Months ago the announcement was made that Israel wants to deport the Palestinians to Europe. What Israel wants it gets. Putin is obviously a mind-controlled zionist bot, who loves that disgusting criminal Netanyahu. They are serious about destroying white people.

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I berated myself for years for not devoting more of my time and effort and money to "prepping" for the apocalypse. I trashed a very lovely marriage to a particularly beautiful woman by constantly bitching and griping about the need to "prepare" (amongst other inexcusable instances of buffoonery I was guilty of.) Then, in 2012, I engaged in a brief conversation pertaining to "prepping" with my boss at the time. Her response was a watershed moment for me. I can quote it verbatim, "I don't want to survive in any sort of wasteland. I want to go out in the first wave." I immediately experienced a sense of relief. I have been of the exact same mindset since. My little family now has just enough squirrelled away to last a month or so before it would become necessary to ransack the empty second/third/ sixth homes of my insanely rich neighbors should the curtain fall during any season but Summer, which I hope it does, if it does, which I hope it does because I am sick and frickin' tired of playing the game of work/suffer/pay/rest uneasily/ repeat. And really, I only want enough time to read some of my books, get my thoughts and emotions together, contemplate what lies beyond the veil of illusions, and then traverse beyond life as I think, perhaps, I have known it.

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i also regret being financially frugal in the past.

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Yo, Ninja.... u gotsta bring yo Stalker Button roun to $162.73 cuz $gran mi getsmehotted. Knomesayn?

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Back in my university days.... a question was posed: how many people around here would die if the electricity went off for 30 days? Correct answer: all of them.

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Ha! Yup. Basically. Count me in!

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I hope you'll forgive an observation.

Your survival (anyone's survival) depends more on your neighbors than on stockpiled food or guns. Stockpiling is good but will work best if your neighbors are also stockpiling. Can you make friends with your rich neighbors? I live in a lower-middle class/working class neighborhood where almost everyone owns their own homes. It's heaven. They all own guns. Some houses have junky cars in front or cruddy fences.

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I don't mind at all. I'm not certain I can ransack my neighbor's homes, even in an emergency wherein the lives of my family depended upon the food to be found there, even if I was convinced my neighbors would not be in a position to ever return. It is a gross violation of people's security. My girlfriend and I sometimes joke about it. But I would find it hard to live with myself. I am a reformed thief. I never stole much, but I stole. It felt disgusting then and I prefer how I feel about myself now.

I am in fact friends with one of my insanely rich neighbors. It is actually our landlord and his girlfriend who live in the manor just a stone's throw from ours. They are seasonal and spend 3/4 of the year at one of their other homes in Florida. If there were enough forewarning of an impending catastrophe and I was able to communicate with him, I'm sure he's open his home for us to avail ourselves to whatever provisions he had to offer.

If you don't mind my asking, sir, do you find it easy to befriend and get on with people? I used to, when I was a drunk. Now, I mostly eschew the company of others. It isn't the proper way to carry on, I realize. It's just easier for me to go it alone. My girlfriend is herself infinitely more introverted. We'll live to regret it, I'm sure. It used to be easier for me some number of decades ago, before the bullshit which took place on September 11, 2001. That event changed my fellow Americans. I was out of the country, stationed in Germany at the time. I left in June of 2000 and came back in March of 2002. The difference in people's overall affect and demeanor was stark. I used to be one of the few cynics in the crowd. Suddenly, everyone had a chip on their shoulder and was demonstrably suspicious of everyone else's motives concerning just about everything. Then came ubiquitous Internet usage and after that smart-ass phones and now...I find it very hard to relate to most people, these days. Not to suggest I'm any sort of role model for rugged stoicism. I'm just as fractured and hurting as anyone else. I merely put forth the very best effort I can to keep it to myself when I step outside my house.

All the best to you and yours, sir. Becoming a Stalker has made a real difference in my outlook. I feel better and better with each passing day that somehow, it will all make sense. Perhaps only upon the precipice of death, but, nonetheless...

Take care.

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"If you don't mind my asking, sir, do you find it easy to befriend and get on with people? "

To answer your question, I'm pretty introverted so I can stay pretty much to myself. I make an effort to befriend neighbors because it makes life much nicer. My neighbor can put his garbage cans on my lawn, and my dogs can get loose once in a while and it doesn't cause a major catastrophe. I go with my dogs to visit schools and nursing homes. The dogs are the social ones which kind of lets me off the hook. I have some food stockpiled but I live in a suburban area and any serious ongoing disruption of communications would screw me. In the case of a natural disaster, neighbors can band together and protect the neighborhood from looters. But I feel our existence is fragile.

As far as your earlier experiences as a thief, it makes me think that sometimes learning to be good is as much a task as any other skill. We've all had behaviors in the past we're not proud of before learning how to live our values.

Always nice talking with you.

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People fix what they can afford in relation to how important it is. I drive a car that looks like a junker but the running gear, brakes, windshield wipers, tires, etc. are in excellent condition.

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I'm starting to convince myself that the white race won't go extinct. What will happen instead is that those with the guts and nuts to bring the fight to the Jews and their mongrel armies will withdraw to Central-To-North Europe and create a massive fortress nation. It won't consist merely of the hillbilly variety of white nationalist. Many, MANY formerly lefty commie types(of which I am a member of) will have awakened fully and embraced their kith and kin with hearts filled with a profound ecstasy. We will have a panoply of thinkers, doers, fighters and healers. We will exist in a constant state of war against the amalgamated mud flood of our enemies, until such time as an all out information war will be waged and won by our vastly more sophisticated society, which will have by that point rediscovered some semblance of etheric energy powers. We will persuade the shit-stainers to turn against their Jew overlords, said Jews will be eradicated from this Earth once and for all(assuming it isn't some super race of aliens whom have been the heeb's benefactors after all), and humanity will once more enjoy the opportunity to delve deep within their psyches as they explore the Universe through the mystical arts.

This will all take several centuries to see to completion. I believe the genesis for this slave revolt will take place in Ireland. I grew up in the U.S. state of Massachusetts in the 1980s, before it became a cesspool of communism, and there existed then a THRIVING arms trafficking industry which shipped unimaginable amounts of money and weaponry to The Boys over in Eire giving the Brits a right good kick in the cunt at the time. This fighting spirit WILL be rekindled. Precisely how and where I do not pretend to know. But if the fire of "Fuck this shit" is still burning in my ever-aging nut sack at the age of 48, then I have to believe that there are others out there like me who haven't bowed to The Masters Of The Universe in anything more than a performative nature so as to continue breathing, and who are prepared to lose not just life, but, more importantly, the luxury of existing on this side of a prison wall.

The niggers who will do the Jews' bidding and kill for the promise of a full belly are just that: niggers. And that is meant to sting the sense as much as it does and it doesn't apply to black folks only. It is the mindset of any lazy ass fuck wad who wants to exist at the expense of the hard work of their betters, and I've got no end of white niggers in my country, wasting their minds and bodies on drugs and soul-less frivolities. The niggers will be defeated. And, once the dust settles, and the decent but unfortunate people who found themselves being used as tax cattle for the Jews on the other side of our white fortress are awakened fully themselves, we will resettle what is left of this planet, separated by race but united in purpose, and we will finally, FINALLY work together to, in the immortal words of Bono(just before U2 began to suck royally as artists), "...Dream it all up again."

Will any of this actually come to pass? I don't know. Probably not. But it could. I want it to. I won't live to see it. And maybe we humans don't deserve it. Perhaps we are too weakened a species. Perhaps the cycles of etheric energy which I don't even pretend to have even a pedestrian understanding of don't oscillate, but merely dissipate and we missed our shot to develop spacecraft to follow the Waves Of Possibility from one galaxy to another and we are stuck on this planet and we will become nothing more than so much dust on the plains. I don't know. All I really know is this: Fuck these guys. Make them pay for their insolence. They have robbed us of our inheritance. Let us now rob them of their vainglory.

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30 minutes before this post you were happy to go out in the first wave. I'm confused. Who is this "we"? This is prototypical demoralized thinking. Someone else is the liberating "we".

Screw that. I've been through some bad times and I'll do it again. I've missed out on a lot of luxury (I'm basically the guy eating too many potatoes in the countryside) and my relatives did the same for millennia. Maybe my grandkids will eat potatoes here. I'm not liberating anyone, my job is to live not by lies.

I'm happy to be on Team Peasant. October is great fun. February kinda sucks. Get back on the horse dude.

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For me, The Zone is a place to wax philosophic, not make declarative statements which are meant to be taken literally by the shrieking masses demanding to see my hand.

Enjoy your potatoes and try not to get too riled up by anything you read online. It's all an illusion anyways, and no one is going to congratulate you for pointing out the illusionist's legerdemains.

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Fantastic inspiring and hopeful message!

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Thank you. Let's hope something resembling it comes to pass.

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I am finishing my tour of Russia and all you say is true.

I've had a lot of fun talks here, met actual skinhead youths on the Moscow metro, and insulted some begging gypsy-turks who had the temerity to insult me for not giving them money IN SIBERIA.

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Beware that gypsy curse, mate, not to be scoffed at.

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Muammar Gaddafi

Former Prime Minister of Libya

During the speech to inaugurate the completion of the final section of The Great Man Made River, 30 days before he was killed, Gaddafi invited the Palestinians to quit Israel and move into Lybia. He said in Libya they could become farmers and have decent, fulfilling lives. If they stayed where they were an unimaginable disaster awaited them.

I have tried to tell the story to several acquaintances but they looked at me as if I were stupid, and told me that Gaddafi always wore a funny hat.

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Seems like a dictatorship has some benefits over a democracy. Like a monarchy, the ruler takes the state of his country personally. I guess Ghaddafi was of the opinion that under a firm hand, the Palestinians would be beneficial citizens. I think he had a point. Gaza had a very high rate of educated people and was known to be very clean (when not being bombed) and to have excellent medical services. Tito of Yugoslavia kept the Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox together as a functioning country because it just wasn't healthy to be caught working against his interests. The country fell apart only after his death (one of the disadvantages of a dictatorship).

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Rurik this is a solid piece. This is exactly the spell-breaker for the z-anons. Same policies with a different accent.

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As regards our now inevitable Trump-cum-ZOG presidency beginning next year, it appears the basic premise concerning immigration "reform" will be to deport a metric shit ton of the current crop of dung droplets back to their doniker nations of origin, mass enlist an an entire shit ton more into the armed forces to have them wiped out in a fruitless war with Iran, and then to import a whole new metric shit ton of Indians vis-a-vis h1-b visas to undertake an entirely new phase of white replacement here in The States. Beauty. Vote hard, America. Your continued suffering depends upon it.

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I enjoyed this style of article and would appreciate more of these

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Very courageous from you expressing the obvious for the awake White people=> Kalergi plan on full speed..=> pure White genocide…if you haven’t yet just watch the documentary “Europe, the last battle”… “their” copy/paste modus operandi of today is horrifying…only difference is that before WW II “they” vilified everything German and now it is everything (real, slavic) Russian…

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They portrayed Hitler as a Christian which is just wrong.

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It does not matter if Hitler was Christian or not…the results for the German “nation” were at that time achieved: getting out of economic abyss, have a perspective on growth, education, being proud of your whiteness, family cohesion, morals, tradition and most importantly of all no ethnic bankers…But, of course the latter did everything to manoever Germany into war and finally to white genocide and destruction, just like today with Russia via the occupation government there and via the Troyan horse: mass immigration; just like you say.

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yeah i hear you, i just got into twitter battles with the makers of the documentary over their inaccurate portrayal of hitler as a christian, which is a disgraceful thing to do.

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Ok, they also "forgot" to mention that Hitler was also sponsored in the beginning of his rise by the Wallstreet Banksters and that after that he just showed them the finger... the docu is not perfect but still better than the "mainstream history".

Any thoughts you may have on this "speculation"? => In short: In the final stages of WW II the Nazi top made a deal with "you know who", received clear passage to Argentina etc, together with all the gold and other stuff they stole and that they made a deal with "them" to take over the world "together" resulting in Blackrock, Vanguard, etc and the UN, WEF, WHO, the whole IMF, Worldbank system etc..investigative writers Farrell en Paul Manning compiled very good books about this "theory"

Wishing you relaxing Sunday

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Yeah there was some weird stuff going on with germanys war effort. Why didn’t they blow the dams in Russia? Sofa Strategist mentions some of the weird stuff. I think Hitler was betrayed by his precious Prussians and the Catholic faction.

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Manly P Hall published a picture of Hitler in a “Grail knight” outfit. (Thule Society, )“Secret History of the Ages”? I think?

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It is basically Microsoft OneHumanity. They want to rule countries like slave plantations and break the concept of nation states entirely, as they have no use for it, just like they have no use for the church.

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Sometimes Rurik sounds like a split personality emanating from Andrew Anglin tortured mind, Anglin hates ZOG (he claims to anyway, but his association with weevstein is thoroughly suspect to say the least) but will sing the praise of Putin, Xi and the BRICS, while Rurik also hates ZOG AND Putin, I don't know I see some similarities between the two while they are diametrically opposed on other things.

Like the Toyota Hilux recurrent meme from Anglin and the Mad Max theme on Rurik's articles. I'm joking by the way.

The thing I'm asking myself is when the West and Russia are finished by genocide of their White population, where will Israel turn to for "help" ? Are India and China the next bloc of "allies" because otherwise a huge part of the world will go at best indifferent or more likely completely hostile to that fake state.

Or is there a magic way to dispose of most of the human population so that it doesn't matter either way ? But then why wait if that's the case.

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I've already heard that claim before that Buryats are very patriotic on average and always ready to fight and die for Russia (or the USSR for that matter). Is there any reason for that, what do they have to gain exactly ?

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They’re OK but they’re also belligerent when drunk. They just choose the military as the main career path.

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I read Anglin regularly on The Unz Review. Some of it is amusing. Very occasionally it is informative. Many of the commenters there believe Anglin isn't even one complete entity, but rather an amalgam of several writers with a heavy dash of AI generated content thrown in. I do believe it is the man himself when the pieces about Trump are published. Apparently, Anglin has gone through several metamorphoses throughout his writing career, to include a stint as an uber-lefty hippy guy extolling the virtues of multiculturalism whilst living on a commune in the Philippines. More power to him. He's providing himself a first-rate, experiential education and only widening his perspective by dint of it.

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Hunter Wallace/Brad Griffin made quite a few very interesting articles about Weev's and Anglin's past, it's probably the most interesting but there are several others.

Weev had (has ?) very interesting ties to say the least and seems to have pushed away almost all the people who were writing on the Stormer back then, some are still active on other platforms to this day but I doubt many people are ready to work with Anglin and Weev nowadays, Anglin received more than a million dollars in crypto "donations" while Weev received double that, makes you think who was really calling the shot there.

I do believe the vast majority of articles on the Stormer are in fact written by Anglin, even with how his ideology seems to change constantly it still seems to be him, some are written by at least one (or several) other guys, like the ones attributed to "Elvis Dunderhoff ", that or an AI has been trained to mimic Anglin's writing style.

A lot of the articles are still funny but they aren't nearly as funny as they were some years ago, I do read them for a laugh but will almost never take anything written on the Daily Stormer as reliable, with maybe a few exception here and there.

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I'm not familiar with Weev. I'll have to look into the older Stormer articles. Thanks for the information.

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I don't think Weev ever wrote a lot of articles, and the Stormer removed the search function many years ago, there's not a lot of articles left on the site directly attributed to him, but it's possible some articles written by him were attributed to other writers or using pseudonyms.


Here's what's still here, the last one is from 2019. He supposedly lives in Transnistria now, who knows if it's true.

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Some observations. Some people are saying the motivation for wealthy tycoons to support immigration is to lower wages and destroy the power of labor. The theory is that the lower rung jobs can be filled by immigrants willing to work for a dime. Or that the working class will lose any bargaining power because it's so easy to hire replacements.

Without immigration in an industrially healthy society labor shortages develop and wages go up.

We know Russia has labor shortages. Can the influencers be thinking that immigration is a way of expanding industry and profits while not having to pay more in wages or benefits? Apparently Russian elites go to school at elite Western institution where they teach that bringing low-testing minorities into the medical and engineering fields is a way of redressing centuries of oppression. Importantly, elite education denies group genetic differences in intelligence, skills and criminal tendencies.

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While all this is going on, Russians, like the rest of the "civilised" world just refuse to have children. It's a major unspoken part of this 'replacement' battle.

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we don't breed well in captivity.

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Even the jews had a maternity ward in Auschwitz, I'm sure we could make a better effort.

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Change names and places and your writing sounds just like a description of what used to be, my “home” country.

As someone mentioned, this peasant would prefer the first wave.

I wonder if we will ever know just what this cr_p is really all about.

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Putin doing "Greater Israel" a huge favor.

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That last paragraph has a real Burroughs/Nova Express "Last words of Hassan i-sabah" to it. Kudos.

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