I don’t want to editorialize much today. Shills like to pearl-clutch at my language and try to discredit my work by moralizing at my audience. I don’t think it actually works, but who knows, sadly I have a lot of Christian readers still and they love to gasp and swoon. So, let’s keep it cool and clinical today as I lay out the facts of this conspiracy. Otherwise, I’m liable to let my temper get the better of me at the outrage that I am feeling over this development.
Lead #1:
You may have seen this bit of news floating around the interwebs and felt concern although …. most of my readers live in bunkers or basements or homesteads in the middle of nowhere though, so maybe they’re not following the latest developments. Or maybe they are following everything obsessively, because they’re bored and waiting for the world to end. I wish I could survey my readers with questions like, how many weeks can you live off canned sardines before preferring to face death in the wastelands? I think I’d last about 4 days on canned anything, to be quite honest. I’d have to go full feral wastelander past that point.
I think I promised to not digress today, but here we are, not even one paragraph later and I’ve reneged.
Oh well.
Anyway, here is the news I was talking about:
Interesting claim.
On its own, proof of nothing. Just the usual Communist fist-pumping in support of global Antifa values. Is there any smoke to this fire though?
The next lead was more interesting.
Lead #2
There was a Memri report that cited Russian local media explaining that, yes, thousands of Palestinians were being shipped to Russia, despite protests from locals. Here:
On June 24, 2024, a Russian newspaper, Vedomosti, reported[1] that the Russian government would allocate 57.6 million rubles (about US $672,000) to support refugees from the Palestinian territories. Nine Russian regions are hosting the refugees: Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, as well as Kaluga, Lipetsk, Moscow, Tver, and Chelyabinsk oblasts.
Against a background of economic difficulties and Islamist terrorism in Russia, the government's decision caused bewilderment and public outcry, as the level of xenophobia in the country is on the rise.[2] The feelings seem to focus on groups that receive "unfair" or "favourable" treatment from the state in the form of benefits, budget transfers, etc. Such sentiments might be prevalent among groups who also depend on a diminishing state budget – i.e., pensioneers, low income and/or single-parent families, workers in state enterprises, government employees, and military servicemen (who constitute a significant percentage of Russian society), as well as the poor. These feelings are also being exploited by some extremist groups to win sympathy or to attract new members.
What is interesting is that Putin’s government still routinely denies pay to soldiers. Just the other day, I shared the story about all the disgruntled volunteers being treated as traitors and criminals by the federal bureaucracy.
This kind of attitude towards veterans is very typical of the “Russian” government.
The story behind the fates of the prisoners of “Storm Z” is particularly egregious and gruesome. Shoigu and the FSB were essentially rounding up prisoners and sending them in meat-wave storm assaults against fortified Ukrainian positions. The casualty counts were grotesque.
Experts conclude that it was very “metal” indeed.
Dr. Livsi promised me a gory write-up of the memoirs of one of these punitive battalion zeks sent in to die en masse alongside his prisoner buddies. It should be a very interesting read.
But I digress.
Lead #3
A Russian blogger laid out all the disturbing information and cited far higher numbers (40k+) of “refugees” to be dropped all over Russia.
The media is still discussing rumors — about whether 43 thousand Palestinians should come to Russia. Someone will say that this is a fake, but large publications write about it for a reason, and the news did not appear from scratch. The arrival of refugees from Palestine was discussed after the government decree appeared in the public domain on the Web, according to which the Ministry of Emergencies should receive about 58 million rubles for the maintenance of refugees from the Middle East.
In which regions will Palestinians be resettled
Palestinian refugees arrive in Russia.
And this is only the first such “ tranche ” to our security forces. It is planned that the Palestinians will stay in Russia for about six months, so the Ministry of Emergencies will still allocate millions and millions of rubles for their maintenance. Moreover, money will be allocated already this year, the amount for the maintenance of Palestinian refugees is already laid down in the reserve fund. Tools “ are being sought ” among the regions where guests from the Middle East will be resettled.
One refugee is entitled to a day: 415 rubles to eat, and 913 rubles to live. In what regions will Palestinian citizens settle? First of all, Muslim: Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Dagestan, Bashkiria, Tatarstan. In addition to them, the Palestinians will settle in the Middle Strip: they will arrive in the Lipetsk, Yaroslavl, Tverskoye, Tula and Ryazan regions.
Will Palestinians create another problem?
But of course, a sane person understands that they will not sit in one place, but will disperse throughout Russia, especially in large cities of its European part. And when the six-month stay will come to an end, the new “foreign experts” are unlikely to leave our country, they will most likely try to “help us” some more.
I wonder what moved our authorities, who decided to shelter people from an absolutely alien state for us? Russian officials are not able to cope with “ our ” Tajiks, let alone people from Palestine who can never adapt and live normally in our country.
Then, do not forget - they hate everyone in a row, they are unlikely to treat the Russian and other peoples of our country in a friendly manner. Will their stay in Russia result in yet another criminal problem for our citizens? Or are there few problems for our officials with people from the former republics of Central Asia?
“Let's bring them in from all over the world ”
Why don't we just accept everyone?
After the news of the Palestinian imports into Russia, the famous military correspondent Sergey Kolyasnikov was one of the first to react. “ Why only 43 thousand refugees? Give a million or five. Of Africa, another ten million, can be cited from all over the world ”, - exaggerates Kolyasnikov. And then he asks a fair question: why do they help foreign refugees, while spitting on their own population?
By the way, about Africa - in 2023 at the “ Valdai Club ” there was a proposal to attract as many refugees from Africa as possible to Russia. This was proposed by Dmitry Poletaev, an employee of the Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He even spoke about the fact that specifically for the future import of refugees from Africa, it is necessary to change the legislation of Russia.
Let's add DPRK citizens to this, they want to invite them to work in large numbers in Russia. In addition, it is planned to allocate huge quotas for the education of students from Vietnam in the universities of our country, so the Vietnamese invasion should be expected. It seems that the authorities want to change the racial and national composition of the inhabitants of Russia in every possible way, and turn the Russians into a minority in general.
Goodbye Russia?
Farewell to the sunset.
Is the most important question that all these refugees will do in our country? Confidence is only with respect to DPRK citizens, for some reason there is a firm conviction that they will not sit idle. North Koreans are very disciplined and friendly towards the Russians, they will no doubt help us, work in some military proceedings.
As for the Palestinians, these are generally very specific people, after their arrival, the criminal situation is unlikely to improve. They differ in that wherever they are, they everywhere create some kind of paramilitary formations. For example, you can recall at least Jordan, which sheltered them, as we are going to do as well. So, after some time, they began to create paramilitary groups to fight already with Jordan, where all conditions were created for them. Will this happen again in Russia?
And if these people from Palestine find comrades in the person of the same Tajiks? What will happen then? Goodbye Russia?
Author: Andrey Gudov, journalist. Higher philological education. Worked for Moskovsky Komsomolets, The New Times and other well-known publications. Now a freelance writer for the Hacknam Media Group, he writes on a wide range of topics from politics to IT.
Sickening stuff. But it left us with yet another lead to follow up on. Valdai.
Lead #4
If you don’t know, Valdai is sort of the Rossiyan Bilderberg or Davos equivalent for Putin and his cabal of oligarchs and spooks and psychos. They invite weirdos from all over the world to participate and spend colossal sums at these events. Most of the money goes to hookers and coke, as Riley has reported before.
So what did the Valdaians have to say about the prospects of opening Russia’s borders to infinity negroes? Let’s take a look at the report. Here:
“By 2035 the African population could reach 1.9 billion people, and in 2050 — 2.5 billion people. Because of the increasing competition for resources on this continent and growing risks of economic and political instability, forced migration flows from Africa to Russia may become a new component of the migration situation already in the medium term, and it is worthwhile to prepare for this in advance.
It is necessary to develop and improve migration legislation; improve statistical accounting and the comprehensive analysis of data on migration; to develop a system of integration and adaptation for migrants who do not know the language, culture, and life arrangements in Russia well; support the work of non-governmental organisations in the field of migration; as well as expand and develop migration policy programmes in the Russian Federation.
The most important step in this direction is to improve the financing of measures to implement Russia’s comprehensive migration policy, without which the implementation of any migration measures and programmes will be ineffective.”
They are planning to subsidize the invasion.
This is identical to what all of our occupation governments are doing to us in all formerly White countries. I don’t care if I get banned for saying this or if I offend some Communist scum-bastards — this is White Genocide. This is a worldwide war on White people. And we know who is waging it. We know who is financing it. We know who is justifying it.
We see the same agenda unfolding in Ireland right now. The natives are fighting back.
And the war will come to Russia as well. The population replacement agenda has already been in full swing with the importation of hundreds of thousands of Muslims into Russia by the Putin government while Slavs (and Buryats) are sent to die in a pointless Special Friendly Policing Socialist Policing Operation Yes.
Lead #5
The “Russian” government has already proven its hatred for the Russian people by letting in millions of hostiles with deep-seated resentment of White people into the country. It become much easier to accept that Putin plans to flood Russia with Arabs and Africans when you realize that this is just standard MO for the Kremlin. Fellow Substacker Andrew Korybko (who used to work for Sputnik News) covered it. Here:
The relevant quote:
It’s unclear why Russia is exploring the import of migrants from much more fundamentalist and dangerous Afghanistan who struggle to assimilate and integrate while scrutinizing migrants from much more secular and safer Tajikistan who have a history of assimilating and integrating into new societies. One would have thought that Russia would therefore rule out Afghan migrants in principle, but that’s evidently not the case as revealed by Omari, but it would do well to think twice about this.
“Russia Is Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban” for the reasons explained in the preceding hyperlinked analysis, which include clinching deals on the megaprojects that were described in the introductory paragraph’s second hyperlinked analysis, both of which are beyond the scope of this piece. This policy advances Russia’s interests in the New Cold War, but it doesn’t obligate the country to expose itself up to the panoply of security risks that could be brought about by importing Afghan migrants.
While it’s true that Russia is “facing a terrible demographic hole” like Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko warned last week regarding its expected shortage of 2.4 million workers by 2030, its high Muslim birth rate might mitigate the damage. The Grand Mufti predicted in 2019 that nearly one-third of Russians will be Muslim by 2030, and President Putin said during last week’s forum that “We are not against the increase in the Islamic population, on the contrary, we are happy with what is happening”.
In the next five years, 33% of Russia will be invaders.
Go visit Moscow if you doubt the news.
Go see for yourself the demographics “on the street” as it were. Ride the green line out past the tourist inner circle. Count how many pale faces you see in the wagon with each stop further away from the center. Go to Krasnodar and see who wanders the city in groups of eight or more while spitting seeds and throwing cigarette butts around all over the place. Meet the Indian communities resettled into St. Petersburg. Visit the restaurants of Syrians in the Amur. Go there and see for yourself with your own eyes.
Russians are dying out.
Or, more accurately, we are being systematically butchered by a government that is hostile to us and fulfilling the key tenants of the Kalergi plan to destroy White people. And if you don’t know what I am talking about, still, at this late hour in the game, well, probably best to just keep things that way at this point.
Hush now, child.
All will be well.
Pray for rabbi Yeshua’s return like a good little g— boy and don’t worry your precious little heart out. This “Rurik Skywalker” and his talk of “wastelanders” and “Africans” is the stuff of nightmares. Pay him no mind. He would have you abandon all hope in politicians and invest all your hope instead into souped-up death-mobiles.
Power doesn’t come from the ballot box, it comes from diesel-powered V8 and the willingness to use it.
I promise a more serious article about Putin’s treacherous migration policies some other time. We’ll take a fresh crack at it. The choice is that I either allow myself a little fun with my articles or I end up making legally-actionable threats aimed at the authorities. I’d prefer to crack some jokes instead of openly calling for armed revolt, you know? Although, who was joking? I certainly don’t recall making any jokes in this article.
Feel free to share this one. You guys actually delivered last time I asked you to, thank you for that.
Months ago the announcement was made that Israel wants to deport the Palestinians to Europe. What Israel wants it gets. Putin is obviously a mind-controlled zionist bot, who loves that disgusting criminal Netanyahu. They are serious about destroying white people.
I berated myself for years for not devoting more of my time and effort and money to "prepping" for the apocalypse. I trashed a very lovely marriage to a particularly beautiful woman by constantly bitching and griping about the need to "prepare" (amongst other inexcusable instances of buffoonery I was guilty of.) Then, in 2012, I engaged in a brief conversation pertaining to "prepping" with my boss at the time. Her response was a watershed moment for me. I can quote it verbatim, "I don't want to survive in any sort of wasteland. I want to go out in the first wave." I immediately experienced a sense of relief. I have been of the exact same mindset since. My little family now has just enough squirrelled away to last a month or so before it would become necessary to ransack the empty second/third/ sixth homes of my insanely rich neighbors should the curtain fall during any season but Summer, which I hope it does, if it does, which I hope it does because I am sick and frickin' tired of playing the game of work/suffer/pay/rest uneasily/ repeat. And really, I only want enough time to read some of my books, get my thoughts and emotions together, contemplate what lies beyond the veil of illusions, and then traverse beyond life as I think, perhaps, I have known it.