Why Was the Kremlin Paying Tens of Millions of Dollars to Buy Off Alt-Media Personalities in the West?
Did Putin really pay Dave Rubin $400,000 a month?
There is now an active investigation by the Department of Justice into a conspiracy alleging that the Kremlin was funding Western alt-media personalities and getting them to read from Kremlin-sourced talking point scripts. You can read the 30-some page report at the DOJ’s website here. This is the first real proof that the Western media has presented of a Russian influence operation in the West after embarrassing themselves over the “Russiagate” hoax.
NOTE: Trump and members of his team did have ties to Moscow, but it was through Chabad (Putin’s rabbi Beryl Lazar is from New York and close to the Kushners) and through Manafort doing influence-peddling deals for oligarchs like Deripaska. For obvious reasons, this story was dropped and all they had was Trump paying prostitutes to pee on him in a hotel room, which was funny, but almost certainly a hoax.
The price-tags are the most shocking and rage-inducing element to this story. The Kremlin was paying a lot of money to these content-producers for complete GARBAGE content. I mean absolutely obscene amounts. BLINDING, FROTHING RAGE-WORTHY amounts, guys. Here:
Much of that money went to Rubin and Pool, according to the indictment. Rubin received $400,000 a month for 16 videos, plus a performance bonus and a $100,000 signing bonus — all for a series in which Rubin commented on dumb internet clips that often received just roughly 1,000 views per episode.
Tenet also proved lucrative for Pool, who made $100,000 per episode for a weekly show he hosted, according to prosecutors. The same month that Tenet launched, Pool purchased a skate park in Martinsburg, W.Va., as well as other significant real estate purchases in the same area.
Have you ever seen Tim Pool’s content?
Absolute trash.
He’s also always wearing a strange oversized yarmulka in totally inappropriate settings. This has led brave patriotic Americans to lash out against his overt displays of religious extremism whenever he goes in public.
On a serious note: he makes political commentary porn for low IQ people on YouTube. To make matters worse for his case, Tim went on an unhinged rant about how much he hates Ukraine awhile back and that was probably what the $10 million from the Kremlin bought Putin. See for yourself if you think it was worth the price tag:
People are making fun of him for it because of how over-the-top it was.
Now, the most frustrating part about this story are the people that the Kremlin decided to throw its weight (and money) behind. These are some very sad, unprincipled, and shallow people with absolutely bottom-feeder tier political positions. They are notorious for being some of the absolute worst e-personalities in the so-called alternative media sphere. And yet, they are being labeled as “Far-Right” by the Western media though, all to prove that Russia is a Fascist-Nazi-White-Supremacist state by extension, of course.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
I could write an individual essay on how horrible each one of these shills are one by one, but I leave American politics in the hands of other bloggers. Here’s a meme instead:
OK, let me just say a few words about each of them.
Benny Johnson spends 80% of his time attacking people to the right of him for being feds/Nazis/anti-Semites/Satanists and so on. He’s a homosexual and a Zionist-Christian and he makes worthless clickbait content for Baby Boomers. Oh and he is a serial plagiarist who got caught at every single job he ever had for plagiarizing other people’s content.
Quite the catch for Putin and all ZAnon patriots, wouldn’t you agree?
Tim Pool started out as some sort of retarded Communist, but he realized that he could make a lot more money pretending to be a convert to conservatism and not throwing a hissy fit every single time that Trump’s name was mentioned like all the other lefties were doing at the time.
He has portrayed himself as some kind of free speech absolutist, but the reality of the matter is that he somehow avoided getting banned from YouTube like all the actually interesting content-makers did. Afraid to lose his already obscene amounts of money, Tim routinely refuses to platform anyone with anything remotely interesting to say on his channel. On the rare occasion that he does, he simply ends up attacking them like a rabid, interrupting, philosemitic chihuahua.
In other words, Tim Pool is a gatekeeper who serves to misinform normies who are just starting to wake up to the serious problems facing society and to keep them away from “radicalism” i.e., people who tell the truth about who is wrecking society and how/why they are going about doing it. Instead, Pool constrains himself to producing endless, “woah, the Left has really gone bananas this time, haven’t they, y’all?” content and calling his shameless grifting operation a so-called “Culture War”.
I’ve written about these so-called Culture Warriors and alleged (without proof at the time) that they all work for spook agencies based on just simple basic logical deductions:
To be fair, I didn’t expect the Kremlin to be behind Pool though. But I should have. The Kremlin exclusively does business with grifters, charlatans, hoaxers, criminals and ethnic criminals. Without exception.
Like simply attracts like.
Lauren Simonsen/Southern got famous a decade ago for covering Antifa protests for her boss Ezra Levant. Around that time, there was an emerging “alternative right” scene that rose in conjunction with and around the energy of the Trump campaign. Lauren made a lot of in-roads into this community by having sex with all the major personalities involved in it at the time. Before she dropped out of the limelight, she first stole a lot of money from horny Baby Boomers via fundraisers for a handful of absolutely garbage documentaries. As it turns out, she had gotten pregnant and revealed that she had been in a relationship with an actual Asian-Australian spook special agent who dumped her because she didn’t want to be a stay-at-home mom. She made a comeback fairly recently by denouncing “traditional” men, citing her own dumpster fire of a life as proof that the male species had failed her.
Like the others, Lauren has a difficult ethnic background and spent most of her time attacking people braver and more truthful than her for speaking honestly about the powers that be.
Finally, we have Dave Rubin.
Buys boys as if they were stolen iPhones at the Turkish bazaar and posts pictures of himself cuddling with his boyfriend and gets praised by conservatives for his bravery. Lib status = OWNED epic-style with facts and logic, right guys!? We have the best homos on the right, don’t we folks? The best. Gotta love ‘em. We love our gays here. Not like the so-called tolerant Left. Not like Crooked Hillary. The Dems aren’t doing enough for the homos. It’s sad. Very sad. Great people.
And there are some others involved in the Tenet media operation like Lauren Chen.
All I know about Lauren is that she’s one of those new TradHoes that goes on podcasts (like Tim Pool’s) to talk about how we need more Moses Morality Values in society and that men need to MAN UP! and marry 40-year-old born again virgins because that’s what rabbi Yeshua would have wanted.
Point being, assuming this wasn’t some sort of FSB money-laundering operation to swindle Russians of their tax-roubles, the Kremlin once again showed its true face.
I’ve seen actual independent, conservative, Christian and pro-Russia commentators publicly turn on Russia following this story breaking. Imagine spending years trying to fight past the gatekeeping controlled opposition only to find out that the Kremlin has been paying them tens of millions of dollars to make up for the fact that they are otherwise so loathsome and repulsive that they would have no cultural resonance among the internet peasantry otherwise.
Somewhat related to this, Putin had a conversation recently in which he said that he’d support Kamala Harris. Part of it was tongue-in-cheek, but part of it was not:
I don’t even blame Putin for this. I usually blame Putin for a lot, but not this time.
Trump’s team is promising even more intense sanctions on the Kremlin and Russia.
Besides, the Kremlin never supported Trump.
They supported Bernie Sanders. Anyone who has worked at RT or who remembers their coverage of the 2015-16 primaries and elections will confirm it to you. Hell, they offered me a job back then shilling for Bernie and I told them to shove it (I supported MAGA at the time). The reason why they supported Bernie is because he’s an old Trotskyist who used to literally support the USSR. That’s probably where they picked up the Pool contact because he was an Obama-supporting Occupy Wall Street activist at the time and RT was having a field day with that whole street circus, which ended up birthing the SJW movement as we know it, by the way.
The funny thing is that Margarita Simonyan is a Western intelligence asset herself.
We live under a spookacracy. The media, with very few exceptions, is run by intelligence agencies telling the content-creators what to say and what to support. I don’t even know what the problem is with RT hiring Americans to shill for Putin in principle. Other countries do this all the time. Isn’t that the whole point of Liberal Democracy? You simply rent out politicians and journalists to spread your own propaganda. Like, that’s the whole point of the system. Besides, Israel owns all of America’s politicians and prominent journalists and you never hear anyone complaining about that, now do you?
The problem is that people refuse to accept this reality.
They refuse to acknowledge that their favorite media personalities are owned puppets.
They get mad at you when you try to explain to them how the system works.
They think you’re a “radical” for just stating the obvious to them and they denounce you for good boy points.
Me, I’m just mad that Russia didn’t fund even one decent alternative media personality. Instead, they exclusively spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on people that I absolutely loath. Or they hire absolute buffoons like Fiona whatshername or that cross-eyed fatass Tim Kirby to work directly for them at RT. Nothing can be accomplished with such pathetic outreach efforts. I suppose we should be grateful that they aren’t funding BLM and declaring America to be a White Supremacist Nazi-Fascist state. Oh wait:
Now, the final point that I want to make is my answer to the question posed in the title of the article.
The Kremlin funds these personalities to a) pretend to be in opposition to Washington and b) to pretend that they’re winning this Not-War.
And if they were paying Tim Pool and Dave Rubin hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, how much do you think they were paying Scott Ritter? Related: Ritter will no longer be working for RT because it is now literally illegal to collect paychecks from Margarita Simonyan. Here:
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter has announced that the latest US sanctions imposed on RT mean he will no longer be able to contribute to the Russian media outlet. Ritter insisted that his engagement with RT has been nothing but “legitimate journalism.”
A former US Marine Corps major who also served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq during the 1990s, Ritter came into the spotlight in 2003 when he opposed the US military operation against the Middle Eastern country. He argued that Saddam Hussein’s government did not possess weapons of mass destruction, despite Washington’s claims.
In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday, Ritter stressed that the content of his contributions for RT and several other sanctioned media outlets “has been factually correct and analytically sound, and always of my own creation.”
While condemning Washington’s decision as running counter to “constitutional norms and values,” Ritter noted that he is “fully committed to obeying US law, and as such will be terminating all contractual relationships with both RT and Sputnik effective immediately.”
He expressed gratitude to his Russian colleagues for their “professionalism” and vowed to “continue to exercise my free speech rights… as a journalist free from government influence or control.”
On Wednesday, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions against several Russian media outlets, including RT and a number of its employees. The US authorities accused the media outlet of “covertly recruit[ing] unwitting American influencers” in a bid to “undermine confidence in the United States’ election processes and institutions” ahead of the November 5 presidential election.
Aside from visa restrictions, the targeted entities and individuals will have their property rights on US soil blocked, with all transactions prohibited unless a special waver is issued.
“The prohibitions include the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any designated person,” the document clarified.
In time, I am sure, we will learn that Ritter was actually being paid millions to lie that Putin was killing 17 Ukrainian soldiers for every 1 Russian soldiers and claiming that Odessa would be taken by the end of this summer, among other absolutely outrageous lies.
And yet, I get hate mail for pointing out that Ritter is a paid shill.
People write comments accusing me of being a CIA agent for pointing out that Ritter isn’t doing this shit for free. Worse, people actually send money to Ritter to support him in his brave journalism efforts against the powers that be. Lol. Lmao even.
Like, internet people just refuse to believe that Ritter is getting paid. Probably because if they acknowledged that he was getting paid, well, then maybe they’d consider if maybe he isn’t speaking the truth, but simply saying what his bosses tell him to say. You know, like what every single other journalist does to make a living!!!
Except me, of course. Me, I have to rely on support from my readers, who I have to beg, cajole and threaten every single month without fail because they simply flat-out refuse to support my work otherwise. This is no doubt because of my many moral failings. Unlike Ritter, I am not a twice-caught pedophile who worked my whole life for US Deep State spreading hoaxes on the population and I don’t even pretend to be a Christian on camera for money, therefore I am totally immoral. If I were moral, Yahweh would reward me with a contract on behalf of Putin (Christian, Yahweh, Morality).
Check and mate, atheist!
Place your bets now, Stalkers!
How much was Putin paying Ritter?
I think he and Macgregor were probably making at least a million dollars a month. In second place, probably Martyanon and Johnson, making half a million a month. Judge Napolitano? Probably two million.
Regardless: It’s all just spooks paying spooks to shill to the masses, folks. It’s probably very good for the economy, all this shilling. Spook propaganda is the only thing that our countries manufacture anymore. And if the shills ever start losing money, you will know that economic armageddon is nigh. You should divest your portfolio of shilling right now. Invest in my blog instead!
Why do you think Ritter is better paid than Johnson? or Martyanova? Well, I don't know how much you can charge for lies and propaganda, I really have no idea... I have to admit that at the beginning I listened to the Gonzalo Lira's podcast (R.I.P.), here and there, and then there were the guests listed above and many others, for example Pepe Escobar (one more, right?)...then when they started calling the battlefield a "meat grinder" - then I was done with them forever. That was my red line, as Putin would say - but, for me, only one, last line. That's why I can't praise you and Edward, and through your recommendations other people, for presenting reality and moving away from these propagandists.
What happened to the good old days when spook/journalists would get paid by getting cushie jobs while still getting their G9 payroll checks. There ain't no Russians and there ain't no Yanks, just corporate criminals playing with tanks.