the presidential administration. He attacks the MoD, i.e. Shoigu and Gerasimov and damages them in the eyes of the politically active fraction of the population that gets its information from the internet and Telegram. As far as I am concerned this is a power play by the Jews to capture the MoD and enlarge their looting operation and power. Given the poor performance of the army, how strong are the positions of Shoigu and Gerasimov ?
The member of the Duma that attacked Prigozhin might simply be an attempt at discrediting him done according to the papers leaked in the USA. Shoigu or some subordinates called a favour from a member of the Duma without any obvious link to them and this guy launched a slander. It spectacularly backfired. That Wagner can make a video threatening to kill a member of the Duma without adverse reaction is telling of the degraded state of the Russian power structure.
20'000 Russian dead and 50-60'000 Ukrainian dead in the battle of Bakhmut is really bad. I mean this town has next to no importance. The front line barely moves. Why the bloodshed ? I am unconvinced by the explanations. The numbers also look inflated by a factor of 10 !
Yeah I don't but that 120k casualties were inflicted on Ukraine as Prigozhin claims. My hope is that there are good officers within the Wagner structure. Also, idk if you read my article on it, but I go into the backers of Prigozhin according to Strelkov and you are right it looks suspicious. Shoigu and friends are no better though.
I hate to be Debbie Downer, but Russia's fate may have been sealed when Stalin took power. If as some say, Wall Street secretly financed the Bolshevik Revolution then by 1922 when Stalin took control the plan had succeeded, as very few of Stalin's "original" Bolshevik comrades were still live. Most were slaughtered in a systematic purge. What's interesting, is that Stalin the great communist leader was eager to do business with the
West: "Between 1929 and 1932 Winkler-Koch supported the Kremlin and trained Bolshevik engineers to help Stalin's regime set up fifteen modern oil refineries." Stalin's type of dictatorial government might've suited US industrialists just fine. Ironically, the Koch family also supported and funded Hitler. But I digress, as my point was to say that decades of sustaining the Cold War served the US as the banksters were able to use the illusion of acrimony between Russia and the US to build the MIC including the intelligence agencies comprising the national security state. And it's also oddly coincidental, that in 1991 as the Soviet Union dissolved the US economy was going through one of its "manufactured crises" and needed an economic boost by looting Russia. That being said, as Rolo pointed out the Kremlin in the early 1990's provided "no" pushback to NATO's encroachment or any of the agreements made to Gorbachev which were immediately violated, very peculiar.
Unfortunately, it's always the plebs who are the last to learn that they've been betrayed by their own rulers. But, don't take it to heart, as the US population has also for decades been betrayed by their rulers too, as bankster/gangsters and multinational corporations, as well as the national security state plundered the treasury on needless wars while it simultaneously was social engineering China. And so interestingly enough, the Russian and US plebs are now in the same sorry situation floating on a slow boat into China's technocratic biosecurity surveillance state, or better known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
You know its a fake war when the children of the elites are in the nations of your so called enemies. Go back to world war 2 and see how both Hitler and Stalin even send they family,relatives and even children to the front. As solidarity and a sign that we are all in this struggle together. And yes Stalin would have done a major purge by now as he understood that incompent people at the top can be even more deadly then your enemy. And if you tolerate corruption the system will eat itself. Its the age old saying of united we conquer and divided we fall.
Don't mix Stalin with Hitler. Hitler sent no one of his own to the front, he was just another coward and as much insecure as Putin. Stalin was cold crazy as the devil even with his own family.
Show this to Putin to see the results of his cowardice/betrayal since 2014.
Hitler was in the trenches of the German army of WWI. He charged machine guns, endured artillery barrages, and survived. He is the only national leader who has ever been in combat as enlisted cannon fodder. Also, he never killed any Jews unless they were in a facing trench.
What are you talking about? Hitler did have relatives fighting at the front and his nephew was captured in Stalingrad after Hitler refused to have him evacuted. A strange coincidence is that both Stalin's son and Hitlers newphew were in the Artillery. Just like Peskovs son.
I hope everyone reading this understands that assaulting Bakhmut has no military value? Hence if there ever were a sick conspiracy to kill Europeans, Prigozhin would be the first suspect? Sofa Legion Strategist may be a starry-eyed anarchist kiddy thinking that all "normal people" want is peace, but his solution would not be different than mine, a pagan fascist's - kill all bureaucracy, kill the entire general staff, cull the people in power until they learn the lesson - by being dead. (Yes, such a message can be voiced on Russian YouTube, fascinating.)
Incidentally, a day of wrath scenario is something the last Hitlerian, Mexican César Tort, yearns for. As to you, Rolo - why not equate the Demiurge with Yeshua the crucified Jew? The perverse god of love for pestilence?
I only recently discovered sofa legion's channel. can't say I totally agree. but he did indeed raise good points. i'm not sure why he hates strelkov other than him being an fsb reservist.
I.e., had there been no Strelkov, Donbass would not have been genocided. Of course, it was genocided for a good cause, but... You get the point. To die fighting for your language, or to live a reasonably sated life, moaning about the globohomines... Escobar's notorious theorem of an erect cock or a sharp pike.
And Leonidas Perkunas Brezhnev will be regarded as the last Aryan king... White people no longer have a country, a culture, a history, a future. We are quickly degenerating savages amongst the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. Russia is at the forefront of decay.
I've been reading The Nuclear Fear by Spencer Weart from the 1980s, and it could still easily consider the non-biochemical origin of mental disorders. When Strelkov went to fight for the Russians in the 1990s, he had a good number of young men. Now? We cannot talk, we cannot write, and everyone fighting is old.
Everything is fake. But if the current level is lost, nobody will build it back up ever again. These wounds will never heal, just like that last Russian princes'. And the Aryan race will be history.
there's always military value in two armies fighting simply because you fight the other army. in the beginning perhaps you both see value. in the end perhaps it is shown it was only valuable for one. but value is there certainly. where you fight may or may not add value. but value is there.
"Stalin would have hanged people by now, but we refuse to learn our lessons"
That is key, imo. If this is an existential war, we are either not seeing the whole picture, or it is not existential. Russia keeps operating by the western standards. It is very difficult, if not impossible to win this way. Even if they military could, they will lose in the end because they seem unwilling to blow the 'Overton window' out of its frame.
It's not a question of whether Russia is corrupt, incompetent, inexperienced at war, without clear direction etc. That is a given- for every nation, worldwide. The west is held together by the collective efforts of useless corrupt woke power hungry politicians of even lesser moral quality who believe everyone & everything can be bought, sold & slaughtered like cattle at their whim, under their "Rules". For each generation to expect different is ultimately ludicrous - as our distorted /recorded history proves. The difference this time is they 🌎 are preparing for 🚀🌍🌏💥 🌐.
If anything, this conflict has left the west bankrupt, a walking dead nuclear debt bomb that is literally gambling that Russian Federation collapses internally before they run out of money to steal, Ukranians to fight & die for them, energy, conventional weapons & ammo & their own internal collapse occurs. (Vegas odds are even that US implodes first. 😜) Nukes will become their only other option on a multifront 🇷🇺🇨🇳 scenario. They' will Never become rational & back off. The rats will go underground before they ever give up power voluntarily.
Greed & corruption has spared worldwide destruction up till now. It may not be enough this time.
It seems it was a nekkid highway robbery gone out of control.
The wagnerites, while makeing decent coin, do not receive their money in pocket, instead get a measly allowance for everyday purchases. Either their salary is forwarded to their families or sit in trust till their contract is up.
There are 33 of these private armies being created in Russia by moneyed intersets as we speak. Clearly, the state is losing it's monopoly on violoence.
And if it was Bereg alone...but there were so many before him: Givi, Motorola, Mozgovoy, Zakarchenko, that Steremousov(?) Doode before the "hard decision" in Kherson, just the most famous ones...
Great job. I hope the interview was genuine and that maybe the Russian people will have enough and there will be a political renaissance. We need to have Russia back in the free world using its many strengths to contribute to humankind. No more East, West. But we in the west have the same problem with elites and have to clean up our mess too. Maybe if the Russian people take on their elites we will follow their example and take on ours.
If the Russians take on their own elite, you will be told that a fascist overthrow occurred and a great howl for blood and gnashing of teeth will begin in the West which will lead to total war against Russia.
I think he's just reminding you to be careful what you're wishing for, right as you are.
Historically, there's no other way to take the elites on but violently. And when it's successful, the response from the elites from other countries is often just as violent, as they seek to preserve the status quo in their own backyard.
No. He's saying precisely what he said. The West will be misinformed that Beria and Hitler are in charge now because -- look, can't you see that fighting is ongoing? They outright control the information. Also it would represent a weakened interlude for their defense. So -- pounce while the pouncing is good. You're likely not a predator. They are extreme predators.
You're completely skipping over the bit where he concludes his scenario with a "total war". I'm not sure you're fully grasping the gravity of that prospect. The media brainwashing seems so consequential right now, and that's why that bit grabbed your attention the most. But it will be a fart in the wind if a total war happens.
As you say, they are extreme predators. They'll play for keeps.
ELI5: Putin is an American puppet, Russia is Gogol's varenik levitating into the fat American belly. A Russia after Putin could either remain the crypto-colony, or free itself.
Excellent piece; it should be run in Western outlets, but, of course, they're captured. In U.S. it's Smith-Mundt (modernized) and Operation Mockingbird. Thank you, Rolo.
This is disinformation to sow seeds of discord. Most high ranking officers and their families are bsnbed from the west. He is obviously not a strategest. Bakhmut was not a strategic town and the ukies fell for it by diverting troops to defend a non strateguc town. The reason for Russia not attacking Bakhmut was due to soft ground that had not hardened during winter. Tanks would sink to their turrets not to mention inviting the ukies through a narrow corridor to their deaths. His mercenary force is similar to a spearhead.
A lot of this smacks of disinformation to sow seeds of discord and undermine Russia and the,army's defence of it. Firstly he talks about the high rank officer's kids enjoying their seclusion in the west thus avoiding the draft. These officers and families are barred from the west. It is obvious this man fails to understand overall military strategy. Bakhmut is a case in point. With the ground as soft as it was it is no use sending in tanks that would sink up to their turret. His military force is considered a mercenary one.
I scrolled thru quickly - I will get it on paper and read carefully, In any sane world Rolo would be a shoe-in for a Pulitzer price - just for this. We are at a real juncture here and this - Prigozhin's take - will turn out to be a key document. I assume it is being widely read in DC and other capitols as I key this in; i.e. Rolo has probably beaten at least some of the spook translators.
("Pulitzer" - much debased USA annual prize for what used to be called journalism)
> "Rolo would be a shoe-in for a Pulitzer price"
This is a curious take. Rolo's style actually reminds me of mine - and I'm a suicidal Ukrainian NEET that never leaves his room. Is Slavic blood that strong haha? The similarity I see lies in his daring prose, fearless pondering at the hard questions (that will earn him immense ire, triggering both sides of the American, one fat, the other stupid), and his style is characterised by a lack of discipline, frivolity, queerness, akin to an outcast in a wilderness. A prey of the memes, a child of two cultures, a tragic clown honking when it's due.
Do you mean queer as in gay?
No, I don't use gay vocabulary. (Oh wait.) But seriously, when I don't mean gays, I mean happy people (or "weird", in this case).
Got it. If you feel suicidal, you should try the Monroe Institute audio tapes. It won't make you feel any happier, but they might help you experience an OBE. Happiness seems to be a higher level that is only unlocked after many years of discipline. Or try Kratom, it really helps.
Interesting, you have my gratitude. Although that's not me who's suicidal (and I have no skill to tie knots and choose trees). I understand all too well that there is no rational argument against suicide. It's interesting though to challenge myself with this debate.
You might be docked some points and forced to reincarnate in a lesser form. Better to learn what it is you are supposed to learn on this go around without cutting it short. Although I don't think that there is any real metaphysical difference between suicide and getting killed necessarily. I'm pretty sure the ban on suicide was instituted by the church to keep the peasants around a bit longer to torment them some more and to force them to give up control over even the ability to end their own lives with dignity.
Time for a new literary award- the "Prigozhitzer Prize" 🏆for unpopular accurate reporting
Hi Rolo,
Thank you again for the info and analysis. Best one I have come across in years.
So Prigozhin is half Jewish backed by two powerful Jews in the presidential administration. He attacks the MoD, i.e. Shoigu and Gerasimov and damages them in the eyes of the politically active fraction of the population that gets its information from the internet and Telegram. As far as I am concerned this is a power play by the Jews to capture the MoD and enlarge their looting operation and power. Given the poor performance of the army, how strong are the positions of Shoigu and Gerasimov ?
The member of the Duma that attacked Prigozhin might simply be an attempt at discrediting him done according to the papers leaked in the USA. Shoigu or some subordinates called a favour from a member of the Duma without any obvious link to them and this guy launched a slander. It spectacularly backfired. That Wagner can make a video threatening to kill a member of the Duma without adverse reaction is telling of the degraded state of the Russian power structure.
20'000 Russian dead and 50-60'000 Ukrainian dead in the battle of Bakhmut is really bad. I mean this town has next to no importance. The front line barely moves. Why the bloodshed ? I am unconvinced by the explanations. The numbers also look inflated by a factor of 10 !
Yeah I don't but that 120k casualties were inflicted on Ukraine as Prigozhin claims. My hope is that there are good officers within the Wagner structure. Also, idk if you read my article on it, but I go into the backers of Prigozhin according to Strelkov and you are right it looks suspicious. Shoigu and friends are no better though.
Once in the past it took a " Georgian" to save the Russian people. If now is a jew in the same role who cares as long as the Russian people survive...
Uh, Kaganovich, Yagoda and the rest of that particular group were the ones who were killing Russians by the millions. Never ever trust them.
Thanks for all you do, Rolo! Congratulations on the obtained goal.
I hate to be Debbie Downer, but Russia's fate may have been sealed when Stalin took power. If as some say, Wall Street secretly financed the Bolshevik Revolution then by 1922 when Stalin took control the plan had succeeded, as very few of Stalin's "original" Bolshevik comrades were still live. Most were slaughtered in a systematic purge. What's interesting, is that Stalin the great communist leader was eager to do business with the
West: "Between 1929 and 1932 Winkler-Koch supported the Kremlin and trained Bolshevik engineers to help Stalin's regime set up fifteen modern oil refineries." Stalin's type of dictatorial government might've suited US industrialists just fine. Ironically, the Koch family also supported and funded Hitler. But I digress, as my point was to say that decades of sustaining the Cold War served the US as the banksters were able to use the illusion of acrimony between Russia and the US to build the MIC including the intelligence agencies comprising the national security state. And it's also oddly coincidental, that in 1991 as the Soviet Union dissolved the US economy was going through one of its "manufactured crises" and needed an economic boost by looting Russia. That being said, as Rolo pointed out the Kremlin in the early 1990's provided "no" pushback to NATO's encroachment or any of the agreements made to Gorbachev which were immediately violated, very peculiar.
Unfortunately, it's always the plebs who are the last to learn that they've been betrayed by their own rulers. But, don't take it to heart, as the US population has also for decades been betrayed by their rulers too, as bankster/gangsters and multinational corporations, as well as the national security state plundered the treasury on needless wars while it simultaneously was social engineering China. And so interestingly enough, the Russian and US plebs are now in the same sorry situation floating on a slow boat into China's technocratic biosecurity surveillance state, or better known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
all news to me. a very interesting take on the situation. links? recommended reading?
Just do some internet research on the specific historical facts cited.
"Just do some internet research" is evasive. It means you have no source for what you write.
It means I'm not your personal librarian and you want someone to do your resesrch.
It means you are speculating. From one day to the next URLs disappear, especially the URLs to pertinent and accurate causes of current events.
You know its a fake war when the children of the elites are in the nations of your so called enemies. Go back to world war 2 and see how both Hitler and Stalin even send they family,relatives and even children to the front. As solidarity and a sign that we are all in this struggle together. And yes Stalin would have done a major purge by now as he understood that incompent people at the top can be even more deadly then your enemy. And if you tolerate corruption the system will eat itself. Its the age old saying of united we conquer and divided we fall.
Don't mix Stalin with Hitler. Hitler sent no one of his own to the front, he was just another coward and as much insecure as Putin. Stalin was cold crazy as the devil even with his own family.
Show this to Putin to see the results of his cowardice/betrayal since 2014.
Hitler was in the trenches of the German army of WWI. He charged machine guns, endured artillery barrages, and survived. He is the only national leader who has ever been in combat as enlisted cannon fodder. Also, he never killed any Jews unless they were in a facing trench.
What are you talking about? Hitler did have relatives fighting at the front and his nephew was captured in Stalingrad after Hitler refused to have him evacuted. A strange coincidence is that both Stalin's son and Hitlers newphew were in the Artillery. Just like Peskovs son.
I imagine the more damage done to Ukraine, the higher the reparations will be.
I hope everyone reading this understands that assaulting Bakhmut has no military value? Hence if there ever were a sick conspiracy to kill Europeans, Prigozhin would be the first suspect? Sofa Legion Strategist may be a starry-eyed anarchist kiddy thinking that all "normal people" want is peace, but his solution would not be different than mine, a pagan fascist's - kill all bureaucracy, kill the entire general staff, cull the people in power until they learn the lesson - by being dead. (Yes, such a message can be voiced on Russian YouTube, fascinating.)
Incidentally, a day of wrath scenario is something the last Hitlerian, Mexican César Tort, yearns for. As to you, Rolo - why not equate the Demiurge with Yeshua the crucified Jew? The perverse god of love for pestilence?
I only recently discovered sofa legion's channel. can't say I totally agree. but he did indeed raise good points. i'm not sure why he hates strelkov other than him being an fsb reservist.
The issue with Strelkov is Túrin in Dor-lómin.
> For ill though my life was, you have brought death to me with your violence.
© J.R.R. Tolkien - The Children of Húrin, Chapter XII, The Return of Túrin to Dor-lómin
I.e., had there been no Strelkov, Donbass would not have been genocided. Of course, it was genocided for a good cause, but... You get the point. To die fighting for your language, or to live a reasonably sated life, moaning about the globohomines... Escobar's notorious theorem of an erect cock or a sharp pike.
I think Strelkov will be seen lookign back as one of the most consequential figures in Russian history.
And Leonidas Perkunas Brezhnev will be regarded as the last Aryan king... White people no longer have a country, a culture, a history, a future. We are quickly degenerating savages amongst the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. Russia is at the forefront of decay.
I've been reading The Nuclear Fear by Spencer Weart from the 1980s, and it could still easily consider the non-biochemical origin of mental disorders. When Strelkov went to fight for the Russians in the 1990s, he had a good number of young men. Now? We cannot talk, we cannot write, and everyone fighting is old.
Everything is fake. But if the current level is lost, nobody will build it back up ever again. These wounds will never heal, just like that last Russian princes'. And the Aryan race will be history.
Yeap, sure looks that way. Hopefully I can meditate my way out of here and not have to be reincarnated as a mestizo.
there's always military value in two armies fighting simply because you fight the other army. in the beginning perhaps you both see value. in the end perhaps it is shown it was only valuable for one. but value is there certainly. where you fight may or may not add value. but value is there.
"Stalin would have hanged people by now, but we refuse to learn our lessons"
That is key, imo. If this is an existential war, we are either not seeing the whole picture, or it is not existential. Russia keeps operating by the western standards. It is very difficult, if not impossible to win this way. Even if they military could, they will lose in the end because they seem unwilling to blow the 'Overton window' out of its frame.
Stalin was unique, Rússia will not be lucky again so soon to have such a leader to put the elites " In place" in such difficult times
If all or even a small percentage of this is true, it's a blueprint for a color revolution upending Russia.
It's not a question of whether Russia is corrupt, incompetent, inexperienced at war, without clear direction etc. That is a given- for every nation, worldwide. The west is held together by the collective efforts of useless corrupt woke power hungry politicians of even lesser moral quality who believe everyone & everything can be bought, sold & slaughtered like cattle at their whim, under their "Rules". For each generation to expect different is ultimately ludicrous - as our distorted /recorded history proves. The difference this time is they 🌎 are preparing for 🚀🌍🌏💥 🌐.
If anything, this conflict has left the west bankrupt, a walking dead nuclear debt bomb that is literally gambling that Russian Federation collapses internally before they run out of money to steal, Ukranians to fight & die for them, energy, conventional weapons & ammo & their own internal collapse occurs. (Vegas odds are even that US implodes first. 😜) Nukes will become their only other option on a multifront 🇷🇺🇨🇳 scenario. They' will Never become rational & back off. The rats will go underground before they ever give up power voluntarily.
Greed & corruption has spared worldwide destruction up till now. It may not be enough this time.
The time now is one minute to midnight🕛
That's my 2¢...
“… the leadership should shoot itself.” ”… may as well have called me ‘Putin’s butcher’.”
God, Prigozhin is such a troll, love him.
If only he was not tribe...alas, 1917 all over.
His minions killing a captain of the RF(Bereg) - and getting away with it while everyone charged with the investigation is girlishly shy about it.
Same as it ever was.
I'm afraid, the Tzar has grown too old for what is coming.
what was bereg killed for?
It seems it was a nekkid highway robbery gone out of control.
The wagnerites, while makeing decent coin, do not receive their money in pocket, instead get a measly allowance for everyday purchases. Either their salary is forwarded to their families or sit in trust till their contract is up.
There are 33 of these private armies being created in Russia by moneyed intersets as we speak. Clearly, the state is losing it's monopoly on violoence.
And if it was Bereg alone...but there were so many before him: Givi, Motorola, Mozgovoy, Zakarchenko, that Steremousov(?) Doode before the "hard decision" in Kherson, just the most famous ones...
The Tzar never had clothes on since the beggining
Prigozhin is older.
Great job. I hope the interview was genuine and that maybe the Russian people will have enough and there will be a political renaissance. We need to have Russia back in the free world using its many strengths to contribute to humankind. No more East, West. But we in the west have the same problem with elites and have to clean up our mess too. Maybe if the Russian people take on their elites we will follow their example and take on ours.
If the Russians take on their own elite, you will be told that a fascist overthrow occurred and a great howl for blood and gnashing of teeth will begin in the West which will lead to total war against Russia.
I don't get your reply at all and find it disturbing.
I think he's just reminding you to be careful what you're wishing for, right as you are.
Historically, there's no other way to take the elites on but violently. And when it's successful, the response from the elites from other countries is often just as violent, as they seek to preserve the status quo in their own backyard.
No. He's saying precisely what he said. The West will be misinformed that Beria and Hitler are in charge now because -- look, can't you see that fighting is ongoing? They outright control the information. Also it would represent a weakened interlude for their defense. So -- pounce while the pouncing is good. You're likely not a predator. They are extreme predators.
You're completely skipping over the bit where he concludes his scenario with a "total war". I'm not sure you're fully grasping the gravity of that prospect. The media brainwashing seems so consequential right now, and that's why that bit grabbed your attention the most. But it will be a fart in the wind if a total war happens.
As you say, they are extreme predators. They'll play for keeps.
ELI5: Putin is an American puppet, Russia is Gogol's varenik levitating into the fat American belly. A Russia after Putin could either remain the crypto-colony, or free itself.
Don't worry about that. Stalin took down the elite and prevailed against the total war by the West.
Stalin fought alongside the West. It was England that started the war - the war against Germany because Slav lives matter.
The war against Rússia started at least in 1933, and zelensky/ukrainian people now are playing the same hitler/german's people role.
The West never fought, it was all phoney war...
The Western front of 1944 was in reality a race against russia
Excellent piece; it should be run in Western outlets, but, of course, they're captured. In U.S. it's Smith-Mundt (modernized) and Operation Mockingbird. Thank you, Rolo.
This is disinformation to sow seeds of discord. Most high ranking officers and their families are bsnbed from the west. He is obviously not a strategest. Bakhmut was not a strategic town and the ukies fell for it by diverting troops to defend a non strateguc town. The reason for Russia not attacking Bakhmut was due to soft ground that had not hardened during winter. Tanks would sink to their turrets not to mention inviting the ukies through a narrow corridor to their deaths. His mercenary force is similar to a spearhead.
No, no no and no.
I do not care for your excuses.
Donbass gets shelled daily.
Fuck off.
A lot of this smacks of disinformation to sow seeds of discord and undermine Russia and the,army's defence of it. Firstly he talks about the high rank officer's kids enjoying their seclusion in the west thus avoiding the draft. These officers and families are barred from the west. It is obvious this man fails to understand overall military strategy. Bakhmut is a case in point. With the ground as soft as it was it is no use sending in tanks that would sink up to their turret. His military force is considered a mercenary one.