Oct 19·edited Oct 19Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thank you, Rurik. It's a shame that these articles of yours don't reach more people, at least the ~5% or so with a functioning brain. Keep it up.

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It’s far far less than 5%

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I hope people caught these two juicy nuggets.

" Russian negotiators sought specific legal changes, including the repeal of Ukrainian laws that promoted national identity and language. "

" New hate speech laws to be passed banning Holocaust denial, revision of WWII official historical propaganda "

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Good catch. Ideally, countries will develop a sense of nationalism and national identify, hopefully protecting the physical safety and political rights of minorities. Members of Azov went to Israel and danced the hora, so true nationalists will put the well-being of their own country first, ahead of prejudices.

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" hopefully protecting the physical safety and political rights of minorities. "

Good comment, except this obsession with minorities needs to stop. Any outsider group allowed to live amongst the larger, local, native, indigenous population of a nation need sto fully integrate into that country's national identity, thus , negating any need for a " minority" status. The problems ALWAYS arise when the " minority" group fails, or refuses, to do that.

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Oct 20Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Congratulations to Dr. Livci and RS on their article on Mozgovoi in the Unz Review and Occidental Observer. Maybe as long as you're not Miles Mathis, Unz will accept you!


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While saddened at the news of the invasion of Ukraine, my hope and belief was that the ostensibly superior Russian armed forces--a supposed "superpower"--would make quick work of the UAF. Imagine my chagrin following the ignominious Russian retreat from Kiev, leaving scores of tanks and APC's for the UAF to scoop up. It was precisely at this moment that all my reservations and doubts I had about Putin and his "5D chess leadership" were confirmed.

Your declaration that Russian soldiers "have died for nothing" is the raw, unvarnished, and bitter truth of the matter.

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Oct 19Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I distinctly remember Martryanov responding with a smirk and a "four weeks" when he rhetorically asked himself - first week - Feb 2022 - how long would it last . How many combat casualties? UKR 15K RussFed: 1.5K (one point 5).

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It seems Russians and Ukrainians are basically of the same stock, so I would expect their military capabilities to be closer rather than farther. That means no quick victories. The same situation held in the US Civil War. The Confederacy thought the North would fold as soon as they lost a few battles. In the end, the North had to literally overrun the Confederacy before a final peace was attained. And it came as an unconditional surrender. Lincoln was possibly the finest wartime leader in the history of the world. And I'm speaking as one who thinks the Confederate States should have been allowed to secede. Once the conflict was joined, Lincoln was absolutely unwilling to compromise on his wartime objectives.

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It wasn't just about slavery. It was about a State's right to determine its own laws. We the United States became The United States. I know you know this and completely agree with you. But now the proganda and bread and circuses have taken hold and the Confederate flag became racist and the Southern War Heroes too. Absolute nonsense! With a population getting more stupid and diluted there is no salvation. Liberal authoritarianism is vogue in the west.

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Yes and no. The more I read about the Civil War, the more I'm convinced the question of slavery was central. Of course, Matt Ehret thinks the Civil War was engineered by British intelligence as a means of breaking up the American colossus and opening the door for British imperialism.

As for the South pursuing its own laws, here is an excerpt from Lincoln's first inaugural speech:

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

"The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere. Where hostility to the United States in any interior locality shall be so great and universal as to prevent competent resident citizens from holding the Federal offices, there will be no attempt to force obnoxious strangers among the people for that object. While the strict legal right may exist in the Government to enforce the exercise of these offices, the attempt to do so would be so irritating and so nearly impracticable withal that I deem it better to forego for the time the uses of such offices."

Here is an excerpt from a speech by Alexander Stephens, vice-President of the Confederacy: "The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the "storm came and the wind blew."

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

In fairness, Stephens talked about many issues where the Confederate constitution was superior (in his judgement) to the US Constitution.

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Oct 21Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Sad story, you have convinced me.

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" This is the West’s standard MO. They put puppet-leaders into power, and then they ritually depose them. "

However, this is very different. The other puppets were not of the " Happy Merchant" variety, he is. I predict he will ride off into the sunset.

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The ban on WII propaganda revisionism was news to this Yankee and gave me a good laugh. NPC's sometimes chant that "The Holocaust is the most documented event in history" but it pales in comparison to what's variously called the Hitler Stalin Pact or more correctly the Molotov von Ribbentrop Agreement. To deny that would require literally Orwellian levels of censorship, doctoring 10s of 1000s of newspapers, newsreels, motion pictures, etc. You might as well claim Alf Landon was president. It demonstrates that once you start making it illegal to question "obvious" historical facts, there is no limit.

I'd rank these as:

Hitler/Stalin: absolute fact, like 13 red/white stripes on the US flag

East European units in the Wehrmacht: not so well known, might come as a surprise, but evidence easily obtained on request.

Icebreaker thesis: well, that's what it's called, a recent historical hypothesis, jury is out on that.

Holocaust: absolute and obvious bullshit, sustained only by total control of all media and now actual laws.

BTW, I recently came across a YT clip of failed academic/Christ sceptic/sex pest Richard Carrier explaining his rejected by most historians but totally valid method, bro, of proving Jesus didn't exist, beginning with contrasting the lack of Jesus evidence with "the mountain of evidence making the Holocaust an undeniable historical fact." So, no Jesus, but yes Holocaust. I wonder who he's working for? (Hint: Columbia University/libertarian/atheist/polyamory background)

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19Author

He also turned on and denounced Robert Price over his support for Trump a few years ago.

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I don't agree that the holocaust was bullshit, although the popularly accepted details are wrong. I'm sure you don't want to get into the weeds but some really good estimates are 2.5 to 4.5 million Jewish civilians killed during the war, most by means other than gassing. Contrast this with 27 million Russians during WWII, the Holodomor, the massacre of Armenian Christians by the Ottoman Young Turks and the many millions in Iran who died of starvation during WWI. Genocide is much more common in human affairs than most people think. So it's not unique to a single people or country. And obviously, any and all discussion should be allowed.

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If the holohoax is real, why do all the camp "survivors" have tattoo numbers that are under a million ? Wouldnt they have been the first ones killed ? Additionally, why tattoo people you will immediately kill anyway ? I could go on and on and on ..........

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Interesting prediction from Clif High. He thinks there will soon be a major exposure of Jewish corruption of history. Maybe there will be a firestorm over a holocaust.


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Actually, 2.5 million were killed during German military activities, such as by Einsatzgrupen, special military units assigned specifically to kill civilians. This figure came from internal German documents generated by the top statistician reporting to Goering. Very hard to deny some killing took place. I don't know about the tattoo numbers in particular. Perhaps the tattooed inmates were designated as workers.

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I'll play along. Where are the bodies ?

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There are piles of shoes you MONSTER

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I repent. I repent.

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As I said, an internal German statistical report meant for the German high command only, specified that 2.3 million Jews had been killed as of early 1943. So that is a floor figure. I'm not trying to trip a guilt wire. I'm trying to drill down to the truth. David Cole, who had to go into hiding because the Jewish Defense League was actively trying to kill him for throwing cold water on the traditional claim of 6 million dead in gas chambers, estimated anywhere from 2.5 to 4.5 million Jews killed, based on the German document itself.

One video pointed out that inmates were issued camp clothing, so piles of shoes proves nothing. I realize the comment was sarcastic and there is an explanation for it.

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You're an odd one. You're on a site that tells you that the war in Ukraine, and others, are pretty much deliberate theater, yet you're here spewing the accepted , PTB, propaganda about the biggest theater of all time.

There was no industrial scale, genocide program, targeted at the Yids using gas chambers. All the survivors tattoos are below 1 million, there aren any mass graves with with tens of thousands of bodies, yet alone millions.

The "death" camps had maturnity wards, why ?

They had camp orchestras, why ?

They had camp sports teams , why ?

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Have you seen Shoah? The documentary by Claude Lanzmann and the follow up documentaries he made from this work? I do think something happened. Anyone who says it's a complete fabrication is up their with flat earthers with me. Plus this guy must be an Oscar worthy actor https://youtu.be/JXweT1BgQMk?si=7RROQNd47L061XQ_ how can this be fake?

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swarthland chronicles sounds great lmao - since it's the next theatre time to start learning the language.

big arab market just waiting for this type of content

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Russia really 'demanded' laws against 'Holocaust denial' to stop the 'heroization of Nazism'.

So basically Russia demands a new Minsk agreement with bans on alternative historical narratives to quell the Nazi uprising in Ukriane lol

This is the dumbest war

So what is the real reason this war happened?

We know both 'the west' and russia's offical explanations are nonsense .

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I know an Afghan girl I can talk with. She's up on a lot of this news.

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Learn Farsi.

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It is all going swimmingly:


Brian’s Breaking News and Intel


Iranian Military source to Tasnim Agency:

Our hand is on the trigger and the biggest surprise awaits the Zionists

In the event that Israel attacks military sites, the Iranian response will be certain and at a level higher than the Zionists’ estimates.

If the Zionists attack Iranian nuclear sites, Iran will also consider nuclear policies in response.

9:10 AM · Oct 21, 2024

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For some reason Victoria Nuland was out talking about peace deal.

She said the arms caps portion was a deal breaker. That interview got spread around alt media as a bombshell . She did kind of frame it funny, like Russia tried to hide their 'main condition' in the fine print and the dumb ukrainians almost missed it ....

Frankly, I think she just did it for some red meat for the alt media space. Everytime she is in the media it produces red meat for conspiracy theorists. So much so, that appears to be the point of her media releases

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They aint seen nothing yet.

- Majority of Russians believe country has too many immigrants – poll -


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Russia has a demographic crisis, why Putin even started this 'SMO' when all it amounts to is a ww1 style meatgrinder for little or no gain, which just snowballs the demographic decline even further. Its a deliberate wrecking of your country.

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Putin had a reasonable initial plan. Make a show of force and get Ukraine to sign a face-saving deal with Putin whose main feature was an agreement to not join NATO for awhile. It almost worked except Britain (I think the British had a lot more to do with the rejection than they are given credit for) upped the ante by turning down the deal Putin was after. Putin's big mistake was not having a backup plan. He didn't anticipate that his very conciliatory offer would be rejected.

That's why it was a criminal offense to refer to the war as a war, rather than as the "SMO". The Russian government couldn't bring itself to admit its feint had totally failed and they were now in a full-scale war.

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Having no back up plan just reeks of stupidity or just to get the show started. It still remains highly coincidental this 'SMO' started right on queue when all the lockdown measures of Covid were lifted in the west.

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