The West suffers from a crippling mental abberation which is fed, I believe, by religion.
One often hears a person say, "I respect that person for his beliefs". Let's consider that statement in terms of what it really means:
BELIEF can be defined as adopting a position or attitude DESPITE THE EVIDENCE.
Think carefully. This comes perilously close to a definition of insanity. I say it is.
Now, why on earth would you respect a person for their manifestation of insane behaviour?
In the West, thanks to this indelible imprimatur on 'belief', we are fed mountains of bullshit and believe it all. Consider these utter fabrications... America is a democracy. The US has invaded 60 sovereign nations since WWII in order to preserve "freedom and democracy". The US constitution protects American citizen's rights. America won WWII. God is an American. Russia invaded Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is an evil tyrant. The mRNA vaccine saved millions of lives and is safe and effective. Vaccines caused the diminishment of many diseases. CO2, plant food, which precipitates the planet's supply of oxygen, must be eliminated to save the planet.
Not one element of the above is true.
My own position is that the greatest threat to human survival is BELIEF. One cannot mix 'belief' with evidence and logic and expect a constructive outcome. Madness and death, yes.
I agree insofar as respecting someone for their beliefs per se is really dumb, but to put this onto the shoulders of religion can be dangerously misleading, because it leads us to look away from all those other places where "faith", whether in the CDC or the FBI, is admired. You enumerated a few of those, and most have less to do directly with organized religion, than with organized propaganda.
Critical thinking stands opposed epistemologically to tribal thinking. On the one hand, in the interests of survival expedience, we don't work through every little detail in our daily lives, but rely mostly upon "what everybody knows". On the other, this tribal process involves no error checking. For that, we turn to logic and science, what passes for "logos" to validate our beliefs and discover new truths.
There's always the possibilitiy that our tribal beliefs may be wrong, and critical thinking might lead us to distrust the pronouncements, for instance, of our elite medicine men. This can provoke revolutions. COVID reactions give nice examples of the social pressures efforts to maintain tribal beliefs even when science and logic suggest they should be modified. This is recognizable as a modern day analog of historical conflicts between the tribal and logical exemplified by Socrates, Galileo, and Bruno, to list a few.
In what we consider a healthy modern society, the process of rational criticism correcting tribal pronouncements is an ongoing process so that tribal beliefs don't stray too far from the truth. The divergence between rational and political conclusions is a dangerous sign for our civilization.
Critical thinking is never welcomed by elites, and it is historically rare that protections for the public practice of critical thinking should have been so firmly embodied in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. I submit that today's liberal antipathy toward the Constitution is largely explainable by the fact that liberal politics is largely based on tribalism rather than reason.
Also, whether religion and spirituality are necessarily based more on belief than reason is a question for another place. This debate is equivalent to the question of whether a moral system derived from "natural law" is derived from reason or custom.
That's some pretty sharp thinking, Cassandra. I take all your points. But, because I actually live in a tribal community and have complied with tribal rules for half a century, I have a few insights not available to most western thinkers.
The dual core of tribal values are nature/family; indivisible. The moral system flows likewise. Where the confusion arises is the cultivated replacement values instituted by colonial acculturation.
And I apologise for not making my central point clear. I do not blame religion. I do suggest that in America it is the primary driver of all beliefs. And the terms are interchangeable: belief/faith. The vast majority of Americans do not understand that the Bill of Rights was an uncomprehending, and therefore unsuccessful, attempt to restore the elements inspired by Thomas Paine that James Madison excised under direction by the plutocrats.
I thought that Russia had a greater percentage of believers than the US. No? I think the problem isn't necessarily belief in general, but what they are taught to believe. In the US most Protestants are Christian Zionists, who are always ready to go to war for the little Jewish state. The Russia-hating neocons, a high percentage of them Jewish, have taken over the US State Dept. But I suspect many of them are non-believers, who only go to church or synagogue to keep up appearances. The Marxists who took over Russia in 1917 were non-believers too. Atheism is a fundamental principle of communism, and we know how bloody communism has been for any country foolish enough to fall under its spell.
Christian Zionists BELIEVE that Israelis are descended from the Israelites of biblical mythology, rather than being Ashkenazim whose genesis was the Khazar Empire and who became religious Jews only by royal decree in the 8th century.
Zionists use actual Jews in their campaign for global domination. They have no allegiences, witness the 95% of Israelis who will die from the mRNA jabs.
Most people have beliefs of one kind or another. That is what is killing them. They believe they live in a democracy. They believe their government works for them. They believe the mRNA jab is safe and effective. etc.
Most Americans do not have knowledge so they have beliefs. If they gained the knowledge that their beliefs are merely indoctrination by a political-priestly caste, they would have the superior function of knowledge over belief at least for a moment. But, since most people are cowards, they would retreat from the superior function to the bunker of belief and throw knowledge out the window.
Few Americans have knowledge that protestantism in all its forms, from Luther on, is a crypto-judaic movement and run by crypto-jews. If one investigates the genealogy of Luther, you find he was of jewish descent. Most Americans whether of the zionist christian variety, catholics, orthodox, or non-believers, all are now hopelessly judaized and corrupted.
Ignorance abounds! I agree that cowardice also abounds but that is because the coward does not realize he has nothing to lose and nothing to gain from being a coward: in both cases, he is inevitably going to get it right between the eyes. Let's get the reformation out of the way first. Luther was not the first to protest that the demons who organized and sold themselves as exclusive emissaries between God and man did not glorify God with their lives, which is the goal of Christians. Luther was the first to survive protesting that the Pope and his court were anti-Christian. Luther also attempted to evangelize among the Jews and his book "The Jews and Their Lies" is the result.
How anyone acts in the present is shaped by what that anyone believes is his future. For the ostensible Christian, the eventual state of being is called eschatology. There are three schools of eschatology: pre-millenial dispensationalism, amillenialism, and post-millinialism. The Jew-controlled media pushes the spectacular pre-mil dispies as THE Christian eschatology. It portrays a spectacular series of events. A tribulation which is supposed to be a period of lawlessness, as in the USA where violent vandals destroy and loot with no consequences while tourists who happened to walk by the House are thrown in the DC jail with no charges to languish for over a year in solitary, which sees a similar state of affairs all over the world, culminating in a 100 million army attacking a handful of Jews holed up in Jerusalem. The best Christians will be in Jerusalem with the Jews. Sometime before, during, or after the supposed "tribulation" Jesus will vacuum all the Christians up from the earth straight into heaven, after which Jesus returns yet again with a host of angels to slaughter the 100 million man army specifically to rescue the Jews who do not believe in Jesus is the Messiah, do not believe he is the son of the virgin Mary, do not believe he is very God and very man, etc.
The so-called "Scofield Reference Bible" is full of footnotes promoting this BS and this school of eschatology has been promoted as the definitive interpretation of the Holy Bible. Scofield was a carpet bagger confidence man like Joseph Smith, Jr., who might have started yet another cult had he been more ambitious, but was certainly not literate in the Hebrew and Koine Greek of the Old and New Testaments and not in any way qualified to comment on the Holy Bible. Bottom line, we do not know who ghost-wrote Scofield's "bible", but it wasn't him and it put the Jews on a pedestal and promoted the notion that all good Christians are bound to feed and protect the innocent persecuted Jews. If these idiots would read the Holy Bible instead of the footnotes in Scofield's book they would realize who persecuted the early church and the apostles all around the Mediterranean Sea as viciously as Satan himself could arrange for them. Nothing as all has changed about Judaism, it is NOT "primitive" Christianity: It is rather adherence to a rewrite of God's law which none but Jesus could keep perfectly, which rewrite is their "traditions" or Talmud which Jesus pointed out are contrary to God's law for mankind, and now includes worship of demons. Such is the prevailing heresy among all the hayseed "pastors" and bible college graduates and a vast majority of professing Christians. They uniformly believe that Romans 13:1-7 means Christians are bound to obey the demons who call themselves government in whatever the government says to do. There is a caveat "unless it goes against the law of God" but there isn't one in a thousand capable of determining what is the law of God and even fewer who would actually defy a bureaucrat even if he thought the bureaucratic order was opposite the law of God. This church fears the IRS far more than they do offending God. It does not matter that the 16th amendment was never ratified and that all records of the supposed ratification of the 16th by 3/4s of the States have mysteriously disappeared from the National Archives, that the Constitution for the united States states plainly that gold and silver, not pieces of paper, are money, that Congress may not delegate executive power to an administrative agency, ad naseum, etc. To sum up the pre-mil dispies, the worse things get the better because that will trigger the bodily return of Jesus to rescue all the good Christians from their mortgage payments and send them to eternal easy street.
The amillenial school holds that all the "tribulation" took place in AD 70 when the Romans destroyed Israel, Jerucalem, and The Temple which ended the ceremonial, sacrificial, and dietary aspects of God's law for mankind. The mob of Jews shouted "Crucify him!", Pilate objected there was no cause to crucify Jesus and Pilate did not want Jesus' blood on his hands and then the Jewish mob shouted "His blood be on us and our children!" They got what they asked for. God did not take the crucifixion of his Son lightly even though the sacrifice the Lamb of God was necessary for our salvation from the eternal wrath of God which all the rest of us deserve. The amillenial school holds that since God is sovereign, the good Christian will avoid any attempts to influence society, government, or other institution because God will fix it all. That school quakes before the almighty government and the IRS as well, holding that "the government holds the sword", resistance if futile, so just hunker down until God intervenes with the next step in his plan to redeem the earth.
Finally the post-millenial school says Matthew 28:18-20 are the marching orders for the church, that Jesus' parting words were not a suggestion, that the law of God is still in effect, and that the task of the Christian is to make disciples of all the nations and teach them what we have been taught, i.e., what is God's law for his creature mankind, and influence them to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbor as ourself. The post-miller says God created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days, defining the day as one rotation of the earth, and assigned Adam and his progeny to be stewards of the earth, to enjoy it and their fellows, which immortality in this body Adam quickly destroyed for himself and all of us - and we would have done the same thing. Such is the cost of being given free will and being allowed to decide our immediate fate. We sill have that choice: participate in the institution of God's Kingdom on earth or oppose that institution. I can tell you right now which is the winning program. Anyone who doubts that God created all is ignorant of microbiology and astrophysics and everything in between. Long story short, it is impossible for the universe to create itself, for hydrogen to become all elements, for those elements to form molecules into the most complex and delicate structure in the universe - a living, self-replicating cell - and for that cell to "evolve" into every living thing that has ever existed on earth. The man who wants to believe he is an atheist most hates Genesis 1:1 in the Holy Bible and most shuns study of the overwhelming physical evidence for sudden creation.
So it is the coward is short-sighted, ignorant of the fact he will die whether he participates in establishing the kingdom of God or in opposing that establishment. He will answer for how he used the life on earth he was given either to participate in undoing the original sin (sin is disobedience and dishonor of God and nary a hay-seed preacher on earth bothers to ever define "sin" instead hiding behind the facile definition of sin as "missing the mark" to disguise the fact sin is cosmic treason) or by sitting on his hands.
Re the "Reformation." If we understand that the Reformation was an intelligence project, same as the intelligence projects being run today using the churches, "Schofeld" makes total sense inside the continuing jewish zionist scheme. Luther was a crypto-jew and his genealogy proves it, almost as if the usual scrubbing of genealogies that is usually done to hide a famous person's jewish dentity is put out there for all to see. The joke is too good to pass up I guess. There is much more on his background including his marriage and her genealogy, if one wants to get at it.
As for why he "escaped," he simply wasn't prosecuted or pursued. Frederick III, Elector of Saxony was his cousin. Basically, that was a staged project, intended against Rome, similar to the one nine years later in England, by Henry VIII.
Papal Legate Cardinal Cajetan ((( ))) had been "ordered" by the pope to retain Luther but that didn't happen. Frederick let Luther escape. This was allowed by Pope Leo X, who was a de'Medici, also crypto-jewish. They had infiltrated the papacy with the same intent, to destroy it. Basically that was why the Reformation succeeded so easily, the RCC had been attacked from without and within.
There's more to all this but suffice that Luther's fake reformation took place under the protection of the secular powers, meaning it was always just a project of government.
As Luther continued on and published even more "attacks," the Emperor seemed not to notice his decrees. Yet when peasants and some minor nobility took Luther's decrees seriously as a signal to revolt, Luther was ordered to come out against the rebels which he obligingly did. Luther told them to "obey the temporal authorities." Render to Caesar, that kind of thing. He bragged, "I, Martin Luther, have during the rebellion slain all the peasants, for it was I who ordered them to be struck dead."
"Reform," as always is just another name for money and asset stealing. It's kinda like the Great Reset and the churches under covid. It's always the same and nothing ever changes. But the churches serve an important function, while people are told to fix their eyes on heaven, the temporal state which the church leaders tell them to obey, robs them blind.
Kyra M... You are a person of seldom-encountered comprehension and one I could learn from. Your first sentence is profound indeed and you just joined a dot with which to educate a professional dot-joiner LOL. Please connect and continue this.
It is however quite simple my friend. In 2014, Russia couldn't stand the sanctions. It would have unavoidably led to an uprising. The anti-west sentiment was not a common thing, and Russia just organised the Sochi games and Russians were eager to be better integrated into the "global community". Moreover, it would have been perceived as an act of direct agression.
After 8 years, many things changed : Russia demonstrated that it was able to cope with "small" sanctions, and prepared to cope with bigger sanctions. China developed institutions that are alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF, offering the possibility to escape from American geopolitical dictates. The ukrainian regime demonstrated that it doesn't want peace, instead shelling the Donbass and asking for joining NATO. All of that buffed up the боевой дух, (willing to fight?) of the Russian people, and the ability to do so. Not to mention that hypersonic missiles have been developed too and it is worth to mention, because we cannot exclude that NATO would have intervened directly in Ukraine if it wasn't for those speedy boiz.
Edit : oh, and I forgot to mention the most important part : in 2022, after Covid, a lot of European states are on the verge of bankruptcy and oil was at an all-time high. It was the best moment for Moscow to start an economic war with the West
>Edit : oh, and I forgot to mention the most important part : in 2022, after Covid, a lot of European states are on the verge of bankruptcy and oil was at an all-time high. It was the best moment for Moscow to start an economic war with the West
You are aware that Russia did a WEF shutdown and death vax as well, right?
I am talking from an economic point of view. National debts of the european States and of Russia are not comparable. In France for example, it's around 130% of GDP, in Russia around 20%. And France did three lockdowns, not only one, like in Russia (or one and a half, depending on the regions). Enormous amount of money were not printed in Russia, which indeed caused great harm to small businesses. But on a macroeconomical perspective, that was the best thing to do. Russia however released money from its National Fund, a fund that doesn't have any of the european States. I could really explain much longer how the economies of Europe and Russia were not equally affected by Covid, but I feel like you're not really listening, and instead resorting to rather simplistic explanations (what has the death vax to do in all of that ?). Maybe it's the american way of debating.
As for the vax, I will just mention that the Sputnik doesn't use the RNAm technology, which is the main concern in western vaccines, that only 50% of the population is vaccinated (around 80% in the West), and the government didn't push to get vaccinated many times (on average, French people had to do the vax three times). It would be of good faith to mention all those facts and not just resort to simplistic explanations.
>As for the vax, I will just mention that the Sputnik doesn't use the RNAm technology,
It's literally an AstraZeneca clone.
> It would be of good faith to mention all those facts and not just resort to simplistic explanations.
Its 60+% who took it in Russia. The government DID push to get vaccinated.
Good faith means that someone is not arguing or debating or asking questions to actually learn the truth but to waste someone else's time or to make them look a fool. Just because I don't agree with your 5D chess theory doesn't mean I'm not arguing in good faith.
This is complete and utter BS and shows total ignorance of history. In 2014 a coup was being attempted against a legitimately elected president and government. All Putin had to do was counsel Yanukovich to appeal for Russian (even better international assistance) instead of telling him he would not be helped and to flee. Yanukovich with Russian aid (which may not even have been actually necessary since Yanukovich and his govt had all the east and south and a good deal of the army on his side. With relatively minimal Russian assistance the coup would either have been crushed OR at the very worst the country split into the West against East and South (highly likely a good deal of the centre would have sided with them), which could have been easily supported by Russia (troops would not have even have been necessary - just material and diplomatic aid). Would sanctions have been attempted -- sure but they would not have got much traction (nothing remotely like in 2020) - Yanukovich controlled the Ukraine's UN seat and the legitimate government. Even the Europeans would not have participated in sanctions other than tokenism. Russia and Yanukovich would have been in very strong positions - diplomatically and militarily.
And as for what was done to insulate the Russian economy against sanctions since 2014- very, very little at all - in fact hugely greater integration with the Europeans occurred - Nordstrom etc etc.
Do you really think that Western powers would have voted the resolutions to intervene in Ukraine ? There is absolutely no way. Yanukovitch couldn't have asked for Russia assistance directly, as did Lukachenko and Tokaiev afterwards in their respective countries, because Ukraine wasn't part of the CSTO. There was little to do for Moscow, and considering the mediatical context that was prevailing at the time, we can be almost sure that the West would have put more sanctions if Russia attempted to send its own military or even only to help the dissidents. No help was brought to the Donbass, yet the whole West fainted that it was the case.
You are correct. The situation had changed greatly between 2014 and 2022. I also think the 2022 reunification is better justified under international law than it would have been in 2014.
Obama and Co. were pushing hard for a war with Russia in 2014, which they believed would cause the quick collapse of Russia and allow Russia to be looted again like in the 90s. NATO did not understand the many changes in the world between 2014 and 2022, all of which made the old plans on the shelf unworkable. I suspect that NATO planners rejoiced at the Russian invasion, only to wake up a month later in complete shock that their 2014 plans failed in 2022.
Not only did years of sanctions on Russia help build Russia up, but the anti-WEF populism and nationalism helped reform the BRICS and create the anti-West world that we are now seeing. This would not have happened in 2014.
It might have been better for the Donbass to have been reunified in 2014, but it is better for the world that it is happening now.
Exactly. Russia would not have coped as well as it is now if it had been double-triple-super-secret sanctioned and cut off from SWIFT in 2014. In doing so they've kickstarted the irreversible transition to multipolarity that will only get crazier in the next 10-20 years.
It's comforting to read comments that denote understanding of the Zionist bloc intentions. I am ambivilant regarding Putin's responses to the 2014 coup but in the balance, I see a good man attempting to respond to naked aggression in a way that minimises collateral damage.
Unfortunately, the West gets its rocks off on collateral damage and it has taken some time for Putin to get his head around this. There is no training ground for dealing with a coalition of psychopaths. Personally, I hope Russia eliminates the Zelensky force, closes down transport channels, and freezes out the western proxy forces, literally. This will trigger a global effort to close the US out of its current occupation zones, and end the US petrodollar tax on the world. This is a war with two fronts: Ukraine, and the northern hemisphere.
I hope Putin's new general understands that this Ukraine proxy war should be fought from Russia's point of strength, with missiles that are double the superiority of anything the US can produce. This means hyposonic scramjet technology utilised now, not incrementally.
Finding out the truth about the 2014 Russian spring was what made up my mind that Western fanboys of your Azovs and Right Secktors and so on and so fourth were the most ridiculous people on earth. Of course those who lap up Saker, Martyanov, and Orlovs prole feed are delusional but imagine being so delusional that you actually think the Ukraine fought off a determined Russian invasion in 2014. Imagine thinking Azov saved Mariupol in 2014 as opposed to the FSB. If you want to celebrate the successful outbreak of people waving around swastikas and wolfs angels in Ukraine today as a step forward in saving the White race than you actually need to thank the FSB, Russias globalist oligarchy and yes even Putin himself as much as I hate to admit that.
As dumb as trying to explain Russias current failures in the Ukraine as 5D chess is its even worse when you see the pro Ukrainian crowd on the right straight up claiming that no actually the Ukraine is totally fighting off a real invasion where Moscow is doing everything it can to win.
And yeah promoting people strictly based on loyalty apparently has some serious draw backs. You end up not knowing whats what and whose who in the Ukraine in 2014 and 8 years later when you need to go in again you still dont know. Maybe the reason Russias work in Syria went fairly smooth for so long is because most spook work was done by the Syrians and Iranians so there just wasn't as much for FSB to screw up. Unfortunately Russias present system looks disturbingly like the Imperial system in 1914. The spooks are out suppressing the Patriots and defending the criminals, the elite have all the privileges of a feudal aristocracy and none of the responsibilities, and the military is wondering WTF is going on and how is defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory over and over. Than at the top you have an apparently well meaning and patriotic leader who is totally unable to correct the course but as time goes on more and more people start doubting the well meaning and patriotic part.
Of course the jews back in the day really did want the Tsar gone and today they really do want Putin gone. But its seriously creepy how Russia is more and more today looking like the last years of Imperial Russia.
Your schizo screeds are the most interesting things I read on We live in very complicated times where alliances (US/Turkey, US/India) are no longer assured and the riots and repression in China could very well change everything.
At this time, it appears like Russia is working hand-in-hand with the American New Green Deal to freeze the citizens of Ukraine and the EU.
What's the end game, Rolo? Will the remaining dregs of humanity Build Back Better after everything has been ruined?
I don't know what they want to do after the fact. But it's quite clear that they want to depopulate us. It keeps getting referenced in their literature and I have no reason to believe that they are lying about this particular point.
Someone once told me that the movie Zardoz with Sean Connery is an accurate representation of what they want to see happen.
The welcome address to fresh paid-subs arrivals is priceless 😂 Smth good def turned up out of reported obstacle span 😉
While not much of note is happening on the war grounds, let’s check out on the state of 3D strategic games in idea-realm. Never losing his cool, the reigning champion of academic Realpolitik (much hated & derided by all the right ppl) doesn’t sound overly optimistic ↓↓
🗨 There are no realistic options. We’re screwed. ~~John Mearsheimer
Putin's comments were the subject of an RT article, and I posted the link here along with a query on your opinion. But, I guess you have been out of commission. His statement was not ignored at all. The title of the article was: 'Putin expresses regret over Donbas'.
I saw it in a YouTube video of a patriotic Russian blogger, Ekatarina Kovelenko, where you can see that the invited women are all smiling. They are not even trying hard to hide their fakery:
I am struggling to perceive you are actually making a point. What are you? 12 years old? Every nation does this in war. It's called building morale.
I am as cynical as the next world-weary citizen, but whatever the merits of the Russian position and actions, the stone cold fact is that US/NATO is a war machine designed to reinforce the Americaan Empire. And the US has militarily invaded 60 sovereign nations since 1946. No other country comes near the US as a threat to human survival.
Perhaps you might read up on cerebral focus skills.
I am only surprised that they are so lazy and careless that they are trying to build morale by refusing to meet with real mother of soldiers and inviting women, some of which are easily recognizable public figures or officers of the Putin' party. What kind of morale will that build when citizens see that they are lying to their faces?! By the way, I am not sure that the events of the past three years have reinforced the American Empire. It seems to me that the financial capital has taken control of central banks, become international, and is controlled by a small group of people, who rule both the USA and Russia. I think that both Biden and Putin administrations have the same task-- to destroy their civilizations.
Well, at least you are thinking, Sonja, which is more than most people do. But if you read around, you will find that the consensus anong those who have analysed for decades, is that the Rothschild/Rockefeller investment bankers have run London and NY for two hundred years, and Russia from 1917 until the advent of Putin. Frankly, I do not know where Putin stands but the evidence leans towards opposition to the Zionist bankers. I am also certain the bankers have run China since 2007 and are behind Xi. Perhaps this means the entire Belt and Road and BRICS are run by the bankers. If so we are in deep shit. The southern hemisphere must break free and form a Africa/India/Indonesia/Malaysia/Bolivarian South America alliance. We Australians need to join them or lose our nation forever.
Let's not forget that the 2014 Maidan Coup took place concurrent with the Sochi Olympics. Putin may have taken his eye off the ball during that period, but he was understandably pre-occupied with keeping the Games safe from terrorism. Thousands of Russian security had been deployed to Sochi to ensure that nothing like what happened at the 1972 Munich Olympics occurred. Staging the Coup at the time of the Olympics was a cowardly act.
If I understand you correctly, you seem to be ascribing most American political irrationality to religion, and I firmly dispute this. In fact, even many 'right-wing Christians' are more thoughtful about their political views than left-wing ideologues on the liberal side.
However, while the former are propagandistically denigrated, admittedly justly in some cases, nutty features of the latter are passed over, even praised as virtuous, by mainstream media and their gatekeepers. This provides the widespread misapprehension that it's the religious who are responsible for political irrationality.
It's a successful public relations campaign, to portray religion as 'deplorable' while praising secularist-liberal foibles as sophisticated. But I disagree that Rolo's religious metaphysics, for example, is politically imbalanced. Nor do I see how the culturally destructive policies espoused by secularists are particularly sensible.
To the liberals who castigate the religious, I say that people in glass houses ought not to throw stones.
TLDR is that our boy Sasha here cant feed his family, cant pay his bills, this broke Nword cant even buy a bicycle. But Sashas boy lets him know that he can solve all these problems by volunteering to fight in the Ukraine! This is just how fu(king useless and out of touch Russias buracrats are. Confirm every last stupid stereotype about Russia than since those morons can only relate to working for money they assume thats what motivates better people than them as well. This stupid add might as well have been written by the US state department.
The lull in military operations has inspired Mike Whitney to write a series of fantasy articles, concerning the supposedly mighty incoming Russian winter offensive.
We've got the absolute certainty Ukraine will be a rump state by April, its Eastern half either annexed by Russia or transformed into a demilitarized zone. He doesn't go much into details into how all this will be achieved with current Russian military resources though. A fact accompli:
"As the more powerful country, it has always been within Russia’s ability to impose a settlement that achieves its basic national security objectives, and that is precisely what Putin will do. The settlement will not be ideal nor will it completely end the hostilities, but it will provide a layer of protection from Russia’s enemies which is the best that can be hoped for given the circumstances. Regrettably, the settlement will also terminate Ukraine’s existence as a viable, contiguous state. The sources agree there will be a new military demarcation line before the thaw next spring; they differ on how it is being drawn now, and how it will look next April. “For now the line will be on the Dnieper with the zone extending from the west bank into the rump Ukraine – my guess is at a depth of not less than 100km. This will put Russian territory out of the range of most Ukrainian artillery. A 100km-deep zone will also give the Russian forces time to detect and intercept anything in flight…
Putin has showed admirable restraint to this point, but after 9 months of pointless drudgery and carnage, it’s time to wrap this thing up. Moscow has always had a sledgehammer in its toolkit and now it’s going to use it. We would have preferred that it didn’t end this way, but there’s no sense in crying over spilt milk. Washington wanted to stretch this war out for as long as possible to bleed Russia dry so it couldn’t project power beyond its borders or obstruct US plans to “pivot to Asia”. But Putin foiled that plan. He didn’t step into Washington’s trap and he’s not going to pump blood and money down a black hole.
IMO, the decision has already been made. Ukraine is going to be split in two whether Washington likes it or not. That’s just the way it is."
It's not so much he writes a lot, I was wrong to quote excerpts I should just have attached the link. It is that he is absolutely sure right now there is this secret massive Russian army group amassing somewhere in secret in preparation for a Winter Offensive that will smash and swoop over anything Ukrainian from Bakhmut to Lvov like a bowling ball.
Since people were saying the coup was going to be during the Olympics, the prediction was Yanukovych would be prepared to split the Ukraine and set up an alternative capital in Crimea or Donetsk. Instead he went to the East and toured factories to show he was still president.
Splitting the country would of been a lot easier than taking Crimea, Yanukovych controlled the UN seat. Since the local eastern governments were controlled by Yanukovych's party, the southeast was not even controlled by the NATO puppets for a long time.
The West suffers from a crippling mental abberation which is fed, I believe, by religion.
One often hears a person say, "I respect that person for his beliefs". Let's consider that statement in terms of what it really means:
BELIEF can be defined as adopting a position or attitude DESPITE THE EVIDENCE.
Think carefully. This comes perilously close to a definition of insanity. I say it is.
Now, why on earth would you respect a person for their manifestation of insane behaviour?
In the West, thanks to this indelible imprimatur on 'belief', we are fed mountains of bullshit and believe it all. Consider these utter fabrications... America is a democracy. The US has invaded 60 sovereign nations since WWII in order to preserve "freedom and democracy". The US constitution protects American citizen's rights. America won WWII. God is an American. Russia invaded Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is an evil tyrant. The mRNA vaccine saved millions of lives and is safe and effective. Vaccines caused the diminishment of many diseases. CO2, plant food, which precipitates the planet's supply of oxygen, must be eliminated to save the planet.
Not one element of the above is true.
My own position is that the greatest threat to human survival is BELIEF. One cannot mix 'belief' with evidence and logic and expect a constructive outcome. Madness and death, yes.
I agree insofar as respecting someone for their beliefs per se is really dumb, but to put this onto the shoulders of religion can be dangerously misleading, because it leads us to look away from all those other places where "faith", whether in the CDC or the FBI, is admired. You enumerated a few of those, and most have less to do directly with organized religion, than with organized propaganda.
Critical thinking stands opposed epistemologically to tribal thinking. On the one hand, in the interests of survival expedience, we don't work through every little detail in our daily lives, but rely mostly upon "what everybody knows". On the other, this tribal process involves no error checking. For that, we turn to logic and science, what passes for "logos" to validate our beliefs and discover new truths.
There's always the possibilitiy that our tribal beliefs may be wrong, and critical thinking might lead us to distrust the pronouncements, for instance, of our elite medicine men. This can provoke revolutions. COVID reactions give nice examples of the social pressures efforts to maintain tribal beliefs even when science and logic suggest they should be modified. This is recognizable as a modern day analog of historical conflicts between the tribal and logical exemplified by Socrates, Galileo, and Bruno, to list a few.
In what we consider a healthy modern society, the process of rational criticism correcting tribal pronouncements is an ongoing process so that tribal beliefs don't stray too far from the truth. The divergence between rational and political conclusions is a dangerous sign for our civilization.
Critical thinking is never welcomed by elites, and it is historically rare that protections for the public practice of critical thinking should have been so firmly embodied in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. I submit that today's liberal antipathy toward the Constitution is largely explainable by the fact that liberal politics is largely based on tribalism rather than reason.
Also, whether religion and spirituality are necessarily based more on belief than reason is a question for another place. This debate is equivalent to the question of whether a moral system derived from "natural law" is derived from reason or custom.
That's some pretty sharp thinking, Cassandra. I take all your points. But, because I actually live in a tribal community and have complied with tribal rules for half a century, I have a few insights not available to most western thinkers.
The dual core of tribal values are nature/family; indivisible. The moral system flows likewise. Where the confusion arises is the cultivated replacement values instituted by colonial acculturation.
And I apologise for not making my central point clear. I do not blame religion. I do suggest that in America it is the primary driver of all beliefs. And the terms are interchangeable: belief/faith. The vast majority of Americans do not understand that the Bill of Rights was an uncomprehending, and therefore unsuccessful, attempt to restore the elements inspired by Thomas Paine that James Madison excised under direction by the plutocrats.
I thought that Russia had a greater percentage of believers than the US. No? I think the problem isn't necessarily belief in general, but what they are taught to believe. In the US most Protestants are Christian Zionists, who are always ready to go to war for the little Jewish state. The Russia-hating neocons, a high percentage of them Jewish, have taken over the US State Dept. But I suspect many of them are non-believers, who only go to church or synagogue to keep up appearances. The Marxists who took over Russia in 1917 were non-believers too. Atheism is a fundamental principle of communism, and we know how bloody communism has been for any country foolish enough to fall under its spell.
You entirely miss the point.
Christian Zionists BELIEVE that Israelis are descended from the Israelites of biblical mythology, rather than being Ashkenazim whose genesis was the Khazar Empire and who became religious Jews only by royal decree in the 8th century.
Zionists use actual Jews in their campaign for global domination. They have no allegiences, witness the 95% of Israelis who will die from the mRNA jabs.
Most people have beliefs of one kind or another. That is what is killing them. They believe they live in a democracy. They believe their government works for them. They believe the mRNA jab is safe and effective. etc.
Most Americans do not have knowledge so they have beliefs. If they gained the knowledge that their beliefs are merely indoctrination by a political-priestly caste, they would have the superior function of knowledge over belief at least for a moment. But, since most people are cowards, they would retreat from the superior function to the bunker of belief and throw knowledge out the window.
Few Americans have knowledge that protestantism in all its forms, from Luther on, is a crypto-judaic movement and run by crypto-jews. If one investigates the genealogy of Luther, you find he was of jewish descent. Most Americans whether of the zionist christian variety, catholics, orthodox, or non-believers, all are now hopelessly judaized and corrupted.
Ignorance abounds! I agree that cowardice also abounds but that is because the coward does not realize he has nothing to lose and nothing to gain from being a coward: in both cases, he is inevitably going to get it right between the eyes. Let's get the reformation out of the way first. Luther was not the first to protest that the demons who organized and sold themselves as exclusive emissaries between God and man did not glorify God with their lives, which is the goal of Christians. Luther was the first to survive protesting that the Pope and his court were anti-Christian. Luther also attempted to evangelize among the Jews and his book "The Jews and Their Lies" is the result.
How anyone acts in the present is shaped by what that anyone believes is his future. For the ostensible Christian, the eventual state of being is called eschatology. There are three schools of eschatology: pre-millenial dispensationalism, amillenialism, and post-millinialism. The Jew-controlled media pushes the spectacular pre-mil dispies as THE Christian eschatology. It portrays a spectacular series of events. A tribulation which is supposed to be a period of lawlessness, as in the USA where violent vandals destroy and loot with no consequences while tourists who happened to walk by the House are thrown in the DC jail with no charges to languish for over a year in solitary, which sees a similar state of affairs all over the world, culminating in a 100 million army attacking a handful of Jews holed up in Jerusalem. The best Christians will be in Jerusalem with the Jews. Sometime before, during, or after the supposed "tribulation" Jesus will vacuum all the Christians up from the earth straight into heaven, after which Jesus returns yet again with a host of angels to slaughter the 100 million man army specifically to rescue the Jews who do not believe in Jesus is the Messiah, do not believe he is the son of the virgin Mary, do not believe he is very God and very man, etc.
The so-called "Scofield Reference Bible" is full of footnotes promoting this BS and this school of eschatology has been promoted as the definitive interpretation of the Holy Bible. Scofield was a carpet bagger confidence man like Joseph Smith, Jr., who might have started yet another cult had he been more ambitious, but was certainly not literate in the Hebrew and Koine Greek of the Old and New Testaments and not in any way qualified to comment on the Holy Bible. Bottom line, we do not know who ghost-wrote Scofield's "bible", but it wasn't him and it put the Jews on a pedestal and promoted the notion that all good Christians are bound to feed and protect the innocent persecuted Jews. If these idiots would read the Holy Bible instead of the footnotes in Scofield's book they would realize who persecuted the early church and the apostles all around the Mediterranean Sea as viciously as Satan himself could arrange for them. Nothing as all has changed about Judaism, it is NOT "primitive" Christianity: It is rather adherence to a rewrite of God's law which none but Jesus could keep perfectly, which rewrite is their "traditions" or Talmud which Jesus pointed out are contrary to God's law for mankind, and now includes worship of demons. Such is the prevailing heresy among all the hayseed "pastors" and bible college graduates and a vast majority of professing Christians. They uniformly believe that Romans 13:1-7 means Christians are bound to obey the demons who call themselves government in whatever the government says to do. There is a caveat "unless it goes against the law of God" but there isn't one in a thousand capable of determining what is the law of God and even fewer who would actually defy a bureaucrat even if he thought the bureaucratic order was opposite the law of God. This church fears the IRS far more than they do offending God. It does not matter that the 16th amendment was never ratified and that all records of the supposed ratification of the 16th by 3/4s of the States have mysteriously disappeared from the National Archives, that the Constitution for the united States states plainly that gold and silver, not pieces of paper, are money, that Congress may not delegate executive power to an administrative agency, ad naseum, etc. To sum up the pre-mil dispies, the worse things get the better because that will trigger the bodily return of Jesus to rescue all the good Christians from their mortgage payments and send them to eternal easy street.
The amillenial school holds that all the "tribulation" took place in AD 70 when the Romans destroyed Israel, Jerucalem, and The Temple which ended the ceremonial, sacrificial, and dietary aspects of God's law for mankind. The mob of Jews shouted "Crucify him!", Pilate objected there was no cause to crucify Jesus and Pilate did not want Jesus' blood on his hands and then the Jewish mob shouted "His blood be on us and our children!" They got what they asked for. God did not take the crucifixion of his Son lightly even though the sacrifice the Lamb of God was necessary for our salvation from the eternal wrath of God which all the rest of us deserve. The amillenial school holds that since God is sovereign, the good Christian will avoid any attempts to influence society, government, or other institution because God will fix it all. That school quakes before the almighty government and the IRS as well, holding that "the government holds the sword", resistance if futile, so just hunker down until God intervenes with the next step in his plan to redeem the earth.
Finally the post-millenial school says Matthew 28:18-20 are the marching orders for the church, that Jesus' parting words were not a suggestion, that the law of God is still in effect, and that the task of the Christian is to make disciples of all the nations and teach them what we have been taught, i.e., what is God's law for his creature mankind, and influence them to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbor as ourself. The post-miller says God created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days, defining the day as one rotation of the earth, and assigned Adam and his progeny to be stewards of the earth, to enjoy it and their fellows, which immortality in this body Adam quickly destroyed for himself and all of us - and we would have done the same thing. Such is the cost of being given free will and being allowed to decide our immediate fate. We sill have that choice: participate in the institution of God's Kingdom on earth or oppose that institution. I can tell you right now which is the winning program. Anyone who doubts that God created all is ignorant of microbiology and astrophysics and everything in between. Long story short, it is impossible for the universe to create itself, for hydrogen to become all elements, for those elements to form molecules into the most complex and delicate structure in the universe - a living, self-replicating cell - and for that cell to "evolve" into every living thing that has ever existed on earth. The man who wants to believe he is an atheist most hates Genesis 1:1 in the Holy Bible and most shuns study of the overwhelming physical evidence for sudden creation.
So it is the coward is short-sighted, ignorant of the fact he will die whether he participates in establishing the kingdom of God or in opposing that establishment. He will answer for how he used the life on earth he was given either to participate in undoing the original sin (sin is disobedience and dishonor of God and nary a hay-seed preacher on earth bothers to ever define "sin" instead hiding behind the facile definition of sin as "missing the mark" to disguise the fact sin is cosmic treason) or by sitting on his hands.
Very good reply.
Re the "Reformation." If we understand that the Reformation was an intelligence project, same as the intelligence projects being run today using the churches, "Schofeld" makes total sense inside the continuing jewish zionist scheme. Luther was a crypto-jew and his genealogy proves it, almost as if the usual scrubbing of genealogies that is usually done to hide a famous person's jewish dentity is put out there for all to see. The joke is too good to pass up I guess. There is much more on his background including his marriage and her genealogy, if one wants to get at it.
As for why he "escaped," he simply wasn't prosecuted or pursued. Frederick III, Elector of Saxony was his cousin. Basically, that was a staged project, intended against Rome, similar to the one nine years later in England, by Henry VIII.
Papal Legate Cardinal Cajetan ((( ))) had been "ordered" by the pope to retain Luther but that didn't happen. Frederick let Luther escape. This was allowed by Pope Leo X, who was a de'Medici, also crypto-jewish. They had infiltrated the papacy with the same intent, to destroy it. Basically that was why the Reformation succeeded so easily, the RCC had been attacked from without and within.
There's more to all this but suffice that Luther's fake reformation took place under the protection of the secular powers, meaning it was always just a project of government.
As Luther continued on and published even more "attacks," the Emperor seemed not to notice his decrees. Yet when peasants and some minor nobility took Luther's decrees seriously as a signal to revolt, Luther was ordered to come out against the rebels which he obligingly did. Luther told them to "obey the temporal authorities." Render to Caesar, that kind of thing. He bragged, "I, Martin Luther, have during the rebellion slain all the peasants, for it was I who ordered them to be struck dead."
"Reform," as always is just another name for money and asset stealing. It's kinda like the Great Reset and the churches under covid. It's always the same and nothing ever changes. But the churches serve an important function, while people are told to fix their eyes on heaven, the temporal state which the church leaders tell them to obey, robs them blind.
Kyra M... You are a person of seldom-encountered comprehension and one I could learn from. Your first sentence is profound indeed and you just joined a dot with which to educate a professional dot-joiner LOL. Please connect and continue this.
It is however quite simple my friend. In 2014, Russia couldn't stand the sanctions. It would have unavoidably led to an uprising. The anti-west sentiment was not a common thing, and Russia just organised the Sochi games and Russians were eager to be better integrated into the "global community". Moreover, it would have been perceived as an act of direct agression.
After 8 years, many things changed : Russia demonstrated that it was able to cope with "small" sanctions, and prepared to cope with bigger sanctions. China developed institutions that are alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF, offering the possibility to escape from American geopolitical dictates. The ukrainian regime demonstrated that it doesn't want peace, instead shelling the Donbass and asking for joining NATO. All of that buffed up the боевой дух, (willing to fight?) of the Russian people, and the ability to do so. Not to mention that hypersonic missiles have been developed too and it is worth to mention, because we cannot exclude that NATO would have intervened directly in Ukraine if it wasn't for those speedy boiz.
Edit : oh, and I forgot to mention the most important part : in 2022, after Covid, a lot of European states are on the verge of bankruptcy and oil was at an all-time high. It was the best moment for Moscow to start an economic war with the West
>Edit : oh, and I forgot to mention the most important part : in 2022, after Covid, a lot of European states are on the verge of bankruptcy and oil was at an all-time high. It was the best moment for Moscow to start an economic war with the West
You are aware that Russia did a WEF shutdown and death vax as well, right?
I am talking from an economic point of view. National debts of the european States and of Russia are not comparable. In France for example, it's around 130% of GDP, in Russia around 20%. And France did three lockdowns, not only one, like in Russia (or one and a half, depending on the regions). Enormous amount of money were not printed in Russia, which indeed caused great harm to small businesses. But on a macroeconomical perspective, that was the best thing to do. Russia however released money from its National Fund, a fund that doesn't have any of the european States. I could really explain much longer how the economies of Europe and Russia were not equally affected by Covid, but I feel like you're not really listening, and instead resorting to rather simplistic explanations (what has the death vax to do in all of that ?). Maybe it's the american way of debating.
As for the vax, I will just mention that the Sputnik doesn't use the RNAm technology, which is the main concern in western vaccines, that only 50% of the population is vaccinated (around 80% in the West), and the government didn't push to get vaccinated many times (on average, French people had to do the vax three times). It would be of good faith to mention all those facts and not just resort to simplistic explanations.
>As for the vax, I will just mention that the Sputnik doesn't use the RNAm technology,
It's literally an AstraZeneca clone.
> It would be of good faith to mention all those facts and not just resort to simplistic explanations.
Its 60+% who took it in Russia. The government DID push to get vaccinated.
Good faith means that someone is not arguing or debating or asking questions to actually learn the truth but to waste someone else's time or to make them look a fool. Just because I don't agree with your 5D chess theory doesn't mean I'm not arguing in good faith.
This is complete and utter BS and shows total ignorance of history. In 2014 a coup was being attempted against a legitimately elected president and government. All Putin had to do was counsel Yanukovich to appeal for Russian (even better international assistance) instead of telling him he would not be helped and to flee. Yanukovich with Russian aid (which may not even have been actually necessary since Yanukovich and his govt had all the east and south and a good deal of the army on his side. With relatively minimal Russian assistance the coup would either have been crushed OR at the very worst the country split into the West against East and South (highly likely a good deal of the centre would have sided with them), which could have been easily supported by Russia (troops would not have even have been necessary - just material and diplomatic aid). Would sanctions have been attempted -- sure but they would not have got much traction (nothing remotely like in 2020) - Yanukovich controlled the Ukraine's UN seat and the legitimate government. Even the Europeans would not have participated in sanctions other than tokenism. Russia and Yanukovich would have been in very strong positions - diplomatically and militarily.
And as for what was done to insulate the Russian economy against sanctions since 2014- very, very little at all - in fact hugely greater integration with the Europeans occurred - Nordstrom etc etc.
Actually, it was Kremlinites that ordered Yanukovich to not use the military or excessive force against the coup.
Do you really think that Western powers would have voted the resolutions to intervene in Ukraine ? There is absolutely no way. Yanukovitch couldn't have asked for Russia assistance directly, as did Lukachenko and Tokaiev afterwards in their respective countries, because Ukraine wasn't part of the CSTO. There was little to do for Moscow, and considering the mediatical context that was prevailing at the time, we can be almost sure that the West would have put more sanctions if Russia attempted to send its own military or even only to help the dissidents. No help was brought to the Donbass, yet the whole West fainted that it was the case.
You are correct. The situation had changed greatly between 2014 and 2022. I also think the 2022 reunification is better justified under international law than it would have been in 2014.
Obama and Co. were pushing hard for a war with Russia in 2014, which they believed would cause the quick collapse of Russia and allow Russia to be looted again like in the 90s. NATO did not understand the many changes in the world between 2014 and 2022, all of which made the old plans on the shelf unworkable. I suspect that NATO planners rejoiced at the Russian invasion, only to wake up a month later in complete shock that their 2014 plans failed in 2022.
Not only did years of sanctions on Russia help build Russia up, but the anti-WEF populism and nationalism helped reform the BRICS and create the anti-West world that we are now seeing. This would not have happened in 2014.
It might have been better for the Donbass to have been reunified in 2014, but it is better for the world that it is happening now.
Exactly. Russia would not have coped as well as it is now if it had been double-triple-super-secret sanctioned and cut off from SWIFT in 2014. In doing so they've kickstarted the irreversible transition to multipolarity that will only get crazier in the next 10-20 years.
It's comforting to read comments that denote understanding of the Zionist bloc intentions. I am ambivilant regarding Putin's responses to the 2014 coup but in the balance, I see a good man attempting to respond to naked aggression in a way that minimises collateral damage.
Unfortunately, the West gets its rocks off on collateral damage and it has taken some time for Putin to get his head around this. There is no training ground for dealing with a coalition of psychopaths. Personally, I hope Russia eliminates the Zelensky force, closes down transport channels, and freezes out the western proxy forces, literally. This will trigger a global effort to close the US out of its current occupation zones, and end the US petrodollar tax on the world. This is a war with two fronts: Ukraine, and the northern hemisphere.
I hope Putin's new general understands that this Ukraine proxy war should be fought from Russia's point of strength, with missiles that are double the superiority of anything the US can produce. This means hyposonic scramjet technology utilised now, not incrementally.
Putin's admission is frankly shocking to me, as I cannot recall one other instance in all history of a national leader publicly admitting a mistake.
Finding out the truth about the 2014 Russian spring was what made up my mind that Western fanboys of your Azovs and Right Secktors and so on and so fourth were the most ridiculous people on earth. Of course those who lap up Saker, Martyanov, and Orlovs prole feed are delusional but imagine being so delusional that you actually think the Ukraine fought off a determined Russian invasion in 2014. Imagine thinking Azov saved Mariupol in 2014 as opposed to the FSB. If you want to celebrate the successful outbreak of people waving around swastikas and wolfs angels in Ukraine today as a step forward in saving the White race than you actually need to thank the FSB, Russias globalist oligarchy and yes even Putin himself as much as I hate to admit that.
As dumb as trying to explain Russias current failures in the Ukraine as 5D chess is its even worse when you see the pro Ukrainian crowd on the right straight up claiming that no actually the Ukraine is totally fighting off a real invasion where Moscow is doing everything it can to win.
And yeah promoting people strictly based on loyalty apparently has some serious draw backs. You end up not knowing whats what and whose who in the Ukraine in 2014 and 8 years later when you need to go in again you still dont know. Maybe the reason Russias work in Syria went fairly smooth for so long is because most spook work was done by the Syrians and Iranians so there just wasn't as much for FSB to screw up. Unfortunately Russias present system looks disturbingly like the Imperial system in 1914. The spooks are out suppressing the Patriots and defending the criminals, the elite have all the privileges of a feudal aristocracy and none of the responsibilities, and the military is wondering WTF is going on and how is defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory over and over. Than at the top you have an apparently well meaning and patriotic leader who is totally unable to correct the course but as time goes on more and more people start doubting the well meaning and patriotic part.
Of course the jews back in the day really did want the Tsar gone and today they really do want Putin gone. But its seriously creepy how Russia is more and more today looking like the last years of Imperial Russia.
Your schizo screeds are the most interesting things I read on We live in very complicated times where alliances (US/Turkey, US/India) are no longer assured and the riots and repression in China could very well change everything.
At this time, it appears like Russia is working hand-in-hand with the American New Green Deal to freeze the citizens of Ukraine and the EU.
What's the end game, Rolo? Will the remaining dregs of humanity Build Back Better after everything has been ruined?
I don't know what they want to do after the fact. But it's quite clear that they want to depopulate us. It keeps getting referenced in their literature and I have no reason to believe that they are lying about this particular point.
Someone once told me that the movie Zardoz with Sean Connery is an accurate representation of what they want to see happen.
Their plan is CBDC and fewer of us. Cleaner air and beeches for those who remain.
Cleen trees? Now that's a novel notion.
The welcome address to fresh paid-subs arrivals is priceless 😂 Smth good def turned up out of reported obstacle span 😉
While not much of note is happening on the war grounds, let’s check out on the state of 3D strategic games in idea-realm. Never losing his cool, the reigning champion of academic Realpolitik (much hated & derided by all the right ppl) doesn’t sound overly optimistic ↓↓
🗨 There are no realistic options. We’re screwed. ~~John Mearsheimer
Worthy pithy read overall -->
Putin's comments were the subject of an RT article, and I posted the link here along with a query on your opinion. But, I guess you have been out of commission. His statement was not ignored at all. The title of the article was: 'Putin expresses regret over Donbas'.
Yeah, good on you. I probably saw it and forgot it for a week.
What about the Mother's Day meeting with fake mothers of soldiers, who are not mothers of soldiers bit members of the party?
Yeah I read Marko’s piece too and was wondering the same.
I saw it in a YouTube video of a patriotic Russian blogger, Ekatarina Kovelenko, where you can see that the invited women are all smiling. They are not even trying hard to hide their fakery:
I am struggling to perceive you are actually making a point. What are you? 12 years old? Every nation does this in war. It's called building morale.
I am as cynical as the next world-weary citizen, but whatever the merits of the Russian position and actions, the stone cold fact is that US/NATO is a war machine designed to reinforce the Americaan Empire. And the US has militarily invaded 60 sovereign nations since 1946. No other country comes near the US as a threat to human survival.
Perhaps you might read up on cerebral focus skills.
I am only surprised that they are so lazy and careless that they are trying to build morale by refusing to meet with real mother of soldiers and inviting women, some of which are easily recognizable public figures or officers of the Putin' party. What kind of morale will that build when citizens see that they are lying to their faces?! By the way, I am not sure that the events of the past three years have reinforced the American Empire. It seems to me that the financial capital has taken control of central banks, become international, and is controlled by a small group of people, who rule both the USA and Russia. I think that both Biden and Putin administrations have the same task-- to destroy their civilizations.
Well, at least you are thinking, Sonja, which is more than most people do. But if you read around, you will find that the consensus anong those who have analysed for decades, is that the Rothschild/Rockefeller investment bankers have run London and NY for two hundred years, and Russia from 1917 until the advent of Putin. Frankly, I do not know where Putin stands but the evidence leans towards opposition to the Zionist bankers. I am also certain the bankers have run China since 2007 and are behind Xi. Perhaps this means the entire Belt and Road and BRICS are run by the bankers. If so we are in deep shit. The southern hemisphere must break free and form a Africa/India/Indonesia/Malaysia/Bolivarian South America alliance. We Australians need to join them or lose our nation forever.
Let's not forget that the 2014 Maidan Coup took place concurrent with the Sochi Olympics. Putin may have taken his eye off the ball during that period, but he was understandably pre-occupied with keeping the Games safe from terrorism. Thousands of Russian security had been deployed to Sochi to ensure that nothing like what happened at the 1972 Munich Olympics occurred. Staging the Coup at the time of the Olympics was a cowardly act.
If I understand you correctly, you seem to be ascribing most American political irrationality to religion, and I firmly dispute this. In fact, even many 'right-wing Christians' are more thoughtful about their political views than left-wing ideologues on the liberal side.
However, while the former are propagandistically denigrated, admittedly justly in some cases, nutty features of the latter are passed over, even praised as virtuous, by mainstream media and their gatekeepers. This provides the widespread misapprehension that it's the religious who are responsible for political irrationality.
It's a successful public relations campaign, to portray religion as 'deplorable' while praising secularist-liberal foibles as sophisticated. But I disagree that Rolo's religious metaphysics, for example, is politically imbalanced. Nor do I see how the culturally destructive policies espoused by secularists are particularly sensible.
To the liberals who castigate the religious, I say that people in glass houses ought not to throw stones.
I imagine we see things differently.
OMG just put me out of my misery. Just WTF is this BS?
TLDR is that our boy Sasha here cant feed his family, cant pay his bills, this broke Nword cant even buy a bicycle. But Sashas boy lets him know that he can solve all these problems by volunteering to fight in the Ukraine! This is just how fu(king useless and out of touch Russias buracrats are. Confirm every last stupid stereotype about Russia than since those morons can only relate to working for money they assume thats what motivates better people than them as well. This stupid add might as well have been written by the US state department.
The lull in military operations has inspired Mike Whitney to write a series of fantasy articles, concerning the supposedly mighty incoming Russian winter offensive.
We've got the absolute certainty Ukraine will be a rump state by April, its Eastern half either annexed by Russia or transformed into a demilitarized zone. He doesn't go much into details into how all this will be achieved with current Russian military resources though. A fact accompli:
"As the more powerful country, it has always been within Russia’s ability to impose a settlement that achieves its basic national security objectives, and that is precisely what Putin will do. The settlement will not be ideal nor will it completely end the hostilities, but it will provide a layer of protection from Russia’s enemies which is the best that can be hoped for given the circumstances. Regrettably, the settlement will also terminate Ukraine’s existence as a viable, contiguous state. The sources agree there will be a new military demarcation line before the thaw next spring; they differ on how it is being drawn now, and how it will look next April. “For now the line will be on the Dnieper with the zone extending from the west bank into the rump Ukraine – my guess is at a depth of not less than 100km. This will put Russian territory out of the range of most Ukrainian artillery. A 100km-deep zone will also give the Russian forces time to detect and intercept anything in flight…
Putin has showed admirable restraint to this point, but after 9 months of pointless drudgery and carnage, it’s time to wrap this thing up. Moscow has always had a sledgehammer in its toolkit and now it’s going to use it. We would have preferred that it didn’t end this way, but there’s no sense in crying over spilt milk. Washington wanted to stretch this war out for as long as possible to bleed Russia dry so it couldn’t project power beyond its borders or obstruct US plans to “pivot to Asia”. But Putin foiled that plan. He didn’t step into Washington’s trap and he’s not going to pump blood and money down a black hole.
IMO, the decision has already been made. Ukraine is going to be split in two whether Washington likes it or not. That’s just the way it is."
Its amazing how many words they use to say so little of any substance.
It's not so much he writes a lot, I was wrong to quote excerpts I should just have attached the link. It is that he is absolutely sure right now there is this secret massive Russian army group amassing somewhere in secret in preparation for a Winter Offensive that will smash and swoop over anything Ukrainian from Bakhmut to Lvov like a bowling ball.
Since people were saying the coup was going to be during the Olympics, the prediction was Yanukovych would be prepared to split the Ukraine and set up an alternative capital in Crimea or Donetsk. Instead he went to the East and toured factories to show he was still president.
Splitting the country would of been a lot easier than taking Crimea, Yanukovych controlled the UN seat. Since the local eastern governments were controlled by Yanukovych's party, the southeast was not even controlled by the NATO puppets for a long time.
Yeah, what is incredible is that people on the internets even then were warning about the planned coup during the olympics.
But the FSB didn't' get the memo I suppose.