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"All of the big corporations approve of it because it will undercut native worker’s wages."~ibid

^^THIS is the actual reason the post-Soviet kleptocratic claque ruining Russia seeks to bring this "swarth" into the country. As was alluded to above, during the Soviet era, the Patrice Lumumba People's Friendship University hosted many students from Africa, SE Asia, and Latin America. Some stayed in the USSR, but most did return to their countries of origin to apply the knowledge they acquired.

On the other hand, this present push to import Africans en masse into the Russian Federation has everything to do with lowering the already low floor on prevailing wages, whilst ginning up further inter-ethnic enmity which you seem only too eager to play into, regrettably.

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My father used to form student patrols to rough up migrant students. He said they set up drug and prostitution rings in the dorms and the authorities looked the other way.

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How did they procure the women ? Were they African or were they abducted Russians ?

How did they procure the drugs ? Drugs in 1980's were really hard to find in the Communist countries.

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If I may ask, what years was your father & his friends doing this?

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Late 80s

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And funny enough tianamenn was over the same issue. Communist party youth upset at the Africans in their dorm rooms.

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I read about that last year, if I remember correctly it started in Shanghai first and then spread to Peking, never heard about that before of course (the Africans being one if not the main cause of the riots).

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It's actually on Wikipedia of all places, it's ok they didn't do nuffin, I'm relieved !

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Funny how ppl have the same complaints about these “people” in places all over the world and yet I’m just a crazy racist for pointing it out

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Your father & I are possibly the same age (I'm 53), and I followed developments in the USSR with keen interest, as well as within the "People's Republic" of China. This is the first I've heard that discontent towards African students was a catalyst for the Tienanman Square protests between May-June 1989. Do you have any links you can provide that can flesh this out further?

By 1988-89 the domestic situation inside the USSR was already unraveling, beginning with the Sumgait Pogrom of Armenians by Azeris, followed by the Meshketien Turks in the Fergana Valley, the Baltics, Tblisi Riots, etc. Viewing this from afar, it made me both sad & angry that the USSR was imploding from within, and that Gorbachev's deliberate diffidence was only exacerbating an already delicate situation.

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Just look up higher in the convo, the links were provided.

There were intense protests in the USSR among students against the blacks on campuses. Again, my father was an organizer of one of these because he was a Communist Youth leader.

And if you look up in the thread, you will find proofs for how the Chinese students rioted against the same.

The Communists authorities always wanted to drown our countries in negros.

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I’m dealing with a lackluster WiFi connection, so I apologize for not acknowledging the links above. Greetings from the Nile River in Egypt BTW! Seriously though, when I get a more reliable connection, I will read the links with utmost interest.

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