Putin Says He's OK With 50% Military Reduction, Offers US Rare Minerals Contract, Supports EU Troops in Ukraine ...
I ... I think I'm going to be sick.
Once again, Rurik Skywalker has been led by the nose and shown to be too naive and trusting of the Putin regime by far. Never in my wildest fantasies did I think that Putin would come to the negotiating table and just give them everything that they wanted and more and make a big show of proving how generous he is to his esteemed Western partners in the Russian media while doing so.
Offering such treacherous STARTING positions at the negotiations never even entered my calculus, even though I thought that capitulation would be the hidden reality behind any ceasefire deal when the dust settled.
But there’s no need to squint and speculate here. It’s all just so brazen and treacherous and … wow, just wow, words are simply failing me today.
Is the ground spinning for you guys too? I … think I need to sit down.
And I never thought I’d see Z-people trying to paint this new about-face as a big victory for patriots everywhere. Like, sure, I thought that they’d deny that Putin had given NATO anything, claim that he was fighting harder than ever behind the scenes and then call people who actually read the agreements and had misgivings about them Neo-Nazis as they usually do. But no, they’re cheering this whole new friendship arc on and calling Trump a great Russian friend and patriot now. No hiding anything even. Just totally shameless fist-pumping. The last three years already forgotten.
They’re claiming that America and Russia are allies against the Nazis in Ukraine now!!! You know, like in WWII? Remember that war? I mean, you support WWII don’t you? You’re not a Nazi are you? That was the Good War, everyone know that, Nazi. Just like this one. It’s basically the same thing now — America and Russia kicking Nazi butt!
The patriots are back in control!
I … I am speechless, folks.
I honestly never thought that Putin would bend over this far for Washington so quickly, so openly, and so shamelessly. I thought that he’d at least demand something bearing resemblance to upholding Russia’s geostrategic interests and that this would stall out the talks for a while. What we are hearing coming out about these preliminary negotiations and the public offers from the Kremlin delivered via the media now are just beyond the pale. My jaw has dropped several times over the last couple of days and I’ve felt cold sweat form on my spine as it’s gotten harder and harder to swallow.
I’m not the only one. Here:
It's very interesting to read people who wrote six months ago "sanctions are a huge benefit for our economy" and now write "this is a great chance to finally lift the sanctions".
And "onwards to Kyiv, get out of our way" magically changed to the good old, refrain from 2014 "Well we dont want World War III, now do we?"
And in some places (you won't believe it) they are already saying that the hohols will now simply fall apart by themselves, and then freeze and crawl back over on their knees.
It's sad, really. And again it refers us to the necessity of learning the lessons of '37.
By the way, about '37. Many then said, I remember, something like "I couldn't say anything else then, Stalin would have eaten me". But who is forcing them to lie and be duplicitous now? It is simply the prospect of slightly reducing their income that they fear. Scum.
Like, I’m literally “Mr. Putin-is-a-CIA-Agent-Working-For-Washington blogger guy” and even I am flabbergasted by what I’m reading in the Russian media now.
Is this real life? Somebody help me out of this nightmare. Pinching me isn’t possible in this scenario. Maybe if someone were to send me $500 over on Buy Me a Coffee, that would help wake me up …
Whaddaya say?
Well, it was worth a shot, at least.
As it turns out, I’ve been proven to be completely off-base and WRONG in my assessment of the situation. See, I was trying to hedge my bets and not go too overboard with my wild conspiracy theories about treachery and capitulation. Now I feel like a fool who folded a flush right before the river all because I didn’t double down on my earlier claims that Putin would sell Russia down the river. Instead, I came up with a more convoluted theory that even Putin wouldn’t be willing to agree to the terms offered by Washington because they’d be too onerous. But yeah, I guess a ceasefire deal is more than feasible if Putin is willing to just give NATO literally everything that they want without putting up the slightest resistance and even suggests different ways to help humiliate Russia unprompted.
This news is enough to drive a man to prayer.
Sweet Moses and Madonna. Creamy Ben and Jerry. Crunchy Haagen and Daz …
And we’re just getting started with these talks!
What will Putin offer Trump next?
Maybe he’ll just gift Washington some of Russia’s remaining nuclear subs as a gesture of 5D goodwill. Maybe he’ll rename the Russian Federation to Trumpistan? Will Putin let Trump sleep with his young ballerina wife for good measure? Do you think Trump will let him watch and record from the corner at least?
What is there left to do at this point for us here at the Chronicles other than to just cover each proposed Putin offer to his new friends in Washington, while the host of this blog tries to regain his composure.
The first: mining contracts for rare earth minerals in Russia to keep the American high-tech and military industry topped up for their wars in the Middle East and against China next.
Yesterday evening, Vladimir Putin invited (https://t.me/readovkanews/93388) American businesses and the government to participate in the development of rare earth metals, which Trump is so eager to get, on Russian territory. Ukraine simply has nothing to offer the United States in this regard. After all, its untold wealth turned out to be (https://t.me/readovkanews/93194) fiction and it does not have any rare earth metals.
And then our president comes out with an alternative proposal - to invest American money in our country. The geography is wide - from Donbass, where lithium is hidden, to aluminum deposits in Krasnoyarsk. According to Putin, only there can a $15 billion project be implemented. At the same time, only two enterprises, the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant and the Krasnoyarsk Chemical and Metallurgical Plant, are engaged in lithium production in our country, but the raw materials they use are imported - the industry is hungry for investment, and the United States can offer a lot here - especially considering that pragmatists are currently sitting in the White House who understand that anti-Russian rhetoric will not lead to anything useful.
We are acting more practically in this regard, (https://t.me/politolog_ukhov/369) taking into account that our responsible ministers were tasked (https://t.me/readovkanews/93263) to revive our own production and create a closed production cycle in this area by 2030, but money is needed, and it is needed "yesterday", because competitors are not standing still. REE are needed not only for phones and electric cars, but also for the space industry, unmanned aircraft - Putin designated it (https://t.me/readovkanews/92400) as a priority for Russia.
At the same time, the United States, in an attempt to protect itself from Chinese influence, also desperately needs REE, because, according to USGS, in 2023 alone, Beijing produced 69% of the entire rare earth market - and Washington is second on this list, with a big gap. As a result of such cooperation, the United States will receive "fuel" for further competition with China, and Russia will receive a ticket to the company of countries leading the raw materials market of the future, and, of course, a lot of "green papers" for the restoration and development of our territories, including new entities where work is supposed to be carried out. In addition, joint REE production is a trial step of confidence in further actions: Russia needs to make sure that the Americans will no longer be able to turn their backs on us, and, if necessary, will be left with nothing.
The people I cited above are Readovka, who were literally calling for the flattening of Ukraine for the last 3 years and rah-rah-rahing about launching nukes at NATO.
Look at them now, talking about mutually beneficial mining deals hammered out with the forces of the Anal-Saxon-Satanists (ASS) as if nothing happened!
Check out the reactions on this 3 million subscriber news channel:
This is a screeching, whiplash inducing U-turn-double-barrel-roll-moonwalk-backflip-judo-chop maneuver the likes of which we have simply never seen before. Like, I can’t even think of any similar comparisons in the entire history of the last century to bring up. For 3 years, the Kremlin was locked in a mortal battle with the forces of the Anal Saxon Satanist Empire (Big A.S.S.), but now they’re trying to get their readers hyped up about rare earth mineral deals with these same people!
If you could only the Russian comments; it’s a real riot, let me tell you.
Did they ask the people?
Another channel sums it up:
"Russia and the US are ready for mutual gestures of goodwill"
The propagandists who only yesterday cursed the Anglo-Saxons, threatened to turn Washington into radioactive ash and shouted that there would be no concessions to the West, have now rushed to lick Trump's boots and are already announcing more "gestures of goodwill" coming from Moscow.
The savages who were swindled by glass beads had more dignity.
Second, Putin offered to scale down the Russian military spending by 50%, which stole headlines.
What do you guys think? Will America slash its military budget by 50% because of a promise made to Putin? Try to keep the laughter to a minimum, only serious answers, please!
Well, let’s be serious here for a moment and point out that Putin appears to be referring to military spending in Ukraine. So, the proposal would be for America and Russia to spend less on warring in Ukraine. But even that is hilarious on so many levels though. First of all, 50% of current spending is still substantially more than pre-SMO levels, which was the reason for Russia going in, ostensibly, right? That was the “demilitarization” part of their mission statement, presumably. But I guess demilitarization of Ukraine simply meant a 50% reduction in US military aid to Ukraine, right? Mission accomplished then, no arguments there! Job well done, boys! Pack it in, we’re going home.
Not to belabor the obvious, but Russia needs to vastly increase its war budget and actually raise a serious army to defend against the UAF AND start a massive rearmament campaign to prepare for the next war now that they’ve depleted all of their Soviet stores and can’t rely on them anymore.
Not slash the already depleted military by another 50%!
But if you’ve ever read any of my deep dives, you would know that one of Putin’s top jobs in Russia, as outlined in NATO policy papers, is to undermine the Russian military to make sure that Russia toothless and unthreatening to Washingon. And that’s what he’s done with sequential defense ministers, arms treaties and never-ending restructuring of the military to make it smaller, weaker, and more pliant to his KGB/FSB. Now he has a reason to make it weaker still.
Win, win, I guess.
Third, now that Russia is friends with America again, we may as well get back on the dollar, right? Here:
Russia is ready to consider a return to settlements in dollars, said Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov. According to him, this especially concerns oil, since the oil market is "traditionally dollar-based." Earlier, Trump threatened BRICS countries with 150% duties for any attempt to create an alternative to the dollar.
Trade never stopped being done in dollars, despite what Pepe may have told you. But now they’re openly just not even pretending to be doing the BRICS-bucks thing anymore. Oh well. They’ll switch over to some Muskrat cryptocurrency CBDC DOGEcoin Neuralink smartchain adrenal gland IED shock collar payment system in the coming years anyway so it’s a moot point.
Fourth, Putin apparently agreed with Trump’s plan to send the EU troops to Ukraine. Here:
Russian President Vladimir Putin does not mind sending European peacekeepers to Ukraine after the end of hostilities, US President Donald Trump told reporters.
«Yes, he will accept [this idea]. I asked him this question. < ...> I asked him specifically about this. He has no problem with this », — stated Trump to journalists at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron. Trump and Putin spoke on the phone On February 12, Moscow and Washington did not report that they were discussing the topic of peacekeepers.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the appearance in the neighboring country of troops of NATO states is unacceptable, even «under the wrong flag, under the flag of the European Union or national flags ». Kremlin also expressed concern possible sending troops of the alliance countries to Ukraine.
Also, the EU countries are demanding American safety guarantees for their occupation forces stationed to Ukraine. Here:
Britain and France are ready to deploy peacekeepers in the so-called Ukraine only if the US provides guarantees for the protection of this contingent. But Trump does not provide such guarantees. Macron was unable to get Trump to make concessions on this issue. The countries are asking America, in the event of sending troops, to provide them with logistical, intelligence and military support.
Fifth, there are rumors that the Kremlin has agreed to let their esteemed Western partners keep the 300 billion dollars that they stole from their investments abroad. This is just speculation so far, but I have no trouble believing it. Russia’s elites are just so moral and Christian, they can’t help but be generous with Russian taxpayers’ money! Here:
Russia could agree to using $300 billion of sovereign assets frozen in Europe for reconstruction in Ukraine but will insist that part of the money is spent on the one-fifth of the country that Moscow's forces control, three sources told Reuters.
Russia and the United States held their first face-to-face talks on ending the Ukraine war on Feb. 18 in Saudi Arabia and both US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have said they hope to meet soon.
After Putin sent troops into Ukraine in 2022, the United States and its allies prohibited transactions with Russia's central bank and finance ministry, blocking $300-$350 billion of sovereign Russian assets, mostly European, US and British government bonds held in a European securities depository.
While discussions between Russia and the United States are at a very early stage, one idea being floated in Moscow is that Russia could propose using a large chunk of the frozen reserves for rebuilding Ukraine as part of a possible peace deal, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter.
Swathes of eastern Ukraine have been devastated by the war and hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed or injured on both sides while millions of Ukrainians have fled to European countries or Russia. A year ago, the World Bank estimated reconstruction and recovery would cost $486 billion.
The sources spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the discussions and because discussions are only preliminary. The Kremlin declined to comment.
The idea that Russia may agree to using the frozen money to help rebuild Ukraine has not been previously reported, and may give an insight into what Russia is willing to compromise on as Moscow and Washington seek to end the war, at a time when Trump is pushing for US access to Ukrainian minerals to repay Washington's support.
Russia's main demands to stop the fighting include a withdrawal of Kyiv's troops from Ukrainian territory Moscow claims and an end to Ukraine's ambitions to join NATO. Ukraine says Russia must withdraw from its territory, and wants security guarantees from the West. The Trump administration says Ukraine has unrealistic, "illusionary" goals.
Reuters could not establish whether the idea of using the frozen funds was discussed between Russia and U.S. counterparts in the Saudi meeting.
The Group of Seven stated in 2023 that the Russian sovereign funds will remain frozen until Russia pays for the damage it inflicted in Ukraine. Trump has said he would like Russia to return to the G7, a grouping of wealthy nations.
Russian Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina said on Thursday the bank was not part of any talks on lifting sanctions or unfreezing of Russia's reserves.
Russia has previously said plans to use the funds in Ukraine amounted to robbery.
Does anyone want to make a bet on Polymarket about whether or not the Kremlin will change its tune on the funds by Easter? I mean, it is obvious that the money is gone for good, but what is interesting is how the Kremlin will spin it and whether or not they will drop the claim that it was stolen.
Maybe my readers could make some money gambling off my predictions, idk.
As for the media spin on all of this, well, I shared my general take on Xitter:
had a good point about the implications of all this on the infosphere:One of the biggest problems Russian soft power/infowars makes is that many figures go too far and then can’t credibly pull back.
Kiselyov is a great example as are Solovyov, Pepe, Ritter, etc., nobody will believe that they on their own had a change of heart at the same time.
There’s no analysis, only propaganda, and it’s so obvious that someone is pulling their strings.
The system is rotten and needs to be rebuilt, I’d wager that 95% of figures associated with Russia should be cut off and disassociated with if they reach a major deal with the USA.
Think about it, will anyone outside of irredeemably brainwashed people really believe Pepe when he inevitably starts promoting this?
After declaring, not just predicting, last summer that Russia WILL bomb the west, not might, but WILL, and everything else he’s ranted about?
Absolutely not, but whoever’s running the show in the Kremlin will just make themselves and everyone associated with them appear even more clownish by not seeing that and just carrying out as if they never said the opposite.
There’ll be no public introspection, no mea culpa, just a random declaration of victory then a “factory reset” to pre-SMO mode, perhaps even back to the Obama-era Reset. I wouldn’t be surprised if some “defect” to Iranian and Chinese media where they can more openly continue ranting against the US.
Yeah, but he forgets to mention the literal tens of millions of dollars that these figures have all made for themselves — enough to retire ten times over on.
Ritter was on Xitter the other day claiming that he’s being paid $250 an article and barely making ends meet. Lol:
We covered just how much some of these personalities are making off of telling Kremlin lies before:
But hey, at least Zelensky seems to be on his way out and that’s good news, right?
Maybe we should factor that into the final verdict?
Yeah OK let me just pull out my calculator here, one sec, *tap* *tap* *beep* *boop* carry the 2, … PROCESSING … yes, here’s what my screen reads now, take a look:
Oh wait I forgot to flip it over.
Here you go:
_Total PATRIOT victory.
Checkmate, Nazi. Can’t argue with those White Hat calculations now can you?
Michael Tracey
6 h
During the campaign, Trump said he would end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. Now he's signing a long-term funding arrangement with Ukraine and declaring they can "fight on." This is why it's useful to press candidates for specifics. (He never mentioned the Gaza takeover plan either)
Wow, this was some brilliant 5D-Judo-Chess-Plumbing right there. The West and the Hohols never saw that one coming. I can already hear mah bois Ritter and Pepe popping dem Champagne bottles.